<<@mattfox9063 says : Lenin, Marx and Trotsky were all juus. 75% of Soviet Secret Police were juus. Millions of the civilians they killed were Christians. Synagogue of Satan.>> <<@joytrip says : Did you really take away the evil of the human to give it an abstract essence? What happened to you, Jordan...🙄💔❤️‍🔥>> <<@TheIllynow says : Not seeing any connection between Communism and Religion, sorry>> <<@yopoxikeweapescai9066 says : Factual>> <<@LawrenceB123 says : These regimes are indeed Godless, they banned worship and made a man into a godhead and the consequences are there for all to see…>> <<@Elazar40 says : Heaven and hell are this, not other world possibilities.>> <<@envisiotube says : so ... if communism has so much in common with religion, and we know that Marx explicitely tried to design communism as replacement for religion – this says something about how damaging both are for the human brain and for society. The worst ideologies on the planet are of the "salvation type". Whether religious or political.>> <<@DC-gh6dy says : Jordna I am unable to comment on the original video. I think YouTube is being shady again. Pls contact them it will impact how far your video goes.>> <<@AIIA23 says : Communism’s success is partially due to its use of the religious style of authoritarianism. Its state sponsored atheism is a far cry from philosophical atheism. Instead it’s just secular authority with the absolute powers of the church. The nazis were much more pragmatic using religion explicitly when furthering goals or falling back to Germanic myths or relying on an ignorant interpretation of Nietzsche thanks to his nazi sister. Even economics were manipulated by nazis using whatever furthered the Nazis ideology. Nazism was far more explicitly reliant on religious thought with Hitler himself using christian scripture to rationalize racial cleansing.>> <<@richardstever3242 says : How could the world have been so blind? What kind of "human" could cover this up?>> <<@leucthuan2810 says : Ho Chi Minh "It was not communism that drove me, but Patriotism">> <<@handsomejamesgrandinternet2106 says : Pfff, crusades and inquisition made me Muslim then alquaeda and ISIS made me me a Sionist, then I heard some other things and other things , well, praise be Satan , that’s what I’m trying to say>> <<@Ironrider88 says : What prompted Communism? Who were the major authors and theorists? Who were the foremost leaders? What kabbalah mark was painted, possibly in blood, above the murdered corpses of the Romanovs? How can one speak openly and critically about Communism without asking these questions.>> <<@wastedviking6280 says : Completely unrelated subjects>> <<@Heymansupp says : Communism, in its fervent pursuit to eradicate inequality and suffering, places its faith not in the eternal, but in the mutable and the temporal. It seeks to forge a society where man is liberated from the chains of his own making, yet it neglects the profound truth that without a higher purpose, without an anchor in the eternal, liberation itself becomes another form of bondage. If there were no eternal consciousness in a man, if at the bottom of everything there were only a wild ferment, a power that twisting in dark passions produced everything great or inconsequential; if an unfathomable, insatiable emptiness lay hid beneath everything, what would life be but despair? -kierkegaard>> <<@dutube99 says : Man's inhumanity to man can just as easily be seen as evidence of the absence of God ie "How could a loving God allow all this bad stuff to happen?" JP needs to go a little deeper.>> <<@ronwinter777 says : Not supporting communism but all forms of government Call fourth their own forms of hell Not just. Communism>> <<@user-zl8fd8ko7d says : This is the confusing thing about Jordan’s views. Communists=bad guys. Bad guys create hell. God is defined as the greatest good. God creates hell. God is greatest good and bad guy who creates hell? Makes no sense.>> <<@kauffrau6764 says : Studying the history of WW2 and the Cold War tells you everything you need to know about the dangers of totalitarianism in whatever name they give it.>> <<@tommythompson7941 says : Thank you Dr Peterson.>> <<@markerwinargenti says : Communism is the devils politcal party.>> <<@musictheoryforeveryone7938 says : I am now reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s book Gulag Archipelago on Dr. Peterson’s recommendation from his video lectures at the University of Toronto. It is the kind of book that everyone should read to know the evil that operated in Russia, the expired Soviet Union. Millions of people were arbitrarily given prison sentences of ten years, twenty five years for no real reason, trials that were only a minute long to pass judgment, executions… soldiers who returned from war, who were lied to with wonderful promises, only to be sentenced to prison because they were in contact with western ideas or society- that these soldiers would infect the rest of Russian society by telling the truth of the better lifestyles in Western Europe… Thanks Dr. Peterson for your recommendation on this book.>> <<@imapanda2434 says : It does the opposite for me. I believe in a loving God, but the extent of evil makes me question it.>> <<@hanzplezable7991 says : Agnosticism is the only way. Prove me wrong. I love JP but he is so wrong and brainwashed at this....>> <<@TheConservativeGrace says : Great conversation.>> <<@user-oq3hv5zo9v says : Words that clings like a torturing device over the years of knowing JBP in joy. 2 keys. Egalitarian. Marxism. Forgot the 3rd whilst practicing to look upon the bright side of life.>> <<@nicoleevans8605 says : What do you have to go straight to demonic? What about psychopathy? Narcissism? Personality disorders? Some people are just incapable of empathy. Many only care about themselves and power. And that is a trait that scientists have discovered is lacking in their brain.>> <<@SocialistWorkerDrone says : Well most of the successful countries in the world are not religious based. and are mostly atesistic.>> <<@angelocavar8610 says : Commie regime is so bad that half of europe joined nazis... Now think about it...>> <<@lenarsa66 says : It takes the good of sharing and aiding one another and distorts it to total power and dispossesion of everyone. If you have nothing you can't share. Then that total power in anyones hands becomes dehumanisation. Add to that the idea that if you only raise ppl into this it will work so first those not raised in this must be removed. Remains always thirst for power but without anything to reign it in but still a possibility to be the one who is in charge, in top or somewhere on the way there.>> <<@filizB1111X says : Please Pay attention to the word NAR, 🔥meaning 🔥fire, those who cover the verses with ‼️signs ‼️and symbols!!‼️(THOSE COVERING THE TRUTH as described in Al-I Imran verse 7) Indeed, We will ‼️🔥burn those who deny our signs (the manifestation of the Names in their essence) in the 🔥fire. 🔥So they may taste the suffering more, every time their skins are burnt (due to their external attachments) we will replace them with new skins (externality). Surely Allah is the Aziz, the Hakim. QURAN Al Nisa verse 56 Hell is described with as NAR🔥🔥FIRE , right? and has the ‼️same ‼️structure as ‼️🔥IBLIS and ‼️🔥SATAN 🔥fire/ NAR🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️‼️‼️ Let’s now see the following verses Allah) said, “What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?” (‼️🔥Iblis) said, “I am better than him. You ‼️created ‼️me from ‼️🔥🔥🔥fire (Note that the word fire🔥🔥 [naar] 🔥🔥in this verse is the same 🔥🔥as the word 🔥🔥used in 🔥reference to 🔥🔥hellfire. and created him from clay (matter).” QURAN Surat Al A’raf verse 12 And here we go‼️‼️‼️ ‼️ Ve-‼️🔥şşeyâtîne🔥‼️kulle bennâ-in ve ‼️🔥ġavvâs(in)🔥‼️ QURAN 38:37 And We also subjected the 🔥🔥devils 🔥🔥to his service; the builders and 🔥🔥divers! ‼️‼️‼️ How can the 🔥devil, whose structure is the SAME as the 🔥fire of 🔥hell, be a diver who can dive into WATER and dive deep?💧💧💧💧‼️‼️ They blinded the immortal human with the fear of hell 🔥, just memorize, recite, finish as many times as you can but do not use your ‼️INSIGHTS just imitate what we do and say said the shepherds( 11:20) intentionally. They deceive the immortal human with hell 🔥while taking their money. They threaten the ‼️vicegerent‼️ of the universe with the fire of hell. How else will they take what people have and keep them leashed??? How would they sell the ‼️fireproof ‼️shroud? ‼️How would they sell the Surah ‼️Yasin that they read as a ‼️package? How would they read ‼️SALAT and get a ‼️sack of money? How would they sell lots in heaven (!) How would the sell ticket and points to the heavens? How will they sell ‼️Islam? They will say ‼️Allah and ‼️steal, they will say ‼️Muhammad and ‼️steal, they will say you will be saved from the fire and steal.‼️‼️ In order to be able to have all the things mentioned above they have to have the ‼️whip of ‼️hell in ‼️their ‼️hands. Therefore, the religion of the ones who fear people with the hell fire who hide the ‼️truth of ‼️Tawheed ( The word of Unity- Oneness) is a ‼️is completely false and different religion.>> <<@Notsopoliticallycorrect says : It’s ALL a spiritual war against the king JESUS CHRIST!>> <<@ahawk7953 says : Why would god allow that, nobody deserves that>> <<@MickMoosuka says : Ronald Reagan is garbage and part of the reason why America is trash>> <<@bor_is_or says : There is no hell - people just don’t want to accept the truth that they bring these horrors into life, not some diabolical entities. It is much easier to say „the devil tempted me“ than to acknowledge „I did that on my own“. Be adult and be responsible for your acts.>> <<@shadowmancer7040 says : Hopefully the horrific repercussions of the modern democrat party will drive the same spiritual awakening.>> <<@_DarkEmperor says : Marxism goal is heaven on Earth, for Marxists it is ultimate good, and for them everyone and everything opposing that goal is evil, this is main reason of sadistic oppression - in their own eyes, they fight against pure evil. Beside by choosing revolution, they are choosing to use violence against opposition. So, violence is normal tool of political struggle for them, hence they will use it also against internal opposition - hence revolution is eating their own children. Revolution means purges. We know this also from religion, burning heretics on the stake, and justification was often saving souls of those heretics, again justification for cruelty is greater good. So, in both cases, it is violent moral fanatical crusade.>> <<@christopherwojtan750 says : Communism is just a red herring for what these states become. Autocratic dictatorships. They use the trappings of communism and the power of a single party state to control the people.>> <<@kevinfancher9591 says : The word is deal treacherously without cause. Psalm 25:3. Those that learn to love patiently, have a better environment than those that deal treacherously without cause.>> <<@bbangel6935 says : Oh yeah is all about religion !! But the problem is in men’s heart, the only way we can change it is summit to the authority of god ! Out context !! One mean reason why society is collapsing and why the 80% of people don’t date anymore is not because they don’t have money and lack of charisma or perhaps their appearance! Is the diversity of their beliefs system !>> <<@grammadrm4974 says : The book 'Gulag Archipelago". really made me think deeply>> <<@mattyice852 says : "we need to talk about the religious and spiritual component of communism, but I will shit a brick if you talk directly about the religious component.">> <<@susanwojcickisnicetwin says : Reading Gulag Archipelago now. It's crazy.>> <<@georgep2112 says : I've often wondered how Dems can't see that their party wants Gov't to have control over people's lives wherein the Gov't cannot admit its conclusive end. The Gov't they would choose has to hide it's true goal.>> <<@cpthardluck says : I just can't understand why this guy is so eager to bring up and defend regen after we have tape of him being a racist a******>> <<@renatotrevine5753 says : Would someone care about the comunism that is suffocating the whole south america?>> <<@dncbot says : The underlying premise here seems to be that man need dogmatic belief systems, and that need must be filled with the least dangerous one. I don't agree. There's no reason a rational atheistic and non socialism based world view should not exist. People will always reject religion, because we will reject lies, as we should when we're free to do so.>> <<@STEVENVLASS says : Watching our political leaders make demonic policy certainly point towards a spiritual war>> <<@DGot14U says : Mass inequality will always result in socialism/communism. Always. It's not a choice. It's a consequence.>> <<@SH-ht3mp says : >>