<<@TomBilyeu says : WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!>> <<@jeffhogueison1656 says : Because they got away with it, they will do it again>> <<@benton9571 says : Vivek as Vice-President!>> <<@benton9571 says : the ONLY way to reverse what has been done is putting Trump back in. step 1 is to give back what was taken.>> <<@31547 says : gosh the number of ads... I get it youtube, but let the guy get through a sentence.>> <<@kaufmanat1 says : Communism: a state of perpetually being one death away from utopia.>> <<@carratt13 says : Thank you for this interview. Too much of our justice system is corrupt top-down.>> <<@barbaraatkinson2204 says : Go V>> <<@barbaraatkinson2204 says : Tom love your pod casts ,I think you have lived in LA to long>> <<@BlackMath69 says : Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ….>> <<@kimberlysueharms2290 says : Swampy needs to learn the law...jury instructions stated they didn't need to agree on what crime took the legal payment of hush money to make it a felony...plus it it was to cheat his way into office in 2016. And what u should worry about is those classified docs he was showing every tom dick n Harry at Bedmisnter. Trumps a fixking traitor and anyone who supports his actions is as well. End of story... and don't get me started on the destruction of women's rights! Maga has ruined the rep party!!!!!!!>> <<@RecordsLotus_ says : Tom Bilyeu 🤡🤡🤡>> <<@andremitchell5710 says : dide out there, but great interview and topic>> <<@janajakub9268 says : So did Trump falsify record of payments to hide the reimbursmemt monies?>> <<@janajakub9268 says : So did trumps pay media companies to buy and kill stories to nanpulàte reality the voters might see?>> <<@mattanderson6672 says : Thanks>> <<@bradzdanivsky says : This grifter was born wealthy and made his millions as a pharma-bro doing shady stuff. Screw you for spreading his pro-trump lies. Blocking this channel now.>> <<@HannahB436 says : Since the commencement of Biden's presidency, the United States appears to have witnessed more adverse outcomes. These include impacts on the markets, such as declines in prices, significant inflation spikes, and instances of bank failures. I am contemplating whether the sudden surge in interest rates will be advantageous for value investors or if it might be more prudent to temporarily avoid involvement in the stock and financial markets.>> <<@beerman204 says : Vivek..."I'm with the dictator">> <<@Redheadedlady55 says : ~Trump❤>> <<@mariacarmody1191 says : You keep forgetting there’s an alternative to Trump and Biden. We have a once in a lifetime chance to get rid of the 2 party system - Uniparty. Trump is no different than Biden. If you want REAL change, vote KENNEDY!!!>> <<@nwgverified says : Trump is a big threat to democracy>> <<@christineking8996 says : Everyone needs to watch interviews on redacted America is in more trouble than you realise>> <<@cindyspiess9963 says : 12 DAYS AGO ? This was posted ? Naaa>> <<@seandotexe says : I guess I have to comment on every segment. Vivek says we don't create the laws of the administrative state. We absolutely do, our elected officials create and empower our agencies to handle certain matters which are so complicated, that our legislative branch lacks the requisite time/skill/competence to address. Whether you want to fix the Chevron deference holding, fine, but stop pretending agencies are entirely detached from the democratic process.>> <<@seandotexe says : Impartial judicial system? Vivek knows very well that our judiciary is not a-political or impartial. Judges are elected and appointed on political grounds. Also, Trump's prosecution had nothing to do with the Biden / executive branch or DOJ, this was a state prosecution for violations of state law. Presidents cannot be above the law, and so if we imprison every president from now on until they follow the rules I'm cool with it.>> <<@user-rr3wq3xw6g says : Decent questions, top notch answers.>> <<@zelbarnap says : So what is morality to you?>> <<@kodij says : I will never vote for this guy, even if hell came to earth.>> <<@Beesmakelifegoo says : Everyone needs people supporting. Government needs to respond to the the total unequal circumstances,working 3 jobs! Breaking unions! We had unions that was equality! And now with the Technology moving at this speed people are lost. And as quantum technology comes,more help to keep up. We need to help rehabilitate the homeless. People will need money to remain in there apartments. You by yourself needs help. There will be many disappointments if your philosophy takes on.>> <<@Beesmakelifegoo says : I am listening to the folks who Trump has cheated. His lack moral behavior with women is troubling. Furthermore Trump contradicts himself. And I once listened to You saying that you wanted to be president and that you were not supporting Trump. But,now you are doing what Trump does. I initially was impressed but considering how you are now coming from. I like Bernie,what he says does not change.>> <<@boeingseven6939 says : So this America 2.0 version today, it sounds like a mandatory socialism because we are not trusted to "take care of ourselves"??? How does that mindset of Washington play out over the next 4 or 5 years?? Sounds like some dark future that other channels I watch are worried about>> <<@StansWorld says : I still Think there will Be NO Election in 2024...>> <<@bbates4496 says : Great to see you concede to this traitor to our country…coward…>> <<@eeyorestud says : You know who didn't get booed off stage at the Libertarian Convention? Who actually got applause and cheers? #RFKJr>> <<@Deep.Purple says : No one trusts any facet of the government... No one trusts the medical system which is partnered with the Government and it's not fixable. It has to be distroyed and completely rebuilt. If those that got away with treasonous crimes do NOT get prosecuted then it will happen again -- No one trusts the US Government and one man can't fix it. You have Bill Gates out there during interviews saying that this election "will end in a tie and we will go into civil war"... wtf do you think is going to happen?>> <<@jannirri2344 says : There is a great a great alternative candidate: RFK jr. I was at the point of losing all hope for this country until I started listening to what RFK jr. I think he is in the best position to deal with the major issues facing this country. He listens and he cares and he has what it takes to make these critical changes to save america and reunite us as Americans.>> <<@Viktor-jm9tg says : Here is why *no one will take your forum seriously as a unbiased source.* If you were serious you would have *Rimehk Vamiswami paired up with Michael Cohen!* I guarantee you leading with a *pseudo-narrative* would have been shutdown right out of the gate! *No Trump supporter will ever ask why Michael Cohen was arrested by Trump's DOJ.* I can already hear the Trump supporters now *Michael Cohen is a liar for the deep state, if so why was he arrested by Trump's deep state DOJ? If Trump was on the up and up and Michael was truely a criminal wouldn't it not have mattered what Michael Cohen testified to Congress? Trump supporters lack in critical thinking skills...*>> <<@Biffer28 says : Ironic that Vivek blames Biden for not unifying the country when Trump is the most divisive candidate in my lifetime. Trump advocates revenge, if that isn't divisive then I don't know what is divisive. Vivek, like Fox News, uses fear to scare people to his posiitions.>> <<@karasmith2658 says : I'm disappointed your content has become political. I'll keep watching the motivational and life changing videos, but it's sad to see you go that route and will have to skip the political videos.>> <<@OurEvolvingEarth-mj2yq says : I'm so disappointed that you've been giving the right wing air time. Unsubscribed here and on your podcast. You turned out just to be someone who chose to vote for your own profit over ethics and morality.>> <<@ImNoahJade says : I'm curious, I want to read the Culture document for impact theory>> <<@anasolis5181 says : I cannot believe this guy>> <<@anasolis5181 says : I'm glad this guy is not candidate.>> <<@SoCaliGuyHB394 says : Vivek & Elon are two futurists who understand/comprehend the fragility of America's ideals.>> <<@IzudeDarkwolf says : Your rights are mine, and mine yours, I shall take up the spear if you take up the shield. I can be my greatest self, by sculpting my environment to include your greatest self.>> <<@user-cz9ee7nf6b says : No sheep hear,good looking out>> <<@simplesimon4957 says : However MK-ULTRA and MK- DELTA split the country into different programming causing actual mental illness and division between men & women, class, race, occupation, every division they can think of. Perhaps the have not been dumbed down their IQ's could be well above 300. They have been dumbing us down for generations and soon we will all be illiterate.>> <<@jaysonmatining23 says : Thanks Tom, damn Vivek is very smooth. Very wise on point>> <<@alexkairis3927 says : I agree that Biden has failed to fulfill his promise to unify but, more importantly to ask is, has he delivered on leading an effective strategy to mobilize true internaturdure depressure?>>