<<@kageshinobigames3216 says : I would ask her children for their opinions about their mum. Does she have children?>> <<@PeakPerformanceMentor says : Only love makes the difference. Unfortunately love is rare nowadays. If you can't teach children what love is, they'll grow empty. Just a package. A selfish one.>> <<@PeakPerformanceMentor says : I'm just realising that in order to help children to become healthy, fulfilled growned up adults, I have to leave school. I'm not looking back. It's not possible to talk with this kind of people.>> <<@PeakPerformanceMentor says : Very Bad. Some of your statements are correct, but this one, not in a million years. You're just a technician, like most all the incompetent teachers I know - and I know a lot! Please, learn how to be a mentor, to help children to grow emotionally and spiritually as well as physically and mentally.>> <<@PeakPerformanceMentor says : What is friendship for you, Lady?>> <<@user-co1pq2pl3k says : She is a genius. She is 100% right. She knows her stuff.>> <<@Kaeldrom says : Taking out of your arsenal>> <<@aaronfreeman5264 says : Something is wrong with her moral formation.>> <<@genghispecan says : She's correct on this one... but she still looks and sounds like a complete loon.>> <<@rachelpiercy731 says : I am my daughters friend and she has a moral sense and development….>> <<@punkrocker1984 says : I disagree.>> <<@SirBritishful says : Nah this is some old way of thinking at its finest seeing the way it has to be, explained with necessity. Beautiful really that's some high-end manipulation at its finest. You have to listen because that's how society works and reaffirms the regime. She completely dismisses the fact that the child and adult are both gonna sense if they are loved or not. this has nothing to do with friendship but everything to do with care and a person not capable of nurturing without domination is probably not the person to be at a school.>> <<@isitwasit8756 says : Schools and universities in the west are poisoning kids minds with vile woke leftist degenerative trash>> <<@stephenkaake7016 says : my parents filed my teeth down, told lies, have me punished, society does not consider this a crime>> <<@rappmasterdugg6825 says : "You cannot be friends with your children." Aha, this is confirmation that they have met my children.>> <<@musiclover60302 says : Absolutely! My parents were never friends with us. And my husband and I were never friends with our children. This is tremendous advice.>> <<@jacobussmit1453 says : My parents were friends to my throughout my life, not sure what this rant is about.>> <<@ColinHouston-Luke says : she gives weird vibes... seems unwell>> <<@hasaniennis442 says : I keep thinking this lady is Tracee Ellis Ross>> <<@gregorygan2077 says : That's why my catholic school was great. I don’t know all catholic schools nor your experience, but mine was dignifiyng and forming engaged morally standing citizens with critical thinking>> <<@grimtapestry5585 says : Being their "friend" and being friendly is probably a distinction worth making. Just because a parent has authority doesn't mean they should default to using it. People just can't seem to grasp that parenting is teaching, I don’t think rulers on the wrist ever helped people learn.>> <<@xarastewartmusic says : What are you wearing Jordan>> <<@emilsundstrom2722 says : This is why so many gen Z are cutting off contact with their parents. This is so wrong on so many levels. This woman has the cognative process of a neanderthal.>> <<@Owenhlre says : Dam..her parents must have been shit>> <<@xarasvii6737 says : My kids are my best friends.>> <<@music2flyful says : Connection before Correction>> <<@Doc-Holliday1851 says : I don't know what she means by "friends". Obviously you have to be in a place of authority. without that they don't learn and can very easily hurt themselves or others. But that doesn't mean you have to be an authority figure 100% of the time and it doesn't mean you can't act as their friend. Even when disciplining you don't have to be a total authoritarian. Sometimes it pays to talk to your child as an equal, even though you're not. Because kids need to know that their thoughts, concerns, etc. are valued and considered.>> <<@bordstif84 says : Liberals hate. Conservatives love.>> <<@MrWinklbauer says : Word>> <<@jordonm5675 says : I really wanted to watch this episode, but she was so miserable and arrogant. I couldn’t get through more than five minutes. every time I see a clip of her it’s so unbelievably awful. I can’t even get through this clip. What is it about this individual?>> <<@ininab231 says : Full talk?>> <<@MattGleason1 says : I don’t know, I played with my kids every day and tried to teach them everything I know. I never had to be an authority figure.. they did what I asked because they wanted to. Both adults now and both significantly more successful than I was. I still hang around them and play as much as their schedules allow. We weren’t rich but it warms my heart when they tell their friends that they had the best childhoods. Must be a lesson in there somewhere.>> <<@stephenelian7532 says : Becoming friends with my parents as adults, saved our relationship- we would otherwise be estranged. Just because you're passionate about your stance doesn't make you right. There are many adults that have parents that have survived trauma and addiction, it's nice to be their friends.>> <<@gspark2284 says : Pretty sure hitler died doll>> <<@garfieldbraithwaite8590 says : Spot on>> <<@Wiggi147 says : Should you always have a stupidly superior tone of voice and way about yourself even if it a not based on any relevance? And should you not love HIM…. Either no??? You’re a very very ILL woman.>> <<@Wiggi147 says : And what about her?, witch?>> <<@Rocket-rs1eb says : Over correcting BS two things can be true>> <<@DonTruman says : Really well said and great point. Most parents these days do the opposite: friends when they're children, then try to be parents when they're adults. Doesn't work.>> <<@nzkiwi9 says : The roll of the school is not to provide moral education. This is the roll of the family and religious institutions>> <<@user-sr1ye5yh3o says : "You, do teach your kids to be obedient, while we teach ours to be princes and princesses">> <<@jeremiahmartin9151 says : I hate this idea. I understand you have to be a good parent and put your foot down sometime but my parents took this approach of “I’m your parent not your friend” they frequently said that about anything. When I got in trouble or when I questioned them on things, and they did a good job teaching me right from wrong and other things but now that I’m older and out of the house I barely have any sort of relationship with my parents because I don’t view them as someone I can talk openly about anything, I don’t know anything about their lives, their beliefs or their past for the most part and they don’t care to have a relationship with me. I’ve tried with both of them, they divorced and my mom moved and I don’t see or speak to her and my father is around but I don’t know him or have any sort of real bond or connection with him. In my 27 years I have not ever once sat down and had a legitimate heart to heart conversation with either of my parents. It’s had a profound affect on my siblings by their own admission, luckily I became independent young and identified a lot of my problems stemmed from a lack of parental figures and guidance and it truly stunted my development as an adult for many years. You can absolutely be your child’s best friend and still raise them to be great successful individuals. I know plenty of people who make it happen, you can come up with any excuse you want but the bottle line is it’s up to you as a parent to make it happen.>> <<@jCzarli says : +1>> <<@zarodgaming1844 says : every alchoolic bigoted violent paernt watching this video: " THIS WOMAN GETS IT !!! ">> <<@Ditto463 says : If I had a penny for every time I said to my daughters ‘ I don’t know why you think this is something we can discuss, I’m telling you ‘no’ and it’s staying ‘no’…. We’re now great friends ❤>> <<@JL-cn6nh says : To many single fathers know this truth all too well , a big part of the breakup of the families of the West.>> <<@mindfulmystic says : There's no fine line in parenting like she is suggesting. It is rather a broad circle that encompasses everything about human development. Remember, also, you weren't born a parent and your child is not you, so you are learning how to parent while your child is developing.>> <<@genieyess1720 says : Yes we can. The question is if we should.>> <<@WellWater-Rural-life says : Well said>> <<@krislivingston1458 says : I told my step daughter that I couldn’t be her friend. She said why. I said because a friend is someone who will help you get into trouble. And keep you out of it. They’re someone who stays by your side and completes mischief with you. If I’m supposed to be your parent how can I be a good friend to you.? I told her we have to wait until she’s an adult and then we can be friends. This was after she told me her mom says they’re friends.>>