<<@PretendBreadBoy says : "We're sorry for making Smeagol game">> <<@It567yI says : You just don't understand the game. It's supposed to make you feel sad and depressed because Smeagol is sad and depressed. This is my favourite game because it really made me depressed because I spent all my money on this and now I don't have money to spend on food. Imo this game should have been even more expensive and bad to make my depression even worse. I'll still give it a 9/10.>> <<@jakenewbury7528 says : Who was asking for a game about gollum?😂>> <<@Pico_444 says : Yeah man let me pull out the Gollum LP to listen to during dinner. Track 9: "Gollum starves to death" is so atmospheric.>> <<@AngelLopez-ux4pd says : How dare you !!! I love this game!!😂>> <<@Sleepy_Dandelion says : I watched this video at least 10 times and I just noticed that the ending music is from Digimon World 3. Oh, the memories!>> <<@Blastoice says : You never played sneak thief>> <<@a2sbestos768 says : huh, daedalic in this? that's pretty long way from adventure games>> <<@ValueNL says : Who's there?>> <<@SerpentBornOfficial says : Frogslave simulator. Literally>> <<@Tentin.Quarantino says : *‘Dustborn’ has entered the chat*>> <<@johngalt9339 says : Yes>> <<@heisenbird7045 says : Just a reminder pc gamer rated this higher than space marine 2>> <<@antzooma says : the fact that this was so bad that it was the last game they ever developed also adds something>> <<@guy12327 says : German engineering at its finest.>> <<@kotoucek6326 says : Ahh so this is the Sméagle game Dunkey mentioned in totk.>> <<@Steve-Fiction says : Very interesting thoughts about gameplay influencing how a player experiences the story! Great PoV in general, I really enjoyed this review a ton. When looking at other Survival Horror games I really think you should consider playing Fatal Frame (I don't know if I can get the Patreons to vote for that, but I'll nominate it next time). To me it has really interesting combat, and it does some of the things mentioned in this video like mixing different enemy types in encounters. Add to that an incentivized scoring system and I really feel like this game should enter discussion more often.>> <<@pponca8953 says : i've come from the future to let you know that, no, unfortunately it's not>> <<@yalfinyeem1292 says : After the release of concord I can confidently answer your question that it definitely isn’t>> <<@davidmekonen8099 says : “One of father rats kill him!” 💅👽>> <<@chloefields342 says : This is what happens when you go for one of the two block chicken>> <<@zoro4661WasTaken says : The worst thing about this game isn't that the game was awful, but that it caused Daedalic to die. Those guys were talented as hell, just not at all at this genre. I'm convinced that this would've been a good game if they made it their classic, comedy point and click game.>> <<@costilla1212 says : It's already been a year? 👵>> <<@rennythespaceguy7285 says : He says the game isn't funny but it literally has a part where you play as Gollum working in a place called Sauron's breeding pits>> <<@hugoclarke3284 says : Apart from the gameplay I think it looks pretty good>> <<@oliverbryant1 says : The fucking MGS2 clarinet gets me every time>> <<@Garl_Vinland says : The ultimate Dark Souls concept is you play as Wretch, and as soon as you spawn in, an NPC says “ew it’s one of father’s rats, kill him.” And you die in a never ending loop because you’re a disgusting wretch>> <<@The_shady_puffer says : IT'S THE LORD OF RING: GOLLUM!!!>> <<@Skalbemann says : This actually makes me kinda want to play this>> <<@coffeebeansippuh says : what is up with game studios making shitty games nowadays??? NO ONE made games like this in the seventh gen, there was a standard>> <<@thanhlawd132 says : omg watching you play make me feel really boring😢>> <<@CygnusX-11 says : Playing as Gollum is like playing as the supporters in a FiFA Game>> <<@lumirairazbyte9697 says : It rhymes: Balan Wonderworld = Foamstars. Gollum = Concord.>> <<@GeorgeWard14 says : I actually think it’s a really fun concept for a horror game :(>> <<@AJJJ-co2vd says : So bad 😂🥺>> <<@slifer4912 says : Masochism: The Video Game>> <<@leothelion8796 says : Balan Wonderworld is a bad comparison to this dark fantasy video game. If you want to compare it with a successful game, it should've been a dark fantasy like Dark Souls or Elden Ring. Balan Wonderworld is just out of the place, why would you make a dark fantasy game full of vividly and colorful world with upbeats in Lord of the Ring's realm?>> <<@woolly254 says : With fortunes music from mgs2 🫡>> <<@hartwellheisenberg1179 says : It's like the dudes behind these newer LOTR games are butchering these games on purpose, I'm pretty sure almost nobody asked for this dumb game. An open world LOTR game would be perfect for the PS5. Based on the movie trilogy. Or just a Two Towers remake.>> <<@bicraveurtactics4908 says : Concord is now the worst game ever haha>> <<@holdupsomethingaintright7919 says : No it's not... **Looks at concord and dustborn** No it's not...>> <<@bat__bat says : The stealth death loop is a trademark of bad development. Very funny vid. No way this game is this bad!?>> <<@charles2521 says : How can a game with The Lord of the Rings in its name have 450 reviews on Steam? Lmao, what a fiasco.>> <<@ItsJoKeZ says : highschool simulator>> <<@akakurtiz says : It’s funny how this video had more footage of forspoken than the actual review for forspoken😭>> <<@FoardenotFord says : The ethereal and inappropriately calming soprano saxophone is the best part of this game>> <<@nateanderson4468 says : The next day in comic sans>> <<@ponypool765 says : I like this game. I also have no bugs or glitches.>> <<@SunJaycy says : 3:13 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@rithrius5384 says : Next up is Lord of the Rings: Proudfoot Gardening Simulator.>>