<<@ChaoticIntention says : I can see a number of conservatives being "centrist" for the fact they don't really lean Republican, but the Left forces you to vote Democrat no matter who it is, like Pelosi saying she could have you vote for a cup of water as long as it has a D on it. That goes against individualism and just making you tow the line, but Destiny wants to convince that it's a better choice, and if you don't agree then he shames, belittle, and make you sound like the unreasonable one. The funny thing that it works, and he wants to appear as the "reasonable" one conservatives can have a discussion with, but while there are centrist, there's better options, so he has to pull this dishonest deflection that 'conservatives get away with everything', when then the counter is the left push this cancel culture onto conservatives, that either they do something to rid the aggressors or be oppressed till they ruin your life and you minecraft yourself, & they move on to another victim. his redpill into kids is weird when it occured after the groomers in schools. He basically has a bias, that if you agree to, you're the problem to him.>> <<@phillipp5538 says : Destiny looks like he is in a booster seat.>> <<@kittycatwithinternetaccess2356 says : destiny's Rworded fans came out in force i see>> <<@xrphoenix7194 says : I think destiny has made a massive tactical error in mocking the death at the rally>> <<@xrphoenix7194 says : I wouldnt call myself a centrist, but rather a moderate, and I absolutely despise trump>> <<@Staxsgurl says : By 2.22 Destiny has nailed the RW and their behaviour>> <<@TheRaven621 says : šŸ˜‚ he actually thought Kennedy was a reasonable person!?! Idiot šŸ˜‚ this did not age well for him>> <<@timetheory84 says : Everything he does is for the purpose to drum up controversy to get more followers and attention. He always does things like this. He's actually the worst kind of evil because he knows better. He has been owned by a few conservative types and is on a revenge tour now.>> <<@pammcnary says : RFK jr? Seriously? Can you explain his crazy? So wrong! Iā€™m only listening to Destinyā€¦>> <<@DJfit says : Tom mentioned 'distortions', should be 'biases'?>> <<@collinblatchford says : Are his boosters up to date?>> <<@cdo...49283 says : Destiny is the best ā¤ Tom's ridiculous deflection of criticism of these figures is pathetic>> <<@stevenschuster says : Not surprised, Toms podcast is the worst out there. Two desperate men.>> <<@sublimegardens says : Epitome of someone with "Trump derangement syndrome"... I appreciated your attempt to go deeper with this man and unfortunately Destiny couldn't go there. He felt to me to be extremely egocentric and this kind of intelligence (if it is even that?) has NO appeal to me whatsoever.>> <<@Addi_the_Hun says : So...destiny turned out to be 100% right. Common w as usual lmao>> <<@jaytn6946 says : this guy is crazy>> <<@savednorwegian says : Well Destiny is mostly a complainer or grumbler. He often says things to just get reactions and attention. Now he is free to have his opinion of course. Still Trump is gonna win and he is not a treath to democracy. The Elite (not the Matrix blah blah blah conspiracy and Tate bs version btw) backed up Harris is however>> <<@sadfioasjdfoija says : This guy needs to get in the gym. I knew what his opinions would be the second I saw him. Weak man>> <<@Rell-z9k says : I would love to say Im centrist but I dont see any policies of the right I would agree with. Im probably a moderate democrat ( not progressive). I would vote for a republican if a democratic candidate was crazy like Trump, but on the left. Id vote to save democracy.>> <<@Rell-z9k says : Destiny was right. Some are being paid by foreign sources. That was revealed. I think there are other conservative pundits that are Russian shills too.>> <<@zoey5372 says : 53:07 Destiny: ā€œWhether theyā€™re being paid by foreign sources...ā€ Damn Destiny foretold the destiny of Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson.>> <<@jimoconnor7491 says : You lost me at RFK, Tom.>> <<@phishdough says : Why was RFK ever considered the centrist candidate? Unbelievable>> <<@Jayv1313 says : Deng i thought lil D would be unalived by now.>> <<@waltherchemnitz says : Any position you take to Destiny's take on this is the high ground.>> <<@jks7556 says : Destiny just died from myocarditis... :( RIP>> <<@TinkeringNoob says : I am watching this and Steven says commentators being paid by foreign sources which happens a lot more then people know. Then I see this headline in my feed "Dave Rubin, Benny Johnson, Tim Pool Exposed as Working For Alleged Russian Influence Operation in New DOJ Indictment" . Fake news tho right Center leaning guy?>> <<@jimhestermanphotography says : Alright... comment #2 here we go. Shit... I need to listen to this in segments because I keep having thoughts but I wait to see if they're addressed and they are somewhat but not in the way I think they should be. Destiny is matching his tone. By the way... I'm late to Destiny but at the same time feel like I found him at the right time. I would say I'm to the left of him but I love how he communicates and focuses on data. Actually... I'm probably not that much further left. I feel center but I get told I'm further left because I supported Sanders. Anyway... Sorry for the tangent. Destiny has had a bully type approach BEFORE the recent bigger interview/debates with people on the right that I agree, are brain rot type dangerous. Shapiro is dangerous. Candace is dangerous etc... the dumb Canadian with the worst voice in the world next to RFK is dangerous. Long winded I know... I'll try to keep my next point short. Tit for Tat goes back much further than AI training or anything computer related. I heard tit for tat from my dad in the 80s and he was born in the 20s. It's an old concept. Matching tone is somewhat along those lines. The other side is presenting ABSOLUTE INSANITY and it would be insane of anyone on this side of the fence, the fence I would consider to be more sane (for the most part) to cave and be like, how horrible that this happened, this should be a wake up call and insert combaya platitudes here... no. The guy that got shot, as sad as it might be for his family or those around him that cared for him, died because he was attending a rally that is acting like a FUCKIN CULT and that's how it needs to be treated. THIS IS A CULT. We ARE at the presipus of some serious shit if Trump is elected. Ok another thought and I should have put this in order but I didn't and I'm not going to rewrite. Where did this come from? This is a problem America has had since before the civil war but now we have the internet and everyone's dumb, insane, racist, conspiracy theorist brain and mouth has a platform. That's one. Two... Ever hear of the southern strategy? This concept of reaching out to these people isn't new. Nixon did it. Reagan did it. We saw the uprising of these voices in the TEA PARTY around 08 when Obama got elected. This is the same "silent majority" as they like to be called that's been around since the formation of this country, but of course with modern day generations. Brain rot spreads...like mob mentality in a crowd... it's infectious and NATURALLY it's going to spread like WILDFIRE on the internet. Ok, I said a lot. Hopefully Tom reads this or Destiny or someone that came make sense of my rambling. Yeah, I'm half way though and I kept feeling like you two weren't quite touching on it so here I am.>> <<@jimhestermanphotography says : Iā€™m just under an hour in and I agree with Destiny on all points except for one and that is that home ownership WAS more attainable in the 50s and 60s and part of that is because income inequality was low. You could get a job and afford to live on your own and EVEN start a family. That started to die in the 70s with a huge inflation spike, began to really die again in the 80s with more inflation and the first major tax cuts for the ultra wealthy and from that point on itā€™s only been down hill. Iā€™m 49. Iā€™m definitely old enough to remember working a basic job and being able to afford my 500 a month apartment.>> <<@claudetteguimond8035 says : Thank-you Destiny. You always make really good points that usually help me clarify my own ideas about a lot of things.>> <<@sunbrown8536 says : trump declares himself the magician - the only one who can solve your grievances - because he promise you he is a very stable genius. he learn everything in 5 minutes. he learn "nato" in 5 minutes. so...hardcore maga all suffer from magical thinking. this is a cult. the orange rapture is coming soon.>> <<@Producerukoh says : Tom switched it up. He's been courting all these conservative guest and right-wingers were here for it. He puts up an actually intelligent left wing commentator and people get angry.>> <<@ottz2506 says : This is important to know because this needs to be said: Most of the people crying here about Destinyā€™s reaction to Trump were absolutely laughing at all the jokes made about Paul Pelosiā€™s attack and would have been doing it even more if the attack killed him. Donā€™t let them act as if they wouldnā€™t have done this and donā€™t let them get away with thinking theyā€™re morally superior to you.>> <<@riocox6445 says : Down thumb I just can't listen to his bs. I gave it a chance>> <<@riocox6445 says : Why would any one listen to a tweaker. Of course to him everone that has pause on the mRNA have the belief in microchip shit. Straw man after straw man. Uses the term insurrection while literally no one has ever been charged for that>> <<@carolynngockel3670 says : Destiny is so smart and so unwise at the same time. Yes, humans can fly. We've devised all sorts of way to do it: airplanes, helicopters, hang gliders, and rocket ships capable of propelling us into space. Listening to this, I feel sorry for hm more than angry at him.>> <<@HachikoBeats says : Wonder how much money Dems are paying this young lady to lie so much. You can't be this ridiculous and believe your own lies.>> <<@theboss9950 says : I'm not angry that you dissed trump, I'm angry at you for what you said about the firefighter>> <<@captainpazuzu says : Am I the only one that came here just to see the comments? Cuz there is a lot of crazy in these comments. lol. On to watch the vid...>> <<@RealBrotherGG says : its a cultist emotional support meeting. npc1 jan6 "talking point:" > other npcs "nods with adhom attack" lol, these people are insane , It's basically "you dont share my opinion , literally moustachhmannnnnn arrrrrgh">> <<@YouKnow11111 says : Had more socialist views as a kid for obvious reasons. I think many of us do. Been an independent voter most of ny life. Now im much more libertarian. To be honest i did not like any of our final choice candidates over the last 3 elections. Sad to think these are the best options our nation has to offer. I dont vote either side typically, but this year i am 100% voting for trump. Yea, he has a questionably personality at times, but thag isnt my concern. My biggest concern is the overstepping of our government and governing bodies into all realms and having no fear anymore that the people know. I think trump has assembled s good team that will restrict government oversight, and replace or erase corrupt quandrants. And if not, at the very least to start the process while teaching his successors where to pick up where he leaves off. Anyone who rationalizes bullying as a way to persuade public opinion is the exact reason I dislike the Democratic party. A bunch of lying hypocrits. Say one thing and hold others to that standard, but when it comes to themselves, there is a double standard.>> <<@deaddocreallydeaddoc5244 says : Claiming that Biden has done a "far better job" than Trump or even a little better beggar reason, let alone knowable facts provides proof of Orwellian Double Speak in our present. Biden made big money giveaways to buy off the public the Left means to make into dependents, while he shut down oil production, opened the borders wide open, etc. He's caused huge inflation, which has been exacerbated by his "big infrastructure project" that hasn't built or repaired one single road or bridge, but has been dumped into dead-end projects such as EVs which have been all but abandoned because no one wants to buy them. The big project hasn't planned for enough energy to run the EVs! But it assisted in raising the inflation rate. The Dems are now trying to pretend that Biden was never in office!>> <<@deaddocreallydeaddoc5244 says : Wow, what a display of bias throughout! Let's look at some of "Destiny's" last words, when he says that that Trump spent the first month denying that COVID even "f-ing" existed." Not true! Trump immediately recognized it but tried to keep low-key, which in retrospect would have had better results than the panic that saw Leftist state governments shut down their states. He's faulting Trump for trying to keep people calm. Keeping calm is always the first priority in any emergency or potential emergency. I recall the situation well as I am a retired DC who saw it coming, but I looked it up to make this response. On February 2, Trump closed entry for Chinese nationals. This was before the famous Chinese New Year Celebration when the CCP decided to allow Chinese citizens to travel outside China in a clear effort to spread the virus. By March 4, Trump was already aware of the fact that most people who became infected recovered in about the same time as one does from the flu. In fact, many gained natural immunity by just becoming infected. (The main agitators for panic were anti-Wesern medicine radicals, led by an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist named Surcharit Bhakdi, who is also well known for his anti-semitism. Since March 220, he made many false claims that spread panic). In 2023, he falsely claimed that a member of the Thai Royal Family had died from the Pzifer vaccine, getting it banned in that nation). . The purpose of vaccines in public health is to manage disease and prevent death if not able to wipe it out completely When you conduct interviews like this and allow so much bias and clearly challenging statements to go undebated, the question arises whether your platform is useful for those looking for truthful answers or information that would lead to clearer conclusions.>> <<@deaddocreallydeaddoc5244 says : Anyone who thinks that Biden is anything but an empty suit, that has outlived his usefulness is unqualified to speak on political issues. Anyone who seriously thinks that Harris is not also an empty suit is similarly impaired. She is now the Democratic Candidate, and they are afraid to let her debate Trump or even hold a press conference without her running mate present to speak for her. And he has direct ties to the CCP. (Manchurian Candidate). Harris was put in as the replacement in what is being termed a "Palace Coup" since it happened without any vote. So the woman who could not get even 2% as a candidate for the Democratic nomination in 2016 is now in line to be set into office by pulling off another funky election process, where millions of migrants will be used to somehow jerry mander electors, etc. if they can't actually vote. Some people never get it. They don't get it because they were brainwashed as youths to be useful idiots. Some people undergo cognitive decline in their youth. The clearly observable neurosis of the Left tells the tale.>> <<@deaddocreallydeaddoc5244 says : Listening to this TDS-infested misanthrope is so revealing of that mindset. Is trump a threat to the Constitution? In what universe? The Democrats have been steadily distorting and violating the Constitution for years and are in the process of attempting to silence Trump. Now, it's come to an assassination attempt and their controlled medial will hardly discuss it. He rushes in his staccato nervous style through his litany of accusations, which are far from fact, and then places, "There are millions of examples." Oh? Might there be some bit of hyperbole being injected here? He ignores the Democratic Party's departure from the rule of law to a two-tier system that engaged in illegal campaign interference by creating the Steele Dossier, spying on Trump's campaign, and then infecting our courts with activist judges. While this is going on, they accuse Trump and various of his associates of crimes of no standing and get convictions. Two nonsense impeachments that fall apart, while Joe Biden carries on a quid pro quo operation for years while in and out of office, somehow gets away with having classified documents in several locations, including one that is accessible to Chinese spies, yet Trump has no right to his own created records. And on top of this all, the steady eroding of education, social justice, etc., into a process of Leftist indoctrination and injustice for anyone not a Leftist or Democrat. January 6th was not only not an insurrection and Trump is on media exhorting the protestors to be peaceful in their protest, but there is not overwhelming material including video that proves how involved Nacy Pelosi and others were in setting up the appearance of an insurrection even though not one protestor carried a weapon. Unlike the 2020 BLM, Antifa riots, not one January 6 protestor carried a weapon. There is proof that there were plants in the crown, some FBI, and some Antifa who vandalized or attempted to vandalize the Capitol Building. Contrary to false claims, only one person was killed that day. Ashleigh Babbit, a veteran, was shot a point blank range as a police officer stood nearby, allowing her to step into the hallway where she was shot. To this day, many arrested protestors sit in jail in DC, being mistreated and still awaiting arraignment and trial in the direct contraction of the assured right to a speedy trial as political prisoners. None of this affects the thinking of this man, who thinks were ought to listen to his arguments seriously.>> <<@marvinmcmurray761 says : Destiny is a weak piece of trash and does not believe to be on your show. Wtf are you doing?>> <<@LukeMcGuireoides says : This Podcaster is a dope..>> <<@TheBiggestCrook says : People go well people disagree with destiny so he must be right šŸ˜‚>> <<@derekthayer5897 says : I've listened to this guy and he is deranged. calling for violence. He has no values and it shows in his personal life. Conservative ideas are all about family and community>> <<@tusharradke says : A registered gun nut republican attempted to assassinate Trump and idiots are blaming liberals on rhetoric. What is more likely? The republican was inspired by some liberals calling Trump fascist or Alex Jones musing that Trump would be better off dead for the republican cause? How many media outlets have even pushed back on this bullshit from the republicans?>>