<<@mordrak90 says : That's why I always liked the expression "fast food". In Germany, "fast" also exists as a word, just pronounced slightly different (short 'a') and it means "nearly". Gives "fast food" the proper association. ;-)>> <<@TonyCruzProductions says : I just like the way Jordan Peterson says Cool Whip šŸ˜Ž>> <<@aribe6791 says : What does his suit say?>> <<@uncrownedoak7777 says : So babies eat ultra processed foods most of the time then?>> <<@dude861 says : Jeez Jordan aged fast.>> <<@shanna_lourine says : This is why I started to process my own food :) the crazy part is when my family and I eat out or eat at someone elseā€™s house we get stomach aches for a day or so.>> <<@RaspySquares says : Lol JP obviously doesn't cook.>> <<@dominicbruce7558 says : Powdered mashed potatoes was something that my European brain couldnā€™t comprehend when I went to USA. The clerk packing our bags and the shear number of bags used too were bizarre.>> <<@shootgunman1460 says : I hate this guy>> <<@Zach-sx8cm says : then theres taco bell>> <<@matthewcawley3107 says : This entire argument relies on the assumption that the health benefits of a food is directly correlated to the amount itā€™s been processed. Which I donā€™t think is the case, our foods are unhealthy because of the ingredients they use not the amount of processing those ingredients have gone through>> <<@YungQueef says : Can bro process his face into something that doesn't resemble a Picasso?>> <<@LTorni says : And now if I want to make whipped cream I make it myself. Heavy cream, powdered sugar, a little vanilla. Easy AF, it tastes way better and isn't full of seed oils.>> <<@loganfignewton says : ā€œexactlyā€ šŸ¤”>> <<@Malkumecks says : Cool whip you can make yourself. Flaminā€™ hot Cheetos you canā€™t>> <<@acworthian7340 says : Ditch the Zionists JBP! Go independent or join Candace.>> <<@albinoviper2876 says : its more the chemicals they use in the processing of food.>> <<@BenRangel says : I don't get it. Ice cream, sausage and French fries are listed as ultra processed but i can make em at home>> <<@lindalitschi2476 says : Food likeā¤>> <<@colezulauf8027 says : But you can literally make cool whip in your kitchenā€¦.. I do it all the time, it tastes better than store bought.>> <<@Lonewolve737 says : Wrong answer go back to school ā¤>> <<@gard86 says : sooooo we don't get the answer>> <<@JMU365 says : As an amateur cook, I find the idea that you canā€™t make whipped cream at home detestable.>> <<@PebblesOTB says : I wouldn't call a smoothie bad>> <<@chrisricca1852 says : Learn about nutrition kids. It way more important than you think>> <<@dianemorrison1916 says : Clarity works help. Examples of ultra processed?????>> <<@seripah8852 says : You can.. make cool whip in your kitchen. Lol.>> <<@mattyyoungcloudsart3008 says : It's almost pizza!>> <<@Brute4rce1111 says : Everything is GMO. I tried finding non gmo crackers at Safeway, yep no luck! No wonder cancer and obesity are at all time highs in this country! Thanks Monsanto šŸ‘Ž>> <<@RavenFailed says : I hate this shit where people drone on about "ultra processed foods" or "food like products". Food is an assortment of organic (and inorganic) chemicals, that's all food is, the "ultra-processed" stuff is also just the same fucking shit. This isn't to say it's healthy, but I wish people would stop inventing scary terms to describe shit they probably could make in a kitchen if they just learned how and bought the right equipment. I can't fucking make a transformer in my house without equipment but I still use the fucking electricity.>> <<@Stoeckermann says : Guess WHO hast the Power to keep our children from eating this stuff... A hint... ITS Not the Market...>> <<@kenziej4527 says : Drain the FDA swamp!! They have been allowing and profiting off poisoning us for decades!!>> <<@VenerableBede2510 says : ā€œAlmost pizza SNLā€>> <<@johneddy7285 says : Majority of the stuff in an average pantry isn't even really food. It's something made in a factory to look/smell/taste like food..>> <<@marlon3259 says : Crazy>> <<@georgehatzimanolakis1904 says : So cool. Cool. Say whip Whip Now say cool whip Cool hhwhip>> <<@mtnbkr5478 says : "I can't believe it's not food!">> <<@Ripen3 says : Cool whip isnt edible?>> <<@kdccmb says : Cheese food product. Hahaha. I eat nothing frm a can, jar, bottle or box.>> <<@SparkTheGenius says : Except they ARE edible. Theyā€™re just not good for you.>> <<@danedi2951 says : Why would JP upload this>> <<@robbyb6380 says : "It's not what's in the food its what's been done to the food."Dr.Robert Lustig>> <<@sayitsjose says : Ultra-processed protein powder is actually good for you.>> <<@nobodiez says : EdibleāŒ Digestibleāœ…>> <<@NoESanity says : How is whipped vegetable oil not something you can make at home? It takes a fork, a brick, and a vegetable.>> <<@BallardBaller says : Bill Hicks bit on Orange drink>> <<@Filtiarin says : Bro is talking about processed meatšŸ˜‚>> <<@corrysmith says : šŸ˜®>> <<@rosehavenfarm2969 says : "Cheese food">> <<@rebeuhsin6410 says : 70% ? Ny grocery stotes sell camned vegatables fruit, frozen vegatables and fruit. Fresh too, accept meat and fresh diary (yogart fresh cheese milk). Mot to mentoon oatmeal, pasta, pita bread, flour. Dried fruit, baked goods (not including womder bread hostes). All these things are procesded. But I can make them at home. Source for the 70% number?>>