Im Getting Older..

Im Getting Older..


thank you all so much for watching! Natural deodorant recipe 3 T Coconut Oil 3 T Baking Soda 1 T Beeswax 2 T Shea Butter 2 T Arrowroot (optional) or organic cornstarch 10 drops of tea tree, 10 drops of peppermint, 10 drops of rosemary Melt the coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax in a double broiler. Once combined (should take around 5 minutes) remove the oil jar from the heat and add the arrowroot, baking soda, and essential oils. Store in reusable glass containers.




@federico_morilla Says:
I noticed my first signs of aging in my hair 😆 Great video 👏
@stephengordon9819 Says:
That's a good sign
@renatabridger Says:
Arę there any wildanimuls
@renatabridger Says:
Arę there any wildanimuls
@franklin2846 Says:
Everyone and every thing gets older. Deal with it.
@user-kn4mm8tx6y Says:
Please forget us blind.shamim💞🕊💞
@TheGracefulProductions Says:
Love the videos still binge watching😀
@ThasinduNanayakkkara Says:
Thank you for filming
@dannabebrave2246 Says:
im 39 turning 40 this year.. i feel grateful and more grounded.. Aging is really amazing. You see and meet people from different walks of life.. And also your life experience makes your more wiser.🥰 sending Love and Light🙏🏻🙌🏻✨
@StillDollSyndrome Says:
I also LOVE to cook from scratch. I want to know what I'm putting in my body and I feel so much better and have more energy when I eat homemade meals. I'm with you girl! I hope you'll start making some cooking videos 🌸
@meditationwithjake Says:
Vipassana is the answer.
@josie4peace Says:
*Wondering why so little food for Black when you and Logan eat large portions quite often. Black's obviously hungry with that sweet meow. I trust you are feeding her enough. She kinda looks thin. Just checking in, because we love her so much!!*
@josie4peace Says:
🖤🩷🖤You NEED a CAT BED for Black. That floor looks freezing and she's sitting on the bench wanting heat from the heater.
@billholton4973 Says:
Be glad. When we were your age we were in the Korean War.
@pierreleclercq7729 Says:
Yes, cooking your own unprocessed food is quite a big deal, nowadays! :)
@lightheart_les Says:
My favorite thing is whenever you give Logan something to eat. He's just so appreciate, it's a really cool thing to see. Also, your face when he said the soup was good. It's so sweet. And I like these videos of the simple moments and "mundane" things. Thanks for sharing these moments!
@leroyjinkins720 Says:
Bones sounding like rice krispies 🧙
@shamimzahuri2840 Says:
Red rose.
@shanleander6009 Says:
Braiding Sweetgrass one of my favorite books along with Women Who Run With Wolves and The Solace of Open Spaces❤️
@hthrcrane1 Says:
One of my favorite soups is squash. I cut the squash and roast in the oven with spices and then I can peel the skin right off and then add it to a pot with coconut milk, sautéed onions, more spices, and a little veggie broth. So yum. Thank you for you videos. You are one inspiring woman. ❤
@elsitiodemirecreo10 Says:
Ay amiga, voy muy retrasada con los vídeos, por fin pude tomar unas vacaciones y un tiempo de descanso al volver, por lo que tengo abandonado a youtube. Isabel, ojala leyeras estas líneas ¿pero cuantos años tienes? Eres una mujer muy joven, esta bien, ya no estas en los 17, probablemente hayas pasado los 25 ¿quizás ya cumpliste los 30? Pronto te darás cuenta que uno es tan joven como su espíritu le dicta, el alma es poderosa, forma parte principal de la esencia de tu ser y ante eso, no hay edad que te venza. Siempre que tengas sueños por cumplir y puedas realizarlos, tendrás un espíritu joven 💪🏼La edad son números, la manera en que tú amas la vida corresponde a tu edad vital. es deseo un feliz descanso 🥰🤗
@frankleaney6267 Says:
I get that . Waking up at 5 am . My cat started waking me at 5 but then I just did it on my own and love it
@bethsnodgrass8218 Says:
I love your channel, I'm in my 50s and inspire to be a better person. Thank you!
@tankman0001 Says:
Just ignore that feeling and enjoy the fact that you are getting older. Some people didn't get that blessing. hehehe
@piaschorghofer8171 Says:
Red riding hood 😊
@zoeinthewild Says:
I understand the value you have in making your own food from scratch, and I share it. However, I think it's important to remember that convenient food that is partially prepared is sometimes the only way that people can get by. Most people have to work full time jobs which leave them feeling extremely tired, and then if they have other obligations, such as caring for a loved one, their time and energy to prepare food from scratch is extremely limited. There are also many people who are disabled, or struggling with mental illness, and cooking all their food from scratch might be a huge barrier that would prevent them from eating. I know that you're a thoughtful and compassionate person, but you're also living a lifestyle that allows you to spend your time how you please, and make your living by sharing it with us. Most of us don't have that option, and it isn't because we don't care, or that it wouldn't be "worth it". Anyways, I love your content, I just wanted to add that perspective. <3
@sophiecooper Says:
ahh is there a recipe for the strawberry cream cake? it looks divine <3
@lucamackenzie9229 Says:
So where does she live? It always looks different. Or is this her parents house?
@lucamackenzie9229 Says:
0:22 well, it wasn't that bad, after all. Just being more careful. But you, living in the middle of Nature.. I feel sorry for those living in the City and weren't "allowed" outside the house.
@AbraHaley-ge6rz Says:
It’s been so long since I’ve caught up on your videos! Thank you for being so inspiring and genuine. Also, all these Seattle vibes are pulling at my heart strings. Lots of memories and places I recognize <3
@rawganic5183 Says:
Your voice sounds different. To be honest you sound like that lady that also has a you tube channel with a cottage and a rabbit.
@queenbutterfly4888 Says:
you like black coffee?
@IlIIlIllIlIlIl Says:
damn you old fr
@betsyb1374 Says:
I wonder if you have lyme or another tick-borne illness - you have mentioned feeling achey and tired a lot lately...
@Tarasyoutube Says:
Saying getting older or old means different things to different people at different times and ages . Word.
@dekinquevedo5261 Says:
Puedo ver como nos programan y hasta nos hacen creer que queremos o "deseamos" hacer cosas como por ejemplo: ir de compras con una bolsa para meter las verduras, es casi o es como un fetiche, hacer y/o actuar como en el ejemplo que acabo de poner es muy probablemente sinónimo de querer vivir cómo en escasez, en los países que han pasado por crisis económicas fuertes, la gente CUANDO PUEDE compra 1 sola cosa, cuando mucho 2, y se lo llevan en la mano porque no te dan bolsas para nada y si puedes comprar 7 igual te las tienes que llevar en la mano. Nos hacen vivir en comodidad mientras te hacen pensar que como tienes dinero en el banco hacer cosas de pobre te permite ser "más consciente de la vida".Esto va con muchos, NO CON TODOS pero sí con muchos. Quédate sin dinero y verás que no eres consciente de nada. Jesucristo Salva.
@joshuaPP00 Says:
Little red riding hood!!!
@lilnicole19 Says:
Okay can we talk about the thumbnail? She looks like she’s in twilight or little red riding hood 😍
@mercuryfillings8576 Says:
Careful with certain yoga, like surya Namaskar. They trick you into giving praise/worshipping their sun diety. Their religion forced on you while you think you're just stretching. It can mess you up, Im talking from personal experience. Enough to quit yoga, but do just stretches
@Necromonger69 Says:
There is a lot more than just cooking that society does not value anymore.
@dmtdisco3467 Says:
Last quarter of the night(pre-dawn morning) in Yoga is called Brahma Muhutram and it is the best time to make fundamental changes and transformations.
@risingsara Says:
What region is this, its so beautiful!
@margarettelillie7813 Says:
You have to use tinfoil under Youre maga hat, blocking evil And get a flashlight when its dark,, do you have a beacon??😂😂😂
@NathanielWise Says:
braiding sweetgrass is the most beautiful book! loved this one, makes me miss that pnw winter
@user-ju8sc2lo5r Says:
We are all getting older... Third density byproduct... Lol... I love the red riding hood outfit 😍 ... You are a sweet girl... 🌹
@KMacqueen Says:
Does anyone know what camera and lenses Isabel shoots with? The footage she captures is gorgeous!
@underated17 Says:
I wonder if you have the recipe for that strawberry cake?
@underated17 Says:
I wonder if you ever get scared of running into bears in the forest?
@iworby8030 Says:
You look like Little Red Riding hood. Love your coat. You are still young. Your future is still ahead of you. Where you live is amazing. That is a blessing in its self. You have great friends and family,
@christinesmith625 Says:

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