<<@Wendigoon says : Nice shirt>> <<@meangene408 says : This guy is grifting. Attacking others to gain popularity.>> <<@jeremyeyles735 says : Wendigoon my beloved, they can never make me hate you>> <<@ReyDonahue says : Mommy has been in the psychiatric hospital since March 6, 2003, and there she will remain, until the end of time, with a piece of my soul. After watching your videos, I have decided to give the rest of my soul to you. I am proud to call you my new mommy ;)>> <<@seansilva967 says : There is nothing quite as off putting as the Zane demographic’s mating strategy of sad-dogging their way into female attention/validation. Desperation is a stinky cologne.>> <<@jinx8624 says : half his argument is hes too white and has too many white people around him basically just being racist towards his own race the other half is making up random things he doesn't like about his friends that mostly aren't true and claiming that because they are friends (a lot aren't even his friends) he must think like them and hold the same beliefs suprised this got any attention at all>> <<@myxa3842 says : Trolling or mental illness, call it.>> <<@cathare4909 says : I've been watching Wendigoon since he started, I enjoyed his genuine passion for horror. The fact that he's religious just said to me that "boy he MUST really like horror then". XD>> <<@craigliik7879 says : Besides ShoeOnHead I’ve never heard of any of these people so I can’t say much, but the guy doing the video looks and sounds like an arrogant, snobby, douche bag that is so desperate for attention and drama that he’s making shit up to to try and be relevant when apparently from his other video complaining about only making $500 a month shows he’s not relevant.>> <<@jm01157 says : Wonder what this guys is doing now>> <<@jpat1513 says : "Imagine the smell", literally the first thing I thought of when I saw this guy. Dude looks like he showers every 3rd day>> <<@Kaptinhowdy says : I’m a 45 wm and I do not get the fascination with the mustache. The only guys who can pull off mustaches are don fry and Wyatt Earp. Shave that fucking caterpillar off! Or grow a beard. And don’t get me started on handle bar mustaches. Anyways.. love wendigoon, love shoeonhead,love mista gg, you guys are all I watch on here. Keep it up guys!! I love ya!!>> <<@LynnManchester-qv6hz says : I dont get how Wendigoon can give off bad vides...This man gives off the best vibes I ever vibed. And I think I would be the most devout Christian if he was my youth pastor or Sunday school teacher>> <<@stanettiels7367 says : He even said Wendigoon was affiliated with the proud boys because he wears Hawaiian shirts...whilst wearing a Hawaiian shirt.>> <<@CorinnaAtHome says : Bro looks like a youth pastor>> <<@meatspecial says : It is also culturally accepted knowledge that the Internet historian not only shares a birthday with Hitler but also is the suspected and illusive third Columbine shooter he also sells pot to underage puppies>> <<@alen2937 says : Pissing everybody does not make you in any way special as you seem to think but I do agree with many of the points in this video.>> <<@MrWhoopwhoop10 says : 🐿>> <<@Dug-y2d says : I mean i love guns but hate donate operator whutch prooves not all gun lovers like him.>> <<@SSebson says : Can't believe mf actually posted that>> <<@CirquedJoy says : I wonder if some of these woke people were absent the day they were supposed to learn about the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" in history class.>> <<@lordfartquad5083 says : Hearing this guy speak made my brain hurt like a lot>> <<@saernikke says : Hey listen, I dont want your cookies! They didnt even look that good anyway!>> <<@darstar217 says : The real problem here is that this whole attitude is mainstream now>> <<@AcheAbram says : Wait wendigoon got “cancelled”? Jesus we need a professional medical diagnosis for “chronically online”😂>> <<@iSoul95 says : Oh to be a freeloader, and to be seen. Delightful.>> <<@adziak says : I don't know him but he seems like a TikTok kind of expert.>> <<@jayl2493 says : Thought this said "The War on Normal Gays". Was somewhat interested until I remembered Wendigoon is married to a woman.>> <<@zolandia5262 says : "Doughnut operator"? Sounds like an undercover cop to me>> <<@justincider8892 says : The only people who could possibly think Shoe is a right winger are literal commies.>> <<@majikslim82 says : I saw Mutahar drown his gold fish and brought it back to life using incorrect rescue breath! Hes a monster!>> <<@majikslim82 says : I was at wendigoons house for a home inspection. He had 5 in 1 body wash shampoo in his shower. Disgusting subhuman.>> <<@R.PMcMurphy says : The soybean is strong in this one>> <<@uncleulysses2328 says : Dude named off all my favourite YouTubers☠️☠️☠️. Am I a bad person too?>> <<@ichimonjinternational1348 says : Hi, in your country i would be considered a Communist. This kind of "liberal" dumbassery is why the left is losing step in the world and i want it to stop>> <<@Evanessence99 says : Anybody who uses "vibes" as an excuse to not like someone is a red flag>> <<@bradpresley2878 says : Appalachians are some of the most open minded and sweet people ever>> <<@handsomememevirus968 says : This guy turned me into a Trump supporter>> <<@trashbrainnn says : This is possibly the only uncensored m*rder on YouTube. Well f*cking done lol>> <<@griegomas says : When you try to be hbomberguy but you hbomb your career instead>> <<@DiegotheBasementGuy says : lol this guys wife’s boyfriend kisses his mustache every night.>> <<@antonmcesaro says : Simple fact is that most of these "people" are just NPC's that can't think for themselves. The vast majority of humans are thoughtless wasters of oxygen, a parasitic group that just waste resources and spout nonsense they picked up from others.>> <<@tiosunga6946 says : You were big bellied in this video werent you>> <<@senLuno says : People caring about a youtubers personal life before he became a youtuber will never not be funny>> <<@ultimatecrawler6927 says : How is a white guy this racist……wait a minute>> <<@Keymaster2022 says : I’m gonna start watching Wendigoon even harder, now.>> <<@gman9002 says : You are a SAVAGE. I’m so sick of these pathetic virtue signaling virgins (and not even the kool type of virgin either)>> <<@israelmorales2414 says : I love wedigoon and his big juciey lips!>> <<@Shadowgrace760 says : In Prasie of Shadow: I’m the internets biggest Crybully Th3Birdman: Hold my beer!>> <<@fishbrehth says : i have a confession worthy of nuremberg: not everyone i know or interact with is good at spelling>>