<<@AnthonyCoxx-e7s says : This tho>> <<@lauraknight7258 says : Dr. Peterson, I would really like to know what you can tell me about the Sigma personality types and the different challenges a Sigma female has to face when she has been truly damaged by traumas--one after another since her childhood. The Sigma personality type is very different than any others. I believe the damage from long-term trauma is a deeper, more severe damage than with other personality types. Do you have an opinion on this?>> <<@sinivlogzz says : As long as selection influence r....it lo b very difficult to ...,.😮>> <<@michaelvassilopanagos4462 says : ''Cynicism might be preferable to naivity, but it doesn't hold a candle to wisdom''>> <<@zgamer9466 says : Im supposed to do whats necessary...and everyone else desides that for me>> <<@user-qh6ii7qt6m says : What do I do if I can't find what is meaningful for me? 27 and nothing really "sticks out" to me anymore. Everything feels like tofu, so to speak. How do I find that sweet, meaningful queso dip (so to speak)?>> <<@I_AM_G_FORCE says : I think lies and accepting lies without question actually harms the universe itself and somehow allows evil to grow. Looking at that it seems obvious now I I've said it>> <<@kojodareaper says : 🔥🔥🔥🔥>> <<@mywifesboyfriend5558 says : Nihilism is the truth in the end. That said, there are things that matter in our lives, and in the moment. No replies will be seen or read>> <<@albertoc8151 says : “The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness” Benedict XVI>> <<@Tom-tk3du says : Live in the moment. Do what interests you so that you can continuously build competence and maintain earning potential. Have a good idea of where you DON’T WANT to end up. We generally cannot predict where we will end up, as future unknown events & opportunities will absolutely impact your plans. Listen to your gut instincts. Always live truthfully and with kindness towards others. May your life unfold in a beautiful and fulfilling way.>> <<@suzanne4504 says : Dr. Peterson is fathering with wisdom for those who are in need of learning that there is more. ❤>> <<@frankie4fingers552 says : Just read Plato.....nothing else matters....lay your desire down>> <<@CaptPike787 says : The distillation of experience, knowledge and the ability to communicate effectively.>> <<@CaptPike787 says : So much earned wisdom.>> <<@MrViktorWahrb says : I will just say thank you Mr Peterson for not folding and for spreading the words of heaven and hope! Your words have guided me to paradise, I’m going to the best engineering school in Sweden and have a beautiful woman in my life who answers all my questions about love!! I would never be in this place in life without your brilliant speeches and all the answers you have given me. Thank you again, God bless you!>> <<@PuyaR-pl7jt says : “To optimize balance between Chaos & Order” , challenging task indeed, but not surprising! / « … and narrow is the path which leads to (abundant & meaningful) life. » // Thanks to Dr. Peterson for all these words of wisdom.❤>> <<@CharbelFak says : “cynicism might be preferable to naivety, but it doesn’t hold a candle to wisdom” -Jordan B Peterson>> <<@Golgibaby says : The human tendency for self preservation is hard to overcome when you need to face the dragon again....>> <<@MarkMcDaniel says : Exactly, and we live in a world by rulers constantly pushing haste over excellence.>> <<@theschoester8561 says : truly seems that im blessed to be hearing him at 19>> <<@ronjones1414 says : Easy is never the right answer.>> <<@hontiveros1445 says : if you understand jordan peterson talking about then you think its the end of it , then later you will realise you are in vacuum , wisdom become wider and wider and you will stop listening to jordan peterson bcoz everytime you understand him the vacuum become wider and wider and it can really make you confused what is really the truth . but here i am again listening to jordan and widening my wisdom ... its really tireful>> <<@ahsanullahkhan8862 says : Listening to Dr Peterson in my 20s , I consider that as an absolute win>> <<@babyroo555 says : God bless Dr Peterson ❤❤❤>> <<@786baqi says : Contend with Finklestein, or is he too dangerous???>> <<@petervelasquez8784 says : It sure is easy to speak on what is necessary isn’t it. How do you know if I was truthful, that it would be okay. Jackass>> <<@bettyhaines2570 says : Thank you Jordan Peterson 😊❤🙏💝 You are loved 💝>> <<@bettyhaines2570 says : Thank you for this Jordan Peterson 😊❤🙏💝 You are loved 💝>> <<@DJWhitetailfluff says : I've had to deal with those same nihilistic tendencies in myself before too. Totally relatable. There's no utility in asking what's the point in anything if it doesn't matter in the big picture in the end? So what if the sun hits earth in a million years? I will be long gone and so will the generations before and after me. What I do right now has meaning while I continue to exist.>> <<@JT.Pilgrim says : Dr. Peterson, as a disabled homeless veteran and devoted follower of your work, I have developed a vision for societal harmony through a family model of governance rooted in biblical principles. This model addresses multicultural complexities and promotes unity and reconciliation. I did not come to this on my own; it emerged from my complete despair and abandonment by family and society at large. In my darkest moments, it was my faith and lamentations that provided God’s comfort, leading to this profound revelation. I believe that suffering must not be wasted, and my journey exemplifies the transformative power of faith and personal responsibility. My strongest arguments are as follows: Personal Responsibility and Transformation: My journey from homelessness and struggles with PTSD and addiction to developing a comprehensive societal framework exemplifies the power of personal responsibility and transformation you advocate for. Mental Health and Societal Impact: My experiences highlight the urgent need for policies that address mental health and societal support structures, areas you frequently discuss. My model integrates these needs into a cohesive framework. Family Model as Governance: The family model approach aligns with your emphasis on the fundamental importance of family in shaping individuals and societies. This model scales these principles to a national level, fostering a compassionate and structured society. Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity: My framework respects diverse family structures and cultural practices, addressing the complexities of modern multicultural societies. This aligns with your advocacy for individual and cultural respect within societal frameworks. Faith and Morality: My integration of Christian principles into governance resonates with your discussions on the significance of religious and moral frameworks in maintaining societal cohesion. As a soldier for both my country and Christ, I know that my military service may have ended, but my spiritual battle remains as intense as ever. I could use a brother in arms in this ongoing fight for a better society. These revelations are profound and grounded in real-life experiences and scholarly work. Your insights could significantly enhance this model. Please consider reaching out to discuss further. Sincerely, JT Pilgrim>> <<@alsmithee6902 says : 👍👍>> <<@ginsengchickensoup says : 👍🎬>> <<@stephanosuk78 says : JP trying to look like the statue? 😂>> <<@jonmetaphorist1327 says : I lost my father early in my youth. Jordan is like another father to me.😭>> <<@peterlombard2292 says : Jordan Peterson is like a biblical prophet, not in the sense of some weird clairvoyance but in how he understands what's happening AND how he can articulate it for the masses.>> <<@daniellesomerfield8799 says : Someone with your training should know better than to partner with others against an innocent woman. You don't represent the church and neither do they, you're both part of the same cult, so I would suggest you butt out of church affairs, you have no idea what you're talking about. I will never be part of the Chabad cult which serves the antichrist.>> <<@BeAlphaX says : Meaningful Life have a PURPOSE ON EVERYTHING THAT YOU DO AND FOR THE NEXT GENERATION...>> <<@abovemotivationx says : Pursue What is Meaningful for your Life and for your love ones...>> <<@Inspiresociety says : Great Talk>> <<@anthonydane2781 says : I'm 33 years old, Jobless and aimless. I'm Almost Done. So I Call on God. He said to Go to the Forest and Pray unceasingly And Extreme Fast and Love You're God with All you're heart, Mind,and Soul,Read the Gospel and I will Be there. I take Bus to Forest On First. Dr Peterson says if I don't Listen to that Voice of God that Harkens within me (I paraphrased I apologize) Then I'm in trouble. I trust in The Lord... I will go.. Christ is Lord.>> <<@ecastcastill2736 says : *JORDAN PETERSON* *FOR PRIME MINISTER!* 🇨🇦💪>> <<@pokkanokka says : At first, snow is snow. Then snow is not snow. And after that, snow is snow again. 🙂>> <<@the1jbh says : Jordan. You may be the only person that can completely intrigue me. I'd love to chat with you. How can I get on your show? I guarantee you will not regret it. All you need is to take a little leap of Faith. I know God put you in my life for a reason.>> <<@reeferfranklin says : The approach that he describes at the very end is almost word for word what the Saints & Jesus & the Early Church Fathers meant by repentance.>> <<@justinflott5133 says : Jordan is evolving into a pastor. Educator - Believer - Pastor He has gained wisdom, experienced struggles, and found his faith in God. His story will be told for many years. God is using him.>> <<@Sculpture269 says : ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@vickieandrew1010 says : LOVE.>> <<@user-wp5qo6qg7q says : This man has changed my life.>> <<@giovannaalvaro8132 says : Beautiful way to describe critical thinking.>>