<<@timnestor3005 says : Carbohydrates are toxic to the human body>> <<@niallhaughey1396 says : Jesus Christ most of just need to eat a balanced diet of protein carbs fats and vegetables it really isn’t that hard>> <<@georger6624 says : The food and drug administration should be sued for the things they have done to America for the past 60 years>> <<@ragnar930 says : Eat carbs, protein and fats, exercise, and get good sleep. It’s not hard>> <<@RickmoZamms says : Just another dough head saying things like he knows them today. Then tomorrow some other dough head will say the opposite as if he knows it. Its all just a circus of bulkshit.>> <<@jddragonfly8461 says : Ever watch the show ALONE? They all cant keep wait on their bodies and they usually tap out with lack of carbs.>> <<@jddragonfly8461 says : It’s in the word. Hydrate. Carbs hydrate the muscles.>> <<@88bjjmichael says : My body needs cakes!!>> <<@PeggyPalmer-io9ks says : Carbohydrates are strictly for entertainment!>> <<@kimgeorge9596 says : Well we were not born eating bread We did not know what to do with wheat seeds and grains We did not have that ability we did not process food at the very beginning So it really does make you wonder>> <<@damequish says : Paleo peoples petrified poop shows they mostly ate fruit😃 the great JBP on nutrition Yeaaah 🙄 better is free Dr Greger’s evidence based nutrition🙏>> <<@7heOriginalBoss says : I thought they were essential>> <<@zen.artgallerysenay says : 1. Energy production: Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of energy. They are broken down into glucose, which is used by cells throughout the body to produce ATP, the universal energy currency. 2. Fuel for the brain: The brain relies almost exclusively on glucose as its fuel source. Adequate carbohydrate intake is necessary to ensure proper brain function and cognitive performance. 3. Glycogen storage: Excess carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. This glycogen can be rapidly converted back to glucose to provide energy when needed, such as during exercise. 4. Fiber: Certain carbohydrates, known as dietary fiber, are important for digestive health. Fiber helps to regulate bowel movements, promote feelings of fullness, and feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut. 5. Structural support: Some carbohydrates, like those found in the cell walls of plants, provide structural support and protection for cells and tissues.>> <<@loricmazelack5218 says : Come to think of it, is air actually essential🧐>> <<@kristidavi says : I love homemade sourdough bread with lots of butter.>> <<@garbanzobeans7984 says : @laynenorton where you at>> <<@warallied says : "essential" may not be the right word - the body transform anything into sugar to fuel anything the body does - no fuel, no need of material blocs like proteins.>> <<@tedcruz212 says : Your body consumes glucose for energy… it’s the foundation of most of the energetics in your cells. If the mitochondria is the powerhouse, glucose is the fuel it burns. Please don’t prescribe such things without first taking into account the biochemistry of your body. Yes it can survive without carbs, but for many it will be a miserable experience, and for some it could be potentially dangerous.>> <<@pricy69 says : because carbohydrates themselves are essential>> <<@shipleyshipster says : Every thin, long lived, healthy, and large civilization for all of human history has consumed carbs as its primary calorie source. The hate on carbs isnt about carbs, its about what we have done to process them. Eat some whole grains, beans, and veg and you will be healthy, thin, and live long.>> <<@eafadeev says : There is no such thing as an essential protein either, there are essential aminoacids. The fact that there are no essencial carbohydrates does not mean that we should not be eating them. They give energy. I think that people profess opinions where they have expertise. I'll listen to a philosopher about philosophy and will go to a nutritionist about nutrition.>> <<@DaveE99 says : If I’m correct, we didn’t have cavities historically (make sense) it’s our diet that causes it. And it is partly tied to carbs. Like think about it, animals in the wild don’t go to the dentist.>> <<@GoneNForgotten says : Sorry we arent going to eat lard and steak 24/7>> <<@SinginRabbit says : Fiber?>> <<@leo_jay2739 says : Jordan Peterson is the 1% of people who genuinely should not be eatinc carbs. So for him to say this would be like a bodybuilder with a myostatin mutation saying "you dont need to workout to get jacked">> <<@mikeb9314 says : Due to the presence of amylase enzymes in saliva, complex carbohydrates are the only food that begin digestion in the mouth, turning starches into simpler sweet sugars. While carbohydrates may not be considered essential, this fact points to an evolutionary drive for humans to seek out carbohydrates.>> <<@ProdicleSon. says : For me having a little bit of carbs with a mainly carnivore diet has improved my life massively. I keep it around 40g if carbs a day and that’s the perfect spot for me.>> <<@SHRI3K3R says : Brain fuel = 99% suger. Carbs>> <<@michaeloday466 says : You will piss out the majority of protein you consume with the Carnivore Diet. Balance is the key.>> <<@lisakillz1853 says : been living the lie about plants and meat, Reacting to everything I eat except meat, so, going carnivore and feeling better already>> <<@SaintInix says : Carbs are the cheap calories you substitute with when you cant afford real food.>> <<@PDaddy0120 says : Why give your body fuel it isn't optimal to burn? Carbs are the best fuel.. Eat them.>> <<@asherasator says : Oligosaccharides are exogenous and essential for the immune system to stick to infected cells and remove them. Oligosaccharides are directly involved in dozens of immunity functions and they are not created by gluconeogenesis and must come through the diet. Any keto/carni youtuber that discusses food and doesn't consider oligosaccharides literally knows nothing about diet and immunity. Oligosaccharides through breast milk is what gives baby infants immunity strength along with the DNA from both parents, encoded with everything microbrial and viral their ancestors dealt with.>> <<@Sammiejammie521 says : Every doctor and dietician says the opposite of each other 😂>> <<@smilingdog2219 says : Wow, that's never been brought up to me. Makes you think of where carbohydrates fit into a healthy diet if at all. Diet and health are still on the table in the lab. I can never get a straight answer from doctors or dietitians as to specifics, they just through a generalized chart at you that shows food groups.>> <<@riggerz7899 says : Carbs are essential if you want a killer pump in the gym tho 💯>> <<@superiorslush5147 says : Your brain functions off pure glucose , I’d say carbohydrates are pretty damn useful>> <<@Scully1800 says : It’s not healthy to go completely cut out carbs. This guy knows that.>> <<@californiarollwithramensea8220 says : Canada deserves him>> <<@prob_io7299 says : An ethanol blend is extremely useful and in the right scenario makes a great difference, yet put in a car engine that isn't built to use it in long term repetition and high performance, will fuck up the engine.>> <<@lifecoachmikenj says : Carbohydrate-hydrate! Your muscles are made of water mainly. If you want to be big you need to eat carbs. If you want to train harder and longer you have to eat carbs. Look at the overwhelming majority of high level athletes especially at the Olympic level, they all consume massive amounts of carbs. These carnivore/keto dudes are just dead wrong>> <<@JonDrinksWater says : Where can we see the full conversation?>> <<@quinner8566 says : Carbs are usually seasonal in nature though so it's not strange to think we can benefit from them but not need them.>> <<@zarodgaming1844 says : " not that you shouldn't eat them " ... aka. " because that would force me to take responsability and give an advice that if wrong would questioncmy already shaking nonexistant authority on any matter 😂😂😂 ">> <<@kittybrowneye3163 says : Your liver will turn proteins and fats into short chain carbs and then your cells will turn it into apt you do not need carbohydrates>> <<@mrfr87 says : I don’t believe your heart would be very happy without carbohydrates in the Krebs cycle. I mean your heart would stop without some carbohydrates in your diet…>> <<@Ryanblahblahbla says : Maybe not essential but fruit is very beneficial>> <<@rich8381 says : This is nonsense.>> <<@BreckThePanther says : This is astoundingly arrogant.>> <<@polsh says : Carnivore diet and keto idiots inbound>>