<<@filmeseverin says : In brief, the Creator of this world (God/Divinity) exists because this reality, with us into it, is not the result of nothing, or the result of no intelligence, because *from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes.* That is why atheists renounce to elementary logic and to simple rationality intentionally when they believe that this reality has always existed without any intelligence involved. *God is not bounded by what He has created,* but atheists, in their superficiality, do not want to recognize their limitations. For example, science will never be able to really know, at least, what a photon is (the magnification process being infinite). Regarding the Creator of this reality (the nature of God etc.), our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them (comparison mentioned in the Bible), but *we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to see God and what He expects from us.* Therefore, those wise enough understand that *God is not bounded by time (not being bounded by what He has created), respectively He is eternal, always existed, which means that He was not created,* but atheists ignore, also, the other fact already mentioned by me about the nature of God that *our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them". Anyway, they have no excuse because we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to understand.*>> <<@whatisgoingonherebruh1 says : Notice how his closing remarks are premade with "its clear there were no reasons against god given".... he wrote that... before the debate... Religious ppl are a freaking pest on this world.>> <<@404ytc says : It doesn't exist for me>> <<@tenmiltenmil1770 says : 26:57 Now , I have to stop here ! This man knows nothing and has NO FACTS ! If there were I god , which i know there isn’t , then why create a world full of chaos havoc confusion distruction disorder disease plagues infection viruses germs tsunamis hurricanes cyclones tornados landslides fleas ticks mosquitoes and all kinds of human filth and wars and humans who were barbaric and created stories to explain such thing as rain or thunderstorms and so forth ! God Is a figment of the imaginations of people that have no intelligence and no real answers ! You will never find proof of god or gods because he/ she/ it , DOES NOT EXIST ! Supposedly he destroyed the Tower of Babel because they tried to reach the heavens , he never did that because there is no oxygen up there and they would have died anyway ! How come he hasn’t destroyed us and we have gone way into outer space ! Another simple thing is , if this so called son of god loved us so much and he cured leprosy and other illnesses , why didn’t he teach the people the cures ! 👎👎👎😡😡😡>> <<@marybuford9591 says : Omg! Ever live around people , thieves that always have an eye out to steal? Someone is murdered everyday? Its absolute animal hell. 🤮>> <<@thenugwhisperer says : When you believe thousands of years ago, a guy expelled literal demons out of a person, cast them on to pigs, then the pigs drowned themselves in the sea.>> <<@zozox2 says : It’s sad how many people have lived and will live a lifetime without the freedom and the sweetness of freethinking and questioning! don’t limit your mind think think think!>> <<@achsooook says : men most humans are really trippin>> <<@CDCLLC2023 says : Craig sounds like the same ol, same ol. Hitchings, on the other hand, sounds sane.>> <<@daweshorizon says : Possibly God exists. But which one? Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God apparently, but each of the afore-mentioned groups seem to be intent on destroying each other. God is fighting God. Am I being stupid here? Quite possibly. I'm off to say a prayer for Odin and sacrifice some lambs for some other obscure figment of the imagination. Take care of each other. Love and peace.>> <<@definitelynotthequestion5359 says : Thank God i am an atheist.>> <<@LitCentralMillennialXLIII says : Hitchens is incredible.>> <<@corybeaver7562 says : What's the central topic for debate here? It's the existence or non-existence of God, right? With that in mind, is there not a burden of proof for each worldview? If not, aren't the stances unbalanced in their validity? Really interesting that one view provides logical and evidential bases and the other does not. Just my two cents. Really neat that this event was held and that we can re-watch it today.>> <<@mrhassell says : No. You're welcome. Next question?>> <<@chorchonga2118 says : Mr. Craig’s conclusion is the same thing that Mormon missionaries say about belief in God. I wonder why he despises them so much.>> <<@seninieves8211 says : Everyone saying Craig doesn’t make sense and his arguments are futile… then go debate him>> <<@marybuford9591 says : Hitchens is a child. Children think in concrete terms and not abstract. He lives in a box of 5 senses. RIP. He's kind and civilized so not to worry. Christianity is a prescription for the illness of hells. 10 simple laws and 6 of them are simple concrete laws so stunning as -- don't kill people. The closest other religion is the 8 fold path of Buddhism. Basic 8 laws. Buddha was a prince and after death he went to hell like everyone. His answer were a few civil laws. Jesus indeed heals people after death unlike Buddha. Nothing worse than a criminal tank. For that think they are alone, you aren't. God is always with you. You take god with you into what is worse and what is best. Find comfort in that. The purpose of life is to get out of hell. Stay away from 3rd worlds. If you can't escape the laws will do until rescued. Rescue may not come until after death. The Roman empire was utter barbarians.>> <<@filmeseverin says : Those who deny Divinity renounce to elementary logic intentionally, while the following simple reasoning is proving God's existence: *This reality, with us into it, is not the result of nothing, or the result of no intelligence, because from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes.* Furthermore, while all what we are asked by the Creator is to love (strive for) perfection (wisdom / goodness / justice / pure love...), only those who want to use freedom for evil are opposing to God/Jesus. *_"Be perfect therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect"_* Matthew 5, 48 Unfortunately, too many people have refused over history, and too many still refuse nowadays, to follow this.>> <<@DavidWilliams-rk1nq says : I told my 10year old kid with all seriousness that my brand new Acura was made by nothing and just came into existence . It just appeared on our driveway from thin air and that its design had no designer. My 10 yr old thought I was losing my mind and would not believe me no matter how seriously I tried to convince him. It is therefore baffling to me that atheists, smart or dumb say that this complex universe just popped into existence from nothing. Truth be told, atheists don’t want their to be a God or a creator that holds them responsible. In my opinion , I would follow what the bible says, do not cast your pearls before swine. Talk to people who are searching for meaning not to egg heads who don’t have anything to offer but ridicule>> <<@robertroberson1720 says : I've been depressed all my life until I started watching Hitchens. He had a realistic point of view to me. Same with George Carlin>> <<@marybuford9591 says : Absent God. Why? Don't know. Mr. Craig, why do you call it the last supper and not the last passover? Are you unaware Jesus Christ was celebrating passover in Jerusalem? Most likely it's about unfinished lives. If you die in a war God repairs you and you finish living your life. Make it good, helpful. The laws are simple. Doesn't Jesus say you're blind? Doesn't it say they walk around on earth? Doesn't it say people are made in gods image? Some of the people you see aren't people at all. Hell is a real place, Hitchens of Oxford univ. It's being dropped from a first world into a 3rd world or worse. Death of the soul is superior, 🍌 boy. RIP Christians, it's the last passover. They're civil laws. The afterlife is hell for everyone because people are incapable of following 5 or 6 simple civil laws. At the time of christ the world was all hell if you actually think christ saved the world. The laws are a cure for hell. People are incapable of following them and a horrible religion arises where sinners are killed and maimed. You are your own saviors. Stay away from 3rd worlds, ignorant worlds. They have their own evolution. Yes, Hitchens is incorrect but so too are magical religions. It isn't magic for angels to be good or demons to be bad. It's just what they do. They serve humans. If the humans are lawless then they are. It's not magic. Done>> <<@Zomboo says : He seems to ignore the split between the Old and New Covenants. Circumcision is of the heart, not the flesh, by New Covenant etandards. It's not Christian culture that has kept circumcision going as a standard in the West. It is the culture that is acting as if the sacrifice of Jesus was not sufficient, which is distinctly not Christian.>> <<@at1970 says : Somebody tell Craig that atheists simple say there is no evidence that any god exists therefore they don’t believe. If it helps most atheists don’t believe in Santa clause or the Easter bunny for the same reason.>> <<@gary6137 says : I have seen no proof tonight that Santa Claus doesn’t exist.>> <<@user-jt8xw6fd1v says : Christopher Hitchens at: 33:32 1:06:40 1:19:57 1:40:25 1:54:06>> <<@ethanmanley3341 says : These comments are so bias, I know it’s impossible to make a choice without bias BUT Craig is right in the fact that Christopher couldn’t make an argument that there isn’t a God but only the belief in a doubt of a God>> <<@marybuford9591 says : Christianity if read correctly is truly great. In fact, amazing. Moral laws create civilization. Who are people actually? Envious, lying, thieving adulterous murderers who'll work people to death 7/24 . If that weren't true no law would be needed. Hitchens is culturally Christian. It's the only reason he knows it. Mr. Hitchens is caught in his 5 senses. How's his telepathy. There is no evidence you're actually thinking. Therfore, you aren't. The OT is a historical record of battles and places and events of a tribe of people. They noted coincidences and repetitions. Craig is just dogma. YHWH is a phrase not a name. Yes, there are creators of universes. Yes, some are great and others not and yes, there are really creatures that only appear to be humans and are not. Quite incredible. Too bad... Hitchens is like a child and lives in a concrete world. Having babies in hell is the greatest tragedy in my opinion. Tragic. Hell is a place of sub human creatures who'll break your legs, murder, rob just for money. Psychopaths let loose. Gbye>> <<@samuelavalos5096 says : Den of lambs … meaning the have no chance against the mean big wolf hitchings…. Specially if only one lamb is the only one fighting for everyone..>> <<@nexlevelsounds says : Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs I like Hitchens I see he is very intelligent. Personally I believe and always will in a God a non religious one but I also believe that he does not care for us nor is he "present" as some say nor does he listen to us and matter of fact prayers do not work they absolutely are a waste of time so one can say we don't know how to pray well that's bullshit because a "loving" God would not impose upon us such a mystery that we must solve meanwhile people are having cancer, war, rape, killings and death I think if God gave a shit about the many issue abound on this planet + if he was truly an loving God = he would never allow any of it we would have perfect harmony period. Do absent Father's love their children? Maybe but they are none the less absent Fathers so don't blame us for a missing component in our beliefs you should blame God for being missing altogether cause I haven't seen him anywhere. I Know he exists I also know he does not listen or care.>> <<@citizenghosttown says : The honest case for Christian theism is this: "It may not be rational, but I believe it anyway because it gives me hope and makes my life better". If a Christian apologist made THAT case, I could at least respect the honesty -- as opposed to Craig's sophistry and sleazy salesmanship.>> <<@kevincasson9848 says : You just know that Craig was, brow beaten,, brainwashed, indoctrinated and battered into believing in a christian " sky daddy" from birth..Pure child abuse😢😢😢😢>> <<@GWConsultant says : At 2:05:00 first time I am disappointed in the response by Dr. Craig. Who doesn’t love, doesn’t KNOW GOD (1 Jn 4:8). The fulfillment of lifes of Christians is to learn from God how to love unselfishly. Despite GOD is a person, Creator of the Universe, He is a spirit that can indwell humans, and He chooses to indwell (Jn 14:23) only those poeple who willingly choose to invite God into their life as the Lord. So joy and good will of God is to indwell us and to love through us while we retain our freedom of choice, and as a result — we as creatures are beneficiaries, but God’s joy is to exercise His character through men who are made in God’s image. How is it a dictatorship? This is a marvelous proposal by God to mankind! And even more — if we choose Him and strive to learn loving, the outcome for us is the life eternal (Jn 17:3). Dr.Craig, the salvation is not legalistic, love is not algorithmic, the truth is a person. Amen>> <<@filmeseverin says : In brief, the Creator of this world (God/Divinity) exists because this reality, with us into it, is not the result of nothing, or the result of no intelligence, because *from no intelligence involved, no intelligence comes.* That is why atheists renounce to elementary logic and to simple rationality intentionally when they believe that this reality has always existed without any intelligence involved. *God is not bounded by what He has created,* but atheists, in their superficiality, do not want to recognize their limitations. For example, science will never be able to really know, at least, what a photon is (the magnification process being infinite). Regarding the Creator of this reality (the nature of God etc.), our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them (comparison mentioned in the Bible), but *we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to see God and what He expects from us.* Therefore, those wise enough understand that *God is not bounded by time (not being bounded by what He has created), respectively He is eternal, always existed, which means that He was not created,* but atheists ignore, also, the other fact already mentioned by me about the nature of God that *our power of comprehension will always be like how much the cups can think to understand the man who made them". Anyway, they have no excuse because we have Jesus Christ, the human form of Divinity, to be able to understand.*>> <<@topgunaudio7983 says : Craig wouldn't recognise a sound argument if it slapped him round the platform, as he ably demonstrated.>> <<@blahtime99 says : Craig's closing statement is horrifying. He wants the world to go back to a theocracy.>> <<@blahtime99 says : Craig says atheists have to presuppose a world in which god...all while Craig himself is presupposing god. Craig's hypocrisy is astounding. He's more proud than he is dumb, which is quite a feat.>> <<@El_Bruno7510 says : No idea who "bquick" is but I got two replies challenging me to provide 'stuff' that were apparently deleted before I could respond. Nice challenge theist!>> <<@odetafecani1614 says : This debate is too messy and the topic of debate should be theism vs atheism. Not different religions or denominations etc., simply because it would take much more time, deliberation and expertise in the Christian revelation, which the speakers might not have, especially Hitchens. Like you’d have to teach him catechism first>> <<@nkanenkulua6059 says : Ash the g truth>> <<@El_Bruno7510 says : WLC's "The Fine Tuning Argument debunked by a Jar of Beans" Skydive Phil. This highlights the sophistry of the fine tuning argument.>> <<@ianriot1578 says : Boooooooooring>> <<@amun-ra2509 says : Our boy Craig got destroyed>> <<@zdrawex says : mr hitchens blink twice if its hot there right now>> <<@mattwilliams-yo8yb says : Philosophistry yet again>> <<@tehspamgozehere says : I keep hearing WLC was a better speaker before he became Low Bar Bill and started trying to say killing infants and children was a good thing for them. This must have been a bad day for him then. He starts by saying nothing infinite can exist, and therefore an infinite personal god must exist. After that he claims that Hitchens needs to prove god doesn't exist. Hitch says he doesn't. WLC says "Yes you do!" Hitch says "No I don't, and you even said that in your book." WLC then continues to say "Yes you do! Yes you do!" and finishes with "Hah! He didn't!" That isn't an argument. That's playground level politics and posturing. Surely we can do better than that. Admittedly this exchange didn't feature the usual issues when debating Hitchens, which seem to mostly be to somehow have his mic turned to a lower volume than a shoutyman, and for a shoutyman to attack Hitch directly instead of his argument. So that's a point in favour, but this was still dissapointing to watch.>> <<@jameskeating4719 says : Watching in 2024>> <<@Vincent-fo7xp says : Jesus Christ and his father and heaven both endorsed slavery. They are immoral.. end of debate.>> <<@James-wv3hx says : When I was 4 years old and heard about a talking snake I knew it was a scam.>> <<@Mrz-sb1hw says : Hubble bubble l am trouble.>> <<@wantAvote says : Bill Craig gives me good reason to hope there is no supreme deity.>>