<<@kidaz says : They are not age adjusted.>> <<@davidlepore4552 says : I just rece.tly heard about type 3, on j rogan...2170 on jre, this episode talks about deception, corruption and the future of dementia...>> <<@monicasmadhouse9278 says : government wants diabetes & alzheimers to not payback their 401k $$$$๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰>> <<@monicahawkins1388 says : Fact ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@BooBooKitty666 says : This is another episode of JP talking out his wazoo about things he know little.. serious tool bag bro. must be his dementia kickin in.>> <<@OctagonalSquare says : Yeah for some reason weโ€™ve just decided old people should eat worse>> <<@JamesSmith-jx4hs says : Dont say they should diagnose more diabetes cases or they'll just push more ozempic>> <<@iamNotHereB says : More wrong info from an expert in one field claiming expertise in other fields.>> <<@kevywilliams3304 says : Boy he sounds nieve โ€ฆ.. one marker โ€ฆ just one marker away from so called diabetes โ€ฆ. And you still have DEADLY sugar levels !>> <<@terry1892 says : Diabetes is made through your DNA. No one can prevent it. It's the same with cancer.>> <<@ryansimpossiblechallenges1375 says : I find it unlikely that there isnโ€™t a reason for this. Pharmaceutical companies will come up with any reason that they can to sell a drug so it would be in their best interest to diagnose as many people as possible.>> <<@FriendlyYandere says : Your resistance decreased as you get older.>> <<@Notypls101 says : Do you think this is done for like the label on a statistic or just for less awareness to health bc I think health awareness is pretty clear ppl just choose except for cityโ€™s where thereโ€™s just one supermarket places like that need help but what is this info finna do like at New York?>> <<@harjotbal3187 says : Pretty sure this guy isnโ€™t even a licensed doctor. Smh>> <<@cindyrobertson3798 says : Y to give me an answer .below ๐Ÿ˜ฎ>> <<@cindyrobertson3798 says : Thank you. That explains why the propane isn't turned off. Does the COVID shot factor in?>> <<@teresadalessio1 says : Wait. Just hit me; does this mean Wilford Brimley is from Canada? *Asking for a friend>> <<@teresadalessio1 says : Omg Wilford Brimley is rolling over in his type 2 diabeedic grave right now. It's almost too perfect, like somebody in post-production thru us a bone. A low sugar, high fiber, bone.>> <<@demonkinglamb636 says : Fun fact. Synthetic and zero caloric sweeteners increases the risk of diabetes. It causes the body to dump insulin. Well if there is no sugar for the insulin to take care of. The bosy won't create as much insulin. Thus creating a tolerance to your own insulin. It's healthier to just use real sugars and not artificial or zero caloric sweeteners.>> <<@drstevefonso says : assuming that diagnosis does not equal health, most people even if they are diagnosed, donโ€™t change their lifestyle.>> <<@Russell_and_Rosko says : Wilford Brimley would've approved of this message>> <<@yaazarai says : Not only is it a risk factor of dementia, high sugar intake also causes cataraks (eye problems), which seems to also be a common problem of the 60+ community.>> <<@nomadshiba says : makes sense>> <<@DouglasGross6022 says : Citation?>> <<@paulrevere2379 says : Boom. Proof enough that we have been lied to. Sadly, the vast majority love to lap up the lies all day every day. A few will muster up the sense and reason to begin to see through the lies. The extreme rare person publicly exposes the lies.>> <<@johnchandler1687 says : Any of you that have questions go and find a copy of "Sugar Blues" written in 1975. You'll learn not only how you've been poisoned by sugar, but the political reasons knowledge has been actively ignored by mainstream medicine. ( author: William Dufty. Husband of famous actress and natural food proponent Gloria Swanson.)>> <<@DirtbagGospel says : How is your glucose tolerance? You might be diabetic, we should test you with some sugar water....>> <<@Titan1x77b says : No, it's over diagnosed for the 20 year old. I think it's all a hoax to begin with. Sugar is an essential nutrient.>> <<@DeathrashWhiplash says : ..........Diabeetus>> <<@imkindofabigdeal4308 says : When he says "blood sugar curves" he's not referring to A1c or fasting blood sugar. He's referring to a diagnostic glucose test where the patient consumes a dose of glucose and blood sugar is measured several times over a period of hours. Plotting blood sugar over time will fit particular patterns. The intent is assessing insulin resistance (and these tests often measure insulin response over time as well).>> <<@raminrouchi202 says : "Diabetis". Should be plaigarism.>> <<@docequis9796 says : ๐Ÿ˜‚ this is fake news. A1c 6.5 = DM regardless of age. A1c 5.7 to 6.4 = pre-diabetic however insulin resistance is the precursor of DM-2 and is often not diagnosed until someone is pre-diabetic... meaning they are often unaware they are on the train to diabetesland.>> <<@IsabelleIze says : Look around you and youll see the underdiagnose>> <<@joex9865 says : Most Americans are diabetic or pre diabetic whether they know it or not>> <<@joex9865 says : Most Americans are diabetic or pre diabetic whether they know it or not>> <<@TheChapeaumelon1 says : It is UNDERdiagnosed in order to make sure that the condition is already very advanced - and thus hard to cure - when diagnosis happens. DIABETES IS EASY TO CURE, no pills necessary. METHYLENE BLUE is the best medicine for dementia, but no doctor will tell you that. They want us too sick and weak to be a force against globalism/communism/slavery>> <<@jesabug_2642 says : Iโ€™m actually type 1 and a half diabetic.>> <<@hiperson5986 says : Man Jordan Peterson is losing all credibility>> <<@bigwitch1194 says : DIABETES CAN BE CURED WITH CHROMIUM AND VANADIUM TWO TRACE MINERALS!!! LOOK UP "MEET DR WALLACH" 90 NUTRIENTS AND WHY WE NEED THEM ON YOUTUBE>> <<@gaelenzettle1325 says : This isn't a thing. No idea what JPs on about, but the twitter demons have got to him again. Closest thing I can think of is that he has confused sliding scales for insulin administration to treat diabetes with actual methods of diagnosis diabetes. Either way he's completely wrong and this isn't a thing that happens anywhere.>> <<@GenericInternetter says : The body does not require you to ever consume sugar. Your body produces whatever sugar-related content it needs from other sources that you consume. Sugar was added to food because of its addictive quality. The food industry has swayed the public and politics to normalize sugar being added into as much food as possible as a means to snare as many consumers as possible, buying as much unnecessary food as possible. Worse still, the food industry has normalized the consumption of sugar in children, guaranteeing lifetime addiction and therefore a lifetime stream of profit for the industry. For around 100 years now, adding sugar into food has steadily proliferated and is absolutely the main cause of obesity and diabetes. Sugar addiction also leads to other forms of addiction; It is the true "gateway drug". The food industry has spread massive amounts of disinformation to purposefully deflect the cause of obesity and diabetes away from sugar, to protect their profit mechanism. They will have you believe that the quantity of food, the time of day that you eat, and even the fat content somehow leads to obesity. While this may be true in a very small way, the effects of these factors is negligible compared to sugar consumption. No, cutting the fat off your steak does almost nothing to prevent or reduce obesity; Cutting out that slice of cake or scoop of ice cream does. If you want to lose weight and get healthy, cut sugar consumption out of your life completely. Rigorously avoid anything and everything that contains sugar. That's tough as many foods contain it, but a good starting point is to replace sugary drinks with water and replace desserts with fruit. Once you've adapted to that, then improve the rest of your food sourcing. Replacing fast food with home-cooked food is healthier and cheaper. If you're stuffing yourself full of desserts, energy drinks, fast food, and microwave meals, you're putting yourself on a fast track to obesity and diabetes.>> <<@kadmow says : So really the questioN to ask - isn't a need for an additional classification of diabetes (NB. type 4 is insulin resistance- without obesity / increase im BMI) but to treat the insulin resistance as an epidemiological cost saving - long term cognitive benefit may result... Some classifications of diabetes simply keep the numbers rolling...>> <<@zcalex7660 says : blood pressure is also age adjusted and i think it should not be like that if all humans ate a human apropriate diet eg some kind of carnivore.>> <<@tnekkc says : At 64 I cut carbs and lost my 35 pound belly that cursed my life for 20 years..... just eat meat, eggs, and dairy.>> <<@hurleyjc says : Every time you eat your insulin is spiked, the closer between things eaten the higher it spikes. It takes a while for it to get down to a base level, longer than 3 meals a day would even allow.>> <<@JohanWXC says : I'm a physician. The metrics we use for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes are not age-adjusted.>> <<@bryantbarnhart3631 says : As we age, the pancreas produces less insulin, resulting in a higher baseline blood glucose level. If you don't account for this, the tool loses its diagnostic value. Stay in your lane, psychologist.>> <<@StuStevens-rn7rb says : Gotta watch what you eat your Whole life apparently. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜ฏ>> <<@edwardphillips6877 says : Very interesting unethical practice. So instead of manipulating variables they manipulate study by trying to reduplicate a statistical chart. It sounds like the same practice by herediterians. This is another example of allowing values to influence research.>> <<@Percykap says : Why is he allowed to talk?>>