<<@mustno3 says : I"m not a big fan of him, but he managed to make the system PAY HIM. If you can MAKE THE SYSTEM PAY YOU, do not hesitate. Or you'll spend the rest of your life a miserable scientist struggling to make ends meet. I come from the world of academia and I've seen how there are so many brilliant geniuses living a very miserable life.>> <<@theultimatereductionist7592 says : ​ @3DisFuntastic As long as Musk keeps lying and being a hypocrite, and Thunderf00t keeps exposing some new truth about that, then Thunderf00t is still doing science. Go blame Muskrat. Force him to stop lying and being a hypocrite. Then Thunderf00t will stop reporting on it.>> <<@cleanerben9636 says : It's fumy to me when he mentions buying a horse since the horse has self-drive where Tesla never has.>> <<@jedd4838 says : He didn’t want 50B he earned it. And the board unanimously approved it. Poor Thuddingfeet.>> <<@Gunni1972 says : Elon saved me money. After seeing him dance, i knew i wouldn't need lessons. The stage is open to any monkey.>> <<@Erulin68 says : As someone who's followed IT since the early 1980ties, I knew this guy was a snake oil salesman the second he sold a "super computer" which was nothing more than a regular computer with a box built around it with a few lights on to make it look more impressive. Once someone is outed as a snake oil salesman, you can never again trust that person.>> <<@nowhere529 says : He got it too which makes me laugh at the people obsessed with hating on him. Biggest Joke Chunderloser.>> <<@Retinaplays says : there's something wrong with you mate go check your head.>> <<@michaelegerszegi4261 says : Sad that most people in this comment section can't read.>> <<@Faladrin says : Ok, lets say 3 mil a year... that would mean a single factory needs to put out ~10k a day? Ok a bit less, but.... that seems like a lot of output for cars from a single factory.>> <<@MrMegaPussyPlayer says : 15:13 I think he wants to get a bonus and as high as possible now, because he knows he can't get any when the company finally bankrupts.>> <<@MrMegaPussyPlayer says : 11:46 Twitter was once useable without being logged in (when you had to look up what someone else did tweet at some point). Not anymore. When twitter was still twitter I even scrolled through some timelines. Not possible anymore without being logged in. Result: I only have been on twitter 3 times in the last 6 months. Edit: and it gets more and more unusable without blue. Those two times I was on, every 2nd click brought me a forced: "buy blue" ad interaction. Which makes me want to use twitter even less.>> <<@MrMegaPussyPlayer says : 3:24 God. I would love to know the search term that resulted in that screenshot.>> <<@svetlinkarachorov4208 says : I wish you would go be more productive or take a vacation, instead of spreading your Elon hate/jealousy throughout the internet. So petty.>> <<@SOAMLE says : Trump is the world’s most evil clown however, Musk is an incredibly strong second.>> <<@HPDrifter2 says : Pulling all that $ out before the fire sale begins...>> <<@alexphoenix9208 says : Well.. apparently the shareholders think he is worth it. Not my stock, not my vote.>> <<@r2com641 says : Musk fan is a definition of who a degenerate is>> <<@tokul76 says : He wants 56bn to cover his impulse purchases in porn industry. Elon: Have you seen their car? Me: I saw BWM i3 before I saw Tesla.>> <<@phnix6242 says : Why you tave ni bideo about the shareholder meeeting thing>> <<@Crypto-Legend says : This would be some good information, but the idiot YouTuber says, "Tezla." He's far too stupid to pronounce the name, ergo; far too stupid to be trusted with correct information.>> <<@TrojanRabbit521 says : Just 1 of that billion would give every person inside the United States borders 3 million dollars!>> <<@mastodon.social says : Uggg!>> <<@amarug says : It's been two weeks, I have a dry mouth, my eye lid is twitching and I get sweat attacks. Where is the next upload, I need my fix of Musk bashing. 😂>> <<@ochjoo77 says : Cant wait for your video roasting the tesla shareholders for approving that 56billion handout..still in awe it was approved. The Musk cult is strong.>> <<@rontropics26 says : More than anything I want to hear your opinion on Musk saying Tesla could be worth 25 trillion because Optimus robot will be for sale by the end of "next year." It's always next year with him. I can't stop laughing.>> <<@NotYourBusiness-bp2qn says : And the Tesla shareholders approved the pay package once more. Choke on that, loser.>> <<@valeriagarcia-yp4nt says : By any chance, can you comment on this pyrolysis reactor and see if it has any sort of merit to pro producing more energy than you put in?>> <<@myselfandi67097 says : I hope you're going to do something on him getting that payout. I was stunned they'd do that, it reminds me of Jonestown.>> <<@ZalexMusic says : the meme dependence in this video is fucking annoying. there's so much substance without the memes, you don't need them.>> <<@nobbynobbs8182 says : The evil clown got away with it too>> <<@TCBYEAHCUZ says : ThunderCOPE>> <<@TCBYEAHCUZ says : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA>> <<@ChrisDied says : they approved his 56 billion bonus.... lol>> <<@eilois says : Alright 70% shareholders, 70% musk fans shareholders, approve their idol bonus! Hooray! that's what musk fans happy for now? it is that shallow? A single person worshipping over thousands of workers that actually done the real job? If Tesla workers can vote, would they agree? people cheering Elon musk 50 billion bonus meanwhile in 2023, arguably a better year for Tesla, to only have 15 billion net income without the ridiculous bonus. What a cultist group in modern history. Tesla is done 👍 Why would Saudi Family become the richest family in the world and history and more than 70% of Saudi citizens approved their bonus with currently 1.4 trillion asset??? Cultist be like "Haha, you are wrong thunderf00t" argument.>> <<@Anuskasv0 says : Elon got paid, tough day for Thunderf00l>> <<@alexandrep4913 says : 70% of shareholders voted and he got his pay. When you were making the hyperloop videos, you were having fun and saw the hilarious nature of Elon dreaming up these things. It wasnt raising emotions out of you. These past videos are you just getting angry because he only rises in power and wealth. Its not a good use of time. I was hoping you would of learned from previous videos that age like milk, but no.>> <<@phildg4266 says : Mistake Bro need Edit asap! Aramco is worth about 7 trillion SAR so about 2 Trillion USD You make it sound like it's worth 7 trillion USD!>> <<@Ironic-Social-Phobia says : Looks like the Turkeys at Tesla have just approved Xmas...>> <<@user-jm4cd5sd1x says : Seethe, eyes0re.>> <<@TheOFF-GRIDiot says : Who knew the saviour of humanity was a dude from S.A. who bought a couple established businesses and likes to crash massive rockets into the oceans......life is strange, indeed. 😆>> <<@JorgeLopez-qj8pu says : "At this point - I think I know more about ruining people’s lives than anyone currently alive on earth" - Elon Musk🤡>> <<@terryo4352 says : ultimately, nothing matters when people will not turn their backs on him. Cybertruck is the biggest joke in decades of the auto industry and Musk objectively has not only let their lineup age but destroyed his good will with a large share of EV buyers with his twitter escapades... Doesn't matter. People keep buying the stock. How Tesla can be "worth" more than 9 competitors COMBINED is not rooted in reality. Call me a hater I could care less. Everyone counting their daily % increase is either ignoring that fact or enjoying that it's become the new reality.>> <<@henrikrasmussen9598 says : Haha, thunderfoot is truly one of the most pathetic yet entertaining corners of Youtube, only surpassed by the comment section. Old videos are so much fun to watch, aging like milk on the surface of the sun. All the incels in the house let me hear yeeeah! 😂>> <<@rickb2432 says : Elmo Mush should do well in federal prison. Based upon the size of his Ponzi and his age by the time he’s convicted the odds are better than even that he will expire in federal custody.>> <<@srook2 says : No matter how much money Elon Musk loses, he'll always be living rent-free in Thunderf00t's head.>> <<@OutsideGalaxy says : Ultimately, it doesn't matter to him whether he drives this company into the ground. He's never going to face consequences for doing it. He'll probably do it again. Maybe he gets a fine, but what's a fine to a man like this? Inconsequential.>> <<@haruruben says : I sold all my Tesla stock when he came out with the kitchen sink at Twitter headquarters- I was like “I’m out” . I lost all faith, but I came out ahead about $5,000 so yay 😁>> <<@haruruben says : It probably would be worth 2000 if Elon hadn’t screwed everything up. Imagine a world where he never bought Twitter and made. Nice entry level car like $20k “Honda civic” type Tesla. That would be💥pow to the moon>> <<@SmogginMog says : Public Figure Derangement Syndrome is getting pretty intense these days! I appreciate the autobiographical documentation.>>