<<@Pato_logicoo says : That sponsorship was bit of a stretch>> <<@user-vk1vf7nt1b says : Which determines your ability to art? The number of cones in the iris and from it the number of distinguishable shades? Misha Vorontsov knows that I am not afraid and love spiders when he stops injuring himself? He just does not know that at the age of five I dreamed of becoming a surgeon to perform heart surgery (from the age of three I dreamed to 16) I realized the murder by accidentally killing a spider with a sewing needle while performing surgery on him in a walnut shell, he did not have enough paws. I cried very much I was very sorry I did not want to kill him. And ashamed. Therefore, I no longer trained on anyone. On the contrary, I wanted to cure him so that he fully lived with all his paws, and what does not ask his stomach pierced here. When I understood this immediately as he died it was too late. And you had an early childhood, when you suddenly realize yourself as a reality and what do you think you are doing, and before you seemed to be all asleep in the fog? I also had it at the age of three when I decided to learn how to tie my shoelaces myself and I bandaged the dolls for a long time and I succeeded. Very city by itself. There is probably no guilt with Spider because of this and I love them, it was like Cain there on the field of Abel tin like Raven Edgar Po never more Fatally. The problem was that in this state it made no difference to me whether it was a spider in front of me or a mammal, I could think of anything to carry out this operation on anyone, and only after the death of the spider did I realize that it was impossible to learn to train on everything (there could be a kitten and a person). Who couldn't not let me do this to myself. And how did you realize the freedom of your will and the freedom of your choice from a child to a person? @ Beshozyajstvennoe _ Mylo they are engaged in AI, for AI it is important. You were just told who can be killed and who can not and you are all a person mind man? Or did you yourself make this decision for yourself without faith, realizing something because? @ Beshozyajstvennoe _ Mylo I even sterilized this needle about. I am one of those people who always try to use everything one hundred percent and coоck jam from watermelon crusts>> <<@nomars4827 says : Wow so many resources just for studing little spiders vision. Who sponsor that studies? I'm just amazed of that fact more than spiders. We have probably dozens of millions of insects and spiders kinds. All of them have some unique features and world perceptions>> <<@pavelzaytcev9920 says : Шикарно ❤>> <<@stevenwilson8718 says : Friend of mine was really depressed after he lost his job and had to start over and was struggling to support his family. He tried the Better Help and found out it was way too expensive to afford and it made him more depressed.>> <<@stevenwilson8718 says : And magenta doesn't exist!>> <<@danielconner8870 says : I thought this video would be more about yellow, but it was more about red>> <<@NuclearFlan says : dude betterhelp is a scam. a lot of the "therapists" on there have no qualifications, and they sell data they gather from their patients.>> <<@sethstewart1103 says : Vision in all its amazing varieties didn't evolve. God designed it that way.>> <<@stalzemsty1669 says : I'm friends with one of the worlds leading experts on tarantulas and arachnids in general so I have loved arachnids my whole life. I once had a jumping spider that was wild caught in British Columbia. It was a mature male. In captivity, it lived for nearly 4 years. They are fascinating spiders. I love spiders big and small.>> <<@tapuout101 says : Jumping spiders will turn and look at you its crazy. I seen this one carrying an insect across the porch. He turned right towards me like what do you want from me? lol>> <<@SoloLegends says : Therapy is good. Better help is not. From ftc lawsuits regarding the sale of personal client data. To allowing completely unlicensed therapists on the platform, they are a bad company. Google better help lawsuits to get more info. They continue to do terrible things. I don't know how YouTubers can be okay taking their money and printing them still.. Shows a lack of care in their sponsorship acceptance really. Get therapy yes! Be safe and don't use better help>> <<@user-nb7fo2us9t says : Australia = jumping spiders😅>> <<@arlo3714 says : hi, which exactly jumping spider species can see red color? i’m very curious (also can our pet Phidippus regius jumping spiders can or can’t see it) 🤔>> <<@jai9789 says : 0:34 we got veritasium making vsauce reference before GTA 6>> <<@__nog642 says : 6:31 It probably wouldn't look like that, just like our vision doesn't look totally blurry in the peripherals with just a tiny tiny fovea. If we just looked at something with our central vision 2 seconds ago, our brain remembers the detail and kinda fills it in in our peripheral vision a bit. The spiders' brains would probably do the same and remember colors in their peripheral vision somewhat if they just looked at it.>> <<@InnokentyShuvalov says : OR IS IT!?>> <<@chanceshortss says : Even just that starting scene was so interesting! Great vid!>> <<@colinbradley7361 says : Please don’t sponsor better help>> <<@waltyrfall74_44 says : Im confused, anyone please explain. If the human eye has sensors that only detect blue,red,and green light and uses the intensities and amounts of each to determine the perception pf what call color. So if a screen only emits these wavelengths at varying intensities, isnt that the exact same as looking at the actual object anyway. Because you would only be able to perceive the varying intensities and amounts of RGB from the object in your hand. What i am confused on i think, is if light is an em wave that carries energy through space, then isnt the only difference between looking at an object through a digital screen and holding one in your hand is that the energy waves are made more efficient as far as total energy reflected off the object into your eye?>> <<@jimb1283 says : I guess it is good to live in a time where this level of money is available to use this amazing technology for such a trivial subject.>> <<@raunaklanjewar677 says : 0:33 never thought I'd see veritasium pull a vsauce hahaa!>> <<@jeandreboshoff says : Wow. The spiders have amazing design. All creation declares the glory of God.>> <<@RonGrethel says : Shout out Cincinnati!>> <<@aboutdawntoday says : For a moment I get the feeling my brain is swelling...then you lost me so I am going to start over and see how many times I need to watch the video before I understand the content. Love your videos and am a new subscriber.🤓>> <<@glitteryroses says : THIS SHOULD BE THE CURE TO ADHD😭😭😭>> <<@muhammadjaved5286 says : Not a single spider gets harm during making this video. Only their head, eyes get cut.>> <<@cariyaputta says : Many spiders have been genocided.>> <<@mangalikadanasekara1933 says : The "am i" is the best Vsauce impression I have ever seen😂>> <<@matthewloughnane7153 says : Haha, hanging onto a ball while dangling by a magnet, how cute!>> <<@westonpettitt960 says : 3:50 the "look at those eyes" brought me straight back to my wildcrats days.>> <<@aaaaaa-hh8cq says : ❤ drake if you're seeing this, I love and your channel. the topics you cover are very interesting and you really delve into details and do it with high quality, something I really don't see in other science channels (except a few maybe). please, please, stay like this, and keep this high quality 🙏 or even get better! (depends on how you think of "better", it's subjective, but I trust you whatever you do) thank you so much ❤>> <<@chrisjones4710 says : Oh, no. Not you too. :(>> <<@rocklerock495 says : Is the screen we are looking at really tricking us? Or is that how it just works in real life?>> <<@Wyndsaurus23 says : Reminder that BetterHelp doesn’t pay their employed therapists and also treats them less than fairly (very poorly). Among many other horrible business and therapy practices they hold and allow.>> <<@hansdykstra3869 says : 10:26 "its kinda like pokemon go" actually satoshi tajiri was inspired to make Pokemon from his childhood pastime of collecting bugs so it is technically the original pokemon go>> <<@shynnsup8383 says : 9:20 Did she really said they are trying to understand what factors are driving certain evolutions? What happened to random mutations? Does everybody have a different version of the theory now? Lol. It amazes me how these people, through much of their life, study the complexity of life and become aware of the extremely intricate nature of the natural world and yet fail to account for intelligent design.>> <<@dmdrosselmeyer says : I swear you can see UV light when under the influence of a sufficiently high dose of LSD-25. How this would be possible psychologically I don't know but from personal experience it is certainly a phenomenon that should be investigated; if there's nothing to learn about human sight in a physical sense there's absolutely a lot to be learned about sight in a psychological sense.>> <<@zbigniewsuszkiewicz5630 says : Wavelengths have no colours>> <<@ExxodKing says : I can't with the close-ups with the spiders>> <<@tutacat says : They could predict and remember colors, like we do. We have to paint our vision by sweeping, so we are not always seeing high fidelity (you can literally blur it and it looks fine.)>> <<@jankakos367 says : thumbnail - human spider ❌ Thumbnail - Spider-Man ✅>> <<@user-hs7mt2yw7w says : you destroyd my brain>> <<@Daniel_3690 says : 14:42 Are we thinking the same thing ? SPIDER FOOTBAAAAALLLLL !!!!!!! asife from the Betterhelp Sponsorship>> <<@levizwannah says : The people who did the naming in medicine and biology shouldn't name kids.>> <<@monochr0m says : i love being colorblind :')>> <<@Enemyguitar says : Everyone down here talking about betterhelp and it’s controversy which is fair but I HAVE to mention that one spiders pair of absolutely massive googly eyes. He’s an absolute goober and I love him>> <<@pralakbhargav7113 says : "Old World Monkeys" probably the coolest thing I learnt in this video>> <<@ATreat-hn7ui says : This is fascinating. Super insightful video.>> <<@albertocamarena584 says : One of the best I've watched. Brilliant.😮😮>>