<<@user-dx7fk7oy7w says : define "successful">> <<@johnboggs8765 says : There are legitimate reasons why cultures go after (((eskimos))). It’s not simply envy. Dr. Peterson is simplifying the situation and down playing (((eskimo))) behavior as a cause.>> <<@mostlygroovy says : Islam will doom😂>> <<@Paul-th9vr says : It is why you got so much attention for becoming very popular and speaking openly about your ideas on issues that are contrary to our government’s policies and laws.>> <<@pump3820 says : I agree, but success shouldn’t be based on how much money you make, which the Jews are successful at, or at least that’s what they are known for. Bring back vital living and trade of vital goods and that way people will have to move away from cities. It would be a regeneration of the land and it would end global warming. We should be farming jungles so we can harvest safrole, enough for everyone.😂>> <<@MilenaClairmont says : Asian Americans are the largest successful minority in the US so this argument doesn’t work. People still call you anti-Chinese for talking about Tibet, Ughyurs or Taiwan. Most people are either apathetic or are completely fine with the existing status quo. Being against genocide and brutal occupation is not anti anything it’s being pro humanity.>> <<@willmercury says : Damn, JP! Either grow it out or shave the back of your neck!>> <<@axelanh4952 says : Sounds like 'They hate me because I'm beautiful' lol>> <<@theresahenderson3534 says : They are successful because they raise up and pick their own to lead by design.>> <<@ianstuart5660 says : How is it ever smart to manipulate and take advantage over everyone else for one's own gain? It's asking for rebellion! Need a new definition for smart. Maybe the answer is compassion and sharing? Just a thought!>> <<@tracimetcalf3374 says : Income inequality is the problem. I agree with Dr. Peterson on this.>> <<@judithknights-rayson9284 says : Why are the Jews the canary in the coal mine? It is NOT JUST because they a SUCCESSFUL MINORITY. There is a HIDDEN reason which is MUCH MORE SINISTER! There are TWO SPIRITUAL kingdoms invested in man's ETERNAL FUTURE. 1)The kingdom of heaven, where God OUR Creator; is King . and 2) The kingdom of THIS WORLD, ruled by Satan, an angel who turned rogue in heaven and planned to establish his own kingdom there. God cast him out-of heaven. He was in the garden of Eden when God placed Adam the man He had created, there. Satan, still craving his kingdom, managed to trap Adam into disobeying God, so that he could claim Adam and ALL his descendants as subjects for his kingdom of darkness. BUT God had a plan to REDEEM US OUT of the devil's kingdom. .He chose the Jewish nation as the vehicle for His aredenption. 1) God called Prophets out from the Jewish nation to bring to the world the revelation of Himself -- the ONLY, TRUE GOD. Their experiences with Him are recorded in the Jewish Old Testament Scriptures. 2) It was from.the Jewish nation that the Messiah, the Saviour, Who woyld make it possivle to leave Satan's kingdom and be born again, SPIRITUALLY, back into the kingdom of God. Satan is real. He hates our leaving his kingdom. So, he will have his revenge, whenever he can. Throughout the ages he has tried to destroy the Jewish nation. He knows that onay, Jesus will return, for the Final Judgement, and then Satan will LOSE his kingdom and be consigned, as punishment, to the lake of fire. FOREVER! Jesus was a descendant of King David. When He was crucified, a TITLE was nailed above His head. KING OF THE "JEWS". A King must have a Country, A King must have a Nation, A King must have a Capital City, or he can't be King! Satan, through the people who serve him, is doing his best-to prevent Jesus from returning! That's the GAS that's being used to DESTROY the Jewish nation. No Jews, No Israel, No Jerusalem, No Jesus. No Final Judgement and . NO FORGIVENESS and NO SALVATION! and we-will all spend ETERNITY in the lake of fire WITH THE ENEMY OF OUR SOULS, being TORMENTED FOREVER!>> <<@hatemongerofthetoxicbrood6561 says : Or you know, because they always permeat any culture, espouse open borders and inclusion yet behave exclusivily with themselves. Their baseline moral is "Rule for thee but not for me". And they never integrste with the local populace and Nepotism is their most core value. You see how that will cause the locals to hayw them? You see how this ptherness behavior causes them to subvert prganizations of power? And their religious zeal in their practice of nepotism allows them to inflitrate any power structure they are allowed into? No people do not automatically go for the most successful. 150 nations did not go for the most successful. They went for the invasive, nepotist subversive force their to steal their resources and power.>> <<@degg1887 says : Jews perfected the victim mentality. That’s why they’re successful.>> <<@johbowfor says : Successful at what? Huh>> <<@joshader3986 says : First it’s them, then it’s you. Just ask the Capital Police. Some of them might resonate with this.>> <<@johnHofweber says : Jews successful? Good PR, like their big brother who 'successfully' represent themselves as a 'democracy', 'champion of human rights', and much much other BS>> <<@LucaLaQua says : I love your stuff but our economy is broken and our haves vs have nots are completely unstable. This is not anti Semitic, but we while we dont need to go after the successfuln we need to equalize the system.>> <<@alanfischer863 says : In a world constructed of Usury, Interest, money changing, kleptomania and profits they are successful. But if placed in a world of Love, Compassion, Benevolence, and Grace they are like a fish out of water. When you allowed the international Central bankers to converted Gods world to a Kleptocracy you allow Evil to succeed?>> <<@razvan4188 says : 200 years together. great book by a great author. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, heard Peterson is fond of his work .>> <<@lv4077 says : I thought the goal of today’s woke (Marxist)movement was to attack anyone and everyone who is financially successful because they have unfairly Stolen money from the less successful or accomplished. That’s the only possible way, successful people could come up with the money. This country should be governed by unsuccessful poor people who have never achieved anything in life. That’s the only fair thing to do. Sure,it may result in all of us being poor, but will all be equal. As a matter of fact, Karl Marx gave us that very solution.>> <<@dave7825 says : One word: usury>> <<@barrypickford1443 says : Jews keep money in Jewish life and support each other. There are other closed knit people That operate the same Most of us are programmed to consume and help only ourselves. Who’s winning?>> <<@niceguy1774 says : "The successful minority cries out in pain as it strikes you.">> <<@tylersingleton9284 says : "Successful" always seems to mean the wealthy. The love of money is not a success. It is a vice and should be abhored. Usury and mercantileism (price setting middle men) destroy nations.>> <<@CampH-s4g says : Wrong>> <<@davidhunt313 says : *_ENVY KILLS!!_*>> <<@JeffPezos says : But isn't exactly this that has been happening in europe and the west against especially white men or white people in general the last 20 years or so?>> <<@ashleycnossen3157 says : Well they already trying to "eat the rich">> <<@lilalali6753 says : Partial truth.>> <<@damonpayne3018 says : As a canary who recently converted to Judiasm, I'm offended by this.>> <<@WexMajor82 says : THEY form a community INSIDE the community. They only go to THEIR stores, only to THEIR doctors, only to THEIR lawyers, only in THEIR banks. Money goes into the THEIR community and NEVER gets out. That's the real problem with the THEM. That's why they are persecuted. And I find ridiculous I had to censor my comment or YT would remove it.>> <<@malafakka8530 says : Ah, the antisemitic conspiracy theory nuts strike again in the comments. They never disappoint. Or learn anything.>> <<@DittonWilson says : "The stupid in any enterprise , are always in the Jordan Peterson comments">> <<@josephl6289 says : Heres the truth: Some people are born with characteristics and traits which amalgamate toward "success" which is essentially optimal adaptation, this is an overarching concept associated with certain inherited traits. This is purely biological, with epigenetic aspects (culture, resource availability, etc, etc.). If you are not BORN with these proclivities, or enculturated/receptive to certain life lessons/experiences... you will NOT become successful. Some people can overcome tempermental deficits, yet even this, finds its origins in the level of intelligence/motivation in the individual which are innately genetic. TLDR, genes are everything, some people are not born with "good genes." Circumstances cannot generate genetic propensity, it has to exist axoimatically in the first place. I.Q. for instance.>> <<@encouragingword1172 says : My husband was in Nam. He said after the US pulled out, the North Vietnamese came in and wiped out the educators and the educated, leaving the peasants who could be controlled. If youve ever seen the scene where the S. Vietnamese were fighting to get out of the city and begging soldiers to please take their little kids, that’s why. That’s also why its a tragedy that theUS gov, media and Hollywood was used by the communists to give up before the final victory over the communist North. Within 6 months, South Vietnamese ppl wd have been safe. One NV officer said more like 6 more weeks and it would have been over for the N Vietnamese forced. Thanks to the Democrats, Jane Fonda types and Walter Cronkite, millions of SV ppl died and our fallen soldiers died in vain.>> <<@Theyliedtoyou says : Really? It wasn't that they took positions in academia, then lied to student about thier history to push thier liberalism for tikkun olam? Or blackmailed politicians to demand favor for thier homeland? Confuse young men and women about thier sexualityyo make them docile members of society? No?>> <<@andredubois4601 says : 109>> <<@Justlivingit says : Money is not everything . Successful dosent mean you are good ... starlin was a very successful dictator>> <<@saracowgill2144 says : They are the Blessed and The Chosen by God. There doesn’t need to be any other reason. Satan and demons hate them, and will attack at every chance.>> <<@Sketch1ish says : What makes the Jews so successful so consistently? I'd be interested to see what parts of their culture we could attribute to that. There has to be something unique about their faith.>> <<@DieselDoktor says : Florida’s Hb269 would like a word.>> <<@theshannan59 says : Interesting . Jealousy . I didn't realise that.>> <<@ScriptedLinks says : For someone as intelligent as Peterson, it's clear where he's been bought. Every single member in congress has an AIPAC representative, and you're going to tell me that 4% of the population owns 96% of the media corporations? No. That's not "oh look they became successful!". There's a reason they've been kicked out of 110 countries.>> <<@JimKJeffries says : The success is a byproduct of the Jews focus on family and education. Why would anyone go after a group with this focus?>> <<@ShimobeSama says : If you just replaced the highest-earning ethnic group with a class or sector of people, like bankers, etc. that wouldn't really be that odd for society at large to go after them. Of course it would be ridiculous to go after all bankers, but the majority of the finance industry has driven Western civilization straight off a cliff, and systematically dismantled all the producer industries like manufacturing, now energy, and soon agriculture (bug protein) while suppressing their birth rates to increase GDP slightly and then replacing them with infinite hostile foreigners once the feminist Ponzi scheme couldn't have any more anti-human demonic profit milked from it (next after hostile foreigners is replacing all humans, including themselves with robots), so people have every right to be mad at "the successful." The simplest way to summarize left- vs. right-wing politics is pxrxsites vs. producers, and interestingly not all Js or bankers or any other disproportionately wealthy/"successful" group are all on the right. If you look at a more fine-grain breakout of political leanings of different sectors, of course agriculture and energy are overwhelmingly right leaning, but where you see huge splits in finance and law, that split is where the absolute topmost elites lean overwhelmingly left in the woke DEI neo-Marxist Fink/Blackrock direction, and a huge chunk of normie bankers and lawyers lean to the right. The ones who are actually doing the work tend to lean right, and the ones in any given sector who are simply extracting profit and conducting arbitrage while providing no added value themselves are almost 100% on the left. People who go after any of these groups as a whole just have a hard time differentiating between left and right, and people like Shapiro despite positioning themselves on the right will make things much more confusing and frustrating for apologists while making the anti-Semite case much stronger, by half-assedly framing things like opposition to neoconservatism as somehow left-wing, when neocons like him are the liberals and overt, proud globalists and multiculturalists (except for one country which he openly states he and the US exist to serve) who end up capitulating to and siding with communists over traditionalists and nationalists every single time without exception the past century or so. Even if you compare post-Stalin Soviets to Stalinite Mao, they side with Mao over the Soviets, and then look at post-Soviet collapse, the neocons literally pretended China wasn't communist anymore after a few market reforms, feeding its military directly with liquid capital and near-infinite dual-use technology for decades, even cxxping a popular elected head of state to keep tariffs off China while calling him a Russian spy. Meanwhile, the exact same neocons who kept pretending China wasn't communist anymore somehow tricked the public into thinking Russia still was secretly communist, despite it switching sides and implementing a more extreme version of the US's own kleptocracy/securocracy hybrid system, and they actually escalated cxntxxnmxnt against Russia worse than ever, as if they (neocons) were punishing Russia for leaving communism, and rewarding China for staying communist. This is the most blatant pro-communist gaslighting happening in plain sight, but still no one has the basic perception to note the consistently proven deep inherent link between neoconservatism and Marxism/communism/globalism/multiculturalism/etc..>> <<@benjones4866 says : Cost living crisis makes the less fortunate very jealous.>> <<@zeitlichkeit5094 says : I respected you Dr. Peterson, but Candace Owens was right. So, I completely disagree with your statement.>> <<@jacksbackable says : Wow! That’s DEEP ✅👏🇦🇺😊>> <<@Nevilletheendevour2238 says : It's easier to vilify the "dominators" than to do the work necessary to become one. Takes humility. How humiliating for the resentful shallow mob who can only rule when their blade is satisfied with the blood of the successful whose fate would be determined by where they feel their resentment rightfully lie regardless of truth. The lust to be right by the wrong will be our doom. Blood is all they want. There is more then one way to get it.>>