<<@lovelightshining4444 says : Thanks Isabel ❤>> <<@daltonoden4752 says : Easy to say with out children and full time jobs>> <<@Adam-nr4qq says : My doctor won't cut my pills with sugar or salt to make pain pills for diabetes or whatever I'm sorry Alexandria still friends>> <<@JGH2015Sara says : Just Beautiful!!!>> <<@Adam-nr4qq says : I guess you>> <<@annmarieinthehouse says : Beautiful as always... I sometimes clip special things you say... like this and share with my socials and tell people to follow you for insight. Thanks for all you do and all you share. You are an inspiration.>> <<@MuhammadHussain-zk3vo says : Thanks for dear❤>> <<@ForeverChanged7 says : Isabel, Lovely Short! Have you and Logan married yet???❤❤>> <<@AlecKeller says : dale nomas>> <<@estera6276 says : Omg your voice 💗>> <<@leejohnson1179 says : Thank you so much Isabel this year has been nothing but tragedy for me and my family but also blessings. recently i quit my job and I've been feeling kind of lost but looking at you and hearing you so wise for your age I just want to tell you how much you are a blessing. I'm realizing that life doesn't mean who can reach their destination the fastest it's about the journey. I wish so bad that i can travel to the beach and just enjoy the sounds of waves but, until then....peace and love✌️🩷>> <<@MuhammadHussain-zk3vo says : Oh that I am not with you in this moment ❤>> <<@MuhammadHussain-zk3vo says : So smooth so silent you in mood of relax on beach❤>> <<@user-kn4mm8tx6y says : My pulse.shamim 🎯👫🎎💙💙💑>> <<@dallasmorgan2822 says : *Sweetheart, I dunno if I just got a free visiting for yoga but it was worth everbit of your mind body connection. Yes duh booty!!!*>> <<@rumik-stahnke6512 says : Beautiful 👍>> <<@foroghabdullahi1192 says : I love your videos Esabelle ❤❤>> <<@Adam-nr4qq says : God saids>> <<@Adam-nr4qq says : Listen>> <<@bogusiachmielewska5670 says : Beautiful moments ❤>> <<@JamieHarding5 says : Beautiful👌>> <<@SamanthaRegimbal says : Loving this so much!!>> <<@user-wv8mo8qx7n says : ❤ Isabel ❤>> <<@Mistertwist. says : Isabelle you are so wise and such an old soul! Bless you!>> <<@truebelieversallarewelcome7876 says : blessings 🙂 is this you and Logan's honeymoon ?>> <<@truebelieversallarewelcome7876 says : blessings 🙂 is this you and Logan's honeymoon ?>> <<@Diana-jh7rp says : I love the beach , I love being by the water , so relaxing, so peaceful, thanks for sharing ♥️🙏>> <<@alwayselliemay says : This is gorgeous, Isabel. You have an incredible eye for framing in videography>> <<@taradalmatianshaver6828 says : The water is always so refreshing to the soul>> <<@lyubamik6004 says : спасибо>> <<@livewireOrourke says : The verse that's stuck with me lately (and this video reminded me of) is: *“Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6*>> <<@sheliaerwin3899 says : ❤❤ IS this your new view?>> <<@mohdalsadiq6092 says : Thank you. I need it that ..>> <<@Ellas_art69 says : >>