<<@TomBilyeu says : WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!>> <<@justinfinch2458 says : Sam lost all credibility when he proved his TDS is runs his political operating system, he also has just gotten spanked over and over on the topic of rational materialistic atheism, he is an intellectual elitist who is actually an idiot, who wont admit his models of how the universe operates arent compatible with reality and when presented with arguments and evidence to prove it cant admit and change their views,>> <<@brianlau6373 says : What is the drug schedule for alcohol? You need to read the original controlled substance act signed by Nixon. Treatment was at the top of the list. Incarnation was at the bottom. We have an ass backwards system when it's not enforced properly.>> <<@samdg1234 says : I think Sam Harris has lots to disagree with Cenk Uygur on, but I'm quite sure he'd agree with him on the following, youtu.be/6PXyfdBOL28?si=yIvik8PYlA2PYyUX&t=346 The relevant thing to this video is that Sam Harris contributed to the ruination of mainstream media.>> <<@kellyvinson6605 says : We have to save democracy from voters who can't be trusted. Okay, Sam.>> <<@chris8456 says : A white male talking about black issues is wrong before it even started. Try living in others shoes before claiming it’s not what it appears to be>> <<@herbertsam91 says : Sam has blocked me from commenting on his substack. He just posted a piece on Biden's performance last night. I'm utterly surprised by the surprise of so many on the left at what even they acknowledge was a disastrous display. The real question is how is it possible that this should come as a surprise to sooo many on the left? Admittedly, Sam wasn't surprised, but what has gone on so that Biden's condition is a surprise to anyone. But this, too, is no surprise. It has got to be a result of the absolute partisanship of the mainstream media and, in particular, on this issue, the left's apparent unwillingness to report on anything that could be seen as showing Biden unfavorably. *And on this, Sam shares a great load of the blame.* He is the supposed *voice of reason* that sanctioned the media doing whatever was necessary to hide from the electorate, malformation. ("Unlike "disinformation," which is intentionally misleading, or "misinformation," which is erroneous, "malinformation" is true but inconvenient.") Step up Sam and shoulder your responsibility on this. (I won't hold my breath) “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” —John F. Kennedy>> <<@Mastermindyoung14 says : Me: 3.6k likes to 1.1k dislikes? That seems bad...... Ah.>> <<@samdg1234 says : Is anyone surprised at the level of surprise at Biden's performance last night? And I'm talking at the highest level of political punditry. What has gone wrong that people weren't seeing Biden stumble and bumble and stammer his way through the last three and a half years. It is the result of the total bias of the media. Now, to bring it to a comment on this video. This is precisely the ruination of the media that Sam's advocacy of "slow walking" the laptop story leads to. If there are greater and lesser threats to our democracy, advocating for a media that is concerned wholly with partisanship must rank among the greatest. How do you not take the following quote seriously? “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” —John F. Kennedy Thanks, Sam>> <<@themeangene says : Sam thinks rigging the election was totally acceptable. Gross. Vile>> <<@stranger2Utube says : Thank you Tom ❤>> <<@nancycolletti5441 says : Kudos Tom- this man needs to learn more about the Big Pharma capture and this is a new totally questionable innovation that they were knowledgeable about its consequences- many years in the making- muzzling knowledgeable physicians and virologists and propping up “experts “ who were paid>> <<@lynnnicol3175 says : Tom …. Have you thought about if the laptop was leaked right away like Hillary’s emails the other side would think no one could be trusted? this no trust idea goes both ways…>> <<@samdg1234 says : I just came across this phrase used by Neil deGrasse Tyson in a discussion with Michael Shermer, "recipe for the unraveling of an informed democracy" Earlier in the week I came across this, “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” —John F. Kennedy There can be no doubt, Sam's sophistry notwithstanding, that his deciept and deception won't succeed in his support for an uninformed democracy and his support for the ignorance of millions of American voters. And we are to trust him to guide us in using reason and logic? There certainly can be threats to democracy, but I'd say Sam's advocated path will threaten it much more effectively that the threat he sees. He is literally advocating for the ruination of journalism.>> <<@user-sj6bi8zf1k says : MAGA ❤>> <<@Saved070707 says : Its entertaining to watch educated men to have the answers about problems they never had, such as homelessness and addiction. As a counselor, I've seen so many living with addiction and homelessne dont want to be saved or change. Its become a way of life, created culture. Some do feel trapped and want out. We have a human problem more than a race problem. Nothing will change while politicians use those problems to recieve government funding to take care of addiction education, homelessness, where 10% go towards the problem and 90% goes to waste, corruption, etc>> <<@razorback0z says : "I don't care if Hunter Biden literally has children's bodies in his basement, provided covering it up stops Trump from becoming president". Sam Harris>> <<@markstemmett5296 says : Tom talks to much>> <<@899547 says : Immigration begins at the borders of nations. They should be held as gatekeepers. We are on the receiving end. The governments are responsible for the coordination and laws broken in their countries and this one. We the people listen to empty chatter and believe it.>> <<@samdg1234 says : Sam is being very disingenuous (if not lying) about what he is saying about lying. At ~ 1;33;11, "To be clear, I never thought that lying was part of the ethical response." You might be able to claim that technically but it is sophism. If journalism is something like, (from a google search) iv. Capability to remain a Neutral Analyst: A correspondent disinterestedly observes and analyses various events and presents them in a balanced and objective manner in front of the readers or audiences. A correspondent consciously tries to avoid cardinal sins of omission and commission while reporting. Although, journalists may have their own opinions regarding an event or happening but inculcation of their points of view and opinions in the news copy cannot be allowed. News can achieve objectivity and balance only when the data and facts are collected and compiled in an unprejudiced manner and the conclusion is left upon the audiences. If that is what "journalism" is, then it goes without saying explicitly that with every day's publication (quote above), you've strived to meet that goal to the best of your abilities. In that case it is a lie to not have reported news that you know to be news. The only out might be for the NYT to have on October 14, 2020, to issue a notice that they are aware of a story that will interest many readers, that for the next three weeks, they will refuse for political reasons not report on.>> <<@samdg1234 says : How could Tom let this pass. (He is just too fawning of Sam) Sam, ad nauseam, claims (and pretends) that for him, what should have been done about the laptop was a "coin toss". What do you (the reader) know about coin tosses? They will go 50-50, and it is impossible to predict which way it will go. Here he is making the claim at ~ 1;20;30. This is such BS. Sam displays no evidence of this being a "coin toss". Ever. He contradicts this claim in every instance I've seen him make the claim (and they are numerous). Check out ~ 1;27;11. Here, he suggests Twitter might have got the thing wrong, but he is incredulous that the NYT declining to run the story was worse. How does this represent the oft-claimed "coin toss"?>> <<@fredkeeler1234 says : Tom should have stopped harping on the conspiracy argument for so long on an otherwise excellent discussion>> <<@alexandern5296 says : Murders don't get solved in the black community because witnesses are too scared or refuse to speak up.>> <<@TheJamesneto says : Sam needs to drop his TDS, he starts talking about trump and everything else drops away and becomes irrelevant. this is the exact reason why nobody wants to interview him.>> <<@tombelton4192 says : "Do you want the truth?". Yes, but not from you.>> <<@dreav3446 says : Thanks to Obamas to bring RACISM back and they haven’t done a thing to blacks other than DIVIDE and cause hate !>> <<@wa1-marketing955 says : The problem with poverty is multi-faceted ECONOMICS, Banking/Finance, disequalities in parenting, disequalities in value systems, and THEOLOGY. Eg: Why did Europe blossom in the wake of the Renaissance, and the expulsion of Islam? What also happened periodically, as industries emerged and consolidated? Why did that blossoming require expansion via colonialism ( more raw materials to support raised stds of living and higher populations) The Banking sector allowed rapid growth of the population, as rising wealth produced by more productive industries, as credit expansion allowed more industries to emerge, and for people to spend the money they earned, as incomes rose, plus to build more housing stock. THEOLOGIES such as Islam, that requires time to pray 5x a day or 15x... that time away from productive activities lowers national output. Only with AI and ROBOTS ultimately can it free up people to do other things. ( Expand productive pursuits, take more leisure time, expand creativity or be more sensuous and slothful?) THEOLOGICAL beliefs limit what can be done in the society, so ISLAM, in particular at one level reduces overall output, but with more children born per female, it reduces individual liberty and plus overall output PER HEAD OF POPULATION. But try explaining this to a MUSLIM? or even a Government MINISTER...?>> <<@Phetoteful says : 1. Ann Coulter's response to Vivek Ramaswamy as to why she wouldn't vote for him ("because he's an Indian") IS A PRIMARY REASON for affirmative action and DEI. Some people won't hire or admit QUALIFIED people BECAUSE they're (fill in the blank). If you can't or won't see that, it's because you're either looking through a lens of cognitive dissonance, willful ignorance, or some type of bigotry or bias. 2. Some insidious people INTENTIONALLY admitted or hired unqualified people as a sleight against affirmative action and DEI to prove they were "wrong". 3. Pilots, doctors, attorneys, etc. MUST PASS STRINGENT EXAMS to get licensed; and everyone takes the same exams to get licensed... EVEN WHITE MEN.>> <<@djimiwreybigsby5263 says : drug addiction IS mental illness as is obesity and wealth hoarding>> <<@joedavis6524 says : I am not sure which is worse, Sam's elitist pseudo-intellectualism, or his adoring fans.>> <<@MrSit87 says : Sam Harris is a chump>> <<@samdg1234 says : Sam Harris fans, please help me. Tom is way too deferential to Sam on his position on the laptop. It is ridiculous. Probably too difficult to make the case here. But let me make this point to at least start. How much more cognitive dissonance needs to be demonstrated that can easily be shown here. Check him out at ~ 30;30, saying, *"The silence of the majority is being misread ..."* and yet when in discussion with Don Lemon, he claims *"something like 30, 40, maybe even 50% of Americans don't care that we had a sitting president who would not commit to a peaceful transfer of power"* Here is the question, how does he (without cognitive dissonance) conclude that every Trump voter *"doesn't care"* after just (see 1st quote) declaring that the silence of the majority is being misrread? To help out the Harris fans who might be tempted to engage — it is permissible to say that Sam missed the boat here. How about Tom? Would he hold Sam accountable if he were aware of it or let it slide? Sam is broken. He gets a lot right, but he just won't come clean on the laptop. Anyone?>> <<@neriahbrown4776 says : Sam’s answer to bettering society is to enact policies that allow for people who are struggling to be taken off the street and so that can’t be seen by the wealthier people in “nice” areas. Not hearing a real solution there yeah you mentioned “get the help they need” but what is that agreed upon help and where does it come from>> <<@sophieoshaughnessy9469 says : Bilieu what is YOUR worst case scenario on the HB laptop. Could it be worse than handing your very imperfect democracy to a dictator and his rapacious goons (they will not be the knowledgeable people who followed him in last time, best believe). Maybe try the hat on frontwards for a minute.>> <<@lenloving says : @57:19 Clearly, Sam is here for the potential audience capture, not Tom's "advice." I don't doubt Tom's good intentions (and the kind enough apology he gave Sam), but is Tom "coaching" Sam about messaging and public perception of bad ideas and other information? He seems to be swerving across several lanes. Nevertheless, Sam was kind enough to say, "I appreciate that, [but no thanks]." Sam doesn't need to give daylight to every bad idea under the sun; Tom's "more sunlight disinfects" approach assumes more good faith than the public is capable of. Still unconvinced, Tom presses with ( @1:22:14 ) this naïve claim: "It is a subversion of democracy to keep information from people." (?!?!) It is precisely the control of information at different levels of government that preserves democracy. And it is not "a subversion of democracy" for a private podcaster to not share what they do not wish to share.>> <<@JeffNewcomb-tw4uv says : Host needs to learn to be concise with question; I'm giving up on this interesting topic at 12 min.>> <<@letitflow1120 says : Can’t stand this guy oooozes of entitlement and privilege n if I was only as smart as he is!>> <<@stacyisaak2258 says : He has lost credibility.>> <<@musicclasstube220 says : Love Sam Harris and you did such a good job of letting him talk. Not many people are as articulate as him.>> <<@DandyWestman says : Open border is White erasure. DIE is radical antiwhiteism. BLM is an antiwhite terror group. Sam Harris is an antiwhite.>> <<@ferko6 says : If poverty is the cause of the violence, why is it concentrated more in the black community? There's more poor white people in America than all black people combined, rich and poor. including Oprah, Jordan, LeBron and the rest of the millionaire, billionaires.>> <<@HandlesAreStupid2024 says : You will have to pardon me when I call "bull shit" on the "truth" coming from a guy who thinks it is morally ok to lie about groups of people who he disagrees with. First it was Christians, then his animus turned to Trump. Sam Harris may be intellectually brilliant, but is a S tier fool.>> <<@marchalthomas6591 says : The laptop again? The GOP people are really desperate for a distraction. And it confirms that religious people have a bias for believing in things that do not exist.>> <<@gabrielmejia2626 says : 🤡🤡❄️❄️>> <<@gabrielmejia2626 says : Don't say racist shit and you won't be labeled a racist. Rich entitled ❄️❄️ are the fuckin worse. Stop crying!!>> <<@BradyHansen81 says : Every time Sam says “end of democracy” insert “end of American oligarchy.” So damn dishonest. He has lost all credibility. I can’t stand Trump but it’s no different than what the D’s did with Kenny in the 60’s. You’re spreading disinformation Sam Harris>> <<@GlobalShutterNY says : Sam Harris for President!!>> <<@lauraw.7008 says : 21:06 affordability; good nutrition in childhood, teaching self-compassion and resilience. Also We are not doing society any favors by not taxing the Uber-wealthy to be able to afford - nationally - safe places to care for those who need more than just to be allowed to overdose on the streets.>> <<@ConsoleCombat says : Tom. Why are you so easily manipulated by certain comments to disregard a a position (eg the mask issue) that results in you throwing out the baby with the bath water.>> <<@gabrielmejia2626 says : The rich white guy not liking DEI is too comical. We know why you don't like it. You'll be ok bud 🤣😂>>