<<@speakingout6345 says : Personally I believe the stomach speaks like the brain and speaks to the brain, our bodies crave so much nourishment and water to build and flourish, ultra processed food is like eating a fake food, the body overeats because it’s searching for the nutrients>> <<@speakingout6345 says : Imagine someone in America accused of being a “picky eater” now, we’ve been programmed to eat the corporate yada yada>> <<@vikkitempleton9157 says : Please, please, please contact Celine Dion and tell her about the Carnivore diet. I just watched her movie. Please, please contact her.>> <<@lungulst says : WARNING: Eating meat (or any animal product) is very, VERY BAD for health. If you do, you are condemning yourself to an early death. ☠️>> <<@skj967 says : Right now I’m crushing sugar candies relentlessly one after the other and listening to this podcast and also reading the comments. Hope to get out of sugar addiction soon by the grace of God. 🙏🏽>> <<@richardscathouse says : Jordan? You're only 62? I'm 60. You look decades older than me. 😢>> <<@richardscathouse says : I could never respect anyone who didn't respect their own body 😢>> <<@richardscathouse says : Balance is the key. Not diet cults 😢>> <<@richardscathouse says : As I get older, I understand the importance of balance in my diet—currently, I'm 60.>> <<@thomasm934 says : It’s hard to fight the sugars . I’m off carbs but having problems completely cutting out refined sugars. I’ll get it though !>> <<@K-hafsi_loveallah says : 🙏 thanks>> <<@jonduthiel7399 says : Although I agreed with Most of what this young Man said. I think he would do well to have a chat with Dr Anthony Chaffee . Especially regarding toxicity of eating plants.>> <<@michaelzimmermann3388 says : I would have loved to hear about the importance of what the animal ate during its life when it comes how healthy it's red meat is. Sure grass fed.. fine but how many cows are grass fed? you guys said "we are not used to live in a factory". with most of our animals we did just that "factory farming".>> <<@mrwelshmun says : I enjoyed this conversation. I was taken by the section where he talked about body adaptation. In 2017 I gave up alcohol for 100 days. Around day 30 I was like 'let's give up sugar too' and then around day 100 I went to the cinema with a friend and had both a Coke and ice cream, after not having sugar for about 70 days at this point. And no lie, I woke up the next day with the worst hangover of my life. I hadn't touched any alcohol. I had a sugar hangover>> <<@QuantumMind88 says : I wish Jordan wouldn’t talk over this guy or interrupt him so much! God damn, stop letting your ego jump out so much!>> <<@giorgiodiz8069 says : Sure, prompting meat is anti businesses lmaooo>> <<@tinar3875 says : Seed oils and "veggie" oils are the cause of obesity>> <<@mitchb4378 says : Oh my a reporter now an expert on food and a psychiatrist that thinks he knows food science. You both are the problem with misinformation.>> <<@amelie1766 says : Absolutely shocking! Why is nobody talking about this? WHo will have put those greedy companies in their place??>> <<@StrugglesWithWords says : Like this comment if YT wont let you like this Video>> <<@Mag0ne says : Great and fantastic discussion. I learned a lot and had many of my own intuitions given voice back to me. I really love the setting of the empty auditorium as a backdrop. It's a powerful image.>> <<@user-fu4iw5dx3f says : As a taxi driver a government employee told me that the British phrase of "5 a day" was based upon no evidence whatsoever, just sounded like a good idea, lol>> <<@Alicet2323 says : 3 months carnivore and have never felt better. Fat loss, toned up, Level headed, no stomach pain, no cravings, no crashing, no joint aches, the list goes on. I want to eat like this forever. It is the most liberating feeling ever not being a slave to my cravings.>> <<@danf6975 says : At 15 minutes into the video Dr. Peterson hits on something That is supported by a lot of different hypotheses in different fields that are adjacent you can also track through statistics and obesity when Hershey's figured out that they needed to use powdered milk instead of milk in its raw form. Discoveries like that and corn syrup changed industries forever and then a government study that has since been classified by the CIA is top-secret originally revealed a pattern of dopamine hits with highly processed foods that contain high levels of salt sugar and fat in combination to create an addictive pattern within 21 days of daily consumption>> <<@SteveReneMedia says : Riley Gaines 🎉🎉 didnt know you are DC now...🎉🎉 ❤❤ Scotus CIA alert 🎉🎉 JB MTV no more non legal rules. 😮😮>> <<@mattrichards8100 says : Currently reading 'How not to die' by Michael Greger. Would be interesting to get him on with Peterson and Lugavere>> <<@jacquelinedonofrio7399 says : My mom had supernuclear palsy. This involved Louie body dementia and neurological problems like balance. I wonder about diet for this.>> <<@brennangraves6458 says : 33:35 - WRITING IT DOWN! Dr. Peterson is preparing for war with this. Bless you, sir.>> <<@JakeSpicer says : The only time you should eat red meat is if you have a farm and can see where your food came from. If you're just going to the store and pick up a piece of meat in a cellophane wrap than NO! you dont know where that cow has been raised or shot up with hormones or antibiotics. Don't go to the store for MOST animal products.>> <<@tinawynn8973 says : So sad for humanity to go this way.>> <<@melinapech8804 says : Yes! Thanks for mentioning RFK and his advocacy for Health>> <<@barakkleyman says : Thanks!>> <<@justinshaikoski7734 says : Find a local butcher who works with a local farmer and buy a cow. It will seem expensive at first as you have to buy in bulk but it is actually cheaper. Especially when you cut out the fast food and 'extras.' If you can purchase bi-daily until you get your stride/money saved up/ freezer availability don't feel bad. If you do not want to go cold turkey start with wed, fri, and saturday meals replaced with meat. My spouse and I started slow. Simply started with steaks and meals made with hamburger and have now cut out everything extra possible other than our own chicken eggs, spices, olive oil, and potatoes. I still love those darn nightshades. The change in mental and physical is mind-blowing. Wish I had been encouraged earlier in life but was always told it was too expensive of a diet. True, the sticker shock on the meat if you do not hunt your own is staggering, but add up your grocery/fast food bills for a few months and get ready to be truly shocked.>> <<@ColleenFV says : I have been doing keto for 8 weeks. I was pre- diabetic. Now my numbers are between 84 and 110. Eating fat and being okay with that is a mind bender after being told for decades it's bad.>> <<@cyndimanka says : Glucose is the brains fuel? I don’t think so. I eat very few carbohydrates at all. I run I believe mostly on ketones. I don’t have brain fog. I have good energy. Glucose is a dirty fuel. Ketones are a clean fuel. Glucose leaves oxidation.>> <<@justinshaikoski7734 says : How do I break through the programming? I have shared with my parents this information but they still eat the unhealthy foods. My mom complains about my dad's mental health but won't change their food pyramid beliefs. I finally got her to up their meat intake, and that took years to do, but then they will pair it with the carbs/veg/dessert portions and go for second servings. My dad loves reading so maybe more books? Any suggestions other than the one mentioned in the video?>> <<@rebeccagray986 says : Good grief, even as a youngster I thought the food pyramid didn't make sense.>> <<@rachelhogue324 says : I also went on an elimination diet after I found out I had an autoimmune disease. I was always sore and exhausted, not to mention depressed. It was horrible. ALL of my symptoms were gone after I went on the elimination diet. As I started reintroducing foods, turns out as long as I stay away from gluten, sugar, and alcohol, I’m fine!>> <<@WFPBFORLIFE says : Killing other beings does not equate to optimal health and only supports more disease! This man has some of the tallest stories ever, he is a true conflict, and a disease for humanity!>> <<@dave56758 says : Also meat causes blocked arteries. What about that. 😢😢😢>> <<@Dreamoptics says : Great interview, thank you>> <<@classicrocklover5615 says : I was diagnosed diabetic in Dec 2024. My blood sugar level averages 150, so no insulin. I went thru the hospital diabetes education classes, taught by a registered dietitian. The program she uses instructs diabetic people to get 60 grams of carbs PER MEAL. Yes, you read that correctly, sixty grams of carbs EACH MEAL. I asked to be transfered to an endocrinologist, who said he advised his patients each no more than 15-20 grams per DAY, with the focus on lean protein...>> <<@wmgthilgen says : Though the episoid was several year's before I viewed it on a YouTube of old South Park video's. There was one in which, it was determined by the kid's on the show, that the "FOOD PYRIMID" was actually upside down. Try it your self, look at the food pyrimid upside down and you'll realize that it really is.>> <<@stevenw7438 says : Thank you, Jordan! We can always count on you to bring on great guests and cover insightful topics. I had to post, as this pod was spot on.>> <<@sadunozer2241 says : I would add onions and mushrooms prepared with spices and trace amounts of greens, and watermelon to Mr. Peterson’s diet. The gut effects of plants should never be overlooked as we plan for a healthy lifestyle.>> <<@anonymouswone says : The path to healthy eating is simple. Eat how people did before modernization. Grains vegetables beans fruit meat and some dairy in their natural state. Part of the modern toxicity is mixing things that need to be digested differently together. Modern eating is mixing 20 different types of food together. We are the only species on earth that eats such a huge range of foods and then claims to be malnourished. The modern ideology is to not value things. The way to heal your relationship with food is to value each item in its natural state. If you learn how to make a single vegetable without adding anything to it you have healed your relationship with food. Carrots are a prime example. Everyone boils them until they have no flavour then presents it as a watery tasteless salty log. Then they say it is bland and add honey or coriander or sweetcorn. The flavour was poured down the plughole. They prepare everything like this seeing each thing as inadequate. Then they mix it all together and still say its not enough. THE REAL REASON THE BODY CANT DIGEST IT IS BECAUSE ITS TOO COMPLEX NOT BECAUSE ITS LACKING.>> <<@davycrockett8886 says : Another question is the susceptibility of people eating high protein diets to infectious diseases. The data seems to show this with COVID-19.>> <<@FootlooseFishing says : ur brain uses glucose for energy but if u only eat meat howd oes that work then (I get that it turns into glucose if you eat a certain threshold of meat but if u didn't... what happens haha)>> <<@davycrockett8886 says : Go study free radicals then you'll understand what damages our bodies. Peterson claims to be a scientist.😂 Pollution, chemicals, refined carbs, fried fat, red meat are all high in free radicals. Plus red meat doesn't have much antioxidants to combat the free radicals. The whole world is arguing about something that is pretty simple.>> <<@dare-tc3fz says : The introduction of the food pyramid is correlated with weight gain! Correlation is causation.>>