<<@DarthZiZi says : Building muscle and philosophy is as old as ancient Greeks at least, Felix ;)>> <<@rishabhisthename says : MY GOD, IF THIS ISN'T THE BEST VIDEO ON YOUTUBE I HAVE EVER SEEN, THEN IDK WHAT IS. LOVE YOU PEWDS>> <<@andrescaiced2993 says : People still watch PewDiePie?>> <<@Potatoboy_1807 says : plz make another video on Crossout this game is dying + the game is really really better now (graphics, game modes, more pieces, a lot of updates, events, etc) it would be really cool if you put some light on this insane game :(>> <<@brokeboi42 says : He’s becoming the Marcus Aurelius of entertainment.>> <<@user-zp8qt8ee4z says : 日本人でまごもいます。💖💖私の年齢でも三島由紀夫😱😱ほとんど知らない位です。すごいですね👋👋日本人でも本、読んでる人、少ないと思いますよ。切腹😅😅したのは有名ですが。日本人いじょうですよね🥰🥰びっくり👋👋>> <<@kukusaras says : how are you this much of a weeb xd>> <<@RandomUser-zo3sq says : In some angles pewds looks like daemon targaryen😂>> <<@RandomUser-zo3sq says : Bro is the definition of a man>> <<@dumbasschickenwing3905 says : thats absolutely amazing- my hands are sweating like hell!>> <<@KommandoAU says : disappointed the dog didn't take a piss on you lol>> <<@dzezonja3558 says : The lack of views on this video shows clearly how people understand this less. This video is pure inspiration.>> <<@saiprasad8823 says : I watched this video 2 times, was always curious to know your workout routine and today i seen and second time with eyes closed, now I'm ordering this book for myself, thanks pewds 👊👊>> <<@weeping666 says : my tekken brain thought you were gonna throw bjorn off a cliff bro>> <<@abdulwahidhussain572 says : Its feels ashamed to found how amazing he is 😞 at letar in life btw love from India 🤍>> <<@jjjakefrench says : Dude these video actually is so true for me over the years I’ve all ways trained one and not the other :)>> <<@HollywoodRoyalty says : Usually men with a hard core six pack are troubling for me; I feel they may be involved in an underground porn crime ring… and for me that is the least sexy thing on earth. Yet with you, it is truly you that is rare a find in existence, that your stunning form is a different beauty. As some mythical find. Something I did not suspect to exist. First one is moved by the unimaginable, and then it’s impossible sculpted being. You are gorgeous Felix. Someone must say it.>> <<@chloethemetalartist4 says : My therapist:PewDiePie with abes isn't real.he can't hurt you PewDiePie with abes>> <<@regionnorte2205 says : Strangers connected by this platform, I ask for your prayers and positive energy to help me heal.>> <<@fathertoad9571 says : What glasses is he wearing? They're dope!!>> <<@danielsaldanha1520 says : I learned something after spending some time in physical exercise and training: I was talking to a friend, and he said that this cycle I have, of constant self-destruction and re-edification, is basically a form of Asceticism. I have a routine of reading and researching and studying. Every day, I take some aspect that I really like, be it religion, ideology, worldview, things like that, and I attack it all vehemently, without any kind of fear. And in this questioning phase, I rebuild myself with the ruins of what I've destroyed. Some people would say this is madness, but if you want to grow as a person, part of you has to die.>> <<@jessicarussell5373 says : If you see this, please send your positive thoughts and prayers for my healing journey.>> <<@-dnk- says : 3:22 he showed his ....>> <<@whitlermountain7198 says : Mishima? Where is your electric wind god fist?>> <<@bijvoorbeeldig says : Who else is a fan of this genre?>> <<@jessicacantrell6164 says : 🪭 pewdiepie jeez I couldn’t help but blush😊>> <<@martovita7035 says : Felix, have you ever heard of Gabriele d'Annunzio? An italian poet with some interesting parallels to Yukio Mishima>> <<@denisgrishin9394 says : Just dont try to ressurect japan empire>> <<@farbeyondfading8697 says : Good stuff Felix. You are doing great work ❤>> <<@philippkuhnle8363 says : Absolut banger video dude>> <<@Anime_drawer7 says : Ur really stuck at 111M but I know you are happy with that>> <<@justinpat2 says : Let me know when you can wave dash and electric wind god fist>> <<@DoingitWIllClips says : Please do more vids like this pleaseee!>> <<@PutlOfficial says : i love you pewds. one day I will make a video with you!>> <<@vaultvon2126 says : you've grown in all aspects>> <<@alexisschneider4751 says : Thank you.>> <<@kage6158 says : Love this man.>> <<@EstoUgric says : definetly a cool video>> <<@EveX5TePRaZy says : Feel oddly happy to see Felix becoming a better person, stepping away from toxicity in life and leaning on peace and tranquility. We're all living in our own adventure and taking our own journey.>> <<@user-hl8ol4nt3o says : The smell of fascism in the morning hmmmmmm>> <<@chillface293 says : 5:53 damn that single leg squat is insane>> <<@Nick-vr6fe says : Most privileged enablement I've ever seen>> <<@fayazcharms says : Proud of you bro good video 🙌>> <<@fayazcharms says : It looks you have a lot of mind wisdom how to get it>> <<@fayazcharms says : How you have a lean body>> <<@MitchieArciniega says : You're such an intelligent and dedicated and motivated man. I know one day you will; and can't wait for the day you turn to YHWH. He's waiting for you with open arms and the utmost love. All you have to do is ask for him.>> <<@SKULL8220 says : harakiri like Mishima next?>> <<@rafly3 says : my dumbass thought hes gonna train like kazuya mishima💀>> <<@patrickgarcia8872 says : Love that you're using an EV Mic! It's been years since I've watched you but those Mics are just overall great for anything>> <<@MrBillbo87 says : Can’t wait for him to start Tren>>