<<@rayquinton6450 says : Abdolute claptrap. It is NOT the way to study scripture in order to come to a systematic sound doctrine or teaching. Using the method he talks abour here can certainly give extensive insight into particular themes and truths, but ti formulate sound dictrinak understanding you need principles or laws of interpretation. Otherwise you can concoct your own concoction, and it will be just that.>> <<@danmar007 says : In the end, does it matter what these monsters are?>> <<@YouTubeMagick says : Whats wrong with being a satanist?>> <<@dominiquegould-hf7td says : I remember reading about certain people practicing mysticism and spiritism in the late 1800/early 1900 and some were part of these “liberation” movements. One female member was part of a sexual liberation movement while practicing spiritism.>> <<@DarioHaruni says : Next subject: Is Yuval Noah Harari a satanist too?>> <<@danielp3322 says : They fail to mention the most important fact about Karl Marx . His race. His real name was Halevi. His father was a rabbi, as was much of his family. Even on his mother's side. His ideas come from the Talmud which he studied in his youth. It's amazing how Peterson will never mention this group. And if he does mention them, he praises them.>> <<@tommo8726 says : You really are hitting rock bottom when you start with the satanism accusations 😂🤦‍♂️ JP managed to read more than the manifesto yet? 😂>> <<@Emkamo-r1c says : Sounds like Karl's Dad thought his Son was a narcissist>> <<@user-li8te2pw6o says : Communism, parasitic style of life peaple those in power ,zero creativity apart from tortur method and milions of victims.Gray world where children inform on they parents>> <<@constantinosgeorgakopoulos926 says : They failed to mention that Karl Marx actually stated that the goal of Communism was to de-throne God. Marx was an agent of Satan>> <<@Brick318 says : I’m not surprised Jordan Peterson can’t identify a metaphor when it’s staring him in the face. Dudes brain is addled by the demon of drug addiction>> <<@siegfriedschulze5163 says : Those who renounce God and work unscrupulously can go far. But at what price?>> <<@wilhelmhesse1348 says : The pentagram remains a significant symbol of communism...so there you have it...communism could be satanic...>> <<@PiotrPavel says : New word to describe everything like woke? Socializm?fascism?>> <<@AdamGeest says : How many of us had fathers who unfavorably appraised our future potential as men and heads of households? Marx’s one act poetic play is hardly out of step with the tastes and aesthetic preferences of his day. Go read Poe or Baudelaire or Nerval. These darker preoccupations dominated literature, the fine arts and the performing arts. Sounds to me like Marx was a rebellious pastors son with darker inclinations. Why doesn’t the speaker further qualify what is meant by demon in this context? Seems clear to me that the father was referring to some kind of preternatural creative powers. The father was not insinuating that his son was demonically possessed. I don’t know? I’m not a fan of Marx. But this feels like an academic smear piece.>> <<@enriquebalpstraffon says : 150 year old writings from a different cultural environment being read from a fanatic religious present 👍>> <<@MrDavidznuff says : Karl Marx, like every leftist, was a playboy full of time to think about useless things cause he had a rich father and a rich friends, Engels, that support him like a teenager.>> <<@GiacomoRavioli says : What with that verse from revelations talking about the synagogue of satan? Who all worships in synagogues?>> <<@michaelandrews4783 says : You two have the combined intellect of an Ant, you may as well just put the words Conservative Propaganda at the beginning of your video. There are PLENTY of evil Capitalists, are they all Satanic too?>> <<@mrblack6974 says : Marx doctrine was from from the Illuminati doctrine. Marx was not only a Mason, but clearly an Illuminist. When you become a 33rd you receive a book with Illuminati written on it.>> <<@MrStivi1981 says : Satanist = communist = leftist.>> <<@whitepoststudio3947 says : In short, Communism is a deception. It may work in heaven, but not in this world.>> <<@whitepoststudio3947 says : As soon as i heard faustian, I thought of Fauci>> <<@whitepoststudio3947 says : Much falls into place when one realizes that Edomites, the descendants of Esau, the brother of Jacob that God hated " Jacob I love and Esau I hate " infiltrated and co-opted Israelite society during the Babylonian captivity. During the time of Jesus, King Herod was an Edomite and probably most of the Pharisees had the dominant DNA of Edom except for Nicodemus.. It is perfectly logical for Carl Marx to have been an Edomite and most of the "Russian" revolutionaries of 1917 were Edomites. They brought death and destruction to Russia on a level that is hard to imagine the collapse of the Soviet Union and the leadership of Vladimir Putin has freed Russia from these demons. This is why there is a proxy war against Russia. The Edomite oligarchs want Russia back in their pockets. PS Zelensky is an Edomite>> <<@1rockscar says : Mark-cysts, like all cysts, require lancing to save the patient>> <<@ThomasMaldonadoJr says : It's 2024 and people still believe in the existence of Satan? 😑>> <<@davidduncan9201 says : It's shocking how little people understand about communism, its history, how it functions, and the true nature and personality of its most famous leaders. The young people who support communism are naive and uninformed beyond comprehension, but don't have the humility or critical thinking skills to see it.>> <<@katherinesatterlee4761 says : If young people in America only knew the truth they might reconsider the consequences of their actions. Then perhaps not?>> <<@jessebaughman8682 says : honestly this video makes Marx sound based as hell>> <<@timmeterboom8820 says : Marx lived during a period when gothic horror novels like Frankenstein and Bram Stoker's Dracula were being published. He was not a Satanist. Instead, he was influenced by the writing style of his contemporaries. "Das Kapital" can be seen as having elements of a gothic novel. Unlike Hegel, who had connections with the occult, Marx's views had nothing to do with spirituality. He excluded any spiritual elements from his work, focusing entirely on materialism, hence his material dialectic.>> <<@Voicesunstoppable says : Bill Gates is evil!>> <<@johnbecht3158 says : Demons aren’t bad to the Greeks. They are the inspiration of genius- genii>> <<@johnbecht3158 says : The Catholic Church’s doctrine of “the universal destination of goods” is the precursor to Marx. Thomas Aquinas is essentially the father of Marxism.>> <<@chester-chickfunt900 says : Don't fear your collective and individual Shadows, folks. But so many do...with terrible consequences.>> <<@waynegoodfellow9852 says : Karl Marx was the son of a rabbi. What is the connection between Talmudic Judaism and Satanism and Marxism?>> <<@LawofMoses says : Paul of tarsus was a Marxist or the father of infiltration. Matthew gospel chapter 13, and deuteronomy chapter 13 and Matthew gospel chapter 24 the man in the desert! Wake up folks. The time of Daniel is here, now. Repent obey the gospel not the false christ Jesus that was used to teach the world not to obey GOD. The covenant commandments and regulations as given to Moses are the way.>> <<@embalmertrick1420 says : People forget that at the time, the throsophical society and similar movements gripped the intelligentia of the period. Seeing lucifer as the true god and bringer of truth. Darwin, Sanger, the lucius trust, they were all satanists, eugenists. Our modern woke, global culture was funded on these concepts.>> <<@lawrencekagan8688 says : This is what we've descended to? Claiming Marx was a Satanist? LOL That's not even something the most rabid anti-Marxists in the 60s would say when the actual Cold War was going on. We're just living in an age of public idiocy.>> <<@fredgillespie5855 says : I hope you all realise that it was the forerunner to Capitalism that resulted in the Jews being evicted from their homeland by God. Jeremiah 34:17 Capitalism and Communism have a common problem - the both concentrate power in the hands of a few and - all power corrupts.>> <<@seankillingsworth4132 says : Hey Dr. Peterson, have you heard of Father Roman Braga? He survived the Pitesti experiment. Amazing story. Blessings&SHALOM!!!>> <<@guzylad5 says : Jajaja this bloody title...>> <<@tohellorbarbados4902 says : Comedy gold...>> <<@TomSmith-in1zj says : Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Moses and Joshua all pursued the same genocidal policies. How absurd to think the two Israelites were the good guys.>> <<@yoshuaariceaga3293 says : The problem is some christians believe everyone speaks about demons has the same concept as you, but one someone is not a believer it just a metaphor. Reading a text is not only matter reading the letter but understanding the author way of world understanding and the context, so you don’t fall into this outrages misconceptions>> <<@evaangela1388 says : Was "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe" a Satanist?>> <<@bofadese9751 says : Nah, but he was something else that you're too much of a coward to talk about.>> <<@wqsnsr8 says : Interesting information>> <<@dead-zo-nd says : Thank you for mentioning Richard Wurmbrand>> <<@VisualizeInside-mt2li says : Very interesting>> <<@gabbyheys687 says : Have you not read Richard Wurmbrand's book Marx and Satan? Or Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina ?>>