<<@CosmicSkeptic says : Thanks for this, Dr. Peterson. A thoroughly animating conversation!>> <<@Sightama says : I believe CHRIST Resurrected physically. I don't believe that believing it happened physically is more important than believing in the significance of Love, Sacrifice, and Forgiveness. Jordan saying he "doesn't know", and "it probably happened" is not avoiding the question, it's a straightforward honest answer. He wasn't there physically to witness it so he "doesn't know", but all the information/experiences he's gathered and reflection/meditation on that information has led him to think it "probably" happened. That's what Faith is, he doesn't have physical proof, but he bets on it being true. I'm not understanding why there's a noticeable portion of the audience that thinks his expression of this position is in some manner disingenuous.>> <<@rosemacaskie says : You talk about whether or not the loaves and fishes were a miracle or not instead of talking of the sermon on the mount, telling us thing like that the meek were good and that the just were good too. What Jesus said is what I love. I dont mind about whether the bread and fish got multiplied or not. I have heard that Buddha gave a similar sermon., a nearly absolutely the same one.>> <<@rosemacaskie says : I spoke below of a priest saying that tge Church had criticised gnosticism for calling goodall merciful as Cathokics tgemselves taught me to do. Gnosticism was an early Christian religion, attacked by Saint Ambroise I I believe.>> <<@rosemacaskie says : Honestly Petersen. You are saying here that God was omnipoten,t everywhere and such. That is like the wind or electro magnetism. How can he as you describe him be helpful to us. Believe it or in God it is good for us to set our sights on goodness love and mercifulness. Like , what tge hell if he omnipotent does tgat help our psych but that he is merciful... You must Petersen see that mercifulness ispsychically good for a sovial animal or that to love your neighbor as yourselfvrequires some lose of ego so is good for us. Better than love on its own, Jesus was psychically clev e r. Petersen, your Chridtian as described here seems useless to me. Also, I don't give a damn whether or not Jesus went up to heaven like Mary and one of the profets also did, in the flesh, I love him.because he said love you neighbour as yourself, or let he who has not sinned throw the first stone, or, forgive the soldiers who crucified him, just As I love Buddha for hs words. I though hate Pauls words. We just dont stop though to weigh up Pauls charactrr? Whynot. ❤>> <<@rosemacaskie says : I heard a priest say that they fought with the gnostics because they believed in a merciful God. Was he serious, I learnt that Christian Gid was merciful. He then reflected that the church srgued the opposite if they talked of what was wromg with Jews. Of course they rend to know next to nothing much about Jews Josephus's acount of them seems to be what we lay people are told of them, who lived ne a r to Jesuses time. He was a converted Jew. How much do they know about gnostics?>> <<@Jesusisking007 says : alex is awsome im a ferverent cristhian. but he is a nice respectable atheist. god bless him.>> <<@christopherappleby7453 says : I hate that Peterson sits like that when he cross his legs, gives me sympathy pains sometimes… but I loved this. Gives me Hitchens vs Turek but much more refined and well done by Peterson. Props to both!>> <<@joannware6228 says : "Man is like a breath; his days, like a passing shadow" Ps 144>> <<@blackerpanther3329 says : Alex is insufferable>> <<@Mr.E.N.Robinson says : For a guy that read a lot Jesus didn’t write anything? Idk…>> <<@Mr.E.N.Robinson says : “Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. But about the resurrection of the dead—have you not read what God said to you, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭29‬-‭32‬ ‭ It is written = read it>> <<@samgiannoulis617 says : Please debate sadhguru>> <<@zenga55 says : I don't like that Alex is giving Jordan Peterson so much airtime - he's taking a big risk by associating himself with someone like this.>> <<@joannware6228 says : "Why is light given to the toilers, and life to the bitter in spirit? They wait for death and it comes not; they search for it rather than for hidden treasures, Rejoice in it exultingly, and are glad when they reach the grave: Those whose path is hidden from them, and whom God has hemmed in!" Job 3>> <<@JordansAnalysis says : What an eye-opening conversation. Good work on behalf of both Jordan and Alex.>> <<@jeromemccollom936 says : Peterson is the most initially confusing commentator, yes not all concepts can't be summed up in simple terms but it is like he is intentionally trying to be unclear>> <<@TheOakTree2 says : Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we set out to deceive, Jordan is a total bullshitter>> <<@elijahkitzmann887 says : took me 8 minutes to realize who was on Petersons tux>> <<@jomamma4729 says : But did it really happen tho?>> <<@danielvest9602 says : Faith is believing something that you cannot understand.>> <<@NostalgiaJaden says : These blokes would love Full Metal Alchemist>> <<@steadywatching7564 says : 54:20 yo what is this!? Way to remind me I'm watching Alex on the wrong channel>> <<@turtlegameryoutube222 says : Jimmy McGill is looking old here>> <<@LB-W says : Thank you Alex for extracting Jordan’s views. He did at times get loud and also cut you off. Signs in my opinion that he felt unexpectedly matched. It always good to see people of intellect and confident position be stretched a little. I will end with a quote from the late Dame Maggie Smith “My dear religion is like a penis, it’s a perfectly fine thing for one to have and take pride in, but when one takes it out and waves it in my face we have a problem” RIP❤>> <<@puedogg8843 says : What a fantastic interview! It was fantastic to watch Jordan get pressed .>> <<@aaronburgin3246 says : What I see is that Jordan Peterson is pivoting away from conservatives in Western philosophy and Western civilization.Because they have a limited perspective.He is now pivoting towards more academia again.Trying to gain favor this will be denied.Of course , but it is the course that he must take if he wants to continue any sort of intellectual debate>> <<@shamangomel says : 🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥>> <<@deepfocusinside4685 says : I really liked that conversation how it really focuses on the core questions of christian faith. Mr. O'Connor is such a gifted interviewer and spot on in his questions. Concerning the definition of god I recently found Keiji Nishitanis book "Religion and Nothingness", which is in high esteem in Peterson's friend John Vervaeke of whom I am a great admirer. I think it can be very helpful to read this book, which is a terrific analysis of christian and buddhist religion/philosophy. But I must say that in the end you cannot proof any religious faith in a scientific way of showing clear evidence. But it is possible to understand why the way science or atheists are criticising religion has to fall short, because they cannot see, that they are already trapped in a too narrow worldview. It is no fault on the side of the believers, that they often seem to differ in their arguments for their beliefs, because there are a lot of valid paths towards religion, some more helpful and wise, some can even be harmful, like the way fundamentalists are pursuing their goals. I really hope this kind of conversations become more and more regular between people so we are able to find the common ground humans are dependent on.>> <<@Gundice_the_cryomancer says : Peterson is the undisputed professor of yapology. he talks about specific things in the most general ways possible and convolutes questions to avoid answering them. Peterson please come back to reality.>> <<@oxiosophy says : after watching this conversation I'm convinced that Alex O'Connor is a saint, cause he bloody sure has a patience of one considering the world salad>> <<@Deepak-mk1fi says : Alex 1:30:31 , you'll meet him soon. I see apostle Paul here>> <<@rhysskollen6919 says : A man who doesn't believe the Bible is literal, debates a youth who speaks without understanding. This is not enlightening, it is foolishness.>> <<@christopherrodgers3616 says : Peterson is merely evading the question with lots of highfalutin smoke and mirrors. That is all. The problem is that so many of his sycophants mistake it for profundity.>> <<@ArcEso says : Look at JBP, setting up the chairs with the flower of life, and the vesica pisces on ‘em, and talking as if that kind of knowledge isn’t directly relevant to the subject matter he focuses on. IYKYK and I know he knows. When will he come out into the open about his affinity to the alchemical traditions?? There’s so much to be explored in the depths of his knowledge, which would expose a lot of the buffoonery at play on the world stage.>> <<@AmazingRQ says : Amazing, rivetiing, wow....Alex tried to hold Jordan feet to the fire in a poite and professional way....Jordan's responses were actually very enlightening....I want to listen to this again....I thank you both profoundly....This was such a treat....Thank you, thank you, thank you.>> <<@joannware6228 says : The Death of the Ancient World and the Rise of Christianity "But in the case of many others I fancy there entered at this point a new negation. Atheism became really possible in that abnormal time; for atheism is abnormality. It is not merely the denial of a dogma. It is the reversal of a subconscious assumption in the soul; the sense that there is a meaning and a direction in the world it sees. Lucretius, the first evolutionist who endeavoured to substitute Evolution for God, had already dangled before men's eyes his dance of glittering atoms, by which he conceived cosmos as created by chaos." G. K Chesterton "The Everlasting Man">> <<@bonniejohnstone says : God doesn’t send people to hell. People choose to be with God or not to be with Him. The problem with this is that God is everywhere present and fills all things.. so as far as a person is placed away from God, there is no escape and to them, that is their hell. Adam and Eve had to leave Eden because the tree of life was there. God couldn’t allow mankind to sin with no end to their lifespan (a Hitler that never dies). It is death that entered the World but Christ shattered death through the cross by His resurrection for the Life of the World. This is the point.>> <<@tymiller4689 says : “Wait, religion was a meme the whole time?” These two: “Always has been”>> <<@Eternal1811 says : This slimey grifter—Jordan Peterson, is unbearable>> <<@ZampaJogos says : One of the best podcasts I've heard. I've been a Christian since I was little and listening to you made me grow intellectually in my faith (as contradictory as it may be). As Alex said, being skeptical is a tool. I can't say I agree with everything, but I certainly grew up with this podcast .>> <<@thereverendgypsy says : I am a time traveler. Jordan Peterson in the year 2027 is bald, by what he deemed, necessity & style.>> <<@alexbarnett1461 says : More like this please both of you guys, great job 😊>> <<@dallinjc3 says : Love how Alex doesn't allow Jordan to filibuster and talk over him. It's a rude tactic which Jordan employs frequently along with emotional outbursts when pressed on views which he knows he can't substantiate with intellectual honesty.>> <<@seabooters says : Peterson is dodging SO HARD. It's so obvious he's terrified of Christian disapproval. He is so scared, defensive, and deflecting when asked a simple question: "Do you believe this actually happened?" You can selectively over-analyze and deconstruct any question to deny or dodge it. I'm not seduced or impressed.>> <<@wszczeklypiesz says : So language models trained on wide range of avilable texts are "woke" and "ideological", but ones that are trained only on the bible and texts specifically chosen by Peterson are not? This man doesn't understand what ideology is in the slightest. Maybe if he read Zizek before their debate he wouldn't hold such moronic views.>> <<@wo0dy62 says : The next book title for either of them. Spliting hairs part 1000.>> <<@periplum1 says : i object to jordan peterson smuggling in right-to life propaganda during what is ostensibly a reasonable discussion. i thought he was opposed to ideology.>> <<@periplum1 says : such a revealing dialogue. the contest of rational clear-mindedness grappling with the mythological obscure. peterson struggles to manifest himself without confronting his own confusions. O'Connor struggles to understand reality refracted thru the fictional world of belief. peterson is the mind as clown. look how he is dressed. O'Connor is the mind which is impenetrable and aloof. he is rigid as a puppet.>> <<@Daniel-kj8kj says : Faith (I assume that this is what they mean by "belief" in this podcast) is something you can't prove, but you trust it to be true. We are all born and we all die; that’s a certainty. What’s interesting is that no one truly believes they will die, and most don’t think much, if at all, about the most significant event that is guaranteed to happen in their lives. Death, which so many of us fear, is actually what helps you manage every moment carefully until your last one here on earth. Faith is highly valuable because it demonstrates one's dedication and trust. It's similar to love (another essential element of life)—love or a friendship only becomes strong and stable over time if trust is present. Flaws can make you vulnerable, and you may make mistakes, but trust brings you closer to the other person, and if there is honest communication, things can only improve. Therefore, trust is essential in many aspects of life. Faith and trust are directly connected and form the foundation of all things.>>