<<@useridcn says : She pointed out many things American people confuse me so much - they never talk about improving K-12 when they discuss societal problems/issues... They also believe in creativity and critical thinking, but can't get that they have no knowledge and skills to be creative/critical with.>> <<@shannonswift2233 says : I love that she gave the shout outs to Drs. John McWhorter and Glenn Loury; however, they both have - on their podcast - spoken to the charter school gentleman named Ian Rowe who is doing noble work here in the rough parts of NYC. Perhaps it isn’t the same idea of Michaela - which is fair, but they have brought on individuals discussing these topics.>> <<@cbcb1888 says : She seems like a treat to be around>> <<@Jennifer-mv9pg says : Love this! Basic guidelines for raising and teaching children which used to basic commonsense back in the day, families, schools and society all contributing to raising the next generation>> <<@suzettepenfold2011 says : Anyone can go there but it’s still only attended by kids whose parents selected that as their values AND it self selects certain special needs kids out. Good luck with force feeding many special needs kids textures and foods they don’t eat.>> <<@monikagross8802 says : This ladies gestures are very hectic and aggressive. She sounds angry. Why? To me it is not showing inner confidence and actually makes me sceptic about what she is saying is true. She also speaks like a waterfall and cuts Peterson off. This also confirms she is not necessary sure about what she is saying. Also she gives her opinion BEFORE LAYING OUT THE FACTS. This is no proper rhetorics and makes people less accepting. You should lay out the facts first that are leading to your opinion. Content wise I agree with one thing: to be creative and make good judgement you need to be knowledgeable. But 4 year olds can do a lot of good decisions. I explain to my kids a lot of things. And so far they are surprising me with ideas and suggestions that are genius sometimes. Also tese two do net disagree actually., There is a difference between THINKING and KNOWING! By explaining to your child and discussing stuff with them interactively you can teach them knowledge. But that makes you knowledgeable. Thinking and transferring that to your own judgement and actions is another thing. By giving them different perspectives and elaborating solutions they come up with their own stuff naturally. Which is good. Having a good relationship with their superiors not as FRIENDS but as trusted LEADERS is crucial to feel save, be open to what they are suggesting and therefore become thriving young creative witty students. What do you guys think?. I would have liked more of a discussion between them. Sorry for any grammarly mistakes. German is my native language.>> <<@kristinevaciete says : You forget about one filter this school filters its children! Parents get to choose to put their children there or not. The Michaela Community School has a very well known reputation! And parents know where they're placing their children. I would guess that parents themselves have the same mentality! Still it's impressive what they have accomplished!>> <<@PancakeRights says : For all of you who agree with Katherine Bilbarsingh, are you aware of the fact that at 16, a child can legally move out in the UK? Legally, even if you buy your 16 year old child a phone, you cannot check it without their permission and if they leave, they have the right to take their belongings with them. Does it make any sense to keep a child from smartphones until 16 in this day and age? My parents restricted smartphone access severely and I was still the worst performing in my class. None of my friends had strict parents, and believe it or not they all graduated from grammar school, got As and Bs in their GCSES and are responsible adults who even did part time jobs and knew how to drive at an early age. So stop stereotyping. There are plenty of young people out there who have phones and are still resourceful, in fact most. Do parents ever think that their strictness is the cause of their child's mental health being damaged, rather than blaming everything on the darn phone? Seriously mate get some chill. I'm an adult and a lawyer, and to this day I hate my parents for being strict. I involved police and social services and set boundaries with them. Only when they stopped controlling me did my mental health get better, until then I was suffering. And I too passed school despite eventually getting a smartphone, and my parents didn't restrict it at all once I was 15. I made it clear that if they did, I'd leave the second I turned 16 and the social services had my back the whole time. Are you also aware of research that proves authoritarian parenting is bad and children need freedom within limits? This woman considers children robots, not humans. Maybe she's a robot herself LOL.>> <<@PancakeRights says : Katherine Bilbarsingh is a psychiatric patient. She has OCD and belongs in a psychiatric ward. She gives students detentions for arriving one minute late, believes that corporal punishment is effective if children know in advance that it will happen and she believes children under 16 shouldn't have smartphones. She's a backwards woman who belongs in the victorian era, not modern 21st century UK. Fair enough, parents set rules. But no phones until 16? By UK law, 16 is the age at which you can live alone. Imagine a child having no experience with technology until 16. No asking kids what they want to eat and force feeding them broccoli? Completely wrong and eill cause an eating disorder when they grow up! Parents, strict parenting produces rebellious children. Give your children freedom and choice and respect them as human beings! This woman's school should be shut down and she should be put in a psychiatric ward. She's crazy. She even gives children lunchtime detention because THEIR PARENTS didn't pay the fee on time and neglects racism in schools by saying 'if a child accuses a teacher of being racist, never listen to them' she's encouraging authoritarian parenting and styles which have been proved wrong decade by decade and research by research! I would have probably committed suicide if I went to her school or if my parents were so unbearably strict! She sounds like a reincarnated military sargeant, not a human being who should be in charge of a school and helping young children! For your information, Katherine Bilbarsingh, there are schools in the UK performing much better than you and there are kids out there with lenient parents who perform well in life because they learn empathy and self control, as opposed to strict parents who almost always produce rebellious children! And we all have smartphones yet still pass our exams and even do part time jobs! It's all about balance, stop hating on smartphones! Who agrees with me that this woman should be banned?>> <<@LusciousTwinkle says : Seriously Catherine??? OF COURSE you need to teach them knowledge!!! Is anyone saying that every lesson every hour of every school day should be spent on critical thought skills?????? NO!!! They are THERE to receive knowledge!!! But teaching children to think alongside that is VITAL . She is also wrong saying children are natural communists...They ONLY think that way BECAUSE ADULTS HAVE TAUGHT THEM TO !!! Kids left to their own devices are little fascists. Now, I agree with her in that she is fighting back against helicopter parenting and children being overindulged but it seems to me that shes going a little too far. Its better to give your kid lettuce if they are gagging over spinach. As long as they get veg whats the problem!? My child has just finished school and I dont recognise anything of what she is railing against. What parent gives their child that much choice? Maybe there are a few privileged middle class parents who have the time but most are just trying to get through the day! Im disappointed. She seems a little too eager and enthusiatstic about control.....unless she wants kids rebelling of course which is no bad thing.>> <<@beezee7691 says : A school is not a dig>> <<@Tom-tk3du says : Great interview. I was raised pretty much as she described. Schools were generally like that up till the 1980’s. Children also need to be taught participation in multiple sports, exploring the outdoors, playing music and making art.>> <<@BeingHuman100 says : I was never asked what I would like for dinner. My mum cooked it and said we are having this for dinner this evening..>> <<@Tommeadowcroft says : She is truly a formidable force.>> <<@alexanderhansen3232 says : I hated vegetables. Sucked it up. Went to college. Realised I can’t eat without them. Love vegetables. The end. Thanks mum❤>> <<@crystalnam-rangel says : I love her!!!>> <<@DouglasDavis says : Tyrant, as an educator she should know that for example broccoli tastes either bitter or sweet depending on one’s dna. Her forcing kids to eat food that tastes terrible isnteducation, it’s tyrant.>> <<@blisslikethis4090 says : I agree with what she saying on the most part, but what confuses me is I grew up with parents who gave me no choices on anything and it took me decades to find my voice. I was so afraid/anxious to make decisions and became a yes person, especially around authority, even when I really wanted to say no and being taken advantage of, and it got me into trouble. Took me until my 30s, therapy and experiencing the negative consequences of always doing what your told to find my assertive voice and have boundaries. I now give my children clear consistent boundaries and limits, but balance that with allowing them to practice making simple decisions and helping them explore their motivations and needs and how to communicate them respectfully.>> <<@EpicTimeV7 says : you don't want to mess with that woman>> <<@ChrisFineganTunes says : Parent to child: “would you like gravy with your roast beef?” Birbalsingh: “YOUR CHILD IS BASICALLY IN CHARGE OF YOUR HOUSE!!!” Seriously, she seems to hate children.>> <<@just.marysew says : I once told my mom when i was about 5 or 6, “ mom you're my best friend”. She then promptly sat me on the counter in the kitchen so then we were eye to eye and she said more or less, “no, i am not youre best friend, i am your mom. It is my and youre dad's job to protect you and teach you how to live in this world. Maybe we can be friends when you are an adult, but until then i am your mom first.” it stuck with me and she's mentioned it through the years. I, now 28, am thankful she helped me understand such.>> <<@marinag.basipova3466 says : She is amazing and 100% right. I wish she lived in Canada.>> <<@rachanacparmar says : I agree with the lady....BUT WHAT is it that Jordan P is Wearing???😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@emcarver8983 says : It's called tough love>> <<@stonemorris5356 says : Love and respect are earned, not demanded.>> <<@joshmcclintock4534 says : Her understanding of the libertarianism is incredibly stupid. I do not understand why people always equate someone political views as their household rule. Just because someone wants a laissez-faire (or abolished of) government does not mean they run their house that way. The stupidity is astounding. That one simple statement makes me completely disregard everything else she says.>> <<@BabyGirlDontEvenPlay says : I didn't eat broccoli as a kid. My parents never pressed it. Broccoli is now my favorite side to most dishes.>> <<@MishaSkripach says : This video is littered in the comments section with complaints by entitled bratty teenagers.>> <<@Oicurmtoyoy says : That toddler's outfit scenario sums up why I dislike Katharine's vibes, even if I agree with some of her ideas. Not just the answer, but the added "you're in a rush" variable to justify said answer, as well as the impatient "I'm listening, but I want to talk" body language of hers. Feels like an intelligent person, with authoritarian tendencies, using the former to justify the latter. Edit: To add on to this, she says that the more choices you give children as children, the less you'll like them as adults. Not buying it. There's a degree of choice to which that may be true, but letting them pick from 3 sensible and appropriate outfits is not one of them. That is just absurd.>> <<@mikitz says : Never negotiate with terrorists and/or children.>> <<@mikitz says : Schools should make playing strategy games mandatory (especially for girls). That is a great way of developing their critical thinking skills.>> <<@TheMerFree says : This is the kind of discourse I love to see! Great topic. Great points by each. Lots to think about.>> <<@krzysztofn6951 says : It's all great until you find out that in that school you're forced to eat the school lunch and cannot have packed lunch. When it comes to food, it should always be completely up to the parents, because they're the ones raising their children not the school.>> <<@beckyholm1308 says : This is not Burger King, you may not have it your way! 🙂 Kids/people are depressed because they are always asked "how they feel." Being micro-focused on your feelings is NOT a good thing!>> <<@eb9632 says : To think outside the box, one must know the box inside out.>> <<@garygreen1782 says : Mama 🙏 don't mess with this woman!!>> <<@alisatoniian9718 says : 6:24 "The only way you can think in a creative manner or think outside the box and have independent thoughts about anything is to know it really well.">> <<@samimo66 says : She votes for reform uk>> <<@htttppppp says : The inventor of iphones etc did now allow anything during lunchtime, and if I recall well there was no TV, only books in the house. Lunchtime was a space where they discussed who read what and what they learned from the read,.>> <<@chillijoe8264 says : imagine the school teachers the length and breadth of the country hating her for being so smart and honest…!>> <<@drstevefonso says : she’s amazing for her values.>> <<@christophermorton5777 says : I'm a parent of two boys, this lady is speaking to my soul!>> <<@Nonya2324 says : You can see clearly she’s a GREAT educator I mean look at Peterson, he’s learning 😂>> <<@Nonya2324 says : pls be the president of america thank you>> <<@deborahcambria3005 says : Bravo!!!!!!!>> <<@magisterparsons says : Ms. Birbalsingh's assertions are backed by ED Hirsch.>> <<@AC-fy7pm says : She is wrong at the preschool level, you do give them choices: simple and singular choices.>> <<@karenbell1591 says : What a breath of fresh air; I applaud her. Great conversation.>> <<@brooke7235 says : I didn’t agree with her at first but I had an open mind and I can see why it’s important for kids to not have choices all the time. But I think it is important to let the kids learn how to express their opinions in a respectful and impactful manner. I am not sure if she allows opinion of thought but I think that’s the only thing I dislike>> <<@annoyingcommentator1582 says : Nobody loves modern parents and teachers enough to tell that they are losers and there is such a thing as duty, especially if you find yourself in that role. 🤷‍♂>>