<<@Cepheidvariable says : As a White British guy, I fucking love her ❤ she should be the template for educators in the UK.>> <<@dangibby7782 says : The most empathic act an adult can do for a child is to teach them to the highest level of competency they can achieve.>> <<@vaniaquinn5292 says : No ma’am. England is supposed to be a Christian country. Whoever doesn’t like it should get out.>> <<@boom2435682 says : A woman wortj imitating. .>> <<@Chris-xv2gm says : Amazing that her school is looked upon as strict today. Chaos is obviously preferred today.>> <<@maracarlisle says : Those techniques mentioned are nothing new, Scoutism has this structure since its creation. Uniforms, reward system with badges, electing spokepersons from the groups for the groups etc. Also, nah, too many red flags from her, from my extended personal experience with strict-oriented people and being pro-discipline myself, i believe what she says she doesnt mean in the balanced way JP means it (for examble the "ristricted freedom for children" argument). That, of course, without knowing her practices by first hand. Too many people speak about discipline and make it sound good but they actually mean control. "Why are you askying them? You've got a life! Take what you need, put it on the basket and go!" Lady, just because *you* dont have the time to afford doesnt mean nobody has it. I thought we wanted parents to spend quality time with their kids, not constantly rushing through the day and dragging them along. This is the mentality of "kids are inferior, you are the one controlling them, their opinion doesnt matter" that drives people into the other extreme of allowing their kids do whatever they want out of fear they might be too oppresive if they give directions. Why cant we just have a balance? Why is this so hard? Well, first you have to actually respect the kids to do this. And i dont think she respects them as intelligent people. I believe she thinks about them like the white people she accused of treating black and brown people the same way: she thinks only she knows better, that the kids are totally stupid and incapable to even voice an opinion that matters, and that she should choose for them all the time. How ironic.>> <<@Chris-xv2gm says : Odd as a mature, white, home grown Brit with concervative values, i didnt notice that she was a 'brown' person.>> <<@NettiesWorld4 says : This is how I parent my kids, but was told that I was a bad parent. Now my daughter has just graduated from uni and my son will be going, soon. I have supported them all of the way. Strictly but fairly.>> <<@stellifriends7785 says : she is so right; and it highlights the dreadful betrayal by educational administration and ideology.>> <<@markwarren4208 says : Blessed are the shoe store managers :) hmmm a grateful, kind, competent and decent store manager to run the UK? Compared with what we have now......>> <<@flatgash says : Katherine’s vision, and her ability to express it so clearly and passionately, is so exciting to listen to. She makes me want to get into teaching, and believe me in the UK that is not an enviable job 😂>> <<@antjea.3105 says : ~ 18:00 "...and I was watching!" Why do I get the feeling that he was, indeed, watching?>> <<@albertss4720 says : Lead go to? Anywhere..>> <<@XLatMaths says : The best argument I can see against her method is that she's preparing children for a world that doesn't exist any more.>> <<@ivanapekarovicova5438 says : parent should discipline kids not teachers and institutions>> <<@jsteve2 says : Eat your vegetables and like it. I love this girl.>> <<@gulbenkali7533 says : This was a big present fot us listeners. Any Michaeli - Schools planned in Germany ?>> <<@calebmiles says : The uncomfortable truth is that she is a phenomenal leader and broker of honesty and common sense. She has endured outrageous and sustained abuse from a section of the student population and their parents because she wouldn’t bend to their will. More power to her>> <<@gisellebaptiste says : It is so wonderful to finally hear sense being spoken by an educator these values are 100% correct. Adults need to stop being so lazy and retake the reigns of control and guide children in the way they are required to go to become responsible adults.>> <<@-1-2-1- says : SHe's the Jordan Peterson of the teaching world. Speaking sense and rejecting gimmicky ideologies.>> <<@jamesdowns007 says : A little disappointed this didn’t go on as so much more to be discussed. Perhaps a round 2?>> <<@Helzwazhair says : A bit of potential football hooligism in the future perhaps😂😂😂>> <<@Helzwazhair says : Notice the lack of bullying also! Of which is a HUGE problem in our country's (NZ) workplaces.>> <<@grahamstock7683 says : Teach children the 10 Commandments and then they will be able to put WW2 in the correct perspective>> <<@fololinamafi4149 says : A Pioneer ✊🏾 God bless and protect Her, staff and students 🙏🏾>> <<@katarina2601 says : What up with that suit?! It looks like somebody poured paint all over it 😳>> <<@firtazile8035 says : I could listen to her for hours... intelligent, elegant and well-spoken.>> <<@nikk3251 says : Why does JP dress as a matador! Incredibly distracting from his message.>> <<@klousy58 says : School were only made to get people into work system>> <<@sweetstingscorpio says : I see Ms. Katherine as a life saving life guard who is rescuing and saving the lives of children who desperately need saving, children who are reaching out and looking for someone to save them. This phenomenal woman and her belief system is doing the community and the country such a huge service. I hope this wonderful school goes mainstream. We NEED it because our kids are drowning 😢. Keep politics aside for gods sake and do what’s best for the children, especially for their future survival. We can all see what she advocates and practices is what the children need desperately and it’s working beautifully. God bless her and her team. ❤>> <<@bigboymawia says : She reminds me of a young version of our headmistress, who was often regarded as the strictest teacher in my state. But she loved her students and thought of their future. And I am proud to say a lot of her students have become successful people. A very insightful and informative interview, especially for a teacher such as myself.>> <<@sanjaybliospartan2317 says : Would have loved to see the entire content for free ! Seems like we have to pay to watch the full video in daily wire!>> <<@ChasingMidnight001 says : I wish there were 1000 of Katharine Birbalsingh. Great interview, gave me hope for the future.>> <<@MD-zy9oq says : Honeslty i can tell u the reason the parents hate her , and i guarantee it's because she makes them look bad! Because parenting this way is not easy....its actually alot of work, requires you to always be on your toes paying attention and following through, not to mention actually be a good example yourself... parents these days are more likely go be overworked , underpaid, stressed, etc.... and when parents sre spread so thin (single parents etc) its just easier to throw an ipad at them so they'll just be quiet, but what is happening now is the consequences of that>> <<@amineboutahar4094 says : Thank you for this Very insightful conversation 🙏 I am a new mother and I can say that I am officially past my undiscerning empathy phase 😅>> <<@MD-zy9oq says : Omg this lady is so right. Reminds me of how i tell my 6 year old son when he says "its not fair" that i tell him what to do and he cant also tell me what to do.., and i tell him that he doesnt have the knowledge and life experience to do everything that i do , and that's why he can't do things like drive a car, or have a job, or buy groceries, rent an apartment etc. But also, i admit that, as a person who has always seen through much of the hypocricy, lies, and corruption in authority figures .. some might say conspiracy theorist .... I do also encourage him to question everything, to not blindly believe everything or trust / respect a person just because they're an adult. But i see what shes saying, how that may be more appropriate for an older child and not necessarily for a 6 year old . 🤔>> <<@jn8922 says : Is this the woman who was sued by an Islamist mother who claimed the school was discriminating against her child because her son was a belligerent trouble causer and claimed he wasn't allowed to pray at school?>> <<@mollysuemaroney says : i really just wanted jp to say what is you are on the lion diet. but that's just me being a contrarian or devils advocate but prolly would have stifled the conversation flow and progress>> <<@jawokenn8766 says : anyone else pick up on Jordan’s attraction>> <<@JDfaith2024 says : This woman is a breath of fresh air and the type that will make change in this screwed up world. 🙏🏻>> <<@mzmoth says : I like the sound of the lack of choice thing & agree, the replica of a good home sounds better than school. But I don't think her school's success is partly down to her teaching kids "what to think instead of how". I'm not particularly a fan of Elon, but does anyone think he doesn't give his kids some facts before teaching them how to think? Or that anyone who says "teach kids how to think" means "don't teach them at all, just ask their opinion". I think you have to connect with a kid before you can teach them, and that does require asking and understanding. That's a school of intelligent and cooperative kids whose parents don't take any bs from them, who have got their ares over here for a reason.>> <<@user-kc4ce2uq2i says : Eloquently put>> <<@mzmoth says : She's right, I remember hearing about communism and wondering why it was a bad thing. I don't remember what we were taught, but to me it sounded good. I remember trying to run it by my mum.>> <<@mzmoth says : It will be mainly because of the kids who go there. I went to one of the worst performing schools in the UK, lots of social services involvement, learning disabilities, and well-meaning staff leaving all the time. When I took my (20 years younger) sister in aged 10 & we went to a top school in a rich area, I couldn't even believe these people existed. I never felt any resentment or envy about it until then. My sister is the only person in generations of my family who has finished school with straight A* grades.>> <<@BelieveAndLive668 says : I graduated high school right as they started "dumbing down" school. Even then, it was impossible to fail a grade, you got moved up regardless of if it was good for the kid. It also made it so the kids that were already trying hard would try less because you no longer need to try hard to pass with good grades>> <<@thegalavantingislander says : Probably the most relevant conversation about education in a looooooong time. I loved ALL of it. I too am a teacher in the US and I can tell you that this style of teaching would do wonders in American schools. Bravo 👏🏼>> <<@StarFireHarmony says : I understand her point about teaching them 'what to think' vs 'how to think'. However, I think she misses the mark slightly. Yes, you need to know the facts about whatever topic you're learning. Yes, the facts will equip you to know how to think about a subject (helping you avoid ideology). The thing is, the facts also need to be scrutinised. We've seen scientists over the past few years use their authority to claim certain things are 'facts' when they are not. People who don't know how to think critically, or understand double-speech, or are trained to just take facts as face value will fall into propaganda and hidden agendas. In the case of COVID or trans surgery, they might even face life altering. consequences>> <<@SamuelJPorter says : What a wonderful and inspirational woman>> <<@donashome says : Dr. Peterson, I wish you would come visit my school in Naples FL. Mason Classical Academy is exactly this. Teaching basic, fundamental, solid, education. Part of the school district, yet a world of difference. I'm a fourth grade teacher, and I would love to show you the leaps and bounds we have made at Mason in just 10 short years.>> <<@CytherX says : A child that grows up being allowed to do whatever they want, is a adult that makes for a terrible coworker, roommate, schoolmate and spouse because they won't be able to handle being told what to do in a job or even know how to treat others because they won't be able to see past their own self absorbed world.>>