<< says : Libertarians cannot really be left or right since without government those terms lose their meaning.>> <<@simonengland6448 says : The simple answer to his conundrum is homogeneous societies. The example is pre immigration Nordic countries. Whatever system you agree on, you tend to comply with. Introducing outsiders just brings chaos.>> <<@samwillard5688 says : Most are blind to any kind of long-term consequence.>> <<@Aliksander54 says : He really sounds like he is describing the Libertarian LEFT rather than the Libertarian RIGHT.>> <<@jul3249 says : Wow libertarian cheerleaders are really plaguing this comment section. I’m a leftist and I agree with Peterson here. Libertarians are as delusional and naive as communists. Those are 2 extremes that only works on paper if you ignore the countless and ruthless issues that come with nature, be it human nature or nature nature.>> <<@Youttubeuser20932 says : No rules DOES equal freedom. It may be counterproductive, but it's still freedom.>> <<@lancerobbinssr4546 says : Sadly that's not the only Dilusion they are suffering from. Like the Dilusion of what sex they are it's simple boys have a Beavis girls have a magina-ah! If you're not sure just look down you pants. Oh yeah : AND REMEMBER BOYS AND GIRLS JUST BECAUSE YOU GET YOUR PEE PEE CHOPPED (OUCH) OFF AND PLAY DRESS UP WITH GRANDMA'S OLD CLOTHES AND LIP STICK DOES NOT MAKE YOU A WOMAN, THERE IS MORE TO IT THAN THAT!>> <<@AlJay0032 says : No, libertarians don't expect to find an optimal solution for everyone, that's what utilitarians want, it is not the goal of libertarians. "Things working out" is not important.>> <<@BotNard says : ⁠ the problem with libertarians is that they can’t comprehend that there will always be cases where two people are infringing upon each other’s rights at the same time either inadvertently or out of necessity. The end result is that coalitions are built, which eventually become tools to resolve these disputes, but over time the entrenched powers of these institutions become sacred, and become the ends rather than the means. This is the natural order. Libertarianism isn’t stupid because it doesn’t work. Libertarians are stupid because they think they are so much smarter than every other society that ever existed, whom all experienced periods of libertarianism by any other name, but evolved(or devolved) past it as the result of human nature. Libertarians have the same hubris of the communists, in that they genuinely believe that if they could just implement their own version of X ideological system that it’d work better this time. Posted this as its own standalone comment but it was originally a reply.>> <<@lloydritchey says : YOUR PREMISE IS WRONG. We DON'T think everything would be fine if everyone was allowed to make free choices. That would be a utopian delusion since *people* are as imperfect as the knowledge in a market.>> <<@martinjoseferreyra1961 says : Liberalismo>> <<@marvinlee3332 says : Libertarian doesn't mean anarchy. I means having a good justice legal system, where basic rules like can't steal, can't defaurd, can't lie are in place. But you don't set rules on creating a gov department that now sets what can be sold, at what price, in what way, based on politics. You let the free market decide. If you're defrauding consumers, you get sued and you lose them. You never then say we need a gov body to regulate it. The legal system and the customer is the ultimate regulation. Not some gov official appointed by some president half the country didn't even vote for.>> <<@Erideus says : Jordan, long time follower and listener. I love you man but it's quite possibly time to tone down the peacocking via your suits and get back to appealing to the other side. Also that neck line poof hanging out is not approved by my wife! Lol>> <<@antoinepion2543 says : Nice>> <<@PurePrecisionGarage says : Libertarianism leads to degeneracy. Simple and plain.>> <<@Grumpycat95 says : You need to use more informal vocabulary Jordan ,these libs are not that educated ,it’s hard for them to even learn from which river to what sea .>> <<@noahfrey. says : This is interesting because Jordan got this wrong. It doesn’t mean everything will work out for the best. It means people are allowed the ability to express freedom and sometimes there are negative outcomes. However, I will always accept the negative outcomes as a consequence of freedom over the negative outcomes of forced compliance.>> <<@mattfox9063 says : Force and coercion against peacefull people is immoral JP. Your means do not justify your ends and ur fool confused by your prideful sin if u believe men should be able to decide when its OK to control and punish peaceful people to force ur ideas upon them>> <<@thesong7877 says : This isn't just libertarian right, it's all radical level libertarian, across the full spectrum of left to right. A liberal and conservative who are equally libertarian have the same mistaken understanding, in the political top-down direction. And of course the same can be said for a liberal and conservative who are equally authoritarian, just with the opposite mistake.>> <<@mylifeuntilnow says : Libertarian freedom is about allowing society to make contracts between themselves, not choices. See how states constantly block consenting adults from making CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS with each other. Insurance itself is a market phenomenon the only way to bring insurance at scale to a wider audience is via pure free market forces, so we haven't seen a true free market for all of human history Free markets rules are organized by contracts, enforced by escrow commitments, and insured by interest earning insurers. This system was borne naturally around the great enlightenment period and has been blocked from expanding by state led economic policies since then, the types that have found us in chaotic tens of trillions types of debts and autocratic never ending wars and generational wealth destroying illusions.>> <<@JeDxDeVu says : Jordan should know better not to misuse the word anarchy like that.>> <<@dustylewis3284 says : Maybe we should be figuring out how to agree on the rules then?>> <<@joshmcclintock4534 says : I genuinely don’t understand how these intellectual people can misrepresent/misunderstand libertarianism so greatly.>> <<@infinity8636 says : Jordan Peterson needs a debate with a real libertarian. What Peterson is describing is anarchism. Under libertarianism, the government and rules exist to prevent people from using violence and coercion to force others to bend to their will. We dont have anything close to that.>> <<@cwbokie says : But the rules are always circumvented. In everything. Because he who breaks the rules and gets away with it wins>> <<@timjones7009 says : Thats why relgion is important with most ideologies. Im not arguing for a theocracy or anyone to worship any type of god but it makes the rules far more rigid and clear. We humans are just far too individualistic. The way we play this game never really changes, just different names and faces>> <<@twlowe19 says : this is what put me off libertarians. I like their ideas but like the Utopian lefty idiots they aren't looking at the world as it is but as they imagine it to be. We cant-go that way yet, Im afraid.>> <<@herculanovalada2910 says : Is true, all people need to know all the "rules" before playing the game>> <<@CoperliteConsumer says : I stopped being a libertarian at 30 when an 18 year old boy i met playing a videogame laughed at me when intold him inwas one and he said "il tread on you whenever i want, what will you do about it? Call thepolice you dont fund? The standing army you dont belive in? I am the new worlord and i say you belive in what i want because you were dumb enough to let me become a warlord! Il do it for no other reason than because I can. Then il put a real political system in place after ik in charge " I waslike shit...shit hes right.>> <<@tbobtbob330 says : I was almost 50 before I figured this out. The last few years has made me realize that I'd greatly overestimated how far humans had evolved.>> <<@TinyFord1 says : That’s why I stopped listening to Ben Shapiro in favour of Matt Walsh. The one understands society and how it should operate>> <<@kk-xj5oz says : And you need a stable monetary system, not a debt based fiat system.>> <<@0311shep says : Tell that to the government that censored you. Peterson is of based here.>> <<@chpet1655 says : People ARE NOT as smart as they want to believe they are and they make horrible choices every day which affect everyone else. No libertarianism is not a path to freedom it’s a path to collapse and failure and moral bankruptcy>> <<@AsiandOOd says : yea thats why in a libertarian anarchy, people would have to be banished in order to maintain the order of society. those who are banished are allowrd to form their own society apart from the main group. thats under the assumption that there will be anarchy and a restructuring of the political order, otherwise libertarians are in favor of a night watchman state that minimally interferes with society.>> <<@ronaldbronson1285 says : If you let people make choices everything will not work out for the best for everyone. It will work out best for the people that make the best choices. Whether or not that is moral is besides the point, as any coercive interference is inherently immoral, and lack of interference is maximally productive.>> <<@luchoc602 says : Every extreme bad. Total freedom is bad too>> <<@eduardonovacki1755 says : Don't think that's it. Guess libertarians want people to make the choice and be responsible for them... Quite shocked by your view about this>> <<@R.leo1110 says : counterproductive chaotic revolutionary anarchy>> <<@brianclark528 says : Wait...that's exactly what the libertarian right (as opposed to the libertines) does understand. Read Rothbard or Hoppe.>> <<@mikeyearwood says : They are blind and stupid>> <<@LibertarianGalt says : Classical Liberalism was revolutionary.>> <<@sinivlogzz says : Is it right to exploit one,s privacy>> <<@Tounushi says : Exact same problem with anarchism. When you have no state, you have a million states of one, each competing and strategizing for their own survival and self-interest first and foremost. Utopian ideals considered virtuous only work if 100% of the entire involved population are virtuous and rational. Name me any society that is 100% virtuous and rational, or any one person who is 100% virtuous OR rational all the time.>> <<@FriendlyYandere says : I think Dr. Peterson should talk more about psychology and less about politics. Because that's what I came to him for, just like how I go to Dr. Tyson for astronomy and astrophysics.>> <<@Victor91322 says : All be it true, the overwhelming size and power of our government on a national level bleeds into the daily tasks of citizens far too much. We allow our government to decide which companies, ideas,laws stay and which go whereas I'm more under the impression that a "king of your own castle" style of freedom with less government assistance, less government involvement, and increasing the scrutiny of which we impose on politicians and essential civil servants we would ultimately boil back down into a true self regulatory system with vary little large scale involvement from governmental bodies.. I'm a bit if a dummy but to put it more bluntly I'm saying - if you HAVE to take care of yourself and your neighbor life would be overwhelmingly hard t first but I'd like to believe it would lead to a no nonsense and hard approach to how we decide what's useful and what's not as a collective from laws to companies our system has been raped by communist and socialist ideals to the point that we have permanent companies that should have been consumed by better smaller competitors for DECADES and may vary well stick forever...it's strange a worse product by a company perceived as evil will lobby until you're forced to purchase the product and if that doesn't work we feed them billions? That's not capitalism... that's kangaroo court nonsense.>> <<@trrosales says : He may be talking about a specific group with the term “libertarian right” instead of the actually libertarian philosophy. I hope JP understands that libertarianism does not be a lack of law and order, but instead the need for a state to dictate that law and order.>> <<@hidden6ix742 says : not all choices are based on good taste>> <<@Satyrator_123-gy8vq says : Wow, never said that before, but totally agree with Mr. Peterson here 😁>> <<@lisa-oo2cx says : Part of the freedom are choices, if not you are in a totalitarian authoritarian administration.>>