Motivational videos are dumb
Motivational videos are dumb



@arumads Says:
Thank you pewds, I miss watching your videos because you always helped me to grow as a person and continue living. I appreciate these types of videos, it means a lot to me.
@Satarnoch Says:
How tf would ancient greeks wake up before sunrise anyhow?
@carl2707 Says:
The sunlight shining on his head perfectly depicts the name "Felix the Enlightened"
@outdatedmeme5544 Says:
@zackcbrown2970 Says:
That was very motivational welldone PewDiePie (Anyone else 23 and still a loyal bro to the broarmy? 😎👊
@sittingduck1735 Says:
Honestly, if the caption wasn't funny, this video would've atleast 20 mil views because there are some really good points here
@keto9948 Says:
It really does not matter if this ever reaches your eyes Felix. But thank you deeply for allowing us, your platform to grow alongside you. Your words from this video helpes inspire and guide me. And I now daily think of choosing my habits correctly and being myself! Mucg love from Sweden ❤
@Bloody_Fang Says:
broo, Thanks
@windmill-ze8rj Says:
@bananachocopie Says:
Kinda really needed this today. Thanks Felix
@hut5hut6 Says:
i needed this thank you felix
@europhann4460 Says:
Aabiss 😂😂
@Marchew1200 Says:
When I was in depression I was't familiar with Buddism or any phylosophy really and from your description buddism definetely would be more appealing to me, but after my group therapy and seeing on myself that my well being improved, Nietzsche's views are valuable to me now as well.
@The_Content_Pirate Says:
WOAH DUDE that hat reminded me of like 10 years ago when you had the like…smosh haircut. That was kinda cool.
@my_melody-besties Says:
Please quit❤😍🥰😘😘😘😘🥰🥰😍😍😍😚😚🙃🙃🙃🙂🙂🙂😁😁😆😆😆😆😄😄😄😃😃☺️☺️😊😊😊😇😇🤣🤣🩷🩷🩷🩷🩵🩵❤️❤️❤️❤️💜💜💙
@theignorantcatholic Says:
Very Catholic. Love it.
@RheSearcy Says:
@alexeyageev6966 Says:
It's refreshing to come back to this channel once in a while and see that brother Felix still has what it takes. A true king of YouTube
@emieldeclercq2124 Says:
I adored this video, just beautiful man 🫶🏼
@sterlthepearl1000 Says:
Strength doesn't come from winning. Your struggles develops your strengths. When you go through hardships, and decide not to surrender, that is strength.
@sterlthepearl1000 Says:
15:01 We're all in the same game just different levels dealing with the same hell just different devils
@sterlthepearl1000 Says:
9:10 "We're not designed to be at peace. If you want to be at peace, go get dead. Dead equals peace." Tony Robbins
@sterlthepearl1000 Says:
What's the difference between school and life? In school, we're given a lesson, and then a test. And in life, we're given a test, that teaches us a lesson.
@sterlthepearl1000 Says:
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny." Lao Tzu
@sterlthepearl1000 Says:
"There is more treasure in books, than all the pirates loot on treasure island." Walt Disney
@sterlthepearl1000 Says:
"Discipline equals freedom." Jocko Willink
@nikosogamias Says:
i just realized i act alot like pewdiepie cuz ive been watching him for 10 years+
@Khan-Fr Says:
if you wanna be successful in ur life follow the life of the MUHAMMAD(SAW).i guaranty ull see improvement in ur self.
@AlignWithJesus Says:
Pewds quoting Ecclesiastes at 6:26, also, all the answers (many of which Pewds indirectly said) are in the revelation of God in the scriptures of the Holy Bible.
@namesaname Says:
Hey PewDs, I was watching you years and years ago. I'm turning 30 this year. Haven't watched your videos for years now, but today came back to listen to lasagne bitch 🙃, and found you reading philosophy and see that you're doing well spiritually. Glad we're on the same path and doing well. Let's keep going. Thanks for all your videos
@kartikbhardwaj2604 Says:
Pewds, read some indian philosphy (like advaita vedanta) and make a vid on it pls
@duckman12569 Says:
It's not motivation. It's discipline. Motivation is the initial push, discipline is maintaining it and building upon it
@johnnynguyen5597 Says:
Hey Pewds! Have you read the Manhwa survival of a barbarian. The main character is also named Bjorn
@user-sl3dz8bp1s Says:
Always loved these videos, thank you! Made me go find my copy of Thus spoke Z. I completely forgot about :D
@praisetheone Says:
“I would highly recommend epic-titties”
@sirmr.mansavage5497 Says:
PewDiePie: Bjorn distract them with your cuteness Bjorn: 👁️👃👁️ 👅
@DimapeloManual Says:
The G Fuel chapter was the best marketing I have seen so this year so far hahaha
@TheElegantVillain Says:
Omg watch out for the snakes
@user-vg2rq1wu5m Says:
I am 24 years old. I have watched you for several years. To this day you are my favorite youtuber. I have a lot of great memories attached to your videos, nothing but joy and pure happiness in difficult times throughout nearly 60% of my life. Your such a good genuine person snd im greatful that i get to be alive in an era where felix (PewDiePie) is in. Thank you for all the smiles and memories you have given to me and to everybody else who im sure is here for a very simular reason
@lrin2928 Says:
I just found this, and I can't tell you how much I needed this
@gjack567 Says:
Very sigma
@Airbender131090 Says:
Lol Why do you think all comes to greek and aristotel? They riped off from Hindu culture and lore. Read Mahabharata and yoga Vashistha. Thise books way older than aristotel.
@notcristianoronaldo4176 Says:
I have seen many motivational videos and tips, but pewds is the one that actually motivates me and inspires me to be a better person. Even though it is hard i hope to one day be a version of myself I know i can be. Pewdiepie is making that seem more and more possible, and that is an ablity few people have
@mexagodtvg8937 Says:
Just came back from listening to “congratulations” and then decided to slide back to the channel and then I started crying a bit. We’ve come a long way since I was 12 bro. God bless you🙏
@jronyt4058 Says:
I quit LoL after a break up. Now, I do not suffer from bad teammates.
@yodude7905 Says:
Thanks bro, you got me through a lot of shit. < 3
@MegaGam3r12 Says:
Thanks for raising me, Felix.
@UnkownUser_95 Says:
Dear Felix, you promised us you would play Skyrim
@dulciemoon5496 Says:
this is way better than bible study, back in the day! :P Pewdiepie Study!
@dgr8nikhilsrivastava Says:
when we will be sensing the smell of death in the death bed, we will all gonna miss the life we life irrespective of pain and joy, so why not live every emotions in its fullest, not discriminating and being choosy for sensations.

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