<<@colinellis9063 says : Can't watch any more of jordan...>> <<@sidequestsally says : Well well well, I've finally been unsubbed to a channel by YT.>> <<@RasalilaRose says : Final comment - i wish I could debate, JP✨🙏✨ Tom, if you have any interest in helping set up a debate i would be so grateful.>> <<@RasalilaRose says : And Einstein said, “We cannot solve a problem out of the same consciousness that created it.” Therefore, my allegiance is to Love and not to fear and competition and dominance. JP, clearly just don’t know the difference between the two. Stop preaching and start going inside. I wish you the best of luck.>> <<@RasalilaRose says : My Jesus says to me, “if you could see what I see, you would never have another critical thought about yourself. This planet is gangster and you’re a warrioress.”✨🌎💃🏽💯🔥🌈✨>> <<@RasalilaRose says : Yes! Please stop…>> <<@RasalilaRose says : Yes, the Cosmos is a Personality and we humans are it’s children. We are all a family, but it’s not a patriarchal hierarchical cosmos. You are seriously the biggest narcissist ever if you think that the cosmos reflect your patriarchal hierarchy?>> <<@RasalilaRose says : And just a little more feedback, JP. When you speak about the evil in the world, you seriously become it. Literally. You have this distain and contempt and seething in your voice. It’s not a good look. So many of us choose joy and not fear. You know why? Because we’ve actually experience it while all you do is talk about it. I believe in the evolution of consciousness. each one of us is our own spiritual authority. Our higher power lives inside of us and we will find each other there. We need to move forward building a society founded on love. When we are empowered in this way, the authority won’t be able to pull the wool over our eyes or conquer us. I wish, JP, that you can become the love that you say you want to see in the world.❤>> <<@RasalilaRose says : When all forms of external authority have become propagandized and discredited, and not something we can trust in, we will all have nowhere else to go, but within, and that is where we will find each other again. JP, we are not going back!>> <<@RasalilaRose says : So funny with that adage, “if your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do it too”? I taught kindergarten and elementary school for 20 years and that was always what I said when they tried blaming their friend for “making them do it.” and you know what, they always stopped, and they appreciated that it was their choice and they thought about it and they were not gonna jump off a bridge and kill themselves even if their friends did it. Maybe if it was what their parents told them to do? That’s a lot trickier.>> <<@RasalilaRose says : A well facilitated conversation amongst diverse peoples will create an IQ far higher than the IQ of any individual in the group group. Well facilitated conversation amongst stagnant homogeneous thinkers will not create an IQ much higher than an individual in the room.>> <<@RasalilaRose says : I don’t think JP is a good guest for your show🤷🏽It’s good to face what we’re dealing with. I appreciate the ability to hear and consider their ‘ideas’. Yuck. Science is not spiritless or just utilitarian. He’s full of shit. We are NOT going back✌️>> <<@KITLEVEY says : How can time have a beginning ? If someone, anyone can define 'a' or 'the' "GOD" to me I could maybe have a conversation about it.>> <<@Jamie-ez9fz says : WORTHWHILE RERUN>> <<@Theogvineofthedead says : "Slow down take tiiiiiime and seeeeee the foreest foorrr the leaves. I know that iiiiiii should praaactice what I preeeeeeaaaaach." *The Dear Hunter - The Canopy* Such a fantastic band in every way.>> <<@charlesr7458 says : Oh wow its god, i mean jeezus sorry i meant jordan peterson having a podcast with his 13 disciple.>> <<@ProBuildersBlueprint says : I wish my psychiatrist was as insightful as Jordan Peterson.>> <<@ProBuildersBlueprint says : 👍>> <<@Anti-feminist87 says : People talk about petersons emotions, every human has them unless you full of drugs or a sociopath. Meanwhile this guys favorite term is i worry or im afraid. Maybe if he could surrender to god instead of thinking himself a god he wouldn't be such a weak liberal worrying all rhe time.>> <<@PAIP_Studio says : Why does he still try to justify a God that sends you to hell for working on weekends? How dishonest can someone be to strip him self of his morality to justify an iron age book devoid of any morality. As Julian said after he read the Bible..."I read. I understood. I rejected. ">> <<@mr.kelly.4861 says : Dr Jordan Peterson. How you currently assist with the issue of understanding the Bible. The way forward is to allow people to get away from their television screens and listen to the message of Christ and other people who have a different opinion about what is happening in the world. That is not the narrative of mainstream media>> <<@shieldmcshieldy5750 says : But Jordan, you worship fame and money?>> <<@boeingseven6939 says : Listening to Jordan in the 4th chapter of this podcast.... it is so obvious that he had passed the psychedelic experience>> <<@boeingseven6939 says : "Matt don't do dope"..... for life>> <<@JohnPalermo-wp5df says : Sociopaths giving advice>> <<@o.8184 says : Channel is going down the drain>> <<@mattanderson6672 says : Interesting, Love Peterson!! Brilliant discussion !! Amazing, enjoyed that Thanks guys!>> <<@pedrolopa2 says : Please, if you reupload, add the date this was made for context.>> <<@citizenfeymos7813 says : I commented a shit ton. I just hope when the grid goes down...our paths cross..i think i can make it 30 days with a bunch of elbow grease...after learning prepping a bit...and being a novice...thpugh i survived 4 days i. A foot and a half of snow...with only a roof overhead. And minimal food and knowledge...i had fun.>> <<@tkovacs6315499520 says : Why s there always a Pic of this guy crying on every YouTube post>> <<@zeenatuumar5592 says : The best statement I heard in a very long time: The fear of God is the Beginning of wisdom!>> <<@Joffaburger says : This is a very very profound discussion. The discourse brings out the best of both of their approaches to life. Great job Tom and Jordan. You got very close to something extremely meaningful for me...>> <<@rayoflight959 says : He lost me with 'the Chosen people'. Complete psyop BS. Jordan doesn't know that my tribe are the actual chosen people of the Universe!!! How do like them apples?!!! LMAO>> <<@WhiteStoneName says : 16:41 *perceived* Yes. This is key. Perception is more fundamental in regard to knowledge or articulable knowledge. This is mainly why I like Polanyi and moreso Owen Barfield’s Saving the Appearances.>> <<@annagrzyb4424 says : https://phemegossip.wordpress.com/2024/06/06/understanding-ethical-commands-a-future-for-ai-interpretation/>> <<@brigittehoffmann8965 says : There are NO chosen people! Certainly not Satanyahoo and isra-hell!>> <<@reagan-s-parrot says : I cant take Guys with backward baseballcaps seriously. You got big flappers, accentuated by your cap.>> <<@Quick-n-eg쿠이크앤이지 says : What is scary is that children are not taught by their parents to fear God. The Bible states that fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, but the present generations are confused and lost. Previous generations had wars and had to face death every generation. Muslims are not afraid to die for Allah. They bow down three times a day, fast, abstain, etc. They are passionate about their religion. There might be a reason why their numbers are increasing?>> <<@1painter4hire says : Xanax monster giving advice on how i should live my life, Interesting....>> <<@MarkoSimic-pf8mi says : If running from truth means picking up a cross, than why alter the truth in some situations?>> <<@barefootarts737 says : 11:21 The stories were burned into our memory, because their proliferation coincided with the invention of the PRINTING PRESS, the spread of literacy, and the use of the of the Bible as the way to spread it. It is not because the stories are so compelling more than other stories. Just read some other stories from around the world and they're so much more interesting and filled with life and energy.>> <<@IntelJungian says : I can’t do this right now, too many serendipity synchronicity's and Jordan Peterson subscribes to that I believe he is a Jungian ❤❤❤>> <<@IntelJungian says : How are you interviewing my two most favorite people on the Internet who give me the most knowledge for life and they both have worked. They are culmination of what I want to be Jordan Peterson and Andrew Bustamonte. How do you get Jordan Peterson on there now I am jelly.>> <<@user-jo4ho9jz9c says : Stop baiting your viewers for views. Don't you have enough money already. If somebody wanted to watch the podcast with JP they would've watched it already. You are reposting vidfeos in order to accumulate views and gain money but do nothing on your part. That's not new content and you are purposefully lying your followers. You are also changing the thumbnails so the video appears again on the feed. It's disgusting behavior, stop it>> <<@anthonyvasquez486 says : are you going to interview other faiths? Native American is cool although most of them were forced to convert but some of us still hold the true faith - wonder why folks don't believe in their roots - I believe we all believe in the same thing just with a different name -'' DIO last in line'' haa! peace>> <<@daniellaney7704 says : Well Tom you have no faith and ignorance isnt bliss the ignorant will end up in hell. The four plagues that were prophesied in Egypt happened the Jews lived the Egyptians died. Tom your problem is your ego about yourself and your intelligence is big as the india population you give answers to much when your interviewing highly intelligent people like Patrick Bet David Peter Shift etc.. You have a big enough California bullshit know it all following to speak on what you want no guest once a week. Thats all fact I hope you take it in and expand your mind. Maybe you can be saved.>> <<@sean2662 says : 40:24 Seems like we as a group need to mold ourselves to someone who has spent the past 4000 years in a cave rather than fostering further adherence to the path of this group.>> <<@TB-LivingFree says : ThumbUp &LeaveComment 4AIgosAll>> <<@SpencerWeltmer says : JP is wack>> <<@marcginthe5d says : No kids no god but has the rest - super interesting>>