<<@matthewlydon5772 says : I love the suit! "Clean your room" 😄>> <<@jerryaulphgmail says : War is never for political objectives!!! War is and has always been for money money money...>> <<@phantom.wreath says : Jordan Peterson has unlocked Fallout lore>> <<@kategray1157 says : I used to have the utmost respect for Jordon, but giving the alleged son of the Hamas leader space on his podcast I feel really sad about that. I actually find it difficult to watch any of his stuff now, I know he makes sense in life and its complexities. This conflicts me.>> <<@BIGJONNN559 says : It's all money.>> <<@kelvinlord8452 says : Best wishes . I guess that we are not born hating one another . I guess that a better understanding and better alignment with what nature aligns with could help in many significant and substantial ways . May we find a good way , good truth and good life . Love , logic and truth . Good intentions , understanding and top quality information . Love with understanding . May we evolve in the right directions .>> <<@johnsmith-do7fv says : Remote Neural Monitoring or Hacking is real and used to destroy lives. MKUltra 2.0 the borg. Keep safe>> <<@Nate_the_Nobody says : I feel like, with Russia, China, and the US all restructuring their militaries as well as changing out the small-arms for newer and better toys we'll probably get a decent showcase of what drone warfare will look like in the near future>> <<@walterguan5036 says : Political objective? Haha... whose objective? Like commies' claim of people's war? 99.9% have nothing to gain but everything to lose in a war, yet are eager to pick up arms against each other that are prohibited to them under regular "objective".>> <<@frosty3693 says : Wasn't it Patton who said something along the line that's it's good war is so terrible so men would not like it too much.>> <<@scribbler60 says : He conveniently forgot that most wars in history have been fought as a direct result of religion. The current dust-up in Gaza is, at its core, a religious conflict between two groups and their invisible, never-shown-to-exist god. I like and immensely respect Dr Peterson, but the blind spot he continues to show around the tremendous harms caused by religion is nothing short of bizarre.>> <<@user-ez3il1yy6i says : "All Wars Are Bankers Wars"... 😈>> <<@albertss4720 says : The questions is. Why there always want to war? 😒>> <<@Cptn.Smoker says : What’s changed is that the mf who started the wars never fights in the wars… Atleast back then a mf would get on his horse and ride with his army like Napoleon or something.>> <<@jackalina91 says : How can you speak of war & evolution in the same sentence??🥺✌️>> <<@yankeehtwo says : It’s all about sabotage, and the anticipation of the offensive to most>> <<@BeAHappyCamper2Day says : Rich old politicians sending young kids that they don't care about to fight in wars.>> <<@InCognito-yq5ew says : TO PERSONALLY UNDERSTAND AND MAINTAIN THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE, TO HONOR IT BY HIS OWN EXEMPLARY CONDUCT, AND TO PASS IT INTACT TO SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERY TRUE AMERICAN.>> <<@Nipah.Auauau says : I can't believe he managed to combine the MGS4 and Fallout war monologues.>> <<@aushole says : Homie needs to get a buzz cut.>> <<@Andy.mikhail137 says : My conclusion: all countries are trying to destroy the younger generation of other countries through the internet by spreading certain thoughts. At the end, the entire younger generation will be destroyed and very few will be standing>> <<@robertjensen1438 says : I used to date this German woman named Vera Now, I make a lot of puns, and Vera always hated them and sighed annoyedly at them. Every pun I made: sigh sigh sigh. We used to get into fights about it. Big, trench-warfare fights: I wanted her to stop sighing in exasperation, and she wanted me to stop making bad puns. Eventually, we came to an agreement. I called it the Treaty of Vera’s Sighs.>> <<@karenreaves3650 says : Zeppelin’s were used for warfare finally someone is talking about them.>> <<@StevenChuckrey says : Like the $12 Trillion worth of minerals in Ukraine>> <<@jamesdelcol3701 says : The conventional weapons are much stronger. We no longer need nukes to destroy everything. We can do it conventionally. The drones have been a big change on the battlegrounds.>> <<@Anonymous.Wisper says : Fallout Fans. War... War never changes 😅>> <<@JCPoetryCourner says : Fallout Fans rejoice 😂>> <<@rhysweertman1810 says : In I think either the War of Independence or the Civil War in the USA. The Yanks actually used manned kites to surveillance the enemy>> <<@densek510 says : operators / still live target mind shift is what guest trying not to discuss … nuclear blackmail while conventional war is not going well, also a new thing>> <<@recondolaidy-slayer8468 says : Oh this shit is a must see I gottta find this episode>> <<@rulebreaker_xoii says : War... War never changes...>> <<@noleftturns says : There is always an asshole who starts the war...that never changes.>> <<@roddydykes7053 says : We’ve played Fallout we already know this>>