<<@JonathanPageau says : Thanks so much for this opportunity, Jordan. It was such a wonderful surprise to first of all see you in the public, and then engage with you during the Q&A. You are definitely part of what pushed me to keep my edge on for the whole discussion.>> <<@RuthCooper-l6j says : Thank you Dr. Peterson this will take my lifetime to understand half of it, you probably think I’m crazy but I also still can’t grasp that you have being instrument on discerning the word of God, And now you have MrJonathan P. Who is the complement of your illumination, I am in awe. Thank you>> <<@Dr-kisasi says : Did God real say that??😂😂 and who was listening and wrote that??>> <<@TheBrotoriousOne says : @1:42:08 absolute scape goats =dehumanization=genocide>> <<@TheBrotoriousOne says : Brings a new perspective to as above ao bellow. This is absolutely amazing,.consider the patterns as well as the Torah code, sacres geometry, and simulation theory. Reality is a trip>> <<@danzohattori says : 26:54>> <<@BrianJonah88 says : "Who would have thought that Darwin would bring back Plato" wow>> <<@OliviaWhitaker-ik4kg says : Why is the water there. We are learning so much about how "magical" water is. How is it in the void?>> <<@ayenewyihune says : I like to hear Jonathan, although I only understand part of what he is saying.>> <<@KevinMannix-sf5zk says : There are Sheep, Wolves and Shepard's , The very first symbol, And every word in the religions is exactly the same as the term Dragon what do you believe Dragon means ?>> <<@TheVoicesInYourMouth says : V Vane + 00:37 ...PARAFRASIS DE FRUSTRACION CREATIVA NO ENTENDES QUE TU VIRTID ES LA CRITICA? ES EN OTRO PISO. SI NO POR LOS DE QUIEN TE DAN PARA HABLAR NO FLUYE MAS TU RIO DE GASES VIOLENTOS DE PELUQUERIA DE MUJERES DE BARRIO CHICO. PEDASO DE PELIGROSO DE VALORES CORRE CORRE QUE SOS MAS RAPIDO QUE LA VELOCIDAD DE LA ETICA. CORRE. NO VENGO ACA DE MATUTE A BAJARLE MORAL A NADIE OJO. ME QUEDABA CALLADO SI NO ME VENIAS A HACER LA JUGARRETA QUE LE HICISTE AL INDIO A MI. DECI GRACUAS QUE TENES LOS TITULIS PORQUE SI NO POR ESOS CON TU PIANITO DE MONOTECLA NI LA SALAS DESIERTAS DE COSTUMBRE. CHIMENTE QUE ESO ES LO SUYO DON GUARDAPOLVO DE LAS MANCHAS AJENAS.ese es tu paddre bô CON TU PIANITO DE MONOTECLA NI LA SALAS DESIERTAS DE CORTESIA. CHIMENTE QUE ESO ES LO SUYO DON GUARDAPOLVO DE LAS MANCHAS AJENAS.ese es tu arte tu fuERTE. Hay criticas admirables por VIRTUD DE la capacidad de observacion Y EXPRESION ARTICULADA DE UN MAESTRO. Chapeau. y hay lo que decia al rincipio. Considerando la cantidad de EXTASIS, LSD, FASO Y HONGOS HALUCIONOGENOS QUE HAN COMIDO Y TODAVIA ENTRE CLSSE Y CLASE CON LOS CHICOS EN EL AULA CREO QUE NO ES EXAGERADO PLANTEAR QUE EXISTA UN LIMITE FISICO EN LA CAPACIDAD DE EXPANCION INDIVIDUAL INTERNA DE LA CONCIENCIA . ME LO DIJO MUY SIMPLE UNA VEZ MIENTRAS SUFRIAMOS VIENDO GENTE BAILAR ASI HAY UN PUNTO QUE YA NO APRENDEA MAS NADA.SABES COMO TE LLAMAS? PLATEAU. NO POR NADA TRISTE. A QUIEN PODES CURAR? TRATAR. PONELE. NI TRATES>> <<@repent_0ne says : 1:49:12 Revelation.>> <<@eortegaz says : 1:16:42 intentionality may be a more adequate descriptor for self-directed consciousness (emphasis on agency)>> <<@AndyPeterson-mc7gx says : I hope to one day understand this.>> <<@cheryl-leeholt6683 says : As a mathematician, I had just identified creation as fractals. Perfect timing to hear this.>> <<@DoctorLazertron says : Woooooa We're halfway there WoooOOA Chairness of the chair!>> <<@chah777 says : This was phenomenal. Thank you to JP and to JP (I just realized they share initials). I wanted to comment on Jonathan’s point around 1:47, where he speaks of the darkness of unknowing being the highest spiritual place. It seems to me there may be another layer above or beyond this darkness of unknowing at the top of the hierarch, which is the breathtaking light of heaven that exists as an ordered place beyond the breakdown of knowing. This Heaven for instance needs no material sun to convey that light, and that light cannot be blotted out as by a solid material rock for instance, like Jonathan mentions. This light shines both day and night. This is the vision of post apocalyptic reality set forth in Revelation. The perplexing thing is that this heavenly reality, where there’s no longer material shadows or heaviness of sin, is ALSO fully embodied. I would love to hear Jonathan make more sense of this vision of reality, and on Revelation in general. Thank you again.>> <<@ibelieve3111 says : Thanks>> <<@Libellisth says : Hear Hear..>> <<@ridethelapras says : Watching stuff like this to hold me over until the next Exodus video, lol.>> <<@rcg2665 says : What a blessing Jonathan is to this world. Been so impacted by Jordan petersons work for awhile now but i’m also glad he led me to Jonathan cuz wow these two are both so full of knowledge and perspective and as a Christian I love seeing Jonathan pushing Jordan’s views nd challenging him in the respectful way he does it’s just so cool i love and respect these two so much for everything they’ve done, continue to do and will do for the time being. God bless you all <3>> <<@2biicoachingformndkarlotto317 says : Symbolic map ALL RIGHT 🔥😃 Thank's for the mapping out and map to navigate by. 🙏👍>> <<@vi0letcr1me says : BORING!>> <<@MM-mt3rx says : Anyone else have to watch, then rewatch and then rewatch again to try and understand the concepts of Jordan and his pals? I’ve read and listened to his books many times and still feel like I don’t really fully grasp all that’s going on but the depth is why I keep coming back. The Jordan Peterson selection of rabbit holes. Thoroughly enjoyable.>> <<@grendelfoxe837 says : It’s a pity he has to speak with such desperation as I’m sure it’s an interesting subject given a little more space for pattern of argument to form..>> <<@laurafortier9295 says : Whoa whoa. Ok, wild animals preflood and wild animals post flood are different in relation to man. Yes, the hierarchy says the wild animals are below the livestock, and that is fine, but the reason people cannot truly domesticate say a crocodile is more to do with the Noahic covenant, which affects us all and not necessarily the creation.>> <<@ibelieve3111 says : Hey>> <<@raywest7222 says : "So are we a knitting group or are we a band?" 🤣😂😭>> <<@blondenespence1293 says : Happy sabbath! The late pastor general of the world wide church taught that the Creator is reproducing himself in man. I didn't go to college, actually a high school drop out, but I kinda get the point.>> <<@DeepThinkersClub says : Light 💡 is knowledge and darkness 🌚 is ignorance. True positivity is intuitive knowledge, and true negativity is ignorance. We became ignorant entering this simulation to gain optimal experience. The only way to overcome ignorance is by experience with polarity which requires suffering.>> <<@ryantakach1478 says : this goes so hard>> <<@TheEtrepreneur says : what a great ending! you're going up, Jonathan. Rejoice!>> <<@lindamyersluker655 says : so what you call paterern I call My theory of Reemblence everything resembles everything else. ive had thattheory for ever thanks for helpping me to see it ore clearly.>> <<@michaelbruen7696 says : This is best suited to a teenage audience ; Johnathon needs to work with someone on being a lot more concise. 30 minutes is more than enough to express the ideas contained.>> <<@jmichaelortiz says : So good, Jonathan. Our world is thought made visible.>> <<@mosesgarcia9443 says : Rewatch 3. Symbolic World MasterClass....... Wow>> <<@doritibt says : So so mind openin. Had to stop at 21.03,,and get my thoughts together. What he describing is totally similliar to what your explanation jirdan about the robotic worlds future....it makes feel almost like...we the humen race are the product of a similliar process ,,, older version....and....maybe....our time is up?>> <<@lunar-ix9vu says : It doesn’t make sense to say that you can’t know another culture unless you’ve been inducted into its deepest mysteries or that groups or object can only have one purpose otherwise it destroys itself. A razor can have other purposes other than to cut. And I, like all, strive to be many and one; I exclude while I strive to include. Funny that as denouncing the idea of inappropriately knowing the other, he goes on to talk about this woke culture as if he were their high priest.>> <<@champikakumaraperu176 says : Talk of the century>> <<@archanglemercuri says : once again - "great" yes! great! thank you so much Mr. Pageau>> <<@archanglemercuri says : it's kind of like the feeling of a new restaurant with a quiet opening; and some how: ▼ this new restaurant get's "flooded" with mail and mysteriously getting mailed, quality recipes & ingredients and then chefs, and serves, and all kinds of staff start applying ▲ and this restaurant is like: "ok we need to make quality food for everyone with allll this "good" stuff being mailed to us • and then peoples are like "aaand we speak (x) amount of languages! haha okay, turn on the restaurant "lights" and let's get cooking>> <<@jordanheath5258 says : How does this have less than a million views?>> <<@jaysilverstone7221 says : "in order to move in the world you have to exclude">> <<@AudreyMarieKeel says : Everything is mental>> <<@freethinker79 says : "When mankind learns to read the language of signs and symbols, a great veil will be lifted from the eyes of humanity." --M.P. Hall>> <<@darbllirdod5723 says : Man AND Women roamed earth BEFORE Adam was selected for Eden, and Eve was created for him. The evidence is in the bible itself. Misinterpretation by "the church", is wholly wrong.>> <<@III-_EY3_-III says : Patterns (placement) + Properties (particles and planets) + perception (that which gives proportion/purpose). worshipping Jehovah God thru his son (mascot) Jesus Christ, the observers must bare witness... ... Jehovah's Witness I is.>> <<@jondavid6148 says : Emanuel Kant All Day! 👏 👏 👏>> <<@IroncladPanther says : Thank You very much, I have found myself intrigued lately by the old stories, I have started my own journey of discovery, I am of Māori descent, amongst many others. But this has spurred my interest because of the mythology of my ancestors, they too have stories of creation. A lot of which has been forgotten or misinterpreted, I have found a book ( which I am still reading) TE IKA A MAUI or NEW ZEALAND AND ITS INHABITANTS, it was written by a missionary, REV. RICHARD TAYLOR M.A. F.G.S., it has recorded stories from the people of the time (around 1855), So far I can see the same stories in other mythology/religion and have decided to learn more. Thank you again>> <<@Skiwattentotten says : You assign Spirit to the Father as if the Holy Spirit has been misnamed for a millennia 🤦😂>>