<<@RandySloan-i2t says : I'm not in agreement.. Adam had 6 women. Hebrew Genesis 2. " His women"!>> <<@animlyriks1349 says : Not true. It was a warning not a condemnation>> <<@hamb4 says : Adam could not even handle one wife, let alone 2 wives. Can one woman then have 2 or more husbands, if one man can have more than one wife? It never said in the Bible, the 2,3,4,5... shall become one. The Muslims and the Israelites and some Mormans, have a problem with their loins, why they need more than one wife, plus it shows disrespect for the woman. She is then treated as chattel. I thought that was illegal in the West anyway.>> <<@alane4992 says : Ok, he's quoting Duet. 17:17 out of context here. The multiple wives issue is as it always was... leaders do not take multiple wives but no verse mentions those who are NOT leaders. The whole Adam and Eve debate doesn't count because we have no idea if Adam had relations with his daughters because the Bible never mentions them. If you want to debate that then how did Cain have children? With his sister? Oh my, that could never be!>> <<@potatomongrel says : You're all going to share 1 virgin when Jesus marries his bride the church.>> <<@crowviking says : I am a bible scholar and if anyone wants to know how polygyny is God's institution of marriage. Just ask 🙂>> <<@warren6790 says : Alright, I have studied this issue a little more and came to this conclusion, God said the man will rule over his woman or the husband will rule over his wife, which ever, the husband is the head of the house and so forth, IF and I mean IF the man can only have one wife and that word needs to be studied because they didn't have that word in that time but rather a word that describes her as a wife, anyway, there's a major problem in the concept of a man being only to have one wife, unknowingly this gives the wife the power to rule over him by sex and her holding back until she gets her way, believe me when the wife learns this and she will, she will begin to use this power to either control him or break him which the end result will be him being the tail ( that which follows the head ) and her being the head, now take that same situation where the wife or woman won't submit to her husband, he can't divorce her right? He don't divorce her but he just gets a concubine, same with any other issue he's having with his wife where she will only argue with him constantly, don't divorce her or send her away, keep up your responsibility to her, food, clothing, so forth, just get a concubine, if the man was allowed a concubine what do you think that woman would do? OH NO you ain't spending your money on another woman or having sex with one, jealousy would come into play and that will more or less straighten her up unless she just don't care because all she really wants is someone to feed her and take care of her, the only power a man has over a woman which can not be force or physical abuse is having the option to have another woman since he can't divorce or send her away, that's not even a problem if that other woman is willing to take care of herself like it's written in Isiah 4:1, In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, we will eat our own food and provide our own clothes, only let us be called by thy name and take away our disgrace. 7 women that are obviously not the man's wife, can only mean concubine woman, after studying this for a long time which pertains to the words being translated as only wife or woman and it being a pick and choose scenario as to which word the translators used for wife and woman, it's too apparent they missed it in many places in the new testament, the concubine woman is all through it only in many places she was translated as the man's wife, the word wife cannot be used because she was specific and for a specific purpose, he could only have one wife period because having more than one brought confusion to the law, she was more or less a covenant woman, specifically for bearing the child to the man that would become his heir, in that covenant the child would become his, not hers, which is why the man retained possession of the child in case of a divorce, the wife was owned and her children were owned by her husband, it was the man's possession not the wife's, in that same covenant that man was responsible for her as long as he was alive, he could not divorce her or send her away, that was to not separate her from her children, if she had no children the man could take a concubine and take the concubine child and make it an heir as her child would be the same as the wife's child, concubine women were given no covenant, only the wife was, there's a reason a concubine can't be called the man's wife, simply because she's not, but that word in ancient Greek is there but trying to figure out if she's a concubine or simply just a woman is where your going to run into problems because the same word is used for both, her responsibility to the man was the same as the wife, she could only have that one man sexually for obvious reason, that man also can't be called a husband, he's not her husband, he's only her man by name, that same word translated for man and husband was a mistake because it never means husband only viewed as being a husband because of the same responsibility he had towards the concubine woman, the similarities between the concubine and the wife are so closely related that the concubine appears to be the man's wife, not so, the concubine was not bound by law to her man because there was no covenant made with her, a wife was and is a covenant woman, no different from today when a man makes a woman his wife by law, only now that man better plan on losing what's his or what he's worked for as she is entitled to half if he marries by law, women have always had the ability to take care of themselves if they had no one, a lot of what we read in history about ancient times is simply not true, however, the real issue is not money, it's children, and in this scenario is where your going to find out what Jesus meant when He said, who God had joined together let no man separate, mind you I said God and not man nor God's representative, what everyone focuses on is sex and not what sex produces, what God is seeking is children to believe in Him, men and women seek sex, more or less, two shall become one flesh is the child, the child is one of his flesh and one of hers, two fleshes shall become one flesh, a child born out of love and not adultery, rape, going to a prostitute or incest but a man and a woman in love with each other no matter the age, these scenario's would have been referred to as fornication or unlawful sexual contact which any of these would justify sending away or divorce, fornication simply means any unlawful sexual contact written about in the law, it also includes animal sex, same sex and whoredom spoken of by the prophets which is a woman having more than one lover which can also apply to a prostitute or a single woman having more than one lover, never a wife, that would be adultery and death, not only to her but any man lying with her sexually, KJ translators couldn't possibly translate the concubine correctly as during that time it was more or less done away with, you can thank the Catholic church for that because they had more to do with what was printed than anything else, they are the one's that separated from the true church and began teaching false teachings but became so powerful that anyone that didn't believe as they did would have been labeled a heretic and possibly burned at the stake, the problem with protestants and their beliefs is they read and trust the same new testament in how it was translated only done so by one Catholic priest and how he believed it to be according to his mind, the mind of a celibate, no doubt one that took Jesus words of becoming a eunuch for the kingdom of God's sake, what he didn't realize was that eunuch could have sex Jesus was speaking about, he just couldn't reproduce, make a baby and God will judge you because He has to give life to it and IF you cause that child to fall or not believe in Him, God will judge you too, taking away the concubine woman is giving the woman the ability to have power over you ( as the head ) and like I said, when she learns this way and you can have no other, your problems will begin>> <<@valueplus896 says : This was the worst argument for polygamy. That verse directly talks about kings have many wives. Many by definition means a large amount. More than a few. Besides there is prescriptive language that talks about polygamy. One being if a man takes a second wife he should not diminish the first wife's food, clothes, sex. That is prescriptive. Also when David committed adultery which is described in the Bible as a married man sleeping with a married woman and vice versa, God himself came to David and said " I gave you all things, your masters house, possessions, and wives. If this were not enough I would have given you more." Also God describes himself as polygamy when he said he married Isreal and Judah and they turned their backs to him and describes them as adulterous wives... Jesus too describes himself as a polygamous man when he describes himself in a parable as a husband or bridegroom coming to marry five virgins. And if you look at the one who wrote the commandment directly from God...Moses... have three wives. King David who was loved by God and he was after God's own heart had multiple wives. When God was saying don't multiple wives he meant don't hoard wives for yourself as kings because there wouldn't be any eligible single women for anyone else. In the same verse it said don't multiple horses and gold. But do you think kings had more than one horse and one piece of Gold. He was prescribing to them how to be fair and just kings.>> <<@crowviking says : Polygyny is all throughout the bible and for good reasons.>> <<@redsky2531 says : Sure. You act like you know. Gad with his wives. Jacob with his wives. Moses with his wives. Heck, when you read the parable of the marriage with Christ there are supposed to be 10 wives but 5 weren't diligent enough. So Jesus with 5 wives. Where in His Commandments does Holy Father Himself speak to one man and one woman? Be fruitful and multiply is a pretty straight forward Command. 7 women shall cling to 1 man is another Line. Yet these worldly teachers blind people to the Truth. For Wisdom is far better than death. Yet people choose heaven after death so they love death over loving Wisdom. People choose to listen to these worldly men rather than listen to Holy Father. These are they which worship with their lips but their hearts are far from Holy Father. Polygamy is NOT a sin. If it was, all of the prophets that had multiple wives would NOT be of Holy Father. Those men whom had the respect of Holy Father would NOT be Holy men. Yet people blindly follow the lies and the liars.>> <<@kriskringle3164 says : Who wants to argue with a guy that yells his opinions. 😂>> <<@kriskringle3164 says : Actually that was a law concerning Israels kings and about excess, don't have many horses, don't have many wifes, don't have much gold and silver...or you will turn away from the lord. Totally taken out of context.>> <<@michaelramos4526 says : Instead of asking if Polygeny is a sin, I wish our people would start asking themselves why does God allow Polygeny. Why is it lawful? Do you not understand that the laws of God are the constitution and bill of rights for the Kingdom of Israel? This is what they govern themselves by. This is what God govern them by. He has never allowed them to sin! Neither has he had laws of sin written by his righteousness. No one is forced to marry or not marry. You have the free will to marry how you please. God will judge all things by his word/law. But please stop saying women who choose to marry one man are sinning. Or a man who has more than one wife is sinning. Stop trying to seperate Christ from the father. They are 1. That is either ignorant or evil to think or say such a thing! You are calling God the minister of sin! Please Stop judging by your religion and see God's righteousness. God allows Polygeny because he is against sin. He gave Polygeny/marital law to put away all manner of fornication (1 Corinthians 6:18). To put away whoredom (using women as one does a whore) from among the children of God (Deuteronomy 23:17). To put away all manner of sexual immorality (Exodus 22, Leviticus 21, & Deuteronomy 22).  To keep confusion from among his people by keeping a man's children and the women thereof under one headship (1 Timothy 5:8, Proverbs 22:6 Deuteronomy 11:16-19, & 1 Timothy 3:5). To keep a woman that desires to wear a man's masculinity, sexuality, and headship from among the children of God/vice versa (Proverbs31:3, Deuteronomy 22:5, Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:24-32, 1 Corinthians 11:3), and the list goes on family. I ask you all, when did that change? The law is righteous and will always be righteous. Your unrighteousness doesn't change that. In fact, it's why you must die. God made marriage the rule of Law in all the earth (Genesis,1 , 2, 9, Psalm 24:1, etc). Polygeny is marriage, and marriage is honorable in all (Hebrews 13:4). Even if you were taken as a servant wife God still honors you (Exodus 20:10 & Exodus 21:7-10). A restriction given to a Bishop or Deacon is not an implication of sin. Just as there is law specific to women and some specific to men. Their is law specific to a King and some for a prophet. If you do not hold these positions/work in your lifetime, these laws do not apply to you. Concerning Deuteronomy 17:14-20 this is law pertaining to Kings, not to all men. We live in a nation where most men live by its culture, customs, and laws instead of the word/law of God (Matthew 4:4, Matthew 15:3, Acts 5:29, etc..). What they practice here is fornication and is ungodly (Revelation 21:18). Polygeny can never be a sin, because by God's decree: sin is the disobedience to the laws of God (1 John 3:4). They cannot grasp this because they do not understand the Kingdom (Matthew 13:11) because they have no respect/honor for the laws of God. For the constitution, the bills if rights, the civil and moral laws given to Israel. Even the penal codes thereof. They only know a democracy, a republic, communism, socialism, etc...  What they can vote in and out. Some man-made stuff. They do not know or honor the Kingdom of God is the government setup over heaven and earth ( Isaiah 9:9, Matthew 3:2, Luke 10:9, Matthew 7:24-25). They lack knowledge that all the word/decrees of the King is law and is lawful (Deuteronomy 8:3, Psalm 119:89, Matthew 24:35). They lack this understanding to be able to apply or divide the word of God rightly. As for divorce, Christ in Matthew 19 said it best: In the beginning, it wasn't so. The beginning being "Genesis." No man in the bloodline of Christ in Genesis divorced his wife or wives. God didn't give Adam another wife. Jacob endured his son laying with one of his wives and kept them both among him. Abraham was told by God to move out the bond woman and his son by God. He didn't choose to. No one ever put away their wives lawfully until the law of Moses. This is what it means when said but Moses. Before the law of Moses, divorce was never lawful for the lineage nor the children of Israel. You never see it throughout time until God allows Moses to give it. That's when it becomes lawful. This is what Christ is saying. He's dealing with divorce. It's not Christians who are confused. It's all men who do not understand that which Christ has preached throughout his whole ministry was purely the word of God. The main thing and focus of his message, is "The Kingdom" Which he mentions over a 100 times throughout his gospels. These men and women are of this world and worldly minded. Ever learning but unable to come to the truth of God (2 Timothy 3:7). Still focused on the intent of God and never moving with God into the purpose of man (Ecclesiastes 12:13 & 1 John 5:3). Allowing sin to rule the day instead of his son. Christ gives God what he intended to get out of mankind. If God could get the perfection he desires out of the children of Adam, he would not have sent another.  Be wise family and let God be true & every man a liar.>> <<@andrewdurfee3896 says : Martin Luther himself said that he could not condemn polygamy as being against the will of God by the Bible alone.>> <<@Lettimspeak says : The same chapter tells them that if anyone has walked away from God to stone them to death. Should we continue to do that? I hate when ppl give these weak answers to people that have not studied the Bible>> <<@NUMENOREAN91 says : Exodus 21:10 if a man takes another wife he shall not diminish her food, clothing, and conjugal rights. Polygamy was allowed in the law.>> <<@sc6530 says : Deuteronomy 17:17 And HE shall not acquire many wives for himself, lest his heart turn away, nor shall he acquire for himself excessive silver and gold. He = the king of Israel. Read the whole context.>> <<@lexbogie1 says : That verse isn’t against “polygamy” but rather against extremes. God literally rewarded prophets with multiple wives.>> <<@heretic0014 says : So ONE wife. And INFINITE side girlfriends. SWEEEEEETTTTT.>> <<@joesorrenti6598 says : But you can say that about monogamy too. Monogamy is just as disastrous as polygamy. I know you don't want to believe that, but it's true. And if God allowed it, who are you to disallow it?>> <<@theerealscooby says : No that verse is talking about kings.>> <<@stevenstayloriii6662 says : Oh i hate that no one was able to debunk this man why use that verse when it was specifically meant for the king that he cant have to many horses, multiple wives or multitude of gold like cmon now this was towards the new king they were going to choose and if its wrong why does the bible say David only did one thing wrong in all the days of his life and it was not the fact he had multiple wives but the fact that he had ole dude killed>> <<@LEONWOLF-sn2hn says : Deuteronomy 17:17 refers to the rules for a king. Why do all these pastors twist the Bible to fit their agenda? King David died with multiple wives AND concubines 🤷‍♂️ but alas, here we have a pastor twisting scripture.>> <<@LEONWOLF-sn2hn says : Oh we're under Jewish laws now? Better stop eating pork too... No, what Moses commanded for his people wasn't necessarily directly spoken from God, after all God had the ten commandments given for a reason... Even the prophet Paul said some things are from him and some things are from God, so are we to assume he was the only prophet to lead the way he thought was right?>> <<@Peter-tg9zv says : Monogamy only is an unbiblical doctrine>> <<@AntonioMarcos-gg4sd says : Confess, you who defend polygamy, you defend it because it flatters the male ego and brings more carnal satisfaction.>> <<@shoestringsam1982 says : Based on the speaker’s response and using that same logic none of us should be wealthy either. That same scripture says “neither shall him multiply to himself silver and gold.” So……there’s that.>> <<@tinkuroopa2754 says : Even monogamy is described and not prescribed. Adam had one wife and she came from his rib, so do all women come from their husbands? If all women are made of husbands ribs then one man one wife applies.>> <<@tinkuroopa2754 says : Bible says polgyny is well and good and the church says polygyny is a sin. Church js cheating u.>> <<@HaleStorm49 says : @1:23 This is a lie. Come on Frank. Don't lie.>> <<@KB-zh4dx says : Exodus 21:10-11 If you take another wife do not diminish anything from her. You are responsible for her food, raiment and marriage duties. And if shall not fulfill these duties you can send her away back to her father's house. Old testament condones multiple wives and divorce. New Testament condemns divorce. Everyone is okay with the old testament view on divorce though.>> <<@KB-zh4dx says : Actually read the whole verse and the verse before that. It says do not have multiple horses, multiple wives nor multiple riches that you should turn away from God. Not that you can't but don't have anything you love more than God.>> <<@SherrickDuncan says : Saying that Polygyny being engaged in in the Bible resulting in disaster makes it a sin is illogical. To demonstrate how illogical this objection is: The first monogamous marriage was Adam and Eve. They sinned so badly that they brought death into the world, requiring God's own Son to come and die to deal with the consequences of their sin. This sin was even directly facilitated by their marriage, since Adam only sinned because he was persuaded to by Eve. Maybe if he'd had two wives he'd have got a second opinion and not sinned. So according to the law of first mention, monogamy must be sinful because it is first mentioned in the context of the first sin. Obviously this is ridiculous. Neither Adam's or Lamech's sins have any bearing on the morality of monogamy or polygamy.>> <<@belgianheskey says : But you're fine with gay marriage>> <<@tayjackson8291 says : It also says don't multiply horses lol so that's a terrible verse to use>> <<@samy0555 says : The Bible does not explicitly condemn this practice. The first instance of polygamy in the Bible was Lamech in Genesis 4:19, “And Lamech took to himself two wives.” Many well-known men in the Old Testament were polygamists. Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, and others all had multiple wives. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines (lower-ranking wives), according to 1 Kings 11:3. What are we to make of these instances of polygamy in the Old Testament? Three questions need to be answered: (1) Why did God allow polygamy in the Old Testament? (2) How does God view polygamy today? (3) Why has this changed?>> <<@cannabinoidfarmer9474 says : ok now find that verse in the original texts cause you cant>> <<@Sh3ryn says : Are those so called black hebrew israelite Christians? If so he should tell them to read Mark 10:6-9 or Matthew 19:4-6 and you would have used genesis 2:24 jesus himself used. the one you quoted was talk about kings and there greed.>> <<@judedavis9452 says : It’s lawful in the New Testament as well this is a FALSE teaching…wonder what their view is on divorce??>> <<@adeolaallentaylor8920 says : How would we multiply without polygamy? As Christians our numbers are reducing but Glory be to God revival has began and many are giving their lives to Christ. My mum is the third wife to my dad and he married her following God's instructions to correct his mistake, to support his ministry. My dad is late and we all children of three wives are useful to God in the ministry he started with my dad... this is my Bible.>> <<@JR-rp7vr says : Lying Romanized viper false teacher. Deuteronomy 17:17 does NOT say you couldn't have more than one wife. It CLEARLY states not to take TOO MANY because as we saw with those who did, too many wives involved dealing with all of the wives falsehoods, idolatry and false gods leading a righteous man away from serving God to the fullest if not fully separating him from God. To even admit that this could happen with multiple wives, one has to admit this can ALSO happen with one wife. So this verse is clearly taken out of context and takes away from the Torah/Law/Commandments. It clearly teaches us how to treat our WIVES and their children. SMH My own Christian brothers and sisters are LIARS!!! Deuteronomy 21:15-17 Exodus 21:10 This teacher is a liar! I am a Christian but according to the Torah, (NOT Pauline doctrine and the enslaving Romanized and paganized version of Christianity) there is no breaking the commandments of having more than one wife. NOT ONE VERSE! ALL OF US came from a descendent who had multiple wives. Sorry women, but your jealousy between sisters and lack of honor for kingship and husbandmen is the main issue today, NOT that a man finds need in more children and can share his love with more than one wife. We are not the same on earth. Equal in spirit but NOT equal in role and duty on earth.>> <<@Milvus_In_Excelsis says : That was ment for kings. Not regular people.>> <<@charlesbeatty888 says : There's a difference between multiply and adding>> <<@KevinT13952 says : the plural wives of jacob didn't result in disaster. It resulted in the promsied twelve tribes of israel. God GAVE multiple wives to David, and ONLY faulted David for taking another man's wife (the biblical definition of adultery). It's also clearly a part of New Testament life or Jesus wouldn't use ten virgin wives as a parable>> <<@DrakeLM says : *We must learn to differentiate between command and suggestion* According to the context of that time it was a common practice for rich Middle Eastern men to be polygamous whether for reasons of labor, legacy or social status Later, that practice was sought to be eliminated from the NT.>> <<@pdxtom says : If you take two minutes to look up Deuteronomy 17 and read it in CONTEXT then look up the Hebrew word in your concordance that was translated as "multiply" in English you will quickly see that the pastor was blatantly dishonest in his response.>> <<@Freedom0rBust says : Of course God allowed polygamy in the Bible, it's written in the Law of Moses which Jesus (Jehovah) gave to Moses. Levirate marriage was a well known and common practice (Deuteronomy 25:5-10). Deuteronomy 17:17 says "Neither shall he multiply wives to himself..." the key words is "to himself". This is a commentary about the gluttony of kings. So this preacher may not like polygamy in the Bible but it's there, and if Jehovah giving a polygamous practice as Levirate marriage isn't prescriptive then I don't know what is. They hate polygamy so much that they would have the God contract his words and thus make God out to be a liar and destroy faith. I'm not a polygamist it's just this is how bad pastors make atheist because of their bad takes on scripture.>> <<@SomeofThisSomeofThat says : Wrong! 1. Monogamy like everything else in Christianity has its roots in pagan practices. 2. Reading comprehension is challenging I get it. “Multiply” is an ambiguous term - it can mean more than 1 (not usual) or it can mean excessive (typical use) e.g. multiply like rabbits (excessive). The second half of the verse “nor shall he GREATLY increase silver and fold for himself.” Therefore the verse In totality means to not have excessive wives. That is called reading comprehension and contextualizing. 3. Jews never interpreted that verse in such a manner. But all of a sudden it’s “Christians” who are enlightening the Jews on their own religion. 4. Christians argue they are no longer bound by Mosaic law but as soon as it supports their argument they’ll throw that argument out the window.>> <<@AFTWKING says : Bro just blantantly lied to this dude>> <<@tracksavage1737 says : Deuteronomy 17:17 is referring to kings>>