<<@Rick-tk9dl says : Clown>> <<@aiart3453 says : He is spreading garbage! Sad that Tom allowed someone like him here.>> <<@kennethjoswiak6852 says : Probably one of your worst guests. I was not impressed at any point.>> <<@marcoverhoeven3313 says : There was corruption in the 2020 election.>> <<@LukeMcGuireoides says : Far right media and propaganda has been totally legitimized in America. When fox news was started, and the end of the fairness act earlier, is when it really started circling the drain. The disinfo is even being spread by the top political leaders. Rupert Murdoch has played a huge role in America's political turmoil, and in other countries too, though certainly not to the same extent. He is the _real_ deplorable.>> <<@JornSales says : Wind bag>> <<@derekwilliams4994 says : A lot has happened just since this interview came out.>> <<@aleaiactaest8354 says : Ian Bremmer is always interesting thinker. He mentions climate several times. Think he needs to broaden his understanding on that subject. The climate hysteria narrative is broken...like so many other narratives we have been fed the last couple of decades.>> <<@Handlethecurvessmoothly says : I see so many flaws in Mr Brennen’s logic on how to fix this issue I cannot list them all. I am a bit disappointed that those flaws were not questioned for discussion. Tom were you tired?>> <<@siddhartha_1 says : Why is this now getting reposted on spotify? It's old news.>> <<@ShinobiVuDU says : " Canadian trucker riots" You're uninformed>> <<@jayburris6252 says : What is this guy saying??! He starts parts of this conversation using the word “democracy” without defining it, having us assume a common definition. He then starts “defining” the term through context “defining” it as some kind of unity of thought in a country. What’s up dude? Tom, why no push back?>> <<@truthdogschell8473 says : The sky is ridiculous! And a nutshell blaming Republicans for young peoples behavior. I don’t get it and he is so one-sided can’t listen to him anymore..>> <<@truthdogschell8473 says : This guy talks about Biden like Biden is actually aware and coherent 🤦🏾>> <<@letsif says : Capitalism works until it doesn't. The system is designed to fail, but not until the rich get as rich as they can, then escape, leaving the non voting, apathetic, cynical, ignorant and under educated, grossly obese, politically naive and angry citizens behind. Welcome to the new America, rotting from within. Roman Empire Redux.>> <<@tofubadguy says : So, what you're saying is Ian Bremmer is clueless & completely off track on several issues. Thanks for letting us know Tom.>> <<@bzarnett18 says : Very poor guest choice.Bremmer's ideas sound like a fairytale. Radical islam doesn't see peace as an option. It is a death cult. The culture is one of conquest, expansion and hatred. That's where the conversation needs to start. You should bring on Gad Saad.>> <<@livingintheforest3963 says : Too bad so many of these shows are old talking about Trump and Biden. They need to get up to the present.>> <<@livingintheforest3963 says : Unfortunately, everybody has wasted far too much money on Ukraine, and they are still losing.>> <<@NeoSim76 says : Immediately, from the first sentence, this man has absolutely no idea what he's talking about.>> <<@paulasamec8715 says : The truth is that the cause of it all is US interference and coup d’Etat of 2014!>> <<@edwardkersey2771 says : This fella just flat out lies>> <<@edwardkersey2771 says : This fella just flat out lies>> <<@janeparish6507 says : Disgusting lie after lie after lie as usual from far left propagandist Ian Bremer. Ukraine’s democratically elected President and government were overthrown by the CIA in 2014 at the direction of President Obama and VP Biden. They then installed Zelensky - an actor & comedian with zero experience in law or government. Ukraine is now corrupt to the core with many US bio weapons labs on Russia’s border AND thousands of young Ukrainians are dead in a war with Russia started by the U.S. and our CIA. Even liberal NY Times reported this.>> <<@happymomma7043 says : Well this didn’t age well…..>> <<@marcpelta4055 says : There are a few basic problems with the Ukrainian military: (1) a failure to focus on combined arms operations — a waste of soldiers and munitions used any other way, (2) refusal to mobilize soldiers including the avoidance of females, (3) demanding certain systems like the western tanks, artillery, aircraft then after they get them they complain they’re “not enough”… I don’t want to pile on them. But these are three important areas Ukraine is failing at unfortunately>> <<@user-ub3ig7re9z says : Why can’t all the Muslim countries give land to create a Palestinian state?>> <<@MrsBarrister says : The best lies, are always wedged between truths 🎉>> <<@big_red_machine3547 says : Monkey Boy. Can you please for the love of God put the date of the interview on these podcasts? This is getting ridiculous>> <<@sharontwidle1237 says : Brilliant!>> <<@lionsprofit says : This kind of person is exactly the reason why do we need so desperately President Trump back in office>> <<@lionsprofit says : TRUMP>> <<@Dr.SiddhiThakar says : Delusion Epitome : Jews and Muslims can get along just fine 👀>> <<@andrewowens5653 says : Let's Get the facts straight, it's the United States that started the war. Just look at all the land of the global corporations have stolen from the Ukraine>> <<@Richbumbullies says : Bunch of bots and non neutral ppl in these comments and trump supporters>> <<@deannastafford5762 says : Why don't you promote RFK>> <<@moonie2687 says : He has no idea how the russian ukraine war started. Dudes an idiot.>> <<@madtv43 says : The Economy is doing well?! No, the GDP is doing well. I know that is how statists measure the economy, but GDP increases with inflation making it a god awful measure.>> <<@madtv43 says : I don't know about this guy. Globalism is good? No globalism is the erasure of individualism, in fact it necessitates the erasure of the individual. You can't have a fully global system and still have local culture because it turns out many cultures are incompatible. Just look at Europe right now. Mass importation of people from the middle east, and it is resulting in a social unrest that has basically never been seen in any of these countries in history. Some sure, but not to this extent.>> <<@AquaRover says : Great discussion.....ads every 7 minutes?!?! wow....that is some serious greed!>> <<@ancienttartan3509 says : I cannot take anyone seriously who thinks Biden has a more stabilizing foreign policy than Trump.>> <<@etownKeystoned says : dude is such a little girl "what so Ukraine doesnt get 61 billion because Trump wants to run on the border issue? derkaderkaderka" no, ukraine doesnt get 61Billion BECAUSE WE ARE INCREASING OUR NATIONAL DEBT BY $4TRILLION A YEAR YOU DINGLEBERRY!>> <<@emmanuelestrada5914 says : #FckPalestine>> <<@vtec2liter says : This guy suffers from a touch of normalcy dias.>> <<@pierrekid says : Imagine if we never f’d with Russia by moving NATO in to Ukraine. Idiots. This is OUR fault>> <<@user-mz5rv6dh2y says : I couldn't make it through this guy's interview. His foundations, 2020 election was legit and media doesn't lie. His Ukraine strategy is laughable and not based on a reality...unless you are a Globalist that wants WW3.>> <<@sallymcdonald2518 says : Palestinians and Israelis have swapped places, involuntarily on Palestinian part. Now Palestinians need a country, have had their region stolen.>> <<@TheKayzieMichelle says : And you want to steal Russian money? That’s crazy!>> <<@TheKayzieMichelle says : Why don’t you do some research on this issue? In 2014, the U.S. concocted a coup against a democratic election! In the Minsk Accords, again we lied to the Russians. Recently, Biden bragged about expanding NATO. It’s supposed to be defensive!>> <<@johncoats5113 says : Ian - you ignore it was the expansion of NATO that caused this and was the US that led the charge ! Wake up and tell the whole truth and not your have truths>>