<<@solangelmoramorales6570 says : Jajajajaja los roba cuenta>> <<@Jotazx34 says : Odeiam ver os BR crescer né??? Gringo fodido kkk>> <<@suleimanalhassan2132 says : Done it well✍️>> <<@priyankaekka9285 says : 👍👍👍>> <<@ssshheeesshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.3062 says : spacex the best!>> <<@randallporter4835 says : Save journey down hill.>> <<@orangebetsy says : 36:45 i always hear Johann Strauss with these shots haha>> <<@bboyvyc says : and some stickers>> <<@bboyvyc says : can i get a chair to?>> <<@bboyvyc says : when can i get a jaket like this i want them both !>> <<@MikesGarageWorks says : Why does Starlink have NO customer service? 4 days without internet and no response from Starlink..>> <<@seantaggart7382 says : 37:43 *warning cloak malfunction* (Bottom right a pale dot is seen) Me: oh god don't see us Alexa: relax the thrusters make us look like a pale dot when they are firing *cloak restored* Me: okay recloak (All serious though it may be a nearby satellite or something but hey it may be a ufo)>> <<@indovirtualride says : So funny liar wkwkw>> <<@animered1986 says : I am curious as to why it takes soo long to undock??? It should be simple at this point. It is cool and all to see it happen all the same. I enjoy all Videos of our space exploration.>> <<@calabub456 says : Looney Bin central>> <<@naoko8341 says : Y la estrellas donde están 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. La calidad de imagen es pésima>> <<@user-oc1rn3ft1b says : 72 WHAT ??? Can u guess why i wrote down 72 ? You can get the answer from this video.>> <<@rodneyburns1858 says : |XYOUT|X>> <<@jfkciudadano says : Propulsión vorticial https://youtu.be/1nDOpNKP1-E>> <<@davidlorens7587 says : I love ya SpaceX !>> <<@jfkciudadano says : Ovni inglés https://youtu.be/0IryZ1zR8dU>> <<@jfkciudadano says : Mini ovni https://youtu.be/xG053Slrvug>> <<@jfkciudadano says : Ovni ruso https://youtu.be/1JeeaZlYonc>> <<@jfkciudadano says : https://youtu.be/0IryZ1zR8dU antigravedad>> <<@cosiDIVerso says : Is this Interstellar 2?>> <<@jfkciudadano says : https://youtu.be/3xUxl0Qp51g es mucha más económico y eficiente que usar cohetes>> <<@giedriuskazdailis9123 says : When you pick me up from LTU, GIEDRIUS?>> <<@codycloer6498 says : Where the stars ✨>> <<@cookdanielcookdaniel says : where are the stars??? why the Black out??? NASA= Never A Stright Answer. Do you have one?>> <<@Walker-ry5qp says : >> <<@marcel815 says : e>> <<@macksterling133 says : More cameras please>> <<@macksterling133 says : The SpaceX ground control is way less cool than old Nasa. Put them in a low down windowless room with Maps on the walls that looks like they could transfer to tracking Jason Bourne the next day and then they'll truly take the torch from Nasa>> <<@dumitrulangham1721 says : I love space travel>> <<@nothingnewunderthesun8042 says : Why does the horizon change at 2:35 and 2:44? The horizon should remain the same shouldn't it or is this a space anomaly?>> <<@WilliamPierre11 says : Sculptures Marked with the letter S on Mars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlGbXwt9kSc>> <<@747FirstClass says : anybody else notice the UFO (small white dot) exitting earth @ 37:43>> <<@johnryan2027 says : Please, don't interrupt transmissions between astronauts, the command center and the ISS with obvious and unnecessary comments!>> <<@clauskretzschmar953 says : What baffles me is every view from Dragon or ISS shows a black background and no stars. Yet, from Earth, on a dark night you see a sky loaded with Stars. What physics, slight-of-hand, is going on here?>> <<@folkmarley says : Me and my son hungry and homeless living in a car watching SpaceX $yoyo97414 if u want to bless us>> <<@ahuman4664 says : What is going on ?>> <<@dankerns171 says : #ElonMusk if you happen to read this ive got one thing to say. #ThankYou 🌎>> <<@krolsky4608 says : Flatearthers still thinking this is staged.>> <<@DaHaiZhu says : Two odd things I noticed when I was watching this LIVE: 1) I could watch it at 2x speed. 2) The captions were sometimes ahead of the speaker Yes, I was watching LIVE: the Live indicator on the video was RED>> <<@khaldrogo9451 says : When are they gonna land?>> <<@zapfanzapfan says : Send Jessie to ISS so she can do the commentary from the Cupola! 🚀>> <<@cannowuppass8214 says : I guess even the intelligent can be fooled into thinking those mask are preventing anything.>> <<@Andro93010 says : Make a rocket with a twitter logo>> <<@mundomaravilloso5975 says : Es una verguenza lo que el Sr. ELON esta haciendo! Pague sus impuestos y deje de comprar jueces! No a la censura!!!!>> <<@CFG-eb3my says : imaginary?>>