<<@Kris-ln1vt says : You cannot come back to something you never knew, were taught, exposed to or were ever subjected to in any way. Religion should be taught from infancy and children should exposed to the love of the CREATOR, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, YHWH AND HIS plan for mankind and the world, destruction of the evil and the father of the Lie, Satan and all his followers the demons and yes, mankind who follow him by omission, ignoring or denying the existence of GOD.>> <<@xuchilbara21392 says : As a 30 yo veteran, now working in the banking industry: we are neither "conservative" nor "liberal", we are all just opportunists.>> <<@user-fq1oj2tr3v says : I outgrew my hippie sensibilities, mostly.>> <<@hokejohnston says : I personally still find it peculiar,amazing, and hilarious which side of this argument I’m on; solely because of JP.>> <<@carldom1264 says : The amount of programming in the education will be hard for them to get through on their own. Their worldview is so drastically different than the older generations>> <<@tcolec540 says : I'm genX and fairly conservative. Not believing in magical imaginary friends isn't woke. It's rational.>> <<@ChrisTedoni says : The majority of people are conservative at heart, but some people's interests are more people focused directly than others. The problem with the current bubble is that for many people caught up in the cult of personality, they run past a point of no return and can't come back without major permanent damage because it's become very cultish where your in group shrinks rapidly and the out group grows to such a degree that youve made enemies with 99% of the people you will ever have known.>> <<@JT-rx1eo says : Some people are too stupid to grow more conservative. As the saying goes: if you aren't a liberal at 20 you have no heart. If you aren't a conservative at 40 you have no brain.>> <<@Eme-ii5qu says : In Britain our Church of England supports everyone but the English so we stay away, doesn't mean we are not Christian>> <<@jonathandempsey1172 says : By design from outside the US>> <<@AnastasiaBvrhwsn says : You can't fix stupid>> <<@masada2828 says : Move away from morals based on Godly principles & u see a degeneration of society.>> <<@paulburns7798 says : Im a Gen Z male, and I can see more and more of us realize the system is against us.>> <<@patriciamartine5410 says : I was raised Catholic and was religious until age 14. Later in life I was on the fence about it but sometimes went to church and enjoyed the traditions. Trumpty dumpty and the MAGAs really turned me off of religion.>> <<@Coocoocachoo809 says : No plan to return to religion.>> <<@blah914 says : thats been the case w every generation, but whats changing is that a lot of rites of passages are no longer accessible - like owning a home, providing for a child & spouse ect.>> <<@stantransue5280 says : Asked soon as individuals begin experiencing the inevitable consequences of their stupidity, arrogance and selfishness, many will grow up. The rest will suffer. So be it.>> <<@Nonya2324 says : it will happened. Hey, they’re all kids right now. There mindset will change. I was woke af when I was in college. Come on>> <<@Valstein0 says : Never underestimate a stupid person's inability to change.>> <<@zoezzzarko1117 says : For someone who lived through the seventies And the hippie generation And watched EVERY ONE OF THEM... Turn into mainstream middle aged sheeple This guy has NO IDEA what he's talking about As soon as money slavery hits them in their wallet ----> WELCOME to the FLOCK CLUB YOUR H.O.A. dues are DUE 🀣🀣🀣🀣πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯🧨πŸ’₯✨️🀣>> <<@eloquentia7207 says : In Europe young people mostly voted for right-winged parties in the last elections.>> <<@aaronh8095 says : Bold to assume that very many young people will buy a house or have kids.>> <<@cedargrove1926 says : If you're the type tht does all tht...try and get a good job get a house want lower taxes dnt want rampant crime in ur area then you'll most likely grow up to be conservative but if none of tt occurs and you feel bad for criminals then you'll most likely lean left this is where the split is>> <<@rodnee2340 says : Look at old boomers. They are the original woke. And they seem to buy into the new woke paradigm.>> <<@BrandydocMeriabuck says : I think I've always been split right down the middle of "right" and "left", whatever that means. But as I get older I definitely seem to be distancing myself from the "left". Though in terms of political parties (UK) both the Labour and Conservative parties seem to be absolutely incompetent, limp dicked, wishy washy, and self destructive. So idk where that actually lands me lol>> <<@fortunatecookie9055 says : Too many Yuppies are involved in today's Hippie resurgence>> <<@peacehunter26 says : This opinion is even more naive. Religion was attacked by the culture, but only christianity. Look at islam. So your evidence is selective and does not complete a story.>> <<@Hyperslob says : πŸ˜‚ own a house πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@steves1266 says : I bought a house in 2020 for 25k out right with 2 acres. Took some serious renovation,, but I did it on 50k. 2 years later,, we home school and have no mortage. Its certainly possible now days, if you have some construction, or technical skills. It took me 30 years to gain the skills to do this, now I will do it, on other property's I can now buy,, to rent to those that don't. In time they will do the same I expect.>> <<@jackodonnell3463 says : I used to be woke and expect it to fully die out. The reason is that who counts as a bad guy / oppressor is always expanding. Once the woke hivemind turns against you it’s hard to stay loyal. Everyone is on the chopping block.>> <<@judipoll5866 says : Being non-organized religionists is a religion. Having a 9-11 somehow turns people to God. There are going to be a lot of scared people, before, and when Christ comes. Remember He said, "Get thee behind me, I never knew you, or you never knew Me." How do you learn about God or Jesus unless you go to church and read the scriptures?>> <<@vl_dl says : Own a house got me...>> <<@harleydavo1099 says : Ummmmm ....... woke is a religion.>> <<@malamilkshake6524 says : Yeah they will grow out of it at 45. They’ll be old, infertile and broke>> <<@jrgenbentzen9181 says : This is a generational thing. Every generation goes from radical to cynical/conservative.>> <<@alistairhunter5724 says : None cultists you mean 😒>> <<@MemeMan42069 says : Most of gen z and alpha are conservative but they're not religious.>> <<@richard84738 says : I became leftwing in college due to a lot of courses that opened my eyes (or "woke" me)... but at some point a professor started criticizing the exact group my grandfather was part of. I respected him a lot. That's when I realized maybe I should be more critical of these claims. Years later, I've completely adopted grandpas political beliefs. I think he's smiling down at me now.>> <<@andyparky2716 says : Not in Britain Certainly not one particular faith that's growing unfortunately>> <<@rktbnelson says : There are many GenZ I know that would be described as Conservative and think the woke are nuts. Religion? I think people as a whole are leaving religion because they see the man-made writings on the wall. Religion equals control. Period. God is Love. Religion destroys that idea.>> <<@cecilia6165 says : Scary to think about>> <<@carsonhager9473 says : As a Gen Z guy, I rarely see other Gen Z being liberal/progressive outside social media and colleges. We look at those people with extreme contempt and ridicule them, but media outlets only give woke radicals attention. That doesn’t mean we’re all conservative but mostly independents and conservative.>> <<@kwazar6725 says : When they get real problems they will grow up. Wait till war with china and russia and nuclear fallout and usd falling in value and no food, .... then they will grow up fast>> <<@quinnparle4132 says : What is progressive today becomes conservative tomorrow, it’s the way society has always been>> <<@dustinewing7974 says : I'm a millenial, I work with a handful of Gen Z young men, and most of them are conservative and very internet oriented. Gen Z internet culture is largely conservative, my young friends give me a lot of hope.>> <<@KB-gd6fc says : Gen Z isn’t just becoming more conservative. They’re becoming the alt right that us actual conservative have been falsely labeled for years. It’s a rebellion towards the wokeness of millennials. They’re listening to the nonsense of provocateurs like Andrew Tate and running with it.>> <<@user-lr2ib1cv4d says : The question itself is nebulous and multi-definitional, for what is modern Liberalslism and Conservatism except advantage seeking with the cloak of ideology.>> <<@underworldmusik330 says : Can we all agree woke or not that we're broke and they stay rich and keep us divided>> <<@phantom.wreath says : Lmao I ain't owning a house in this economy. Liberals have seen to that.>> <<@cleftturnip7774 says : Most people do become more conservative when they get older though.>>