<<@zacmitty7851 says : Interesting discussion, spoiled somewhat by the younger guys nervous delivery. Too much coffee perhaps?>> <<@callofsuccess7960 says : There must be an episode with Dr Paul Saladino.>> <<@AlexQoelet says : Fun fact - like many other ‘experts’ astroturfed into popularity by YouTube, Max Lugavere is jewish.>> <<@Sarcasmbycecilia says : jp doesn’t know he’s not immune to propaganda>> <<@4everinmyhead says : Oh Jordan. When you talk about diet and food I find it tedious. You have no training in this area and all of the banter about eggs are good, grains are bad, salmon is good, etc al., is just so much magical thinking. You are perpetuating the same screeds from the 1950s you protest against. Follow Dr. David Colquoun from London, England regarding food and longevity, a prof with expertise in this area. You’re talking silliness.>> <<@lovepeacebliss says : plant based diet leads to ideal health. Read Blue Zones, okinawa program and china study. Based on real people with real results.>> <<@lovepeacebliss says : Bodybuilder are NOT in fantastic shape. They are a ticking time bomb>> <<@kevywilliams3304 says : Lots of big words … but as usual … nothing said .>> <<@kevywilliams3304 says : Eggs????????? No!!!!!! Nutrition facts…. Proved human blood is clogged and sluggish up to 4 hours after eating 1 egg!!!!!!>> <<@ilja857 says : Why is Peterson so red?>> <<@kilcar says : I returned to Ireland in 1997, having been absent for 20 years. I was astounded at the amount of obese people. Between 1964 and 1997, I recall only one obese person in my circle. In 1997 , I saw obese people in nearly every townland and city. In 2000, I saw a profound increase over 1997!>> <<@wendyscott8425 says : Grains also shouldn't be fed to cattle. Cattle need to eat grass. That's it.>> <<@alex-cf4dy says : Spinach is full of oxalate and is terrible for gut health and arthritis. This dude is clearly not well informed about spinach.>> <<@devinJA says : First seconds of the video, In a very serious psychological look from Peterson “Muffins, puff cake!”>> <<@Satyr_allyn says : There are many studies showing the health benefits of insoluble fiber in whole grain. Where are the studies showing the benefits of diet inclusively eating meat??? JP and his pseudo intellectualism at it again.>> <<@FluffyBunnySlippers says : Popcorn is whole grain>> <<@kennethharman3782 says : Back long ago grain farmers ate only a wheat gruel and many workers started showing mental issues and eventually died from eating grains only>> <<@_BiologyMatters_ says : To be fair, cruciferous vegetables taste like absolute ass.>> <<@johnnydez4392 says : Investigate the Bill Gates Apeel poison>> <<@eatmeatandliftweights5754 says : The only grains I have in my home are the seed mix for my parrots.>> <<@EVROPAEAESTHETICA says : 0 mentions of vegetable seed oils?!>> <<@Macca8884.5 says : So at the end he says ( about veg's) that he THINKS the benefits outweighs the risk..😅😅😅>> <<@Darthballs99 says : Dementia and Alzheimer’s can be reversed with lions mane, get rid of gluten, seed oils, and processed everything especially sugar.>> <<@Darthballs99 says : Gluten is a neurotoxin and couldve definitely caused dementia unfortunately>> <<@ambercosta3096 says : Take-away not mentioned: everyone is different!>> <<@GymShark_Open says : Food pyramid and food recommendation were just different when i was in school. Got to remember that it was time when there was finally enough food available. Physical activity was enormous compared to this day. 60% of our countrys population worked in a agriculture or other physical work. You just cant eat enough when working like that. There was very few overweight people back then. Back in time food pyramid was ok. And it still is. Just dont eat that much. How many people walk 20-30 km a day nowadays? And why would anyone follow some pyramid or diet or recommendation. Body tells what it needs. Its not always the same.>> <<@lew526 says : This guest's head is spinning. Is the light going to come on in his head or not?>> <<@GymShark_Open says : I have tried low fat diet, and ended up having paralyzing stomach pain. Like cramps. One thing i will never touch is soy. Friend of mine work with animal testing. He said that when they feed the rats with soy, 100% of those rats end up having cancer. He is not touching it neither.>> <<@chriswilson1968 says : Did Jordan get botox or something?>> <<@Djfktngkvkfrr says : I’m 160 pounds I have a massive calorie deficit. I work in a factory and try my best but with 4 kids to feed and inflation it’s brutal.>> <<@mareksmezalis5960 says : drink water with lemon, dont engage with pieces of shit>> <<@mareksmezalis5960 says : sardines, eggs i eat them all. haha heartdisease...... heartdisease is mainly caused by supression and also need to eat less fryups and yeah. smoke less drink less move a lot.>> <<@thomassalvi says : You both are sort of right; you’re out of your league on this issue, tho>> <<@McCarthy1776 says : We also need to acknowledge that laziness is the top problem. Laziness is enabled and glorified in American culture. We are all raised to be lazy, weak and entitled. Working hard isnt cool, its not "chill" America is all about being "chill" relaxation, comfort, pleasure that's all westerners care about today. THAT is why they're all fat and weak.>> <<@McCarthy1776 says : The food pyramid would have been healthy back when Americans used to work for a living. Now everyone just sits down in the AC all day.>> <<@jimlytleworks says : He doesn't care what you eat. How does that make you feel? You wanted him to validate meat consumption, but he never did.>> <<@maryrudelich9000 says : I love eggs in the morning. In fact, when I was struggling with mental health subsequent to a debilitating back disability I was eating three eggs per day for the first two years I was retired. Now I eat two eggs per day, about two or three times per week. Listen to your body. Your mind and body work together toward a perfect Union. It’s a quiet understanding that I’m blessed to have. In order to achieve this a person needs to focus on physical fitness and perhaps this will encourage your mental stability. Beyond this experience, move forward with spiritual and psychological stability. It’s good stuff that will, without a doubt strengthen your wherewithal.>> <<@HealthCharted says : Very interesting 💡>> <<@RamintaGar says : can simply use Rice diet of walter-kempner-md-founder-of-the-rice-diet, and would get the same benefits without having the consequences of Minesota starvation experiment. Look at Ray peat, Georgi dinkov, Strongsistas.>> <<@futures2247 says : Over weight and malnourished. A staggeringly terrible situation>> <<@linaawesomeagent4588 says : We need all of it, and you're asking an author, not a professional. We need carbs, vegetables and meat. Whole foods, but our body eeds all of it to have a balanced mea.. The problem is people are not educated enough on what healthier carb and sugar is>> <<@marcsmith-wl9pw says : I’ve been doing what I call an angry keto diet for four years now and feel amazing close to being in the best shape of my life at 58>> <<@jc-rq8or says : Grains are low in nutruients because after they're milled they sit on a shelf for long periods of time, which causes the nutrients to oxidize. Grains have to be consumed shortly after being milled unless your fermenting the dough. And corn of course has to soak in an alkaline solution first to create hominy. Otherwise your body won't be able to properly digest it.>> <<@Charlesinfinite says : Don't listen to anything the government tells you. They're so embedded with special interests and corporatists that they have no more credibility. Nothing they say can be trusted, there's always an ulterior motive to what they say. Drink milk they tell you, nevermind that the dairy industry is trying to sell milk. Lies and manipulation.>> <<@gilligan1350 says : I'm not taking the advice of any "expert" that is demonstrably less healthy than me.>> <<@a_fuckin_spacemarine7514 says : Guys.......guys.......meat is fortified, they pump those animals full of steroids, antibiotics, and vitamins. 😂 its very difficult to store carbs as fat. You store excess fat as fat. Your problem isn't grains, or carbs, its literally oil pumped into all the crap foods the majority of you eat.>> <<@HaikesXO says : 2:05 when did this statistic become true? I’ve heard this used a lot recently and just curious when we switched to more overweight people vs under>> <<@livelearnandteach7402 says : The obesity pandemic started when the authorities started telling people what to eat.>> <<@laurastewart2418 says : To me, the largest part of the food pyramid would be vegetables>> <<@Livetoeat171 says : "I think for kale, broccoli, spinach, I feel the benefits, outweigh the risks." That statement is exactly what all doctor say when they give you some medicine that may have side effects. He had a lot of good things to say about nutrition until that last sentence of the interview.>>