<<@jordanmcbride9215 says : Yes, I believe what he’s getting at is that humanity is inherently flawed. We are imperfect due to sin. Because of this our perception, the lens in which we see, perceive, judge all things is skewed. Without redemption by God the Father, without redemption and enlightenment through His son Jesus (Yeshua the Messiah) we will always see things from an innate perspective. That’s why Jesus “made the blind to see”>> <<@MultiStu08 says : 🤷>> <<@Forheavenssake1ify says : Simply, post-modernism is anti-Enlightenment. Anti-science, anti-liberal. Put another way, anti-Western.>> <<@zaheerko2210 says : Steadfastly study Islam!>> <<@easily12 says : I like the Renaissance print Dinner Jacket! Nice look!👔👍>> <<@fam4449 says : enlightenment of the individual is bad for the business of the church>> <<@nomoturtle1788 says : You can view the world as facts, but it's not a mode of thought we often resort to. What we more often use are spectrums of probability and degrees of wrongness, conveyed by constellations of narrative. Thing is, there are many narratives that can cross the same set of points, and more often, many points not included in a narrative web. You can resolve your narratives down to a narrow point-by-point understanding, but you lose all direction and motive in doing so; there are no oughts, or progression or meaning, you literally become a machine. Narrative, despite its massive shortcomings, is so much greater than a fact based understanding because it imbues consciousness.>> <<@AidenZen88 says : This is taken out of context and he isn’t talking about the Buddhism idea of enlightenment>> <<@joeboudreault4351 says : Gotta love that stained glass decor jacket..!>> <<@kanukkarhu says : Don Cherry called. He asked for your tailor's number. 😃😉👍🏻🇨🇦 This guy is a brilliant mind.>> <<@sentgrace5188 says : True. Now you’re getting somewhere. Chaos is. Go with the flow. While remaining deeply embedded within LOVE. LOVE IS. ❤️🕊️❤️‍🩹 WE CAN HEAL.>> <<@QuoVadis21 says : Love your jacket. May all the saints protect you and your family! Brave man, in this age of deceit. ❤❤❤>> <<@FirstThenLast13 says : That jacket is dope>> <<@JaketheJust says : To those who see the world “as fact or rational thinking,” ask what is a woman. Their answer will tell you who sees truth or ideology>> <<@user-oz3yw8pp5f says : 🤔🤔INTERESTING "DR PETERSON",I WILL LEARN MORE FROM YOU TO UNDERSTAND IT BETTER,GOD BLESS!!🙏🙏🙏🙏👁️👁️>> <<@Balthazar2242 says : Ultimately we can never see a completely objective view of the world because we ourselves will always be looking through the lens of human consciousness. And God knows what that even actually is>> <<@HuntingTarg says : The problem with trying to rationally frame the world isn't that the phenomena aren't rational, it's that _WE_ are not rational. Rationality is not germane to human nature.>> <<@bojanivanovic6850 says : Orthodox Christian jacket>> <<@GrzegorzKarwowski says : Incomplete rather than wrong. It doesn't address the societal issues in full.>> <<@observeroflife2024 says : I'm going to respectfully disagree here. Science has exactly zero to do with enlightenment. Gaining knowledge is not enlightenment. Learning how things work, that are already working just fine without you is not enlightenment. It's discovery... Of facts about something YOU didn't create. If knowledge alone was enough to have Understanding then yes it would be contributing to enlightenment... But it's not. 🤷‍♀️ On the contrary it blocks true enlightenment by filling the mind with facts. Facts are useless to life and living without experience. I will refer you again to Nature... Animals EXPERIENCE life. They aren't told how its going to be... Based on these scientific facts of their species, their place in the hierarchy of Nature, their chemistry... They literally are born... Live and EXPERIENCE every day as though it were a new adventure every day... Because it kinda is when you aren't programmed with what to expect... 🤷‍♀️ And then die in a natural manner... That's it Jordan. We overthink every single thing... That has little to nothing to do with actual life or living. Animals are born and just get to live... Relatively undisturbed lives, where they Naturally contribute what they were designed to, to the environment they are living in. When do WE get to EXPERIENCE life after the age of four or five Jordan? When? Because we've been sold a lie friend. Literally. We PAY to experience experiences... While Life, like an hour glass glued to the table, is continuing on without our actual participation.>> <<@perpjules says : Absolutely. We’ve been told lies upon lies upon lies, and for what? Power? It is really that great? SMH.>> <<@usov656 says : The problem with the enlightenment is that, much like everything that derived from it, was reductionist in nature. It was thought that the man and the world could just be reduced to facts and reasonings perceptible by the senses, that everything could have relatively simple explanations tied to the workings of simple physical laws, and that once humanity at large adopted this view, we would be much better. And while that helped tremendously in technological development, turns out the world is now more broken than ever, because we made the wrong guess, and it turns out things are more complex than expected.>> <<@abrickaday884 says : Humans>> <<@envisiotube says : Who has ever claimed it will be perfect? But wishful thinking based on being a cult member is not a fact or a proof. It's simply wishful thinking. What can be proven is that the salvation type religion leaders we had in Europe misused their power to enslave people mentally and emotionaly, this is a highly abusive cult. And only breaking it's power led us to our progress in science, industry, medicine, business and so on. So ... don't thank the religious tyrants, and better don't praise them as solutions of today's problems. Perhaps you can solve some partly, but at the cost of endless lies and telling BS stories – very similar to communism.>> <<@Felapa999 says : “Scientists agreed that it was wrong” Jordan Peterson implies here that knowledge is acquired by consensus of authority, and not through orientation to reality using reason/logic. Jordan Peterson is a mystic. It is no surprise that he would eventually use modernist errors that point all the way to Kant to attack reason and the enlightment. He plants here the seeds of destruction by removing reason from his audience reach.>> <<@corriemooney9812 says : He's right here.>> <<@codykrueger796 says : He always wears fascinating suits. Here is one with a bunch of icons if I am not mistaken? Where does he get these!?>> <<@Context_ says : I try to see everything in a relative manner, via life and a quote "When we let things to convey onto us, that is true artistic expression. But when we try to convey ourselves, onto things, that is delusion">> <<@michaeldodd3563 says : This is why I’m skeptical of people who trust in macro-evolution at the taxonomic level of Family or above to explain how we go here. I’m not saying I have a better idea, but that one is radically wrong!>> <<@knarfx4732 says : 🚨The enlightenment has been the best thing that has happened to humanity, thanks to that we live now without the crazy supervision of a supernatural entity that hate women, homosexuals and send people to be burn at the stake just for not believing. Don’t let JP read the bible for you, go and read it yourself and then tell me if you rather live under religious laws or enlightenment rational thought ?>> <<@nickybjammin7629 says : Well you’re here 🌎 with more than just awareness, whether you like it or not and you’ve been left here with that (physically). The question is who’s going to do the right thing with all this knowledge. Having intelligence comes with a price and those who ignore it using it to breeze through life …. those are the individuals that have taken this beautiful gift, this beautiful mistake for granted. ….but if you learn to look at your mistake and look at who you really are from the beginning, you can look at all your blunder and say ….. what a beautiful mess I’ve made. Kind’a like that country music song (🎵what a beautiful mess I made ) The shame is not accepting who you truly are and moving forward as somebody else. Everything’s connected to our physical existence. Without Physical form, you were never birthed. Physical form includes the face as much as the entire body. No matter how bad your situation is no matter how ashamed of your body you are or disappointed that it doesn’t perform like any other body, know you are in Gods Image. I highly recommend anybody that reads this to study the word image starting with all its definitions especially it’s root definition/original wording ( from the very beginning ). The Key Word here is “ Image “. There will still be suffering and bad times maybe even for you “but” …..you might be closer to God than you think. ….. might have more favor than you’ve noticed throughout your existence ( Grace ). Oh yeah!!! One more thing, it’s others you lack the control of, not as much of as you have with in yourself 🧠💪🏼. Man I only catch bits and pieces of this guy and it’s always worth every second. ( “Good” Words 💯❤️ )>> <<@dnhg9730 says : But enlightenment has brought us further we could have ever come (arguably; but cars, technology and human rights are great). It just explained religion out of the window; religion in terms of seeing God as a real being. But certainly, we are not at the end of understanding our university and tje reality behind it. _I know that I know nothing._ is still true today. _I think, therefore I am._ as well, if you think of Sam Harris.>> <<@georgestamatakis9601 says : If you look at robert boyle in particular, scientific advancement and the control of nature were the fundamental principles of his understanding of human essence. It was the same for many philosophers at the time. That is preciesly what governs many people's purposes today. Look at Elon musk for example.>> <<@xeper.i.set.218 says : The only problem with enlightenment is the problem you make with enlightenment. Enlightenment literally means to “lighten up” if you cannot do this you’ll always be really serious and morose and everything will be a problem. How you approach this is everything.>> <<@Jennino5 says : Your lessons are something that have given me my life back, but your new jackets…..I can’t with how immaculate they are.>> <<@christinecarrington3746 says : I really appreciate his style since gaining fame>> <<@uncreatedlogos says : Was the Enlightenment about that? I thought that German Idealism was simply building on Descartes with his separation of Mind and Body (and therefore on an overemphasis on the human mind) But an overemphasis on the human mind might lead to the understanding that the world is made up of facts that the human mind can comprehend. So it's reasonable to say that this kind of thinking is Enlightenment thinking. Jordan was right all along, (although he wasn't quite precise😏) This developed into a reflection... A Dialogue of thoughts. Hope you enjoyed.👍>> <<@BadBoyBuddha says : Literally 24hrs a day 7 days a week for over 4.5yrs the weaponized FISA Abuse Oversight & Accountability Investigation has forced me into a state of violence & Fight or Flight response as the past 6yrs have been violating me, to force me into inhumane living conditions 24/7 that are sexually violent when the law enforcement wants to be with so much psychological & financial traumas that I forgot my 35th birthday is in 2wks on the 10th. You think this can be a real Independence Day that I’ll get to feel again like a human once they indict these weaponized FISA terrorists for hijacking my cognitive functioning with their invisible hands that’s made up of gamma ray particles that is the most evil & lonely depressing uncomfortable/miserable traumatic experiences I’ve ever had and pray it’s bringing Justice today>> <<@pilgrimfool8824 says : Ahmen. JP nailed it. I'm starting to like him again.>> <<@Laburnus says : It's not wrong, or at least not wrong 100% of the time, and most likley far from that. If we'd think it's 100% wrong than yhis lexture is pointless, cause by deffinition it would be completely false and irrelevant>> <<@Cooldumpling says : why is that?>> <<@Scotian-Mentalities says : Although the Enlightenment was pivotal for our development and prosperity, it also had several adverse implications for society. Fact-based societies may occasionally prioritize productivity over human rights. It can even be argued that Enlightenment ideals were employed to justify slavery.>> <<@mariecait says : Love his jacket of saints .. his wife’s Catholic faith is rubbing off on him ❤>> <<@RummanaMoledina says : But as far as possible it's better>> <<@786baqi says : Babies Jordan, Babies… Why are you so apathetic to 15k babies?>> <<@garylhorn says : Yes, planned global tyranny is wrong..>> <<@_plamp_ says : Medical scientists even adopted a symbol that only those who have had mystic experiences will understand. The internal can be manipulated by the external, through the senses. I choose to see the senses as an interface. Wait, are we programming each other?>> <<@Resonizzle says : Ok where can i get that jacket? Banging.>> <<@BrentVD555 says : It is because truth is not a fact that changes over time.>> <<@ianblumberg9171 says : Isn't that postmodernism?>>