<<@Jean-paul-x1t says : This maybe thé Key of thé future propulsion electromagnetic to sens rocket s In Space 😊 Humain race still have to grow And that to be wised before it to late ! Cause they wont bé no next Time!!!!!!😊😊😊😊>> <<@Agm1995gamer says : Isn't this basically an arrow with a built in bow?>> <<@ryanluna7322 says : so in the future we may have landmines that can change position? the legs used to tilt it can aim it so isnt just launching straight up right? so movable mine fields , that may be able to jump at u as well thus bypassing a bit of the metal detecting thing? some sorta imaging from distance controlling these one mine 100 foot range? size of V40 Mini-Grenade, may be better ways to do it actual propellant, but doubt they could reposition self over and over till close enough, small solar cell and battery could it make it 1 mile or more in repeat jumps? be interesting to see, plus land mines illegal so ability to monitor area get this in position and pick targets means most processing off site keeping design light no?>> <<@peepworld says : 5:47>> <<@TacoDogs says : 1:16 isn't it a flea (proportionally)>> <<@InahaFrost says : your toy jumps 30ft but the statue of liberty is 93ft sooo....it does not jump up to its eye level....whats wrong with you my common sense told me thats wrong before i checked the facts out i cant stand people making wild claims to impress and get viewers knowing they are wrong.... you sir are a liar ?>> <<@King-of-the-PRAIREDOGS says : NASA hire this dude>> <<@gutsywarrior8785 says : Froghoppers are the ones that jumps the furthest, insects when you look at the size vs bodyweight are much better jumpers than any mammals>> <<@MayorMcheese12 says : Yeah that’s def not going as high as the Statue of Liberty.>> <<@puffinjuice says : Now add some glider wings and a camera :D>> <<@Eddy2093 says : Everything that has a gear and two rubber bands is a robot>> <<@LordPotato118 says : So… could you jump and fart and it wouldn’t count as a jump? Because you know. Your losing mass>> <<@kelvinrimmer5443 says : soo.... this x100 scaled model with enough inertia to avoid drag resistance.... which is more efficient than the 32meter jump - could jump literally jump into medium Earth orbit past LEO satellites?>> <<@mrloudogggy says : single stroke of their muscle. Giggity 1:04>> <<@RealMasterKush420 says : 11:25 isn't the hydraulic system on Atlas V1 "work multiplication"?>> <<@tipps1732 says : Not a robot>> <<@Findammir says : Drone can help guide it>> <<@Walt-z4u says : Weapon>> <<@pollf100 says : i wonder if they could be made into robotic legs that can jump and walk.>> <<@ゆうるい-林昱睿 says : see u after wotfi 24>> <<@brandoneason5822 says : Add a parachute to it>> <<@ThatRandomError says : not me really wanting to put my hand in front of it>> <<@nazimamahmoud5754 says : 1:20 bush baby 😂>> <<@Slim_Mantis says : Great video! I was hoping you will mention the Mantis Shrimp tho :D>> <<@faridarafaie1875 says : Argh my balls>> <<@JoinTheMaddness says : Can you buy one of these>> <<@EveryoneGamesOnline says : 0:57 not the Zoboomafoo stock video of a lemur 😂>> <<@JohniStein says : Can we make a big jumping robot like this that can jump and cross earth atmosphere!?>> <<@ILoveSaterdays says : It can jump higher than the Statue of Liberty because the Statue of Liberty can’t jump. 🤓🤓🤓>> <<@vitreousphantasm says : Do they realize they made a futuristic Crossbow?>> <<@thundergamergd says : By your logic would TF2 soldier's rocket jump even count as a jump>> <<@CIWS-Goalkeeper says : HAHA, that means you have never jumped before because you lose skins cells every second and technically your losing mass>> <<@wtfdookiefpv says : no it cant>> <<@ToolTechGeek says : If the payload was a glider, wouldn’t that become the most energy efficient drone?>> <<@Juvyss says : "mass can't be lost" theoretically don't we lose mass every time we jump by burning calories?>> <<@IFHD350 says : Make a life size one😂>> <<@AshishKumar-xh6kd says : What if you actually add these to space rovers and let them check nearby in a snap before exploring for a better success rate.>> <<@domesticcat5069 says : 🗨️🗽>> <<@peztirado says : We lose calories with each jump>> <<@shooey-mcmoss says : Приходит молодой дрессировщик к директору цирка. - Господин директор, у меня готов уникальный номер - дрессированная блоха Артамончик, скачет с руки на руку по моей команде! - Ну, показывай. Директор вальяжно разваливается на кресле, дрессировщик достает Артамончика, сажает на ладонь и командует: - Артамончик, але хоп! Блоха перескакивает на другую ладонь. - Артамончик, але хоп! Блоха перескакивает обратно. - Артамончик, але хоп! И тут блоха внезапно прыгает на голову к директору, бледный дрессировщик трясущимися руками ищет Артамончика в густой шевелюре директора, сажает опять его на руку и командует: - Артамончик, але хоп! Артамончик, хоп! хоп!... Блоха не реагирует. Озадаченный дрессировщик внимательно разглядывает блоху и через мгновение восклицает: - Господин директор, это не Артамончик!!>> <<@tiaan8551 says : So if im jumping while peeing,it wouldnt count?cause im losing mass>> <<@ZealanTanner says : Veritasium, in the first 30 seconds you say it could jump to eye level of the Statue of Liberty, what is this clickbait thumbnail>> <<@ZarekIhsan says : I liked my own comment… because nobody did😢>> <<@garygallegos8355 says : How about making a super jumper has a two stage system? Yes thekwer has a umbrella Ferrell that allows the second to get a wake barrier bulge jump when the second kick off ? Please send me any info on these thought ok, and just love yoyr stuff tbank you! 👍>> <<@jamesjaudon8247 says : Created exactly what was said of the bow and arrow. "You would have to take the bow with it." That's what this is, a reverse engineer. A bow and arrow all in one.>> <<@hakmat1769 says : what if it rolls to the side when its about to launch, since it can kill any living createture wouldn't that make it dangerous?>> <<@flimsynoodle7470 says : I wonder why they kept on mentioning the sand flea but not the regular flea?>> <<@jaiavaneeshreddymachireddy4227 says : this idea mostly came from an origami magic ball>> <<@ahuman2533 says : Recently some people made a robot that cam jump to 120meters>> <<@vurrath7716 says : combine spring-storage, with delayed-RELEASE, and you could avoid the insane G-forces that would otherwise deny it's application to scaled-up transport, as-is. ;) i.e. not the same design as-in this vid,.. but other methods of storage, ABOARD, something that gets to a starting-speed, so something that works like a turbochrager, once-already-at-speed? or similar? -can-THEN, turn on afterwards? like a multiple-stages-burn design, just not more thrust-via-only fuel-consumption - the INITIAL could be like in this design, but then in the internals, 2, maybe 3? stages turn on / deploy?>>