<<@FeruzaJamoldinova-cl8ye says : Please leave???At first place where the hell have they got the right to invade the land of civilians,stupid>> <<@786baqi says : This is a bit juvenile, every 8th grader knows that people aren’t friends with truth, they’re friends with their buddies.>> <<@ahmadnur1229 says : your discussion is pointless>> <<@newfreenayshaun6651 says : Military remembers they are FAMILY still.... ch9na should go back home, military is on a hiring freeze, WE SAID SO BEFORE ANYBODY DIES.>> <<@evelynmccabe3855 says : Excellent interview.>> <<@jeffspicolli593 says : Hamas is just ramping up the strategy these Arabs have used for years.....playing victim. This is how these unemployed grifters have conned the west into supporting them for 75 years. Here's how it works: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has less than 19,000 employees worldwide to manage 29.4 million refugees across the world, not to mention the tens of millions more internally displaced persons, asylum seekers and stateless people across 135 countries. UNRWA, on the other hand, employs 30,000 people, in Gaza to service a claimed figure of 5.9 million refugees.>> <<@AradGonen says : I live in northern Israel, in the Upper Galilee. Currently, the entire area is being evacuated to central Israel, and the Lebanon border is ablaze from the hundreds of rockets Hezbollah is launching. We are living as refugees in our own country, with no end in sight. The massacre we experienced on October 7th by Hamas will forever remain a national trauma. We have already lost this war; we are merely trying to survive it.>> <<@gotama570 says : Well you learn sometimes. The story is that Jews who moved to Israel are europeans,germans. And palestinian most of them had ancestors who were jews and didnt moved away but later got converted to islam. So the returning back to home land for a german that is jew by faith its funy>> <<@TidalWaveDan says : The Devil speaks with a forked tongue. Is it because those dead children aren’t Americans that we should write the report off as propaganda? Is it only propaganda when America and its allies are being scrutinized for committing atrocities? Remember, they said the same thing about news media and college campuses after they were exposed and forced to end the war in Vietnam. They’ve since sold our news media to corporate entities that enjoy billions of war campaign dollars in return for 24/7 propaganda and pro government narratives.>> <<@SORSORCHINSIANG says : Terrorism is define as unlawful use of violence against civilians.. In term of magnitude of terrorism, who is worse in this war. Or what is the ratio?>> <<@pippadora says : I wonder why Joe Biden hasn't banned tiktok like he said he would! He cannot now because he is held hostage, for votes, by the left elite... disgusting! In fact, all Western governments should ban tiktok in order to save the future generation - their children and grandchildren>> <<@jimbo4375 says : The facts and reality of what happens in war get lost in the narrative. The supporters are largely totally isolated from the consequences of the conflict, as are the politicians in the US and Europe whichever side they back>> <<@jh5174 says : What of Gestapo False Flag tactics...? And the like...>> <<@jh5174 says : Social media algorithm closes off people to new ideas and thoughts... other opinions... 💝🌿🕊️>> <<@jh5174 says : Dr. Peterson, I would like to suggest a guest, Mr. Andy Ngo.>> <<@valmid5069 says : *More Suggested Interviews For Dr. Jordan Peterson:* Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel Salman Rushdie Ricky Gervias Drew McCoy Dan Barker Thomas Westbrook Dan Mcclellan The Line Channel Aron Ra The Non Alchemist Channel Bart Ehrman Seth Andrew’s The Thinking Atheist Channel Trevor Poelman Andrew Neil Michael Burns Tom Nicholas Lewis Waller TMM Channel Sisyphus 55 Channel Duncan Channel Jimmy Dore Cody Johnston Tamim Albargouthi Chris Hedges Chris Mullin George Galloway The Kavernacle Aardman Animations Jane Elliott The Vanguard David Doel Stephen Woodford's Rationality Rules Channel Jon's DarkMatter2525 Channel Amy Goodman Abigail Thorn Swolesome Channel Pillar of Garbage Channel Alexander Haley Sam Seder John Iadarola Rashad Richey Noam Chomsky Jordan Meiselas Leigh Mcgowan Mike Figueredo Norman Finkelstein Dr. Hakim Richard D. Wolff>> <<@plankalicious says : @Jordan please can you have John Spencer go on Pierce Morgan and help spread his narrative>> <<@CHAMPION-1-Winner says : I had never been on social media and after this I will never be on social media. Thank you Dr. Peterson.>> <<@Jo-zi5px says : We, we and we…is this legion speaking to us? He’s just a vessel being used to speak (guy in blue suit). Let’s just keep praying ❤>> <<@schuylersandusky1705 says : Info warfare has to be engaged in on a idiological level. You must deamonize an ideology in order to defeat it. You must dehumanize evil.>> <<@NahuelTomasViking says : Totally on your side Dr. 💪💯 I love how you derive the conversation onto a higher level.>> <<@xrpadoption3293 says : Colleges are being invaded by paid protestors.>> <<@Milestonemonger says : All Liberal social and mainstream media claimed that Trump was a Russian agent? That to me is a war tactic.>> <<@Milestonemonger says : I'm stunned that Tik Tok would not air Dr. Phil's interview with Trump. I really hope Kevin O'Leary acquires it.>> <<@mel3004 says : Who is John Spencer?>> <<@DBENTLEY369ig says : Holloman AFB they don't respond civilization has been compromised by machines with smart algorithm controlling what is seen or sent and what is given censorship Skynet Gen2>> <<@sarahalderman3126 says : The one thing they’re missing here is the “dead children” horrify and disturb women but only a minority of men are affected this way by harm coming to children. Think about it, what are the most popular porn types? What is the most popular entertainment? Men enjoy children and women being hurt, if they did not we would not see the porn content that we do, it would not be to largest industry in the world. Pornhub wouldn’t be bigger than the entire United States, economically. “Teen”, “young”, and incest would not be the most popular if men did not enjoy the pain of women and children. Grown men wouldn’t be fantasizing about raping girls their daughters ages. Boys wouldn’t be fantasizing about raping their sisters… etc. the writing is on the wall. Content as sick as that would not exist if men were appalled by a child’s suffering. It is actually the opposite. Men are drawn towards the suffering of other’s, it appears that it is what men want.>> <<@stringbender3 says : Test>> <<@ericgendell8874 says : While discussing the intracacies and complexities of the Gaza genocide and Hamas, Russian and Chinese propaganda, the central issues have been studiously avoided. Just to clear the air, I am not condoning hamas or Isreal's atrocities, I am pointing out that this video is propaganda, because there is absolutely no mention of the fact that the Palestinian people have been terrorized, brutalized and oppressed by Isreal for more than 75 years. I am disgusted by Hamas using the Palestinians in Gaza as human shields and the atrocities committed against them as propaganda, nor am I justifying the savage, over the top Israeli response which has demonstrated how much they learned from the nazis. To be clear, the right wing Isrealis are Jewish nazis. War is predominantly a means of generating profits for the central banks and corporations that are the nexus of control of the military-industrial complex at the expense of ordinary people, who are fight and dying, adding insult to injury are forced to pay for the wars with their taxes while making the predatory parasites who reap the profits glibly called “the spoils of war”. War is hostile corporate take-over, the most profitable business in the world. If there was no military-industrial complex, the need for oil would be vastly diminished. These are the same people obstructing healthy energy alternatives because these people are cesspools of greed, sadism, sickness and depravity. This is what psychopathy looks like. You can split hairs all you want, but the "good guys" are no less evil than the bad guys. In fact those presented as the good guys are typically the bad guys. You can wrap yourself in American flags and call yourselves patriots, you can speak of the honor and courage of soldiers, but at the end of the day as in the beginning, war is hostile corporate take over and murder for profit and the only difference between soldiers and mercenaries is that merceneraries are better paid murderous psychopaths who are supporting the banks and corporations and making the rich obscenely richer. Ideologies are facades masquerading pathological greed and sadism with noble, heroic causes and patriotism is treason, betraying humanity for the obscene wealth and power of the ruling elits who control and profit from the global war economy.>> <<@sheepsick says : Happy birthday dear man of the heart and soul <3>> <<@RaymondBastien-li6co says : One tablespoon of lard, on the other hand, contains five grams of saturated fat, 5.7 grams of monounsaturated fat and . 12 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. “What we take away from this is that lard is higher in monounsaturated and omega 3 fatty acids, and is lower in saturated fatty acids,” De Santis says.>> <<@rchouser123 says : Information warfare? Info Wars? Someone should run with that and have a radio show or something. I'd listen to it.>> <<@steward836 says : Id really hate to see you be wrong about only one thing, and thereby push conservatives into supporting ww3.>> <<@user-ec8sf2yu3q says : Happy birthday!!!🎉🎁🎊>> <<@DBENTLEY369ig says : Age limits of president coming>> <<@DBENTLEY369ig says : Far from a lunatic however I do have a thing with guys with the name John. Lead to a truth to much respect given to elders>> <<@DBENTLEY369ig says : Hieroglyphs vs alphabet Indian vs Whitemen creation before the slaughter of 1st American settlements Pits us against each other how it works>> <<@DBENTLEY369ig says : I found out following racing funds Day to NA. Daytona>> <<@DBENTLEY369ig says : Indiana>> <<@DBENTLEY369ig says : We produce a pattern>> <<@DBENTLEY369ig says : Skynet follows body next gen doesn't need to follow sims cards from phones algorithm sequential prediction>> <<@DBENTLEY369ig says : Has there ever been a group of people who killed themselves on purpose like a whole county's worth Amish. In a dream last night they had covered their chimneys and just went to sleep>> <<@gabimaftei2433 says : What means “victime victimiser ideology game” ?>> <<@veilofreality says : "The good guys like Zelensky"...yeah right, a corrupt coke addict who since the beginning of the war has embezzled millions of dollars, posing on the cover of Vogue while sacrificing hundred of thousands of Ukrainians to his Western masters, while at the same time brutally persecuting Orthodox Christians.>> <<@LilaSilk says : Great conversation. I agree with the statement, that if you are persistent and can be asigned a task without supervision and you excell, more oportunities are offered to you. Thank you gentlemen and all the best Mr Spencer.>> <<@PhamVans says : Humans aren't capable of dealing with this wireless technology. It is going to devour everything.>> <<@maayanbarn says : That was AMAZING. It's not only about the war on the ground, it's also about the psychological war and how communicating it is complicated. After doing science communications for about a decade - it was also a bit disheartening, because I know many of this from that front. But that's life... Thanks for doing this 💙>> <<@abdullahabu6735 says : He ist right Thats why Israel say Babys was headed .... go check for yourself and dont Listen to propaganda of both side Be adult and be just in your scepticism Yeah sure you hate arabs and misstrust them and trust the white rhetorical Christian Professor but be just ... be just and chek ab who playd with the Baby card and whos Babys are actuali are killed when you have a mind and heart And surr the people stay after drones warn them They like to Die What ever He say dont need a evidence but what ever we see need a evidence He is redicilus>> <<@jeffreyyyy3052 says : Algorythm is creating an echo chamber that is based on your interests. It's just a money-making tool for the platform. For a simple example, if you like fruit, you will only get traffic that is about fruit and in a positive lighting. You won't get recommendations that go's against what you believe, and that's what's creating this very unhealthy environment. I dont have the right word for it, im just calling it propaganda, for it just feeds you what you already believe to be the truth.>> <<@KarolineKiehn-wd2qz says : According to the 2018 LEO study, around 17 million (out of 85) people in Germany between the ages of 18 and 64 read and write at a fourth-grade level (age 9) or worse. The reasons for this are varied: These people are just learning German or they have not had the chance to get a good education. Or they have a hearing, reading or learning disability - or an illness such as a stroke.>>