<<@CrossExamined says : Download FREE Cheat Sheet “The 4-Point Case For Christianity” 👉📱https://cutt.ly/ZYMC4nl>> <<@MarcusCollins69 says : being uncomfortable and being tortured are two different things>> <<@KevinKurzsartdisplay says : I think heaven sucks, yea it really does, there’s nothing for me up there. I’d rather be here on this earth. I truly hate heaven, I despise it.>> <<@ThePerihelion says : If the biblical definition and description of heaven is true, there is absolutely nothing there for me.>> <<@HellRehab7732 says : Yet another terrible hell analogy from Frank Turek.>> <<@joanschutter5863 says : C.S. Lewis - "The gates of hell are locked from within.">> <<@steveprofiler says : Why would anyone go to heaven if it existed?>> <<@iwishtobetexan6060 says : Parents know that the stove will burn you and the gun will kill you. So beating you for playing with both is actually an act of mercy, preventing your death.>> <<@Jesusgirl00 says : I think i understand what the young man was trying to ask. He wanted to know if its in our best interest to be saved, why doesnt God do what best for everyone if thats the case. My answer would be because were not all children of God. Were not children of God until we choose to be. So for people that reject God, they would not be his children, therefore, God would not do whats best for them. I hope i worded that right❤️ you ever think of something so clearly in your head but have a hard time speaking it out. Idk, maybe its my dislexia. Anyways, just my thoughts🙏>> <<@feliciavale4279 says : I cannot fathom why anyone would willingly choose death over life. It simply does not make sense to me. I have to surmise that they don't realize what hell will be like. It will not be like all the depictions in the movies or fables or dante's inferno (well his depiction was actually pretty bad). It will be far worse, and it is for eternity. For those who haven't already please accept Jesus, He does not desire that any should perish, but in His perfect love He cannot force you to love Him, we have to make the choice.>> <<@raytothet7665 says : Heavan is just a waiting place until the new creation.>> <<@emgee99 says : If I came into the presence of God, I would be vaporised on the spot because of my sin. Only with Christ, who takes away my sin, can I be presented to God blameless and righteous - not because what I've done but by what he has done.>> <<@joymahiko says : God does not force them. But be careful what you wish for - you may get it!>> <<@ShaitanalLah says : Hell is eternal separation from the Creator Its a place of no beginning n no end. You are in a limbo of eternal hopelessness and sorrow. I place you cant escape. I can't comprehend why any sane person would want to risk being this that situation.>> <<@arcguardian says : Even the forceful parent counter analogy fails because they AREN'T children of God. The Q is essentially making a case for kidnapping rather than divine adoption, but it also spits in the face of agency. U don't get to break the law, and then blame the judge for not stopping you from breaking it lol.>> <<@bacomiric1681 says : God said he created humans to live on Earth yet heavens belong to him/God. So why would people desire to live in heaven if we are meant to live on Earth. Doesn't make any sense.>> <<@gainsofglory6414 says : A follow up to this I think is simply to ask how would we decide? How do we fathom what it is like to be with god or not? What kind of music are we talking about here?>> <<@sabru72 says : I still have a problem with this analogy. Imagine God takes a person and shows them His nature. It's hard to believe that anyone would reject God after that. I have to believe that if somebody still said "no" it would be because they're being deceived. Why would anyone still choose lies and death over truth and life if they were put side by side?>> <<@purplepill5345 says : Preach teacher!!!>> <<@uzoegbeogu9617 says : As strange as it may sound...it's truly sad that anyone would consciously choose misery over joy...sad but apparently true!>> <<@kalords5967 says : Christians don't want to go to heaven. Why? Because they must die first before they can get to heaven and Christians don't want to die 😂😂😂😂😊>> <<@Hfidon says : Oh boy the atheists are triggered 😂>> <<@oneperson5760 says : Atheists want to serve themselves as the god of their own little universe, assured that their human intellect and reason is the highest consideration. Odd how they call themselves non believers, but their character is exactly the same as lucifer. They refuse to serve and theyd rather be in hell. Their wish will be granted, but they wont be happy about it. Even shown the error of their pride, they will only hate God all the more, and assured proof of His presence and an afterlife will cause them rage and bitter resentment. They have the gift of free will, but they will blame everyone except themselves for their own choices.>> <<@DavidGuess-uq1ue says : The anologie is flawed because we try to save people who are committing suicide don't we, or do we just say, "Oh well, go ahead and kill yourself I can't save someone who's not willing to save their self.>> <<@edgarmorales4476 says : I know well that this statement will be passionately resisted by many who will say: "God is accessible by all." And they speak truly. But I repeat what Jesus said on earth, and I mean it - for it is the Truth although it may arouse in your heart, rebellion: "The path you must walk to reach the longed for Kingdom of Heaven is indeed narrow and absolutely straight." You may jump the path, but when your travels have eventually shown you that you have made a serious, even bitter mistake, you will find that your only sensible way forward is to get on the path again. Since your wanderings may have led you to create many, many blueprints of agony and sorrow, these will await manifestation in many ways, even as you struggle to master your consciousness anew to regain the path. But they will also cause you to seek God with greater fervor than before. Therefore, there is no wrongdoing in jumping the path, - no judgement of your choices of your actions, only timely lessons bringing you back to the path. This is followed by the most blessed relief as again you become the recipient of what seems to be heaven-sent blessings and new joy in living. Believe me, as we are now, we are not ready to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven. There is much talk about it, longing for it, belief that spiritual evolution has lifted us into a mindset capable of bringing us into the Kingdom of Heaven. But a great deal of this thinking is self-illusion, self-delusion. We forgive ourselves our mindsets - our thoughts, words and actions because we are in the world, restrained and blinded by the Ego (the guardian of individuality). We struggle bravely to adopt a more loving way to think, feel and respond to every experience, but while we remain the single moving force within our consciousness, the Ego (the guardian of individuality) will eventually win. How will you respond if someone enters your home and wrecks it? Will you forgive them instantly because of your deep compassion for their enormous insecurities in life? - because you know that there is no loss when you can draw abundantly from God again. You will be able to do this when you have become fully at one with God. How will you respond if someone slander you in public and try to destroy your good name? Will you be able to smile lovingly, peacefully and sincerely bless that person? You will when you enter the KINGDOM of HEAVEN because there will no longer be any Ego in you to resist any denigration. You will see the denigrator clearly and you will understand the impulse which impels you to harm another. Even more, your good name will no longer matter. You will be joyously in harmony with God and that will open vistas of such ecstatic living which will reveal all lesser things to be of no account - mere negative illusions. Can you bear to have your little inadequacies pointed out to you and accept them without needing to pull the cloak of protection around you - the cloak of explanations and excuses? The more you can overpower the Ego (the guardian of individuality), the less will your inadequacies bother you. You will accept correction with grace and love and will make up your mind to do everything right. That is true spiritual evolution. Only the mindset of one who has conscientiously worked through the full process of cleansing their consciousness, and constantly call on God for help to become the embodiment of compassionate love, will be able to co-create - yes - co-create the kind of existence they will dearly love to experience on earth. Do you realize how many people there are throughout the world who imagine they have found and practice unconditional love and yet they are ever on the look-out for other people who do not measure up to their standards of behavior and are exhilarated and happy to judge or chastise them? How can such a mind create the Kingdom of Heaven? A spider spins its web. We spin our environment, health and well-being in our minds with our desires, our intentions and our purposes. This is NOT a process of judgement, you must understand - this is purely a statement of the reality within electromagnetic energies. This is the truth. Until you fully acknowledge this and decide to seek conscious union with God at all times, - the Kingdom of Heaven will escape you. When you have embodied the transcendent glory of love and compassion within your consciousness, when your consciousness is at rest, peaceful, without the least stain of criticism and rejection of any kind of otherness, you will indeed become a member of the Kingdom of God.>> <<@lucianseekinglove says : Ok, but if God is omnipotent, why are there only two choices? Why doesn't God allow every being who wants to be autonomous and live their life independent of Him to do so without suffering any other repercussions except for the consequences of their actions? Why is it "be in Heaven worshipping God" or "be in hell being uncomfortable or tortured or whatever"? Why aren't there other options?>> <<@drumrnva says : No clearly thinking person would be comfortable in the usual visualization of heaven.>> <<@kurtgundy says : I thought it was CS Lewis who said the Gates of hell are locked from the inside. If that's correct I'm surprised Frank didn't know that.>> <<@bytesizedbible says : I struggle with this point of view. We know that Jesus said that some will say "Lord, Lord" but Jesus will send them away. God casts people out of His presence. So unless we have a translation issue from the Greek, it seems that not all want to leave. And all will be cast out from the presence of God. So how can we say that all don't want to be with Him? We can speculate that they want the goodness but not Jesus but I don't see that in the scriptures. Also why say Lord if they hate Jesus or don't want to be near Him? I understand the parable is about works mainly but the wording matters. They wanted to stay with God but were cast out. How do we deal with that one? Any help would be appreciated. Blessings in Christ>> <<@MrSpiritchild says : It's not a good analogy, the people that are repulsed by God are not repulsed by God, they are repulsed by their perception of God and don't know him at all. My belief, and I admit this is subjective, is while many are called but few chosen, is because if we come into the promise with an incorrect perspective, we become a danger to his people. Example. imagine God had let those in the wilderness come into the promised land even though they were gossips, back biters, doubters and fearful.>> <<@JamesRichardWiley says : In his own words Heaven is ruled over by a mass murdering, schizophrenic dictator who is sorry he made us. Why would I want to go there? All those artist depictions of a glorious world of endless love and devotion filled with angels and saints have nothing to do with the biblical god Yahweh and everything to do with human, desire based imagination. When you die you no longer experience anything.>> <<@sally0404 says : I think a better perspective would be using the analogy in father-child terms when a child is grown and can make their own decisions. There is a period of time that society deems a child an adult (18 years old in United States) but an 18 year old can still make many bad decisions that are not in their best interest. At this point, the father has very little say in what the 18 year old does. The father may still know what’s best for that child but has to allow the child to make his own decisions and hope that he freely chooses what the father already knows is best. The father continues to love his child even when the child may reject the father’s guidance. The child doesn’t always come back around and choose wisely, but the father never gives up hope that one day the child will come back to the right path. I hope this makes sense.>> <<@avi8r66 says : Sorry, but per the story God made the rules and the system. Only a monster would set up a system that is "Either you figure out how to worship me just right or you roast in hell for eternity. And I am not going to give you any worthwhile reason to believe these very obviously hard to believe claims." That's monstrous. And this is why the bible falls apart for those who actually comprehend what it says, not through some twisted interpretation of the words in the book but through a simple face value reading, it falls apart. You have a God that claims to want us humans to join him in heaven, and that he loves us, but this monstrous system is what it came up with. Making God look like the good guy in this story is why we have apologists, it takes linguistic gymnasts to twist them in ways that obfuscate the actual words in the book.>> <<@ajgibson1307 says : God bless and Amen>> <<@michelangelope830 says : Would you please stop repeating “Jesus loves you”, “mashallah”, “who created god?” like a brainwashed mindless robot for one moment? Would you please listen to me because I may know something that you don’t? I was religious and atheist and I escaped out of the cults inmune to arguments that harm innocent and vulnerable children being honest. Is it possible to be wrong? Is it possible to believe it is impossible to be wrong believing? The question “does God exist?” means “does the creator of the creation exist?” and doesn’t mean “does the religious god exist?”. If you ask atheists to define God, creation, explain the theological arguments or why the universe can not be eternal they would not know because the cult wants you ignorant believing in the impossible to hurt you. Future generations would not believe if the evidence was destroyed that atheists with unchangeable minds didn’t even know that God is the creator of the creation, and the proof is that they ask to prove that the first uncaused cause that the kalam cosmological argument talks about is God, when God is whatever created the creation by definition!. Creation is what has a beginning of existence or is not eternal, like for example yourself, and atheists remark nonsensically “you assume the creation” that means “you assume I exist”. Atheists would not be able to prove their own existence to themselves if the conclusion is that God exists and the fools lose their own addicted children believing that gambling causes a brain disease without questions asked! Is it possible or impossible a reality where everything is created or caused? Then why atheists remark nonsensically “who created god?” if not because when the conclusion is not wanted the arguments don’t count? It is impossible the existence of an infinite sequence of causes and effects therefore a first uncaused cause must exist. God is intelligent because created inteligence and everything else from eternal existence uncaused. Regardless of when the creation was created an eternity existed God. God is a reality of an infinite nature that created a reality of a finite nature, and all is one reality. Atheism is a logical fallacy that assumes God is the religious idea of the creator of the creation to conclude wrongly that no creator exists because a particular idea of God doesn’t exist. The atheist logical fallacy would test your IQ and the error in reasoning is easy to understand being honest and impossible lying to oneself. To end the war in Ukraine the discovery that atheism is a logical fallacy needs to be news. Liars intended to hurt others made up gods that coincide in their concept with who is claimed to be the true god that loves you. Is it possible to understand the unintelligible and nonsensical religious texts if my point is not understood? How is it possible that charlatan prophets intended to deceive others that made up the concept of a personal god that listens to prayers, interferes with reality doing miracles and demands obedience and sacrifice under threat of eternal torture for the empty promise of eternal happiness guessed right the concept of the true god that is claimed to love you? Who benefits praying 5 times a day like muslims have to do? Life is not a joke that was created from nothing like atheists believe and there are eternal serious consequences for being wrong living unethically hurting God’s Creation blinded by victimism fulfilling the valley of tears religious prophecy like religious people and atheists do because God can not be deceived and all would know all in perfect justice because all is all, all is God, all is Time and Space transforming.>> <<@Kyle-qf5zc says : You can be damned and uncomfortable, or you can be saved in the presence of Skillet.>> <<@jonyivre4541 says : It's like the song "Who wants to live forever" (Queen).>> <<@TyehimbaJahsi says : Whenever someone quotes CS Lewis "The gates of hell are locked from the inside", I remind them of three things: 1) The actual Bible itself says no such thing. 2) Jesus says HE has the keys of hell and death! 3) Not a single one of the four original language words that got translated into "Hell", actually means what comes to your mind when you picture "Hell". Not one!>> <<@TyehimbaJahsi says : I have to disagree. No one - IN THEIR RIGHT MIND - wants to go to a place of eternal conscious torment instead of a place of eternal bliss. Which means the kind of mind that would "choose hell" is precisely the kind of mind that is not "free", not "right", and therefore bound. Would a God of infinite love, infinite goodness, infinite wisdom, and infinite power allow a weak, finite, deceived and darkened mind to make such an infinitely irreversible choice? A two-year old child has a limited degree of "freewill". But what GOOD parent would allow that two-year old child to exercise their little "freewill" to play in the middle of the street, and then justify it by claiming that "love" demands that they be allowed to do so without my intervention? No good parent I know!>> <<@rkol2729 says : If God is good and you dont want God, then you are saying you dont want to live up to the standard of Gods goodness. Then you are saying that you love evil. Thus, the opposite of goodness awaits your fate.>> <<@lightofeloah5919 says : That example isn’t that great. Yes Skillet is subjective as to who likes them, but heaven is objectively good no matter who enters it. It is a vast place of unimaginable beauty, wonder, joy and bliss. Any wish is fulfilled there. So God forcing everyone into heaven 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 be good because heaven is objectively good. Heaven literally has no problems in it, only pleasure.>> <<@tomiou6332 says : I have this understanding of the topic: You have free will. If you dont want to be with God He accepts it and don't forces Himself on you. Being in a state of grace is crucial to go to heaven. Since God hates sin how can one possibly be around God while still being in the state of (mortal) sin? I think even the sinner (with all his dirt and wickedness) prefers being in hell so he don't have to be in Gods presence. Thats why it is said that God don't send people to hell but they chose it.>> <<@danielwilkinson1024 says : Frank does a good response, but I still think there should have been a correction, it has been said so many times that people take it as a correct/truthful statement. 0:04 "Why would God send someone to hell?" God does not send them to hell, because He has made a way for them not to go. *They choose themselves to go to hell.* If you are given 2 options and can see clearly what those options are, then it is no fault of The Giver of the options if they poorly choose the worse one of the 2.>> <<@catherinequake2621 says : Sorry guys God doesn't punish people, before He discipline people He will tell them to stop sining and repent of their sins. But people chose to be stubborn not want to listen to repent of their sins 👉 keep worshiping idols, worship the dead, man has sex with men, woman sells their body like nobody business - sex with men or sex with women. ( married man having an affair and woman too) lying and cheating, scam people, killing people (bombing and gun shooting) .......pickpockets, stealing, disrepect elderly people and parents etc....smoking, drinking get drunk rape woman, beat woman, put drug into the lady drink bad motive....and kill babies. God is holy, love, patience, knowning and forgiving....He gives people chance to repent but non listen to Him so He has to do what He thinks is best. So who are we to question God/Potter. We are clay, always remember that children have to obey parents and God. God has the power to wipe you off the earth. No question ask because He has the right to do because He is The Creator....Everythings on earth belongs to him include you too. Who fault now...People or God.. Please admit your fault before pointing finger at others. God is always not to be blamed for your action. He gives you freewill. Take care and stay safe My comment is not a suggestion or debate.>> <<@weirdwilliam8500 says : If it’s full of devout Christians, and the god described in the Bible, heaven does sound pretty awful. Hell would be full of free thinkers, artists, inventors, scientists, and subversive poets. Heck, the scientists have probably already set up air conditioning down there. Sounds wonderful and engaging. If hell is separation from god, aren’t I already separated from god in this life, as an atheist? So hell would basically be more of this life that I love an enjoy, but even better because there would be no obnoxious Christians around trying to take away rights or model toxic love? Sounds heavenly. 😂>> <<@amalrajxavier says : 💙 from India. I like ray comfort, frank turek, jeff durbin, billy graham, bob speakers corner, john lennox...>> <<@hiddenrambo328 says : It is a parent child relationship but the child is an Adult and when it comes to those relationships it is the same as pursuing any other person the Adult child has autonomy they can make their own choices and if they choose to reject God their "parent" than they can, people have this exact issue come up with adult children addicted to drugs you hold an intervention you try to direct them but at a certain point you must disengage and step back they have rejected you they have made their choice and that won't change until they are ready. Our life here in now is our opportunity to turn to God but there is a dead line when that will not be an option anymore and by that point if we are not with God we are against God.>> <<@NativeWarrior081 says : Good parents exhibit more compassion and love than what is commonly attributed to God. For instance, if a parent observes their one-year-old crawling on the floor and picking up something to put in their mouth, they would intervene promptly to prevent the child from choking. However, in a similar situation where the parent is absent, God would allow the child to potentially choke, as if to derive pleasure from the parents' suffering. Likewise, if a parent becomes aware that their child is about to invest their entire life savings into a scam, they would intervene to protect their child's financial and mental well-being. On the other hand, it is believed that God would permit the child to fall victim to the scam, seemingly preferring the child's financial suffering, and mental mental decline over their prosperity. Considering that God possesses omniscience and omnipotence, it is within His capabilities to prevent unfortunate events. For example, in the case of the one-year-old baby, God could have intervened to prevent the child from putting the object in their mouth. Similarly, in the scenario involving the scam, God could have prevented the scammer from entering the person's life, knowing well in advance that the individual was fraudulent. However, God apparently allows such events to unfold, suggesting a preference for human suffering rather than prosperity. If God believes suffering leads people towards him, it's certainly have the opposite effect!>> <<@adamfleder2175 says : Maybe they are repulsed by the idea of spending eternity with people who hate others to such an extent.>> <<@tzeffsmainchannel says : People who are "repulsed by god" (like satanists) are pure evil people! Untill they realize their own *ignorance!* Because most people, even (most) satanists, love animals and nature! And they don't know they will miss these if they refuse *God's grace* which grants them eternal life!>>