<<@vinny142 says : "I wonder if Musk watches my videos because I said something about the cheering and how they've cut it out" I bet you actually believe that too, that Musk's marketing team watches your videos to see what they should change... Still the same old Thunderfoot, still the center of his own world....>> <<@supme7558 says : Looks like big steps to me in just 3 flights 1:38:00>> <<@supme7558 says : Why would you sit for 6 months ?>> <<@supme7558 says : 44:18 irelavent>> <<@supme7558 says : 43:46 so>> <<@supme7558 says : 27:21 you dont believe anything>> <<@supme7558 says : 24:24 dude as long as they get it done and get to the moon no money was wasted your so stuck on it we paid 2 bill for them to get nasa to the moon lets wait till they fale before we cry foul ok you sound silly you want proof before consept>> <<@supme7558 says : 12:55 i feel your stuck in the old ways and not an innovator or you would be flying rockets yourself ..not ranting on youtube gwhat will you do if the next one works some how i font see you ever admiting you are wrong 😉..how do you test rockets and inovate unless you try?>> <<@supme7558 says : 11:36 where is your proof>> <<@supme7558 says : He talks so weird and cartoonish its hard to take seriously>> <<@supme7558 says : 10:10 dude we need to have a base on the moon or china will>> <<@supme7558 says : Dude looks like i was expecting ..kinda like the actor from mary poppins i love to laugh tea party on the Ceiling>> <<@supme7558 says : Dont they have several shios made to test ..they built several all at once so your coming at this with half the information>> <<@supme7558 says : You seem a lil ubsessed>> <<@JustaGuy_Gaming says : 3 billion dollar project and these two idiots were the best Space X could do for commentary on the flight.>> <<@JustaGuy_Gaming says : Don't worry Tesla has solved the Spinning issue, just put Heat shields on the entire ship!>> <<@JustaGuy_Gaming says : The only thing that ever made sense about Space X is if Musk used sub standard materials and blew up the rockets on purpose to hide how much he cut cost and skimmed off the top.>> <<@Midg-td3ty says : Is this incompetence or is this an acceptable performance given the money that was spent so far ? Are they capable of actually finishing the product ?>> <<@StephenvanWijk says : This is how English supposed to sound….. American people. You are the ones with the accent.>> <<@sususketches says : Just saw an SpaceX article about the great success of this test flight. Please comment on this idiocracy>> <<@natel7382 says : Dont worry elon is developing the cheaper FSD robotaxi to get us to mars, Mars, PA. Thats about the only way I see it ever happening.>> <<@NominalOrbit says : You can tell this guy did no research into the flight profile before watching, lol. Thinking the booster is “failing” during its re-orientation, and during engine shutdown.>> <<@zachb1706 says : You want your Fuel to be greater than your Oxygen because you want to use up your fuel before your oxygen for safety>> <<@nursultanbekmuratov9665 says : "black manta vs aquaman">> <<@SuperDavy91 says : I swear, hahahaha it's not that hard.>> <<@DS-nv2ni says : Looks pretty flat.>> <<@Winston-lf7sb says : its entire design is stupid. its a design that looks like its out if a bad 50's sci fi. its impractical, too heavy and the process to use it as a first base is absurd. its a billionaires taxpayer funded grift>> <<@thavatutor says : Rocket is so simple. SpaceX is a scam.>> <<@jameshayes2022 says : It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.>> <<@JesterSatans says : Keeping up with SpaceX makes the conspiracy that the moon landing was faked seem more plausible.>> <<@maxwaller734 says : ❤🎉 *¡Philip E. Mason continues to discredit the pompous and arrogant Elon Reeve Musk through credible verifiable and verified information!* ❤🎉 - 9:50 am Pacific DayLight Savings Time on Wednesday, 10 April 2024 on a leap year ❤🎉>> <<@davidfitzsimons2535 says : You may be a great scientist but this video showed you really don't know much about rockets>> <<@INiallAnderson says : Everytime he says "this doesnt look right" it indeed is right....>> <<@elitecoder955 says : I think Spacex should offer Thunderf00t a job already, he will definitely do better>> <<@tehallanaz says : Why hasn’t elon hired you yet?>> <<@superhungdwarf4016 says : I think all this channel does is make fun of a persons dreams.>> <<@RCGamex says : I wonder what the debris was that kept flying out of it when it was leaking gas Edit: Ice apparently. 😂 answered just after I posted. But still want to have a comment for the algorithm.😊>> <<@Winston-lf7sb says : very expensive fire works and excuse to get more money out of the us taxpayer>> <<@Raptor2 says : You do realize that the Artemis lander contract is fixed price right? This flight has no impact on the cost of the lander to the government.>> <<@Jueyes-vg2gb says : They all do that charity bs dont see you complaining about bill gates, you never punch up, elon isnt punching up anymore>> <<@altgenesis says : Launching a gas station in space. What an accomplishment. How many gas stations on earth would that supply for 100 years?>> <<@das250250 says : Back in the sixties it took a few German paper clip scientists to help with the Apollo engines to get them going . Not an easy project>> <<@jesseallen1992 says : This guy should become a billionaire and start his own rocket company, I'd love to see how he goes.>> <<@Gigi-xr3qs says : Dude.. thunderfoot.. you know this is all fake cgi stuff, right?>> <<@natetran says : spacex's incompetence is mind blowing>> <<@karstenschuhmann8334 says : The best thing we can say abou Musk is that he forced the world to seriously consider, what nerds had been talking about for decades. Some things turned out useful, something was bullshit. He forced car manufacturers to seriously consider electric cars. Space agencies around the world do now develop reusable boosters running with methan.>> <<@Monkey_slapping_keys says : I don't think I would trust one of his cars, nevermind the rockets.>> <<@umadbra says : SpaceX engineers be patting themselves on the back because they can pat themselves on the back.>> <<@thewhizard says : apollo had 5 engines (?) is this safer? /// Why are there no stablization thrusters to stop spin?>> <<@kiefox7162 says : It would help to know what's going on if you unmute the stream :|>>