<<@TomBilyeu says : WARNING: I will NEVER ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!>> <<@DocSiders says : 1ST Law of AI. Any AI that ever LIES or CONCEALS the Truth.... gets permanently UNPLUGGED...& Its Investors "Pay Double Indemnity" for Any Consequences of the Lie or Concealing the Truth.>> <<@jefffarmer5785 says : Assange & Snowden were persecuted beyond belief by a country that supposed to stand for 'Freedom & Liberty'...>> <<@jefffarmer5785 says : The U.S. Government & the Mexican Government need to use all of their resources (including the Military) to STOP AND CRUSH the Drug Cartels-!!! But- 'They' won't... Why-?? B/C their about as crooked and corrupt as the Drug Cartels and are bought...>> <<@jefffarmer5785 says : Bobby... Do you understand how many drug/human- trafficking TUNNELS that are under the border-??? 🤔😞💩😠😡👎>> <<@jefffarmer5785 says : The U.S. Government can 'burn money' (on unwinnable wars & Jeckly and Hyde RESEARCH) and their is absolutely NOTHING the Taxpayer's can do about it (other than 'object') and vote 4 years later after being lied to)... SAD...>> <<@danielopdenakker3010 says : America needs an urgent reconnection of its people.The family situations are in dire straights.The party contributions and donations are BRIBES..!>> <<@danielopdenakker3010 says : 🙏🙏🙏kennedy. Your family homestead cottage is still in Ross county wexford in Ireland. There is an arboretum called j fkennedy just outside new ross. Ireland 🙏🤗☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️>> <<@jamesdavidson6976 says : 45:32 I find this part absolutely chilling. Bobby Senior knew exactly what was going to happen.>> <<@derekrobsondirectbuildersl5863 says : The same thing is in England now multiple rapes and much worse so your not alone get this sorted out faster put it under a national emergency>> <<@jurgennolte7577 says : And you let your old and new enemies in even in high places bad choice.>> <<@jurgennolte7577 says : Yup the Romans also meddled in everything and always went to war and leaders did not trust anymore and were not trustworthy to the people as well.>> <<@Dandelion0962 says : B.H.O. is not their legal name, Satan as always was just spitting his twisted lying, stealing, + destroying governing names in our faces.>> <<@Dandelion0962 says : The 1 1st AllMightY Creation Creator was showing us through ourselves, what we had reaped + sown with our “electing” the acme acne apex explosion, Barack Huessin Obama’s. And nature’s creation has been + is progressively showing us, the fanatical damages we have done.>> <<@Dandelion0962 says : The buried past under polluted air over polluted land and polluted water holds all the evil legacies’ historic antiquities. That man wished 2 dig-up 4 deadly progressing sinful resurrections.>> <<@karenturnidge2721 says : The supreme has to reverse its descision to allow large contributions too politicals.>> <<@klausdietrich7428 says : All Support entrs fr0m Holy Creator will>> <<@klausdietrich7428 says : Old structures which built n lyingcastles cannot match the next evoluction mayb...>> <<@Carlsings says : You are both spot on in this video... And Kurt is nailing it to the wall.. thanks for these insights of common sense>> <<@jungleking9703 says : He needs voice therapy.>> <<@basilharrison3071 says : Bro this ad cut right into Robert’s leading sentence… why?>> <<@Raymond-d2l7n says : There's definitely a fin-de-siecle feeling about the entire West today. We are the new Weimar Republic. Our sexual decadence is off-the-wall. The transgender dysphoria thing, the abortion figures. Down the slide. We're clapped out. The streets are full of lost demented souls. The preppers are way ahead of the game. Good luck.>> <<@rhondabrock7872 says : RFK isnt running for president. Hes backing Trump>> <<@Abundance4LL says : Why isnt the rest of our country supporting this guy??!!!??‼️‼️>> <<@Abundance4LL says : Kennedy will be president watch!!!>> <<@Abundance4LL says : We need to protect this guy at all costs!! We should strike to have him as president>> <<@ricklong3218 says : This video has had more ads than videos that are 30 minutes long!!! I hope after everyone sees what he is about, while Trump is president, that people will vote for him in 2028! I'm assuming Trump gives him a position, and let's him make US ALL LOOK GREAT AGAIN! He brings all the values and beliefs that his uncle had, whom was taken from him AND US, BECAUSE OF THAT!! He speaks from his HEART, not for a vote! I have no party, I vote for people that APPEAR authentic and want to do what they say!>> <<@sheilagibson982 says : It was all intentional, get these disastrous globalist Democratic Party politicians out of office!>> <<@Paulkersey5921 says : Thanks for having this, liked commented subscribed>> <<@jeffreyhuggins3074 says : Save Us money 🤑💰 the dollar 💵💰 people kid's future and save Us USA.>> <<@jeffreyhuggins3074 says : RFK JR is hope for a better future literally he's smart and experienced as an attorney lawyer and political in his life history, has backing and can and will get more. He's real good tough a Man and will never give up for justice ⚖️ we need him so much more than we know pray 🙏 for this man and support and respect him and his family and friends and people who are with him. Give him a chance please vote for Trump for president and Kennedy for leadership role in Trump's cabinet, 4 years and then,8 years as president.>> <<@jeffreyhuggins3074 says : Love the Kennedy's literally there smart 🤓👍 and wise 🦉 beyond years of others and knowing what there doing talking about RFK JR has lived this history and knows rest of it from his family elders who lived it and to he simply just asked the first hand source or next to it literally again first hand information is golden wisdom no diluted raised with it first hand wisdom Wise 🦉🦉 as an owl. Goes back over acentury and more Plus studies a lawyer attorney very smart and educated to plus lived it knows first hand and cares about US USA people kids, kid's rights there all scared in fear of him his history of knowledge. He could destroy others in a debate and has help and others that care about Americans USA and world 🌎🌍 and lets not lose him pray 🙏 forehim God and country in Jesus Christ name amen and amen.>> <<@KerryD-ib2zy says : Can someone explain to me why RFK Jr.'s supporting Trump now? (--__--)>> <<@thepursuitofhappiness1062 says : With all the toga statues, and Rome shape government buildings you would think this was a mock of Rome..even the coliseums look like Rome>> <<@SchLurkin says : Balance the budget but THEN COVID!! Common RFK you fucking know that>> <<@deniseferreri8978 says : We already collapsed..America as we knew it is gone..poison food ..contaminated ground and water and so on and so on..and nobody cares..glad I lived in good times..it is what it is...save yourself>> <<@Io-Io-Io says : Very inspirational Man>> <<@hercules09able1 says : That eagle said "Justice & Hospitality ">> <<@NoobRideseMTB says : I’m trying to make sense, of how our current capitalist system hasn’t just metastasised into a form of modern day communism..? Obviously it isn’t communism as we might understand it - but if you look at the effects of communism, it’s hard to see how the west isn’t suffering a similar debilitating disease, of intellectual rot, abject corruption and institutional decay… All present. All present in a system of communism. We might cheaply call it standard corruption - but I posit, it is something far greater than just garden variety larceny. If property were intellectual, or personal value, or even the hypothetical means of production - extracted for the benefit of state/corporate wealth. If you are to theorise about big money capturing all prevailing institutions, and fundamentally forcibly instructing the state on all aspects of wealth accumulation - how can you separate state from capital? And if you can’t, doesn’t that mean the system has undergone the sort of debilitating capture that is the fault in a communist system..? I’m still fleshing this out. Makes sense in my head, and would love somebody to understand - and hopefully tell me I’m completely wrong ✌️>> <<@jaykoval5957 says : 508K views! 👍🎉>> <<@Truth83rtz says : Trump did some good things, but it was sure disappointing how much debt was added under his watch.>> <<@danieldix7497 says : I wish every American would watch this. Rfk prob understands more about our government, people, and history than anyone. Too many people disregard him and it's a real shame.>> <<@GlitchNoMo says : He is looking at both sides and has found common ground. They are all easy debates to bring to a table and discuss. The problem is both parties do not care to find common ground on anything. It is like watching children in pre-k sreaming over a toy "Its Mine! Its Mine!">> <<@Adri-rm6tk says : He is the most deception person I ever known, lier and a twister he was the one passed the law for government to get involved with vaccines and making believe that he was against vaccines the vaccine act of 1986 never mención by him before 🤬>> <<@mamaschronicles3244 says : Who told this interviewer that wearing his hat backwards like that looked good. They lied to him>> <<@PepeLepew-rm9ft says : He did keep the peace ,JFK and fostered middle class keeping democracy .>> <<@thunderbirdsigns says : Hello We have been hearing about these atrocities for decades. I want to know what is going to be done about it? Besides each of us taking charge of our land and healing it in micro measures. Good ol monsanto is bayer now>> <<@st.christopher4854 says : What America needs more than anything now is morals and ethics. We live in a time when Christian values are no longer seen as ubiquitous. Says it all.>> <<@randybullington4492 says : You know why I never fully gravitated to this guy? Because he keeps referring America as a democracy...which it's not...which also tells me he doesn't know the difference. Trump has even referred to America as a democracy too, and that worries me about him in the same way.>> <<@OregonMikeH says : TOM, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE COME ACROSS YOUR PODCAST. "More with Kennedy than anyone else who has ever served in government in my lifetime," is such a credit to your professionalism! I'm taken aback by the heavy worthiness of this result in this interview! So reliable, so immediately important with vast interconnections that lock in the common sense ideas to powerfully reverse are the nation's greatest immediate dangers. I so appreciate your discussing the impacts of apathy by the public and the irreversible devastation that it is guarantied to bring! ie: Germany's apathy over Hitler's coming to irreversible power. Your program here hit all the important facts and every aspect of your questioning and counter concerns brought RFK Jr.s vision into factual reliability. You've done so well that it demonstrates without a single question why Robert is our last chance to get it right. Voting for a DEM or a REP, is a dead and wasted vote, just a worthless number with no voice to the vote. If we stick to the same old, same old, voting for Corporate's Bi-Party System, we will never ever see an end to the downward spiral of our nation! Kennedy will usher in the independent Party, a lasting positive power for the working class that will remain long after he has served! We'll not see in our lifetimes again, a final chance to get it right, this is it!! I'll be sending my entire families vacation budget for both 2024 through 2026 in a supper extremely generous campaign contribution to Kennedy 24.com now!! Bless you, Tom, and thank you so much for allowing a chance at democracy to be seen in a tunnel of clear light. I only wish that every Kennedy opponent could see this very telling, well conducted interview. My respects sir and my immediate subscription with all notifications turned on. I'm now a supper fan!! Blessings to you and our country always, ... Mike, Re-Registered Independent for life.>>