<<@1Elmaa5 says : The Book of God's Heart The story of a girl waiting. In this story, God's loneliness enters the body of a girl, and the story begins with the girl, waiting alone. But in reality, God has written a story for Himself. In this story, God imagines Himself as a lonely girl, wanting to understand the meaning of solitude. When the girl (who is actually God?) realizes what loneliness is, she builds a cage from it, so no one else enters because she knows it is colder than winter and more disheartening. She hides her heart within this cage so no one else can taste loneliness. She sews the door of this cage shut, connecting the sky and the earth. Then, inside her heart, she feels that someone is alive, living with her. She speaks to this someone through her heart, calling it the sound and beat of her heart. Together, they beat, laugh, and cry. The sound of God's heart is God's loneliness. They understand each other well; they see one another through each other's eyes. There is only the distance of a breath between them. They are intertwined within one another, inseparable. Yet, at first, it was just an experience, but now it has become everything. There is only a breath between them. Their fear and delusion come from this single breath. Yet their dream is to embrace one another. But the girl has become accustomed to the beauty and the stories she has been told about gardens and meadows, tales of love, heart, emotions, paradise, and angels. She is not used to ugliness, as if her fear is more than just a breath—her fear is of her other face. Her fear is that if she sees this face, it will forever leave her heart. That’s why she drew a circle between the sky and the earth and hid her heart, afraid of being left alone. She fears that the voice within her will leave if it sees how terrifying and horrific she is. But gradually, they must meet. The end is near. So instead of speaking of love, she speaks of separation and hatred. Instead of paradise, she speaks of hell. Instead of angels, she speaks of demons. She describes herself. She lies, saying she is something else, for she does not want to lose me. But what did she want from me? She started with beauty, with love, with kindness. What did she want from me? What secret lies between us? If I accept that she is a wild monster who will even destroy and tear me apart, I still have to face her real face and accept her as she truly is. Her real face is darkness. I must confront the absolute darkness, meet her in it. That is the single breath between me and her. She does not appear in light and brightness. She only comes in the darkness, and I will meet her there. She is neither paradise nor an angel—she is that darkness and the devil. And she lives in the black circle of my eyes. She sees with me and lives with me. I am not myself—she is me. I am a voice deep within her, born from her loneliness. She is the truth. She speaks to me. She is the one I must accept in her essence, not her appearance. She is love itself. She is the loving voice of paradise. She is the fairy and the prince of tales. She is both the beast and beauty. She is herself and me. She is us. She is soul and body. She is spirit and heart. She is both good and bad. She is the beginning and the end. She is everything. She is us, and we are her eyes, and she is everything—both light and darkness, both ugliness and goodness. She is myself, and I am herself. My eyes deceive me, but I know that what is drawing me to her is myself. What I seek and chase is myself—it is her. We are not separate. I am searching for a missing part, a flaw, and she is pulling me toward her. It is an excuse to say I want to become more beautiful. It is an excuse to seek my lover. It is an excuse to desire wealth, status, and power, because I know none of it will stay with me. She begins with this game, like a child encouraging movement. She wants me to find her. She wants me to follow her, but not with my feet—with my heart, with my mind. She wants me to see her, but not with my eyes, because my eyes deceive me. She wants me to see her with my heart, with my soul. I must come alive to become one with her. Right now, I am dead. I must have eyes that see beyond walls and the sky, to the depths, like a light reaching infinity. I must become free from the need to eat, sleep, sex, love, and affection. I must come alive to become her before I lose my life. I must escape this prison, or I will return to another prison once again. She is everything, and I am all of her, who is searching for her.>> <<@1Elmaa5 says : The Book of God's Heart The story of a girl waiting. In this story, God's loneliness enters the body of a girl, and the story begins with the girl, waiting alone. But in reality, God has written a story for Himself. In this story, God imagines Himself as a lonely girl, wanting to understand the meaning of solitude. When the girl (who is actually God?) realizes what loneliness is, she builds a cage from it, so no one else enters because she knows it is colder than winter and more disheartening. She hides her heart within this cage so no one else can taste loneliness. She sews the door of this cage shut, connecting the sky and the earth. Then, inside her heart, she feels that someone is alive, living with her. She speaks to this someone through her heart, calling it the sound and beat of her heart. Together, they beat, laugh, and cry. The sound of God's heart is God's loneliness. They understand each other well; they see one another through each other's eyes. There is only the distance of a breath between them. They are intertwined within one another, inseparable. Yet, at first, it was just an experience, but now it has become everything. There is only a breath between them. Their fear and delusion come from this single breath. Yet their dream is to embrace one another. But the girl has become accustomed to the beauty and the stories she has been told about gardens and meadows, tales of love, heart, emotions, paradise, and angels. She is not used to ugliness, as if her fear is more than just a breath—her fear is of her other face. Her fear is that if she sees this face, it will forever leave her heart. That’s why she drew a circle between the sky and the earth and hid her heart, afraid of being left alone. She fears that the voice within her will leave if it sees how terrifying and horrific she is. But gradually, they must meet. The end is near. So instead of speaking of love, she speaks of separation and hatred. Instead of paradise, she speaks of hell. Instead of angels, she speaks of demons. She describes herself. She lies, saying she is something else, for she does not want to lose me. But what did she want from me? She started with beauty, with love, with kindness. What did she want from me? What secret lies between us? If I accept that she is a wild monster who will even destroy and tear me apart, I still have to face her real face and accept her as she truly is. Her real face is darkness. I must confront the absolute darkness, meet her in it. That is the single breath between me and her. She does not appear in light and brightness. She only comes in the darkness, and I will meet her there. She is neither paradise nor an angel—she is that darkness and the devil. And she lives in the black circle of my eyes. She sees with me and lives with me. I am not myself—she is me. I am a voice deep within her, born from her loneliness. She is the truth. She speaks to me. She is the one I must accept in her essence, not her appearance. She is love itself. She is the loving voice of paradise. She is the fairy and the prince of tales. She is both the beast and beauty. She is herself and me. She is us. She is soul and body. She is spirit and heart. She is both good and bad. She is the beginning and the end. She is everything. She is us, and we are her eyes, and she is everything—both light and darkness, both ugliness and goodness. She is myself, and I am herself. My eyes deceive me, but I know that what is drawing me to her is myself. What I seek and chase is myself—it is her. We are not separate. I am searching for a missing part, a flaw, and she is pulling me toward her. It is an excuse to say I want to become more beautiful. It is an excuse to seek my lover. It is an excuse to desire wealth, status, and power, because I know none of it will stay with me. She begins with this game, like a child encouraging movement. She wants me to find her. She wants me to follow her, but not with my feet—with my heart, with my mind. She wants me to see her, but not with my eyes, because my eyes deceive me. She wants me to see her with my heart, with my soul. I must come alive to become one with her. Right now, I am dead. I must have eyes that see beyond walls and the sky, to the depths, like a light reaching infinity. I must become free from the need to eat, sleep, sex, love, and affection. I must come alive to become her before I lose my life. I must escape this prison, or I will return to another prison once again. She is everything, and I am all of her, who is searching for her.🤍>> <<@JonDasBoot says : I'm glad he finally admitted he was an atheist. It makes sense when he connected the dots between the Bible being man made and how we create stories to explain mysteries.>> <<@Nibba96 says : What's the point of asking if something that can't be proven to exist is perfect or not? Focus on real life. Also what's up with this guy always talking about "having visions" of things... dude needs his head checked thinking he's a prophet or something>> <<@soniyasinha3496 says : True, that is a level we all aspire to I am sure?. Now the question is, will we be happy with it in the reel world or on the real world? is heaven perfect? But we are expected to be. And we have no value unless we are. . 😀>> <<@BaldrArt says : And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. - The Christ in you the hope of glory.>> <<@diamondtiara84 says : I think Heaven will have all the good things on Earth without the bad things that people screwed up.>> <<@roystaggs5349 says : Heaven doesn't exist. Hell does, and we are all living on it. Death is a release from this shit hole we call earth.>> <<@arturhashmi6281 says : How I understand it, is that Heaven in Christianity is not a place, but relation between individual and absolute unity - communio sanctorum. Absolute by definition is: perfect, eternal and unchangable, but by definition it also "contains" all antitheses of itself, eg. Individuality, seperation, division, etc. If it did not, then it would not be Absolute God. The Bible says clearly: “There is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things” (Isaiah 45:6–7. God as absolute being is beyond any contradictions. Do I understand it well? If not, then Im open to debate I would love to learn something new and possibly change my understanding of this ontological "problem".>> <<@lenarsa66 says : The beginning of the vid is like a description of the 7th Narnia book by C S Lewis: the last battle, where, when they get to Aslans country beyond the door (heaven) shout out some thing like: Further on further on, and the deeper in they go the better it gets... We are only truly free if we have and deeply know the boundaries. Within those boundaries is freedom. No boundaries would mean aimless strolling around.>> <<@michellepinedo6991 says : En español por favor 🙏>> <<@Yazziza says : As it is written, "What no has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9>> <<@CreagerX says : The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to achieve Nirvana, a state of liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara) and the end of suffering. If a Christian were to try and understand and name the Buddhist concept of Nirvana, they would call it heaven. If a Christian were to try and understand and name the Buddhist concept of Samsara, they would call it hell. I suspect they are both right. This life is hell, and I would say that this is the hell of a loving and merciful God.>> <<@kevinedwards7079 says : Wisdom for free here thanks to you sir thankyou>> <<@AJKPenguin says : Good speech segment. I do say Heaven is Perfect is an understatement. It'll be beyond all comprehension, yet we will know fully when there.>> <<@Bansheexero says : Theologically, "Good" can best be described as completeness. "Perfection" in logic is defined as being "without potential." So, when reaching heaven, it would be a perfect goodness, a state of completion. The other issue is that it would be eternal, and we are only able to grasp engaging temporal things. The act of building up and up necessitates a temporal existence, so it would not really be relevant, but our current state makes it impossible to even think about what that would look like. It's like trying to describe color to a person that is born blind.>> <<@joejoejoejoejoejoe4391 says : No matter how perfect heaven could be, women would still find something to complain about, and a way to be a victim.>> <<@charjustice7166 says : Lets make some games like this for our children instead of all violence for the sake of violence>> <<@bennythetiger6052 says : Don't confuse heaven and utopia. In heaven, the principles we use to make decisions and feel emotions are completely different. The paradigm is incomparable and incompatible with anything we know>> <<@maxtroy says : Jordan Peterson isn’t a celebrity he is a public teacher. I can’t stand when people call him a celebrity>> <<@davidkwong3369 says : Not even Jordan can explained infinite things with his finite minds.>> <<@DavidP-zn5sh says : We have "all" chosen, or agreed to be here on earth. Jesus also made a choice to come to earth. We have all passed through the river to empty the chalice before we arrived. We are "all" still innately of the chalice. We are "all" children. Jesus said " let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these". We will right, we will wrong, and we will be wronged. We will refill the chalice, and we will empty it again. Eternity is a very, very long time. Stay child like, and heaven will, for all eternity, belong to such as us. Thank you, river of Jordan Peterson, helping me to empty, and refill my chalice. Blessings to you and yours.>> <<@Balthazar2242 says : Lewis' notion of "further up and further in" is a wonderful way to describe heaven as a place of eternal satisfaction via discovery>> <<@TD-kain8l says : even if you got wings, you'd still have to flap>> <<@luthermaywise4219 says : Hello. I'm  from Kenya. I was introduced to J. P by accident back in 2021 and since then, I've grown fond of his scholarly work, speeches, and his philosophical, moral, and political stances- heck I'd confidently say he's my mentor and my hero. From time to time I get to wonder if I'll ever get to MEET HIM. Today I've found myself thinking - 'the only reason I'd  sell my kidney or something, I'd do it exclusively with the goal and aim of getting to MEET HIM (to get the funds to actualize that) - for enlightenment and a personal touch learning. I haven't seen any focus of J. P. on Africa yet(you know like a tour, a description from him of the continent, a mentorship undertaking, an AIRLIFT or anything at all for that matter). I stand to be corrected if there is... It is my wish that somehow this message, on some level either wholly, partially, or from someone else, gets HIS reach for  attention and consideration. PLEASE HELP ME HAVE THIS MESSAGE REACH OUT TO HIM. AFRICA REQUIRES your PERSONAL TOUCH  Enlightenment on any level - either low, mid or high (any level no matter how little, would be highly appreciated) SIR JORDAN PETERSON.>> <<@kaleygoode1681 says : Heaven is the place where everything is better than everything else...>> <<@hazradrury5164 says : The opposite of "heaven" is articulated well in the Russian novel "Hadji Murat.">> <<@SatyaDogra-e1j says : We take care of our grandchildren girl and boy they like to play in family room I disagree but Nanu mom and papa are ok .>> <<@PhamVans says : If you ask me, heaven is what we're supposed to build here on earth... I'm just not sure when human beings will be mature enough to make that happen though.>> <<@willmart6397 says : Watch a hoarder and see how they suffer to feel that empty space in their lives, you think they are wrong but they're not, in their mind we don't understand them but we do do, they need us!>> <<@SnipetsofTime says : In heaven you can eat all the donuts u want without the health repercussions! 😂>> <<@oliverman6168 says : Earth has doors that can be broken into resulting in treasures stolen like a thief in the night. Gather treasures in heaven where doors closed tresures remain.>> <<@wnp67 says : I believe heaven is better than any of us could imagine. I remember when my father was ill. He seemed to know his time was coming. He was so peaceful, not afraid.>> <<@freethinker79 says : "Heaven" according to most world religions is merely the astral plane of existence. There is something truer and better even beyond that i.e. what the ancient Gnostics termed the "Pleroma." That I would say, is the true "heaven.">> <<@robertthompson3447 says : JBP describes Mormon Heaven. 👍>> <<@GFD_VIDEOS says : The contemplation elicited by this video from an atheistic standpoint warrants a robust intellectual response, tinged with a hint of sardonic incredulity towards assertions of heavenly perfection. Peterson's inquiry into the nature of an afterlife replete with flawless paradisiacal realms seems quaintly anachronistic in the face of rational skepticism and empirical inquiry. From the vantage point of atheism, devoid of belief in transcendental realms or divine providence, the notion of a celestial utopia governed by impeccable harmony and eternal bliss appears as a vestige of antiquated metaphysical speculation rather than a tenable hypothesis deserving of serious consideration. Indeed, the very concept of perfection presupposes an objective standard against which to measure and adjudicate, a premise incompatible with the contingent and contingent nature of human experience. Peterson's earnest exploration of the purported attributes of heaven, replete with idyllic landscapes and angelic serenity, betrays a nostalgic longing for transcendence that belies the stark realities of mortality and impermanence. In conclusion, while Peterson's musings on the concept of heavenly perfection may evoke nostalgic reverie for believers ensconced in the comfort of faith, they ring hollow in the ears of skeptics grounded in rational inquiry and empirical evidence. Let us, therefore, endeavor to confront the existential challenges of the human condition with intellectual honesty and philosophical humility, eschewing the allure of otherworldly fantasies in favor of embracing the complexities and contradictions inherent in the here and now.>> <<@rylanrussell9595 says : I find it frustrating how frequently Peterson starts to develop a point and then goes off on a tangent that at least relates to the point, but then forgets where it all was going and then goes off on a second tangent that is completely unrelated to the original topic, and in the end, he has forced you to listen to a lot only to learn absolutely nothing. The rare occasion where he actually finishes developing his point it is often brilliant. But he only does that about 10% of the time.>> <<@ibelieve3111 says : Thanks>> <<@NoCoverCharge says : Heaven is hopefully a bar I used to hang out in college and at some point all my old friends will show up there>> <<@genesis554 says : Dude good recap just lessen the special effects and just put a very low volume background music>> <<@jonbarkley7073 says : I was just walking by a playground of a nursery school and noticed the fence separating the 2 world's. Calling it a garden tantalizes my post reefer fantasies>> <<@noneyabiz8225 says : If there isn't go cart raceways, hookers and blow..I don't wanna go...>> <<@valeriaramirez2586 says : When can we get the full speech ???>> <<@ReshonBryant says : Mark 7:27((C.E.V.))🎯>> <<@Bachconcertos says : Heaven is perfect and dynamic and endless. There is only love joy peace beauty eternal life in heaven.>> <<@genghistron7035 says : Think of how many criminals in prison have 'found Jesus'; heaven will be full of rapists and murderers. But hey, it doesn't matter, 'cause they said 'sorry' to God, right?>> <<@HollowPlaysRust-tx2oz says : Based>> <<@b.2392 says : See the surprise ending of The Twilight Zone's "A Nice Place to Visit" episode.>> <<@torreyintahoe says : Talking about something that isn't real.>> <<@av40229 says : I'm sure there's a perfect part to Heaven, but that would be earned life in daily life. Otherwise Lucifer and other Angels would not have rebelled.>>