<<@khaledhoussou3032 says : Currently I'm using budgie flavour I like it>> <<@samiazzi332 says : UbuntuDDE ???!!>> <<@jamus1217 says : Ubuntu Studio looks pretty sweet. I'd like to get into Linux but from what info i've gathered none of my USB PC accessories would work. Along with the majority of my music software :(>> <<@_Trakman says : “Always exciting to see the trash can” 💀💀💀>> <<@mal-avcisi9783 says : hello can you make a video about: Ubuntu 24.04 Flavours: Kubuntu, Budgie, MATE, Cinnamon ?>> <<@bertvantol9669 says : Just two dreams ..... 1. Transparent Taskbar on TOP and Time-Calendar in the middle. 2. Dock on the BOTTOM>> <<@jjcoolaus says : Great video but I would’ve liked to see RAM usage comparisons for all the distros>> <<@SabiazothPsyche says : What happened to the "Mate Welcome Screen & Boutique" app? It doesn't work anymore. Is it done away with?>> <<@jeffsmith6659 says : Thank you for clearly showing the differences, like snap in Ubuntu. Your presentations are excellent. Thanks again!>> <<@BADtvgg says : This is my 2nd years of using Lubuntu, I love it so much.. Only go back to windows when I need to do some office work and printing.>> <<@SusiePerez-d7o says : Gonzalez Jessica Garcia Charles Moore Matthew>> <<@stormshadow5555 says : Christopher, I feel you didn't give Ubuntu Unity a fair shake. For example you didn't even demonstrate the Heads Up Display feature, one of it's key and most import features.>> <<@TheresaWoods-n6v says : Smith Barbara Gonzalez Christopher Martin Elizabeth>> <<@Stuartnobi says : When windows 12 releases, I’m still gonna download Ubuntu on my new gaming pc with dual boot of windows, Mac, Linux, & android.>> <<@dstinnettmusic says : Really wish Ubuntu Mate would default to a dark color theme…gnome 2 looked its best around Ubuntu 10.04>> <<@gpop444 says : Super cool content as always>> <<@moriartymw says : Does anyone know if any of these work on Raspberry Pi. I would imagine they do since Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS works fine.>> <<@moriartymw says : Is Ubuntu Cinnamon the same as Linux Mint Cinnamon (LMC)? I used to use LMC on a previous computer. When I bought my new ASUS mini PC I ran into problems installing and running LMC and their support told me to use Ubuntu instead. I never got an explanation as to what was causing the issue. I currently run Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.>> <<@cinccave5459 says : I just switched from Windows 10 to Cinnamon 2 days ago. Still in the learning phase but am very happy with the change.>> <<@exodor6426 says : Thank you for this video, i've been considering Ubuntu and in particular Kubuntu as an alternative once windows 10 drops support. Having these short "reviews" by you, who I consider a trusted source, helps ease a possible transition. I don't know if you've done it, but a future video tip (and one I would appreciate) as windows 10 approaches its end could be about some hand picked assorted Linux distributions their characteristics. I'm sure a lot of people will begin searching for it, and your concise clear explanations can help many confused and anxious people. 😊>> <<@waitandhope says : Omg>> <<@henryschilling1120 says : Great, now another hand full of distro’s to pick from. I’m with you though, studio looks really good. Thanks once again.>> <<@kamkamkamkamkamkamkamkam says : 12:27 it's because of the green theme, I feel the same way about Manjaro KDE's theme 😌>> <<@matthewtrow5698 says : Nice summary! I have to say, after trying numerous distributions and the many different ways various DE's are configured, I've found Mint and Cinnamon to be rather good indeed. It's still on 21.3 though. Looking forward to 24.x I guess some distros put so much work into customisation and configuration of a DE, you never quite know what you are going to get, even if the exact same DE is used. But this is why Mint actually shines - Cinnamon is their baby. Damn fine too!>> <<@robert112uk says : I am using Ubuntu Mate and am very happy with it.>> <<@richardwernst says : When Ubuntu came out with/defaulted to the Unity desktop, that's when I switched to Linux Mint and have stuck with it.>> <<@Wobble2007 says : Man Ubuntu Studio is pretty incredible, I'm sold on that now, will have to make a build dedicated for that, along with some decent Synth & MIDI hardware, perhaps a Dreamblaster & Ubuntu Studio on a decent Ryzen mini PC or Intel NUC is the way to go.>> <<@offspringfan89 says : Ditched Linux Mint for Ubuntu Cinnamon on a old laptop when it became an official flavour and I don't see any reason to go back. I don't care about Snaps, but do care about full compatibility with Ubuntu packages.>> <<@NeilVitale says : What distro do you suggest for using over VNC?>> <<@okrakai says : XFCE FTW.>> <<@trilokatmadasa3180 says : Thanks for the great content 👍 👌 I have a question about the best hardware settings for running Linux smoothly. I know there are many options, but I'm looking for a simple answer. Currently, I'm using an old Chromebook with only 15GB of storage, which isn't enough for proper updates. What hardware should I choose to ensure a smooth Linux experience?>> <<@matthewlathum9312 says : Ubuntu 24.04? horrible crap! Zorin Pro is the answer!>> <<@DJDocsVideos says : Now we need to look to debian flavours as no one wants SNAPs...>> <<@crom29a says : Thanks for this video and for introducing me to Ubuntu Studio. I'll take a look. 👍>> <<@Antzdownunder says : Hello, I am using Linux Mint.>> <<@John14vs6_ says : Linux mint is my go to Distro when I introduce anyone to the world of Linux>> <<@John14vs6_ says : Lubuntu is the best. I installed it yesterday as Fedora xfce and LXDE was giving hell to download. The only issue I had was the dual boot as I have also windows on the hard drive. But after the boot repair it fixed the grub boot up issue and I was good to go. Lubuntu is the best for old hardware. I can't wait for LXLE for their latest version too.>> <<@Diggy22 says : My current daily driver is an HP Stream 14 that I installed Lubuntu on. I needed a lightweight distro that would still leave enough space on a 64 GB eMMC SSD, and after trying Debian on it for a few weeks, I switched over to Lubuntu. Everything runs so smoothly on there. Typing and emailing documents, editing photos, streaming, browsing. And this is a laptop that goes for $200 at Walmart that can barely handle Windows 10, yet with Lubuntu, it handles as well as hardware two or three times its cost.>> <<@joelyoungcbi says : Thank you for pronouncing Ubuntu correctly.>> <<@bryantfloyd7471 says : Do a demo on Linux Mint Cinnamon. I hear it's a great Linux OS for beginners who want to dump Windows. It has the most Windows software and gaming compatibility and is based on the Ubuntu OS.>> <<@linuxtuxfriend9155 says : If you want newer stuff (e.g. for newest hardware) : Dailies, versions uploaded every day (24.10).>> <<@wertywerrtyson5529 says : Unity reminds me of using Ubuntu back in the day and MATE even more so since that is how Ubuntu used to look like before Unity. It’s nice that we still can use these looks without having to run old unsupported Ubuntu.>> <<@acerforge3882 says : Thanks for another informative review. It prompted me to try Edubuntu on a small Lenovo test box and I hope it will be of interest to the younger generations of my extended family. Whether they get beyond the games remains to be seen!>> <<@LOWSlGNAL says : I hate snap. mint is still better alternative.>> <<@apollosix says : Mate was a fork of Gnome 2 the first desktop many of us oldies used on Linux. Its like comfort food.>> <<@Apollolabsphoto says : I have to agree even though I'm not coming back to Ubuntu, the mate version has so much charm, and if you go to desktop layouts it has osx and windows themes that look nicer than the real thing, even though I've moved onto Manjaro and ultramarine now>> <<@MotownBatman says : I've LOVED Lubuntu on Old Junk It Served Me Well since 2k11-ish>> <<@peterambrus1675 says : Gnome, mate, cinnamon, xfce>> <<@markhackney3305 says : I always liked Ubuntu with gnome desktop, until installing Okular snap package, which destroyed my desktop shortcuts. I could have fixed it with some research into the problem, but that isn't the point. As win 10 nears eol, I have friends and family, all non techies, looking nervously to me to provide solutions. I need something stable and reliable that won't have them constantly ringing me in tears because this and that has broken! I now have Linux-mint running on both my desktops and my laptop, whether using flatpak or .deb packages, I have NEVER encountered any issues at all. Which is why, for me it is the only thing I can deliver for people with full confidence. That said, the 'Edbuntu' looks great, and I would definitely recommend that for young children, get them young before the big players brainwash them! Entertaining stuff as always Chris. May I suggest a video on how to set up Linux-mint to be fully interoperable with windows in the business world? for example, importing all the Microsoft fonts into Only Office, that type of thing. Had i not been able to do that, it would have been a deal breaker for my bother, who is a professional writer.>> <<@stigc.minkstuen says : Thanks for a very educational channel. I've just installed Ubuntu Studio, and I have problems with the "Discover App". Some times it starts, and most of the times. Any good advises?>>