<<@alexeidragunov4534 says : Such a nice orthodox style suit 😇>> <<@MM22272 says : no one knows, because there is no truth, but ironically such an assertion is one of truth. it's existentially impossible not to assert anything without making a inherent truth claim>> <<@Kris-ln1vt says : Love your jacket, Dr. Peterson! ❤ It's absolutely lovely!>> <<@dr.shakalu8224 says : Sam Harris is a dork>> <<@AIIA23 says : You don’t have to characterize skepticism towards a canonical text as postmodern deconstruction leading to complete nihilism. That sounds like a straw man characterization to evade the substance of criticism towards religious texts.>> <<@123lowp says : Christianity is a cult of human sacrifice. Jesus was not who was recorded in that book if he actually existed at all.>> <<@GrantStinnett says : The true correct answer is this: “whichever one gets you the most mileage in the pursuit of a good life for yourself, your family, and the broader community.”>> <<@edwardphillips6877 says : Tutelage.>> <<@TheJMT2012 says : Nice blazer>> <<@MehdiHusain says : So what you're saying is that your conclusion is the same as the post modernist one?>> <<@dncbot says : There are good interpretations and bad interpretations, based on the intention of the interpretation.>> <<@MickMoosuka says : Only thing that is infinite is stupidity an the universe>> <<@JPositiveTM says : That's the beauty of the Bible. There's old and new testaments. New testaments provide us how Jesus and his followers interpret the old testament, thus we have an idea how to interpret the rest of it. Together with the language it was written, the culture it was formed, etc.>> <<@OneMan-wl1wj says : "Hello Dr.Peterson?..do you think you could possibly destroy 2000yrs of biblical interpretation and hand it over to the atheists in a 30 second clip for the internet?" "Sure" "Which interpretation is correct.....HEY!">> <<@OneMan-wl1wj says : Either this was edited brilliantly, or this is the funniest clip on biblical interpretation in the history of the internet. 😂😂😂 I can't stop laughing!!😂😂 HEY!>> <<@jcarlosperezgmail says : Q: What's the correct interpretation? Me: I'll go with the guy with the cool jacket!>> <<@abbiepardales4417 says : Bro didn’t say anything>> <<@AmokBR says : What the hell are you wearing, Jordan?>> <<@TripsX says : Next time my teacher asks for the correct answer Me: HEY!>> <<@timothyblazer1749 says : It seems like he may be put out by the fact that Harris had a good point. Not a great point, but a good one that technically undermines most arguments from interpretation without context.>> <<@knownoboundaries___ says : Hey! I love JP 😂>> <<@stevematson4808 says : Jordan, please address Sam's position on free will, his palm tree speech.>> <<@scottt5400 says : Which is exactly one of the reasons a living prophet is necessary. To interpret the meaning.>> <<@anonamos8129 says : If the Bible is that complex and no one knows how’s to interpret it, then I don’t see how this gets us any closer to truth. It may have poetic value but I’m not convinced that equates to an intelligible truth.>> <<@Malouco says : Another reason i believe the Bible is that in the 1611 KJV the precepts are scarry! U can find word phrases or just descriptive words and compare them old to new, new to old, and it unlocks further understanding. If u start fidgeting with those guys work u make it more a writing than a old timey puzzle. That group of men called it "THE HOLY SPIRIT INTERPRETATION" and I believe them Just like when I read a version of the N/A book and it really hit me on levels. In the front couple pages of the book it was written they gathered in group and prayed for wisdom when piecing up that version. SOMEHOW JUST THE BELIEF U CAN TAP INTO SOMETHING EXTRA DIMENSIONAL IS SUFFICIENT ENOUGH TO HELP CREATE AN UNDERSTANDING!>> <<@MaximusAugustusOrthodox says : Peterson wearing an Orthodox Christian suit 🗿☦️>> <<@dontatme3844 says : There is in fact a true interpretation to the text. Just because thousands of denominations exist doesn’t mean there isn’t a true meaning.>> <<@barrow_3490 says : I believe Jordan uses religious stories to explain what HE thinks about the world, not what the stories say about the world. The more metaphors and meanings laid down multiplies the likelihood you're wrong about what the story is actually saying.>> <<@lebo3793 says : Basically, hey !>> <<@nobanshahid2534 says : There are no answers - Only clues.>> <<@finnredmond3192 says : The most synchronised interpretation.>> <<@BigDrawls79 says : 🤷‍♂️>> <<@LexaLite says : I usually ask the question of the question: Am I thinking? Or Am I thonking? Hey!>> <<@user-oq3hv5zo9v says : Jordan Peterson's dedication will last for At Least 60 Years 😂✨>> <<@TwinTalon01 says : I think this video might be mislabeled…. or it was cut off too early….>> <<@gpurger says : It's why English literature is actually a waste of time. There is one correct answer. It's the one the author had.>> <<@jesse6468 says : So 'how do you know if you are over analyzing?' I missed the answer.>> <<@1495978707 says : The postmodernist idea that because there's generally many interpretations, every one of them is equally as good, is just so rtrded. Same thing with muticulturalism. The multiculturalists end up protecting horrible culture, even culture that's strongly at odds with other beliefs that they have, all in the name of insisting that every culture is equally as good>> <<@eveillanderson says : spend 30 seconds with me>> <<@RichardDuryea says : I took a bunch of literature classes in college and the whole up to interpretation thing drove me up a wall.>> <<@peteplayz-norskgaming5723 says : Sounds like the og authors didnt write enough>> <<@corsai7506 says : Love the post-modernist slap down, very true>> <<@maryjanesinkansas9287 says : "Which one is correct?" ... ALL OF THEM! Why? Because!! 😜😂😘🙏🏻✌🏼🫶🏻528💚>> <<@Immersionchurchlv says : Is this a rhetorical question?>> <<@peaceandlove544 says : JP is not a theologist. Cannonical interpretation historically for 2000 = Catholic church (tradition, magisterium, deposit of faith)>> <<@keeponrockin85 says : I interpreted this title as "overanalyzing" social interactions... well, hey!>> <<@Elektrische-Lease says : Thank you>> <<@johnmcnulty690 says : What he's pointing out here is the fact that just saying something can be interpreted an infinite numbers of ways is the same as saying the sky is blue. It's a lazy copout argument that someone makes when they have no valid argument.>> <<@cobianemmanuel says : Jordan Peterson after reading a cookbook: “What’s the canonical interpretation of blend until MIXED? No one knows!! Does this mean there’s an infinite number of interpretations of mixed? Heyyy!!! …. I fucked up your cake ..That’ll be $50 bucks.”>> <<@cobianemmanuel says : This is why you can’t hire people like this to build and run a successful business. At a certain point in life you need to shut up and pick a direction. Philosophy and theory doesn’t move civilizations. Picking a direction does.>>