<<@Deeejayy520 says : Why didn't the speak against russia?>> <<@jmacomstec5512 says : Call a spade a spade, what makes him different from other illegal occupiers>> <<@TiteTrax says : Remember, it's NOT South Africa who stood up to the Israelis under the pink-skin devil Netanyahu. It's the BLACK South Africans who stood up. The pink-skins of South Africa did NOT vote to close down the embassy. The world is going to eventually find out that BLACK PEOPLE are the best people to be in rulership positions on the Earth for the benefit of ALL people. THIS is why all peoples look to us for support whenever they are mistreated or TERRORIZED by pink-skins or Arabs or Asians or ANY OTHER PEOPLE GROUPS.>> <<@Kikongolessons says : Zack I appreciate the work youโ€™re doing>> <<@JustthepointJTP says : Satanyawho>> <<@johndondorp83 says : after oisrael being attacked it has the right to defend itself --as you may very wel as intelectual person the mahdi the fals saviour can not come back until al jews are dead You deny the fact al middle east was 20% chrsitian and now no more than 5% M eworked hospital together with 15 nort afrikans I spend 2 months in marocco visiting 26 house churches al of them balack afrikan who commanded me to walk on the street Al opof them had 5 scars al of tehem most of tehm much stronger build than al have in average about 5 scars from knifes attack You do --that is what i believe no experiences living as christian among moslims I love m,maroc biud my experience is very bad I personaly spoke with a very much until nearly-blind beaten christian-couple beaten and organised car-accidents by the maroc military I pakistan iran egypt maroc i was face to face with the sharia I walked through Cairo with a white shirt with a stich of the grSHOPPER 30 DAY THROUHOUT AL CAIRO WHEN I RETURNED NETHERLAND I SAW THE BIGGEST GRASHOPPERPLAGUE ON THE INTERNET IN 60 YEARS IN cAIR tHAT IS MY JESUS bEFORE I WENT CAIRO I WROTE THE EGYPT EMBASSIES OIF KIDNAPING CHRISTIAN WOMAN KEEPS going on justice wil come from the lord by nature and so did it happen!!! There is a book that says jews are les thn dogshit!! I am not a jew bud if i would be i would never negociate with them as normal people because they live in dreams a man born mekka 560 a city according scientist not on any geograpic map until 750/800 grown up among olivetrees according scientis historiens never existed in saoediarabie map u Al middeterian see bottom is covered with ship brought down by ottoman estmated 350 million deads by ottoman make ottoman nation the most criminal in the world Are ther 45000 people killed in gaza??? Yes if i am able to curse i wil I curse davos with godsjudghement He makes angels turn into stormwinds as psalms say over 10 times when xie planes fly near taiwan i ordered the Lords angels turn into stormwind in order taiwan will not be invaded when i got to know caroline state and queenland was 2013 involved in corona pandemy exercise i commanded rainclouds over those bilgates satanic states within weeks they were drowned When reading about kidnapped children in brits columbia i wrotehighcourt and canada ambassies your evil saytanis act rebuilding children against teh wil of the parent has caused cars and housses turn into boots and fishes whish happened within 2,5 week it was shown on the internet a 3 fllor-wood huse taken away by a rain-water-river What a hypocrite critising israel defending itself While he himself is pushing canadian rooflees to make a painles suicide by a electronic painles cofin May god open the yellowstone quicly amen amen blessed be the name of jesus al moslim moslim stand up against israel because it seemd to be believed that for every jew you kill are in heaven waiting 72 woman with full breast People who believe such things i prefere to ignore How is life in nigeria for the christians I know many nigerians me is white and only go black churches because black pasters love to pray with long fasting even for 20 days or longer god bless them with great miracles!!! I have anough of certain nation So i want you to know that i personaly believe istanbul who said wil invadse israel has about the worsed cathastrophe in history so kuwait qatar saoediarabie and tukey al heavily drowned you watch the curses wil come to trudeau country because of trudeau predency Watch godsjudgement coming to france ---brouhgt up with heel i fasted 1972--1984 3 day weekly By this god has placed a heavy anointing of the holyspirit on my life Could i be responsable all those nations who want wipe op israel --qatar kuwait dubai turkey jordan are suufering heavy big hailstones as never before!!! I am responsable Because i visit the most powerful black churches in the world redeem christ ambassy in london/warswa/budapest the attackedchuch in jeruzalem kingofkings It is said that the dutch drugs problem maroc people are highly involved Again i tell i visited 26 maroc house churches al blacks in maroc hvae been attcked I do not advise black christians go to nort afrika I got apartment for one month by the help of a nigerian Only black afrkan christian who feel strongly supported and sustained by the HolySpirit can maintain living there Caused by what i have seen i confronted a group of military with their actions that if there is a god in heaven then they wil be rewarded in a negative way for their evil deeds One guy problem he was black trown in maroc before the train i am very happy afrika kicks out amerikans and france whose leaders are notting else than klausSchwab agents God may punish them al cursed be davos in the na,e of jesus christ cursed be seattlemedina in the name of jesus christ cursed be bohemia-grooves-molech-area cursed be holywood cursed be cern were they play with 7 miljard human lifes creating black holes thanks god judgement comes to prostitute nation santodomingo thanks god for helping macron destroy france econmy by opening activating the dead vulkan of the auvergne thank you jesus for actvating the yellowstone by which you will bring judgement to the messon city given inrituels under protection of satanic beings fallenangels homerus issis and asiris and therefore has been longtime amerikan people to know there so called christian leaders were satanic involved The HolySpirit makes me cry because i know that washingtonDcand the caPITOL BUILDING WILL HIGHLT POSSIBLE DISSAPPEAR FROM THEMap THOUSEND ARE BEHEADEd WERE BEHEADED BY FALSE ACCUSATION IN MEKKA let judgement come to mekka as it takes place now and even worse souitafrika lady al moslim nation must open their border for jesus christ especialy churches as christ ambasy Otherwise they wil gey drowned as happen now wit al alla akbar nations qatar dubai mekka turkey God is rewarding turkey for wat it recently did to the armenians They simply get the reward they earn!!!>> <<@SinotaphMusic says : African leaders should focus on the problems that Africans are facing in Africa and stop gaining popularity with foreign countries. Africans, mainly children are dying of hunger in several African countries (e.g. Congo & Southern Sudan, etc) and the mainstream media is not even bothered in reporting these issues because they are not important to the world. Stop supporting racists who never hesitate in making Africans suffer. Face the problems Africans are facing head on and forget about racist slave traders. The more you support them more they see you for the fools you are. To them you are nothing but confused baboons who are failing their own. Let them deal with their own problems and focus on making Africa great. Those racists will never change against Africans. Stop fooling yourselves. Decades and centuries have gone by and yet racism against blacks still exists and is getting worse. They will always stab you on the back and steal African resources while its people suffer (thanks to the greedy spineless African puppet leaders). There is no light at the end of the tunnel and it will stay that way until a miracle happens. If you want to change the world start with yourselves. Start with Africa. Being a big mouth about non-African issues only shows how much of a BABOON you are to them.>> <<@snc8537 says : What about the Congo Zack? Your handlers busy raping that region. Well done South Africa. Powerful psychopaths ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ think they can distort truths. God and the Gods are watching.>> <<@robgoogle1364 says : I am so proud of you for speaking up>> <<@blackwolf9389 says : Arrest from the world also his arrest waiting from his People to . Bibi is a thief ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@outsiderfrancis5979 says : Those who are critical of Israel are those who still have humanity in them and are not controlled by Zionists. It has nothing to do with being antisemite.>> <<@enricodipasquale5320 says : Who the hell do you think you are to ask for the Israely leader to be arrested. What about Putin ? Just goes to show what double standards the ANC applies. There is one hell of a difference between Russian Ukraine war and the Isreal Hamas war. Russian aggression against Ukraine iwar Russia is the perpetrators Israel was attacked by Hamas a terrorist group. Who gave Hamas the Wright to attack Israel ? Get your facts straight before making such a statement. Anyway who are you and gives you the Wright to ask for Israel's leaders arrest ? Stop interfering in matters that don't concern you. Who was agaist the warrent of arrest issued for Putin? Goes to show that the ANC shouldn't be governing our country.>> <<@enyad7589 says : strong black african woman...lioness! where are the african lions? lazy and sleeping as usual! morality is the heart of the african essence...the origin of humanity begins in blackness...the very thing africans are hated for...to be african is to be in harmony with nature...others seem to be the antithesis of life and nature...no wonder they roam the earth seeking to kill and destroy everything that is natural and human.>> <<@enyad7589 says : What a powerful woman. She puts to shame all the pretenders and war mongers and evil greedy capitalists. If only all the leaders of the world shares these ideals. Its mind boggling how one human being can look at another human being and thinks that human being is less than he or she is. Its mind boggling how one human being can see another human being with his possession and take it away from him without remorse and claims it for himself. Not even to say share it, but to take it away completely. What do the Israelites, the English, the white Americans, The White Australians, The Boers, The Europeans have in common?>> <<@SriOrshu says : She is fantastic.>> <<@ZroMTHZroHRS90SecondsEYES9 says : ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธโœŠ๐ŸฝโœŠ๐ŸผโœŠ๐ŸปโœŠ๐ŸพโœŠ๐ŸฟโœŠ๏ธ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete. *For now, YouTube still allows me to post this text, so that's what I'm going to post. Censorship is getting worse and worse>> <<@kimhart5037 says : I agree ๐Ÿ’ฏ we all so shouldn't stop speaking out about the Congo ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ’”>> <<@croesusdelta231 says : It is about time this was said by somebody and not just said but acted on. For far, far too long the western cultures, their created by products like Israel and their allies, have perpetrated this grotesque double standard which allows them to go into any other country, territory or region of the world, reek havoc, commit countless atrocities and crimes against humanity with no accountability, no repercussions, no punishment, no retribution. Time and time and time again we see this occur. If this were a just world, the Hague would be filled with US and western leaders. The US, Britain, France, now Israel all guilty of historically documented war crimes and crimes against humanity, but none of them held to account. We all hear the decree pronounced loudly from their cleverly constructed "democratic" administrations, NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Of course they mean you, not them. Because they certainly are above the law or in the very least able to escape it. Until this changes, until the real tyrants of this world are held to account, there will ever be strife, turmoil, war and suffering. Because these are the elements on which they feed, on which they thrive. The suffering of others. The exploitation of others. The destruction of others. NATO and the US cannot conceive of an entity on earth that could do to them what they did to Libya. For no reason. Just because they could and they knew there would be no accountability. Not for the first time. In fact it has become very much a part of western culture, to be able to destroy any country they like when and if they feel like it. That today, right now is the way of it. Will there now be a new day? Perhaps, we shall see.>> <<@thetwosticks2479 says : None of you are listening to the contradictions. As an African man born in Jamaica I say wake up. These people are all a part of the system and know exactly what to say. The world is a stage. So on one hand Israel is occupying Palestinian land but they have the right to exist as a state along side the Palestinians. How is this so? By their own mouths its not their land. Yeah. Liars and they are counting on you not paying attention. The fight of the Palestinians is that those people took our land and called it theirs. WAKE UP FAMILY!!>> <<@livingstonejoseph3456 says : See another black fool. Who will arrest Natanyahu? A black ICC or Interpol>> <<@suesue9578 says : Iโ€™m so proud her dr Naledi Pandor your speech brought me to tears ! Absolutely proud of u and your humility and strength to stand for the oppressed ! much love you u ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ>> <<@williambosman9431 says : She's a bloody terrorist yes.Know the truth,so call Palestinians are the occupies of Judea &Galilee and not a place call Palestine by the Romans and Brits.That land is a possesion given by God ,the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob and not by the moon god a allah ,who is a god of violents,a liar,a thieve and destructor.(satan)>> <<@aruna6012 says : She is paid by Pootin for the number of r words in rubles.>> <<@aruna6012 says : They admired pootin for invading Ukraine. They critise Nethanyahu for fighting for his country>> <<@ohnoyoudint1407 says : Side eyeing Ruto Tinubu and any sell out leader>> <<@hadjimohammadsultan7728 says : That is a fact ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ’ฏ>> <<@sharonrainey795 says : Come to front God is with his people>> <<@rolandnobin5019 says : Hahahaha , shes captured !๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…>> <<@alfreddanso8268 says : When are Africans will start addressing whatโ€™s going on in the Congo and forget this Palestinian cus they donโ€™t care about African, when is the first time you saw Palestine speaking for Africa! Huh ?? Black peoples need to start fighting for each other not the other people who donโ€™t care about us!>> <<@craiglewis5733 says : This is Great.>> <<@komarchucky3456 says : Israel is PhD in playing victim to committing genocide. They always used 'Holocaust' cards & term 'Anti Semit' every time they are get Cornered.>> <<@HPzFreelance says : superhero ! humanity at display. respect.>> <<@nnokkodanillonzon2072 says : This is total rubbish ๐Ÿ—‘Africa people love to show concern to people out of the continent than their own fellow sisters and brothers in the continent nonsense. South Africa ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ talk about Cameroon crisis stop focusing out of the continent>> <<@22EARTHDOG says : Amen sister!!!>> <<@johannespetrusmyburgh5673 says : Hahahaha Minister what is the change hahaha๐Ÿ˜‚ you have a false hope๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@patrickhowell5382 says : I am a black man and don't share this woman's view.>> <<@patrickhowell5382 says : Naledi Pandor is sick.>> <<@patrellabell1575 says : The Gaza Strip is rich, with $$$ hundreds of billions of dollars possible trillions, deposits of natural gas, and oil. Isreal wants to control to send to Europe. Murder and thievery.>> <<@gairymadourie9616 says : Mr. Israel. Speaker I live in America and we know youโ€™re lying. Even the American knows youโ€™re lying about baby head in by the Palestinian>> <<@gairymadourie9616 says : Listen to my mom when she is talking Israel speaker listen and shut up with all your lies. Thereโ€™s no baby heading by the Palestinian only babies being killed by Israel Israel even kill his own people in the war. What do you have to say about that Mr. Israel speaker>> <<@kenyamontijo4212 says : โคโคโค>> <<@jahmala5336 says : Prof. Zack, This beautiful, wise, and intelligent Lady, will be the first president of a United Africa. Viva Dr. Naledi Pandor. 1โค 1๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ฒ>> <<@gabrielndaudako7462 says : Netanyahu must bรช arrested by ICC for war crimes in palestine>> <<@jerrynelson4500 says : He should be in jail already his a devil ๐Ÿ‘ฟ. his on his way to hell claim to be godly decent but they are not.>> <<@PanAfrica100 says : โคโคโคโคโค>> <<@RPNDWORLDWIDE says : How else do we deal with such an animal?>> <<@Sam-tr8mg says : She is right>> <<@sognodiangeli5436 says : "when we speak on these matters, let us speak being honest and factual" now this is what I am talking about>> <<@donHooligan says : Dr Pandor is a true leader. 9:15 watch her handle this chump!! i love it! he tried to bully/shame her and she backhanded him, firmly! sit down, fat man....the adults are speaking.>> <<@vicferrmat4492 says : Israel can't fight the whole world.>>