<<@mikeel-tp4sx says : are they in the same room? amazing as always JP>> <<@epic6434 says : It's kind of like Jesus being sacrificed or crucified by the church clergymen after being found innocent by the general law. Isn't this a freedom of speech? Was it suppressed by what was the status quo? It seems like poverty-stricken people had to be careful about what they thought or said like Jesus was crucified for what he said. Are we in cancel culture again? Although I'm not sure about communism living in the U.S. I'm still not sure about the politics I do think the rich create job's but allowing other people in causes this type of thing or does it? Many people seem to favor the fall of the government and aren't forthcoming on what they want in place which is hypocrisy hungry hungry hippos.>> <<@tsmith8567 says : A spiritual explanation helps you understand what is happening in this world today too...>> <<@tsmith8567 says : Respect you Dr Peterson but need to hold you accountable: Genesis 6:9-14 that you quoted is not in his generation...there is an s, generations, as in his DNA is not corrupt, and that's important to understand for the very reason of the flood.>> <<@turtlethuggin says : What an incredible conversation!!>> <<@marcosjara1797 says : Marx was not an atheist, he was a Satanist who was acting like a Satanist and hiding the fact that he worshipped Satan.>> <<@AdamGeest says : Perhaps in the future we’ll publish Peterson’s complete email correspondences. Wonder what little gems will be found there.>> <<@BramSLI1 says : The projection here is palpable. As a Marxist who studied economics in Germany, this is absurd. From a Biblical perspective, Jesus was the guy who threw the money changers out of the temple and created a feast from a few loaves of bread and some fish. He didn't charge anything for the food either. Peterson is out of his depth here and it's obvious why he refuses to debate someone like professor Richard Wolff.>> <<@alexandraittah1089 says : Crony capitalist and Epstein financier Les Wexner also said he was/is possessed by a demon or as he called it a Dybbuk (Jewish mythological possessing spirit)>> <<@cesarrh2000 says : The progressive movement has been a great resource for Satan…>> <<@rallyoso2998 says : I came to the same "Mephistophelian" conclusions that Marx came to independently and agreed that everything should perish. However, despite believing it, I wasn't so much of a fool as to believe it could be done. All efforts of man are too meager in the face of Creation.>> <<@RoyalTracii says : Outstanding discussion. I learned so much.>> <<@jonathanlande7756 says : Love this. I am a Christian and I had begun to be slightly moved by some socialists due to their supposed compassionate undercurrent. Helps to know the satanic origin of socialism. My one critique (thus far) is that Jordan Peterson misspoke. One is not saved by believing in God and living a good life. Interwoven into the fabric of the New Testament and most concentrated in Romans 3-4, Ephesians 2, and all of Galatians is the fact that a man is saved they faith in Christ alone (and that not of ourselves, but as a gift of God, so no man can boast) AND that with this faith, God also regenerates a man making them a new creature with a heart that desires God and consequently wants to obey Him (as opposed to the natural state, of which Marx embodied the culminatio of). This is the gospel in all the Bible and Paul said that if anyone (even an angel) were to come to you and give you a distorted version (even ever so much), that you are to pronounce them accursed (damned). Remember Paul feared that the Galatians were on the precipice of apostasy because they were only about to add circumcision and food laws to faith alone. In Colossians there were men who apostasized because they added mysticism. Others because they indulge carnality (1 John). Still others were declared spiritually dead albeit being very religious and well regarded (Revelations 2). What of those that add more? Hopefully this is helpful to someone.>> <<@chrisjay3026 says : Was writing about sex.>> <<@cherylcobern4483 says : We have this book! Paul Kengor is a local author, where i live. This book is eye-opening and frightening, disturbing.. An excellent read.>> <<@anarchorepublican5954 says : 📚🧐...Marx's anti-spiritual mentor, "Theologian" Bruno Bauer was the first to systematically advocate, the historically half baked "Christ as a myth" theory...denying the actual historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth...I thought his name sounded familiar.>> <<@fazole says : @28:30, that Mao never bathed. That's interesting because he could swim and loved to do it according to his doctor. And since he could swim in a country where most people didn't know how, that also added to his cult of personality.>> <<@elitisthavoc3949 says : Heavenly Father, We come before You in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, and through the power of the Holy Spirit. We ask You to raise up strong and courageous men who will stand firm in their faith and uphold Your truth in this world. Empower them with Your grace to become saints, shining examples of holiness and virtue in a world that often seeks to undermine and destroy Christianity. Fill their hearts with the love and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, that they may discern Your will and follow it with unwavering commitment. Grant them the courage to face any opposition and the strength to overcome every challenge, standing as beacons of light in a darkened world. Lord Jesus, You are the ultimate example of strength and sanctity. We ask that You inspire these men to follow in Your footsteps, embracing sacrifice and service, and living out their faith with integrity and love. May they be fortified by Your presence and guided by Your word, always seeking to glorify You in all they do. Holy Spirit, pour out Your gifts upon these men, that they may be equipped for the battle against spiritual and worldly powers that seek to destroy the Church and its followers. Grant them the fortitude to remain steadfast in their convictions and the wisdom to navigate the complexities of this world with righteousness and justice. We entrust these men to Your divine care, confident that through Your grace, they will rise to become saints and defenders of the faith. May they inspire others by their example and bring glory to Your holy name. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.>> <<@tarusbriggs7415 says : It seems as though their plans, their hopes and dreams, actually came to fruition right before our eyes.. The term atheist is an illusion, a decoy, as anyone who claims to be such is far more “left leaning” than most people are Willing to believe.. The undertakings of psychological operations such as mk ultra, predictive programming(ie birth control, dating apps, welfare, biased policies, corrupt/imperfect laws and the changing of those that were perfect(marriage laws for instance), propaganda/ the injection of poisonous ideologies through revolutions, cultural movements, and so on.. We call them Satan’s children, his servants, and as seen, as far as he is concerned, they did not die in vain😬 Indeed this is chess and not checkers.. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life; and no man gets to the Father but by Him..>> <<@durrysdingdong says : In HP Lovecraft's Cthulu Mythos Tale 'The Mound' is a literary example of what a macabre Utopian ideology with absence of consideraton to the outcomes of others and the whole, can expect to observe and experience.>> <<@jamesturner1373 says : ESG is Marxism redressed>> <<@kimcarsons7036 says : After Peterson was laughed off the stage for his Marx 101, you would think he would have the good sense sense to scrap his imbecilic soliloquy's on his poor misreading of Marx and its adherents. But no, his wildly inflated ego, with his shadow point at everything but the true devil fails to notice anything yet again!>> <<@doriangray7723 says : It doesn't matter what they call the global government. They call it communism, fascism, socialism, democracy, a republic, capitolism, etc., and it all ends the same. That's the truth, whether we like it or not. And if you remove one tyrannical despot, another will rise up in the place of the first. The Bible says, "Let all men be liars, and God be true. God's Word tells us exactly what has been and what will come to pass. The heart of man is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things who can know it. God knows something about something, to tell us the beginning, middle, and end of it. Don't you think? 😮>> <<@robertlibby9716 says : Jordan Peterson is laughable and says things mentally competent 10 year olds wouldn't say. And I'd LOVE to debate him on politics or religion and feed him his lunch intellectually as they say. All he's done is use his education to con people and admitted it publicly. A classic Oeterson comment is "Atheists are actually believers but don't know it." There's a reason Canada cancelled his license. I think he's back on the benzos.>> <<@AkilAmmon-iw2vu says : In its simplest term, "luciferian intellect" is one of total negation to positive forces, thinking, culture etc..>> <<@mrpeabodythethird says : These people are pure evil... They may not know what they're driven by, but they are evil. Thank God! We have people (with a God behind and even before them) standing against all this nonsense.>> <<@dabass438 says : Lucifer represents spiritual evil; Ahriman represents materialism, a denial of anything spiritual. Hitler was clearly influenced by Lucifer, but I'm not so sure about Marx...I would say Stalin was influenced by Ahriman (although he was smart enough to stop persecuting the Russian Orthodox Church in order to gain public support for the war effort).>> <<@billgates-qi9st says : Actually no, i remember much of the commun8st manifesto so cease projecting your own limitations on others please.>> <<@albertsmith6717 says : Karl Marx was the epitome of satanism, probably more so than any other person in history.>> <<@user-wh5so3ns6b says : Marx exemplifies living on other people's money! That's Communism! Anyone who can know what this book exposes and STILL espouse communism is an evil person in my view!>> <<@JM-rs2nt says : Everything left is chaos and is demonic in it’s origin and nature.>> <<@Abby-mn7cp says : “Karl Marx’s maternal grandfather, Isaac Heijmans Pressburg, was a wealthy financier, merchant, and rabbi, whose great-grandfather was the leader of the Jewish community in Hungary. Isaac’s wife, Nanette, came from the wealthy and powerful Barent-Cohen family, many of whom were rabbis, international financiers, and merchants. Her uncle was the influential banker and rabbi, Levy Barent-Cohen, a leading merchant of the City of London. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, “nearly all the leading Jewish families in England are connected with him [via] distinguished marriages which his children contracted.” This included Karl Marx’s cousin, Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the wealthiest man on earth and richest of the Rothschilds. Nathan’s great-great-grandson, Lionel Rothschild, led the campaign to establish the new state of Israel via the Balfour Declaration. Marx’s maternal aunt, Sophia, married into the Philips family, who were powerful Jewish industrialists and merchants, renowned today for founding the Philips electronics company. Her husband, Lion, a rich tobacco merchant, financially supported Marx and Jenny throughout their lives. Lion’s merchant banker son, Frederik Philips, also funded Marx via “loans” (handouts), while his daughter, Antoinette, was involved with the Communist First International. Jenny’s brother, Edgar von Westphalen, co-founded Marx’s Communist League. Marx’s paternal ancestry consists of an unbroken chain of leading rabbis, dating back at least eight centuries. His paternal great-great-grandfather, rabbi Joshue Heschel Lwow, was so influential that “no important decision was taken in the Jewish world without his having first been consulted” [See: Karl Marx: His Life and Thought by David McLellan]. Marx’s great-(x9)-grandfather, Judah ben Eliezer ha-Levi Minz, was the leading rabbi of Italy and the author of multiple ‘takanot’ (major modifications to Jewish religious laws). Most importantly, Marx’s paternal great-(x8)-grandfather, rabbi Meir ben Isaac Katzenellenbogen, was the direct ancestor of Europe’s leading rabbis, Talmudists, and heads of rabbinic courts, and a direct descendant of the House of David [See: The Unbroken Chain by Neil Rosenstein and this article]. Thus, Marx himself was paternally descended from the House of David, which is very significant in Jewish culture, as they believe that their messiah will be a direct patrilineal descendant of the Davidic line. So, in brief: Marx married into well-connected Prussian aristocracy that was descended from European kings, he was personally descended from a huge lineage of incredibly influential bankers and rabbis, was a cousin of the Rothschilds, and a descendant of the House of David.”>> <<@charelzJ says : Ok as an Athiest and just analyzing the myth. I see Lucifer as a guy who got shafted for following orders. According to Christianity angels don't have free will. Ok if angels don't have free will then how did Lu choose to rebel against God? If angels don't have free will wouldn't it stand to reason that Lu and all of his cohorts were ordered to rebel against God by God?>> <<@NowhereNN says : MLK wouldn't have been opposed to race-based treatment. He was a communist agent on record. The only reason why he preached against race-based policies was because that is A. what he was told by the Soviets and B. that was the narrative needed to undermine white identity.>> <<@NowhereNN says : Marx's motives were very much inspired by Judaism.>> <<@NoiTuLovE64 says : More important to this conversation needed to be said, Marx said "Nothing ever gives me greater pleasure than to have my name linked onto Darwin's".>> <<@kimwaldron2606 says : If you are going to pass judgment on Karl Marx then read Karl Marx himself or his summaries. Don't read a propagandist book which will be forgotten in a short time. He developed an excellent critique of capitalism, and he will be read probably long after these two guys are forgotten. I can say that with practically 100 percent certainty. I don't agree with everything Marx says, but there is value in a lot of it.>> <<@arickfakhar1717 says : Its funny how either think they know anything about Luciferianism. Luciferianism does not support anti-life, anti-christianity, or really, anti anything. There is no set doctrine or hierarchal belief structure like you find in Zoroastrians demon children, the Abrahamic faiths. What Luciferianism is, is a loose set of varying beliefs that generally promote control and dominance over the self, enlightenment through the natural world, and the obtainment of power over ones own life. It is almost explicitly centered around making yourself better. It has virtually nothing to do with the Abrahmic devil, except loosely by name. What these two abrahmic ideologs are describing is at best, Satanism. Though still pretty far off the green on that one. Calling Luciferianism, Satanism, is like claiming a Jew is an Evangelical. Also, Aethism is not satanism. The rejection of and/or acceptance that you do not know for sure, the existance of a god as is portrayed in Angra Mainyus bastard children, does not equate belief in some evil demon king of said belief. The disbelief in one thing is not the belief in another equally fallable thing. A belief that there is no six legged cat does not mean you automatically believe there is an an eight legged dog.>> <<@mandypants226 says : Peterson is a coward. Why won’t you debate professor Richard Wolff who is a self proclaimed Marxist economist. He would wipe the floor with you and your distortions of Marx.>> <<@frankhainke7442 says : "They are nationalizing everything including poverty." That is what they do.>> <<@davidlarsen6175 says : Excellent discussion, everything is Spiritual! Guaranteed!>> <<@budc3156 says : Extremely interesting conversation!>> <<@thompsonjeremyt says : Ephesians 6:12>> <<@pondfishrancher says : Very interesting video, wokies always struck me as deeply satanic, not surprising since they glorify things like pride, gluttony and sloth very much like their priest marx>> <<@anonymousprogram6383 says : Shaking my head at 99% of the comments in here.Obviously nobody's read the fucking literature properly or more than once over>> <<@vallab19 says : I am an admirer Karl Marx as a genius of social political science of his time and for his basic ideals and goals of establishing an egalitarian human society. However I equally disagree with his working class revolution and the establishment a communist society under the proletariat dictatorship. I published a book titled; 'An Alternative to Marxian Scientific socialism: Reduction in Working Hours Theory' in 1981 to explain it. I also like Jorden Peterson for many of his social ideas but not all of it. He seems to be somewhat a religious zealot. I don't know about Dr. Paul Kengor but the way he see's Marxism with his western religious lance definitely makes me to conclude he is a religious bigot.>> <<@annemcdonald5147 says : Oddly enough, I am unable to click in. This is absolutely remarkable. I'm reasonably certain you are aware of the plague of boils from your Exodus read. Continue and you get Leviticus 13:18-23, Deuteronomy 28 :27, Job 2:7-8. I'm taking the time to write this because it brings home the satanic nature of the Marks-Engles colaboration. My previous mental image had been rather Dostoyevscan, the two of them laboring together in a sparce , cold rented room, wrong in their thinking but pure in their determination to craft a compelling document so powerful in its argument it would forever abolish poverty from the face of the earth. As we silly American high school girls of the late 1960s responded to the blatantly ludicrous, gag me with a spoon! These guys weren't simply wrong in their solution to poverty, they were full-on tools of the devil himself. Marat, anyone?>> <<@GL-bz2fy says : i believe any german political theory is a bad idea>> <<@shaunshaikh8617 says : Should be called the Devil and Jordan Peterson>> <<@nacho-hp4um says : I say the government owns every business and the workers take the profit. The Government can keep their taxes they were gonna get anyway and get rid of the middle man owner and give ALL the workers the profits.>>