<<@HyrijeDama says : I did not understand a thing from this interview, it seems that the speakers do not understand war, war simple math is one against one, the result are 2 if they decide to make peace, 1 if the other combatant dies, or zero , all the combatants dies, all the other labels are useless, a big differention should be made between skirmishes and war😂>> <<@icanfly2245 says : They were people that downplayed the nazi horrors and today they are doing the same for israel and JP is one of them>> <<@user-py7np2zj1y says : هل هذا محاور ؟ يتكلم خمسة أضعاف ، كما لو كان هو من يقدم أطروحته نسيت أذكركم 🔻🔻🔻🔻>> <<@ijlalijlal says : How plain facts and recorded evidences can evade one of the most critically analytical mind? By using the insight I have gained into psychology from your lectures, dr peterson i think you exhibit confirmation bias or you are somewhat of a bigot.>> <<@Ruya-Vision1 says : 5:27 The repeated historical mistake of the welfare societies, the repeated stupid arrogant idea that “our power will never end”, where do you get this shameless attitude of repeating the slander and false justifications that the US and UK already admit are false. Do you now justify your crimes in Gaza with your crimes in Iraq? Saying, "What's new? We've already killed 1.5 million Iraqis, why are you objecting now? You're so stupid. It's just 40,000 Palestinians we've killed so far. What's bothering you?" What you do now will become history Whether you like it or not, you cannot stop the Earth's rotation. But thank you for this, because it will be useful in the International Court of Justice. You are burdening your future generations with what they cannot bear. Are there no rational people among you? I hope you don't have any buildings, because when your turn comes, 50,000 10-ton bombs a day will be used to destroy the same military complexes underneath those buildings. Do you think everyone watching this video is the stupidly biased person interviewing you?>> <<@strahinja95 says : What does this goofball Peterson say now that Israel killed more than 50000 people out of which is a large % of children? "Give 'em hell" still?!>> <<@Yorkshire7 says : What is the plan of the IDF Zionists is what you need to ask. They have really brainwashed you despite your educational background.>> <<@gary_beniford says : Israel has not done everything possible to protect civilians. Israel's reckless bombing has killed more civilians in less time than Russia's war in Ukraine which has been going on over a year longer and is a war much wider in scope. Israeli military admitted to carpet bombing parts of gaza. Israeli politicians have stated that their goal is to defeat hamas and occupy/annex gaza. Israel kills hundreds of civilians in the already occupied west bank every week. They DO NOT CARE about saving Palestinians' lives! They do not support Palestinian independence on any level.>> <<@travelswithLiz.8817 says : Is there somewhere we can find the full interview?>> <<@RRR-ox9ud says : Everyone except Hamas talks about what Hamas wants to do. Sad>> <<@RRR-ox9ud says : Everyone except Hamas talks about what Hamas wants to do. Sad>> <<@dusanshoksduxdux says : Or or how about you don't send your brothers and sisters across the ocean to fight a war, or or how about you mind your own dam business, FFS they want be everywhere if there is a war you will find the USA near it, and somehow they are fighting terrorists>> <<@awedahameed5096 says : This is big lie>> <<@user-gd6pw8sy2p says : Euroopeen people stil an palestiniane lande with american arme When they resiste the be cam terroriste 🙄>> <<@tani8853 says : AND THATS 100% TRUTH. Thank you both gentlemen>> <<@glendonrayworth9553 says : ATTENTION all people who are ANTI-HOLOCAUST. Do not engage the suggestion that Israel’s defense against genocide is itself genocide. It only encourages them. Their suggestion is textbook DARVO. It is beyond counterintuitive and contrarian. Do not engage them. Engaging them only further trivializes the horror of the holocaust. Do not engage them. Just pray for them. Signed, A Loving Christian>> <<@jhgfghjfuzrtfchchghgf says : The Muslims don't want Palestinians but the west is stupid and takes them. It's ridiculous>> <<@stf5876 says : The 2,000 pound bombs thing sounds like when German soldiers were whining about the use of shotguns in trenches back in 1917 in WW1. Germany managed to forbid U.S troops from using standard shotgun ammo.>> <<@BCBjcewA says : If humans are expendable than surely the most divine shoukd expemd themselves first. For heaven is onlt a moment away.. yet they act like they have to win at a thing that turns all evil. War is inherently evil.>> <<@charlesmiller6281 says : Evil has always preyed on the sensibilities of normal kind hearted people. In Viet Nam we had our own media showing us the horror of war, but never the horror of what we were fighting. The Khmer Rouge killing fields, the millions under Mao and Lenin, we hardly ever heard about. Just like now, no news specials on Hamas indoctrination of children, hospitals and schools used to protect terrorists, miles of tunnels that make it impossible for Israel to do anything without mass destruction and casualties. Worst of all no coverage of the truth that essentially all the Palestinians are Hamas, either actively or passively supportive. The old rule of war was to kill until the enemy loses all hope, or until there are none left. A little history goes a long way to understanding how to end this.>> <<@capecodder6207 says : Intelligence!! All I see>> <<@njutoni190 says : 1:15 përdorimi i mediave sociale dhe al xhazirës për të nxitur popullin 4:00 tërheqja e ushtrisë kundështare drejt një zone urbane 6:45 idf-ja minimizon viktimat civile 9:00 gaza e 2023-2024 dhe mosuli>> <<@andrewsilverstein6186 says : Brilliant>> <<@abdmire2004 says : Parroting??The WEST and it's SATELLITE Israel has not achieved it's military objectives after fighting with Hamas nearly 9 months!!!!>> <<@ahmadnur1229 says : US is terrorist nations and help massacre civilians now you want to provide help to build build what>> <<@ahmadnur1229 says : US the terrorist Nation what you attack civilization, the nations defend their land what your want.>> <<@danddr7184 says : Thanks!>> <<@Mis-AdventureCH says : Since this has started, BRICS has added a bunch more nations. That was the end goal....US support for Israel doesn't play well with Hamas broadcastingn pictures of dead, Brown children far and wide. That drove a wedge further between those nations and the US...right into the arms of BRICS. Pull back the curtain and what do you see? CCP >> Iran >> Hamas >> Political and economic damage to CCPs western rivial. Presto, BRICS grows, US dollar weakens further.>> <<@786baqi says : Dear Mr. Peterson, metaphorically speaking, It is interesting that Islamists using religion to incite violence is accepted, but Zionists using religion to incite theft, violence, subjugation, dehumanization & imaginable slaughter, isn’t considered the reality that it is. I know it’s hard to accept both sides of a fence being poor choices for a dismount. Staying on the fence & walking it, is the lesser evil…imho.>> <<@AlexPlaysVideoGamez says : IDF bombs refugee camps and they’re avoiding civilian casualties? What?>> <<@cezzar5233 says : Bring Bassem youssef>> <<@I9s7lam5is-S3tu1pid says : Did a ‘Palestinian’ state even exist throughout history? By Lloyd de Jongh The Palestinian Occupation of Israel: from Lloyd de Jongh YouTube channel: 1. Before modern Israel 🇮🇱, there was a British Mandate, not a Palestinian state. 2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman empire, not a Palestinian state. 3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state. 4. Before the Islamic state of the Malmuks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid empire, not a Palestinian state. 5. Before the Abuyid empire, there was the Frankish and Christian kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state. 6. Before the kingdom of Jerusalem, there were the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state. 7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state. 8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Sassanid empire, not a Palestinian state. 9. Before the Sassanid empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state. 10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state. 11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state. 12. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid empire, not a Palestinian state. 13. Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state. 14. Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state. 15. Before the Persian empire, there was the Babylonian empire, not a Palestinian state. 16. Before the Babylonian empire, there were the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, not a Palestinian state. 17. Before the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, there was the kingdom of ancient Israel, not a Palestinian state. 18. Before the ancient kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of ancient Israel, not a Palestinian state. 19. Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of ancient Israel, there were an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state. This piece of land at the meeting point of the three continents of Africa, Asia and Europe, has been everything, BUT NEVER A PALESTINIAN STATE!>> <<@Gonewith says : The government should never be doing anything its citizens don’t want. Jordan is smart but this guy is an idiot.>> <<@Kym935 says : Great informative video! Happy Father's Day, Dr Peterson, thank to your content, it helped me put my life together to be a decent father.>> <<@iansmith8783 says : Netanyahu govt was keeping Hamas in power with payments through Qatar. Can we hear from someone who can address this?>> <<@RenaudDupuis says : Hamas has a strategy, sure. Official people/places and not so official people/places have a strategy for Hamas and others for them. There are several steps left on the ladder. When will we talk about them?>> <<@brianbob7514 says : So, their strategy is to show what kind of people are on the other side?>> <<@steward836 says : The difference between the amount of land granted to israel after the war, and the land occupied now makes it clear, your support of the nation of israel in this situation completely undermines your poaition as a moral and logical authority. It seems like you are a paid misinformer now, youre clearly more intelligent than this. I mourn the loss of what you were before this.😢>> <<@UNCHART3DGAMING says : Too bad our treasonous politicians are continuing to import this mess into the West>> <<@francismcglynn4169 says : The U.S. also had to deal with President Lyndon Johnson's attempts to control and prevent the military from harming his image ( no attacks on Hanoi etc.)>> <<@ChimezieEmmanuel-ch4jx says : Very Insightful>> <<@8324964993mive says : So the IDF/Israel puts thousands of Palestinians in jail (POWs) and then the Israelis exchanges one Hostage (POWs) for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners which shows how relatively moral the Israelis are ??? I think that initially imprisoning the thousands of Palestinians is where the moral corruption lies. All of these Israeli justifications are bullshit.>> <<@WillyLeclaire says : Iranian proxy crea5ed the process? Mr Peterson you are a failed being.>> <<@pepperspray7386 says : not sure if either side can be trusted. one is an apartheid state the other a terrorist state, the west has decided those cannot exist.>> <<@astro8255 says : Hamas is islamic group, so they would commit terroristic acts forever tell the moment when Muslims will force everyone to submit to Islam and Islamic rules. So dangerous . Proud to be an EX-MUSLIM>> <<@ArjunGhag-ix7te says : Trump is hated by woke left cuz he is patriotic & religous & orthodox masculine (PROM). 3 things marxists want destroyed. Hamas allied with western students as they both hate western PROM. As exemplified by Churchill. Who too, was hated by 1930s early wokes (liberal pacifists) e.g. Mr Chamberlain & French politicians. It was only after about 60000 UK kids & mums were killed by the Nazi Blitzkrieg that UK folk rebelled & demanded Churchill be made the war boss, it was only then the tide started to turn. It still took 5 yrs to win WW2 & about 100M deaths. Winston had wanted Hitler killed or jailed for life in 1933. But oh that was too improper for the woke & he was marginalised by the ruling class like Trump is now.>> <<@Ren-1979 says : One thing that struck me. If there are no dead children to show, then the strategy would not work!... Besides, about 200 hostages against 30.000 dead civilians is not fair in any case and in my opinion it cannot be considered "defending" .... Apply the same logic to Ukraine... you would have to make a huge massacre of the Russian population to compensate for Russian atrocities in Ukraine... So. Let's call a spade a spade. Israel and Russia are war criminals and should be tried under international law. That of course does not exclude Hamas, but they are terrorists and that is something else. Just as bad, but the origin is different. In my opinion a terrorist is a kind of a guerrilla fighter. He has to apply this "fighting technique" because he is outmatched by his opponent. Just look at what is happening in Gaza. Don't misunderstand me. I do not justify the behaviour of terrorists, but I am convinced that terrorism is created by the powerful, who oppress the weak to the point of creating terrorism. I don't want to imagine how many terrorists are being created by the Gaza war right now. If my loved ones were to be annihilated in the impact of an Israeli rocket, I would be the first to offer to immolate myself in Israel. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth... This spiral of hatred and fanaticism can only be stopped if we unveil the injustices of this world and eradicate them by applying the law. But this will never happen, because the powerful will always oppress the weak. It is the law of nature. That is why I only wish for something terrible to happen that will wipe out all life on this planet. I prefer nothingness to injustice. Call me a radical, but I'm really fed up... >> <<@kateabbott7919 says : This segment is music to the ears of everyone who wants to believe that what the US/Israel does is great and any opposition to it is Russian, Iranian, Chinese or whoever dis-information or social media infiltration. Only half way thru and have already caught him making assertions that have been found to be not true.>> <<@RobertSeemann says : Gaza economy is a terrorist economy. With Arab states feeding money to Gazans for being terrorists. This conflict will never end until this is cut off and new economy and culture is established.>> <<@TruthMattersOfficial says : Finally, someone who actually understands the Gaza Israel situation>>