<<@benedux says : Vegetable is a culinary term in common contexts, not a botanical one, so it is one hundred percent correct to call an eggplant a vegetable.>> <<@lokish says : Isn't it not a peak and end, but like average? Like obviously if you rating whole experience if you add something slighter nicer to it at any moment, even if you increse duration of it, on average experience will be better, therefore rated better. Though I think like not always. Since if you add a nice thing at a begining, experience may worsen due to contrast, or because of anxiety. There so many possible facrors. I feel like it's oversimplification of a much more complicated problem.>> <<@earthspacon3229 says : can't register at headspace, throws an error: [ReCaptcha_Validation_Failed] The request is temporarily blocked due to security reason. Reference id: 237B6659E769735E>> <<@vedantmungre1702 says : Bru- I'm currently watching Game of Thrones for the first time.💀 Season 8 is trash is something that I've heard a 1000 times.>> <<@pepsiboys101 says : This could explain why dreams are so weird. Since we remember individual moments, that might explain why dreams flip and switch without much sense and/or why we don’t question them when we are in there.>> <<@nyanuwu4209 says : 9:24 Eggplants, cucumbers, and avocados are not _technically_ berries but rather _botanically_ berries. Meanwhile, _culinarily_ they are vegetables. _Technically_ they are both berry and vegetable because both of those contexts exist. A lot of this sort of fussy waffling fades when you just realize and accept that different contexts can exist for the same thing. Take the word 'man'. In one context, it refers to a specific gender but in another, it's shorthand for human. Hence 'manhole', 'manned flight', etcetera. And it just so happens that most people are involved in the culinary context (we cook and/or eat) while quite a lot less are botanists so the general tendency is to assume the culinary context by default.>> <<@CarlosTiger7000 says : And what happens if the pleasurable experience, instead of occurring at the end, happens at the beginning or at any other moment during the journey, medical procedure, etc?>> <<@interestedization says : So that is why daily dose succeeded with cute videos at the end.>> <<@Sphendrana says : Jalapenos 🌶 are also berries!>> <<@The_Comet_Guy says : could you upload a video on cohherers and wireless communication and the story of g marconi and jc bose pls>> <<@MissesWitch says : Having the Russian guy there was the best!>> <<@lineakristensen1821 says : IKEA's idea to make you eat something relatively delicious for practically no money is a great marketing strategy. I have nightmares about IKEA. It's not a fun place, unless you are extremely organized and well prepared 😂>> <<@lineakristensen1821 says : wait a minute? until 2:27 I thought people were sticking their hand in freezing or nearly freezing water 😂 how is 13 degree water to cold too withstand an hour or so? I'm not trying to be annoying or act tough or anything, I'm just from Scandinavia and sometimes go swimming in water like this... Of course I prefer water of maybe 20 degrees Celsius, but we often start going to the beach in May and don't stop until September where I come from. And during summer, when the air temperature gets above 25 degrees Celsius, I'm taking completely cold showers. Or, I start off with a bit of lukewarm water and then steadily turn it down so no warm water is added. (Good for your hair as well 😉 ) I don't do that when it's winter though, or go swimming in the ocean when it's winter, I'm not a psycho. Oh and fun fact; I HATE hot tubs, can't go in them. Feels like I'm boiling 😂>> <<@antonludwigzerrudo9226 says : Nice day for fishing ain't it? Hu Ha!>> <<@connormelvin7281 says : bank 37. nice touch>> <<@rosebrown6381 says : I think the experiment is somewhat flawed in the premise that it is the pain people are preferring - I think the real reason the majority of people seem to want the longer trial has to do with temperature shock AFTER when returning from the cold. Even 30 seconds at water just a little warmer makes a difference - it's the reason people who are hypothermic are warmed up SLOWLY. You actually experience more nerve pain from the sudden shock of temperature change and 14 C (57.F) is very different to 15 C (59 F) Even a slight warming toward body temperature makes it less shocking to get back out of. It's also why you can slowly raise temperatures in water on things like frogs and lobsters and boil them without them seeming to protest/ notice. Human nerves are very sensative, and we can detect slight changes in temperature, even in the air, whilch is why a temperature in a house of 21 C (~70 F) is comfortable, but 19 C (66.2 F) can be chilly and 23 C (73.5 F) can seem overly warm to the point BOTH need a change of clothing - tee shirts, sweaters, or long sleeves - to stay comfortable.>> <<@DevanirBarbosaOficial says : Pain < soffering>> <<@rupasinghesamarathunga7785 says : Aagony Arctic Numb Achey Sting Tingling Mutter Amputation Retrospective Elicit Homunculus Heuristics Preconceived Perception Mildly Sprint Irritability>> <<@ScvvbyDoo says : Game of thrones catching strays for no reason>> <<@keithyboy2575 says : Is this why I hated the last six miles of the marathon, then signed up for another three days later? Because after I'd stopped running I had a good time catching up with other finishers?>> <<@jbuzzasdf4552 says : Well I think if you ask "Is Linda a feminist bank teller or *just* a bank teller?" and people tell you it's more likely that she's a feminist bank teller than *just* a bank teller, these people misunderstand your question as if you were asking if Linda is a feminist bank teller of a non-feminist bank teller. It's more of a phenomenon that occurrs because of language misconceptions than of our perception of likelihood.>> <<@Tokru86 says : The difference between the short and long videos can be easily explained by curiosity. Yes, a puppy or a beach might be pleasent but also soooo boring and mundane. A video about hiroshima or an amputation is exciting, something you don't see every day. Therefore you are way more interested to look at it for longer because it's novell although it might be sad or disgusting. Heck, not beeing able to avert your eyes from an accident is really not an uncommon concept. Everyone can relate to that.>> <<@raghavkansal9701 says : Love this channel Man!!. Could you guide me how can we feature our manufacturing industry in a Vertitasium video. Looking forward for your reply. Thanks for taking the time to read.>> <<@natsudragneel2640 says : Okay so here me out: I have pretty bad period cramps. When I take my medicine it usually takes some time for it to work but at the end the intervals of pain gets bigger and the intensity lessens. In that moment I have hope that it will finally stop. I now imagine what would happen if it were just to stop at one point without all that time of getting better. I feel like this hope can be one of the reasons why I would probably still prefer the longer yet not so painful experience. It shows that an end is in sight. I mean maybe this has nothing to do with this experiment so it is just a thought on my part and feel free to tell me what you think about it since this is an interesting topic>> <<@TheSparty301 says : Hold on… calling my ex and explaining how duration doesn’t matter>> <<@truthsurfer808 says : Bank 37...I see what you did there 😉>> <<@anisurrehman41 says : The peak of this video is enough for me to come back.>> <<@nooyorcste says : The way the science is getting better sort of like to match the social science depth that has been there all along is really symmetrical with like maturity. Logarithmic learning being the way that we tend to forget our mistakes in a haunting kind of poetic kind of way. I'm a social scientist if there was like a large theoretical physics breakthrough it would be like world peace it would be so hard to find that I'm not sure like I could buy it and it's lucrative the defense budget being repurposed to provide security surveillance systems inside housing is the same thing Snowden was afraid of but who made the Joker we spent childhood telling you how to speak and walk in order to tell you the rest of your life to sit down and shut up life would be different under surveillance knowingly under a watchful eye of an AI>> <<@fernandoi8958 says : idk 58% seems too random, the experiment was almost like a waste of time and failed to replicate the original experiment imo>> <<@mitchellrogers5153 says : I’m still mad bc of betthelp jsyk veritasium>> <<@patrickmcgonagle3506 says : Kahneman wrote a book about this and other aspects of his work called “Thinking Fast and Slow” if you’re interested in it, check it out!>> <<@AEVMU says : I wonder if the experiment should be redone but keep the water temp constant both times.>> <<@giovannicabrini8457 says : Ehi, ehi! "Bank 37", don't you think we didn't notice>> <<@thomassimers4785 says : Confusing botany terms with culinary/common terms is not a good example. Berry has a different meaning in different contexts. That's just how language works.>> <<@heighRick says : Ends with an annoying ad... Ah well, nevermind>> <<@Someyuck says : Will those guys become Messiah if they are able to keep their hands inside?>> <<@anirudhchand1437 says : I'm petty sure putting the ad at the end was on purpose. With our view times available to him, he can see if we stuck around to watch the whole ad after giving us insightful content and a short clip of a puppy.>> <<@farhanishrak2918 says : amazing ❤❤>> <<@lostsky4343 says : Explains why desert are given at the end of an meal>> <<@martijndevis says : contradicting your own video by showing an add at the end how does that work O.o>> <<@niranjana999 says : This made me realise why i stick to that one workout video with 10 exercises. the eighth exercise is very painful, but the tenth one is not as much. it makes me feel like I can do it. P.S. i love how everyone is talking about the end of the video except the fact that there are so much things to learn about in the whole video (im doing the same duh), it js proves his point further.>> <<@adwaitinamdar7656 says : all well that ends well>> <<@Kami_26 says : Just like when i knew watching ads pays youtubers money, i began to click the skip ad button quickly.>> <<@Ninjaeule97 says : I didn't fall for the baby order or the bank teller riddle but I will never call an eggplant or even a tomato a fruit. Botanical I'm wrong but we don't use scientific definitions in regular speech most of the time.>> <<@filipDcve says : The berry topic is a topic of categories and terminology. Strawberries are "berries" depending on your definition of "berries". And no, scientific definitions are not the be all and end all...>> <<@zoyapolshchykova8697 says : Were all the test participants male?>> <<@Alrounder1173 says : ❤❤>> <<@hangbrand8199 says : Let us get uncomfy baby!!! The only way>> <<@foulweatherworks7831 says : being someone who swims in mid 40s water regularly, a short swim in cold water is going to be less pleasant than a long swim as you will never acclimate to the cold water and enjoy the euphoria of having acclimated and for a short time it’s very comfortable and enjoyable and when it gets really comfortable… it’s time to get out, hypothermia is on its way! Maybe try this same experiment with people holding their hand over a flame and see if they enjoy the shorter or longer experience>> <<@davidgustavsson4000 says : This is wholly unsurprising to Nordic people. You need the ice bath to make the sauna pleasurable.>>