<<@TomBilyeu says : WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!>> <<@nuttyDesignAndFab says : regarding religion: what are you talking about buddy? all 3 of the Abrahamic faiths clearly state that non believers are to be shunned and fought, that they do not have the same protections as believers, and all 3 clearly justify killing each other with the goal of extending their reach. Jesus never said anything about slavery, he just said to follow the Torah. Are your values REALLY Christian when they go against the foundational documents? I would argue that morality is inherent in all social animals; you can find a famous clip of a monkey getting mad for being treated unfairly (in the experiment one monkey was given veggies as a reward, the other fruits for the same task, the veggie monkey gets mad and throws the veggie after seeing the other get fruit). If a monkey can tell what is fair, don't you think maybe this is more basic than made up fairly tales from the iron age?>> <<@nuttyDesignAndFab says : being in the top 1% globally as an American is kinda irrelevant to someone living in a trailer park. people respond to how the feel in comparison to those around them; poor people in a rural village in Africa will be happier than someone stressed about not being able to afford rent in the US. Where do you think all those deaths of despair are happening?>> <<@joycewelzel2674 says : Tom Bilyeu, you are extremely aware and very intriguing to listen to. Thank you!!!>> <<@JohnODonovan1987 says : This was some incredibly intellectually lazy stuff here from this guy Zuby. Wow.>> <<@Bmotivated94 says : this guy is extremely optimistic lol seems like the don't worry about it until its at your doorstep type of guy...but overall, good interview and discussion...>> <<@demeke773 says : This video got shadow banned>> <<@lordbacon4972 says : Zuby's right, in general people don't appreciate what they have until they experience the opposite. This applies to everything in life -- relationships, jobs, family, etc. Perspective is everything. You don't know what you have until you lose it. You can't know how good or bad your country is until you visit other countries. You don't know the sweet until you've tasted the bitter. There are many people in this world still asleep, living the charmed rose colored glasses life, still ignorant and blind without having attained sufficient perspectives in life.>> <<@victoriareeb8740 says : Ads embedded in the video on premium subscription account…😡>> <<@selrdor says : smart humble peopL are the bestest>> <<@danielbreland6212 says : I think it's incredibly naive to say actual white supremacist aren't in congress or state houses and police forces. It may not be a huge percentage but they still are active. And I guarantee it's more than just a few thousand.>> <<@WanderingWarrior1776 says : Tom not understanding the differences between Old Testament Mosaic Law, the Islamic Mecca & Medina periods of Mohammed, and the New Testament teachings of Jesus Christ. An Agnostic/Atheist with his Head Up Ass...>> <<@dng2usb says : How did I know this weirdo spoke in a voice like this, lol? He's like genderswapped Candace Owens, haha>> <<@andresmarrerop says : W @zubymusic>> <<@andresmarrerop says : 1:21:21 best bet for a man is work on yourself and have those conservative traditional masculine values but don't be blind to the secularist degen reality of the modern world. Like we say in my country " se bueno pero no pendejo">> <<@andresmarrerop says : Democracy works but you have to maintain it. And people are not in touch with their politics and just vote on convenience of feeling. Add to that the corruption or incompetence of elected leaders and the misplaced incentives that they have>> <<@josephsmith9130 says : This is absolutely an amazing, interesting and insightful interview. The best I have heard yet.>> <<@josephsmith9130 says : In my 64 years of life, I have lived and traveled to different places both domestic and internationally speaking. It is an enriching experience and it is important in an individuals self personal development. For Americans who never traveled outside their community and country, get out there, you will be amazed 😅>> <<@hawa7984 says : I’m thankful I stayed home with my kids while they were young… when they were all in school I started working pt, odd jobs & finally helping my husband with his business while working from home. We struggled financially not living like everyone else, but I’m convinced with the struggles we faced and the hell we walked through, had we not chosen relationship as a top priority (over finances) we all wouldn’t be together as we are. I don’t know a single mom who wouldn’t want to be at home raising her kids if she could, although some of them have admitted how hard it is being at home, and have experienced the break of working outside the home, which my personal theory (from experience) is that, that actually creates more stress thereby needing the break, it becomes circular. Bottom line is, every choice will likely be hard, choose the one that’ll be worth it💙>> <<@ziv2liv says : OBviously Zuby has no understanding how the education system in the US is financed. Most of the money for education doesn't come from the federal government. It comes from property taxes, about 85% of the property taxes is allocated to the school district of the county. That taxes are determined by the value of the properties in that county. The higher the value, there higher the tax revenue. That money doesn't go to the state and redistributed, it stay with in the county, therefor, rich counties have better schools than poor counties. That system is not going to change any time soon.>> <<@MadnomadM says : What’s the cliff notes on this 3 hour plus video? Sorry I don’t have time for 3 hours straight of anything.>> <<@nicolem889 says : Lol so when 1/15 white guys were members of the KKK they produced kids, and their kids or their grandkids are still alive today with very similar beliefs. So glad we fought for the rights that we have by risking being shot, clubbed, attacked by dogs, and water hoses. So glad my people went against the kkk and the state>> <<@alexanderavgerinos says : what an incredible podcast! not often do I actually finish a 3 hour conversation like this but I had it going for a full week taking it in bit by bit. love the topics covered & the insight from both sides!>> <<@derekreed7620 says : It saddenes me that so many can't see the forest for the trees. The answer to human flourishing is within the scriptures. No matter how hard we try, humans are incapable of governing themselves. Jeremiah 10:23. The only solution is God's real tangible kingdom. Daniel 2:44. That is the moral to the story. That is the point of the whole Bible. From Adam eating the fruit to now, he in essence was declaring by eating the fruit that he can decide for himself right or wrong. So all of human existence is about God allowing us to try. Since the very beginning we are proving Adam wrong and Jehovah to be right. All wrongs committed are mankind's doing not God's fault. Any wrong done in God's name is a lie.>> <<@Jeremus717 says : It's such a 2024 thing to have to say, but it filled me with such hope to see someone from a different Nation who does not look like me passionately sharing my values and my faith. In the middle of all of these complicated ideological talks that you've had lately, I loved this one.>> <<@McMyerz223 says : W guest.>> <<@jim1386 says : How did common sense become so new again. I feel like I stepped out of insanity for a brief moment to listen to the obvious….well done lads.>> <<@Papadidas says : Don’t agree with much of what he’s saying and I’m not sure what’s new he’s bringing to the discussion. Just sounds like he’s repeating things that Thomas Sowell says. And correct me if I’m wrong did he just say there only few white supremacist in this country. Smh oh man please people read educate yourself.>> <<@debbieyash1679 says : Tom, people don’t think becoming successful is gross. They want that for you, and for themselves. They just see how rigged the system is. They know they are doing the heavy lifting in the way they are being taxed, and in the way the tax dollars are being spent. If you’re working long, hard, and smart, who is taking care of the kids? Something has got to give!>> <<@Cannabionic says : It's always sadly funny that all these great intellectuals can't understand how simple it is to stabilize this country, and potentially the world. You have to complicate everything to sound important or "smart" just to be heard, and then when you're finally heard, you end up overcomplicating everything so much that nobody can grasp it fully to its core. We just need to be fair, honest, and understanding as absolutely as possible. That's really all we need to solve literally every problem we have. There are nuances, sure, but there's no sense digging in depth when we can't even find the surface. These conversations are tiring me the fuck out.>> <<@supernaturalself3577 says : Tom talks about Americans being manipulated, (Covid etc) and how it's accelerating, and ask Zuby's thoughts and we get 15 minutes of how he's not moved so easily, is generally calm, is generally optimistic... I'm like Zuby, you're a very likable and intelligent guy... but I'm also like what do you call it when someone is presented with facts but it's contrary to their optimistic view and they simply won't allow for that input nor respond because it has a negative connotation and sinister impression about and a person, people, or establishment? Reminds me of Lex Friedman who purposely dodges some topics because he may have implicated acquaintances or believes it may isolate or ostracize a portion of his audience... this is called playing it safe... and that methodology or ideology will never have any genuine impact. You can still be optimistic and actually address the cold evil truth being presented to you to address.>> <<@lindacatalano3268 says : I agree! Immigrants take all that the USA and appreciates it, whereas Americans complain all the time. Americans do not appreciate what they have. We have so much!>> <<@AetheriusComics says : "Having a family is great, but a scale up from that is influencing culture" Saying things like that, I think, encourages people to not have families, and instead, influence culture. Even when they don't have the ability to really do that in any meaningful or positive way. Which, when people in the media presents this idea to the public, it works to reduces the number of people who would have desire to have a family. So you're influencing culture right now, but messages like this tends to influence people away from maintaining what keeps a nation alive and well, is are producing families. And if there are no families, or families worth influencing, there's no culture to influence.>> <<@Moneymitch999 says : Everything boils down to your morals and values... and when our society endorsees negative actions, attitudes, behavior, and ideas... why do we aspect positive results.... the system has been destroying the family structure for decades now... Men and women are lovers of their own... and the children are an experiment ...on self mutilation .. and the list goes on and on and on...ect....>> <<@themightyafrodite5029 says : 2:57:11 I’m ADOS. I was likely sold slavery by another African. I see what’s going on on the continent.>> <<@themightyafrodite5029 says : 25:05 I guess Zubi is innocent that the actual KKK membership has been growing since 2008 OK 16 years now to the FBI and other security organizations have released reports on this and the KKK infiltration of a law enforcement.>> <<@themightyafrodite5029 says : 8:37 this man in a black foreigner, speaking about black American so ignorantly is unsurprising. So many of them come from wherever the hell they were to America to look like us cosplay like us and complain about our problems with no solutions, but just ignorant words.>> <<@prematureoptimism7125 says : Talk, talk, talk. . . It's only talk.>> <<@Dipo_Miller says : What's the point of being in the richest country and being poor? If you are earning $30,000 and you are hardly surviving how is that a privilege?>> <<@davepenny1199 says : https://youtube.com/shorts/M8j1xWbyfjI?si=Fd8BadvHptBIQ_O7>> <<@godisgood3764 says : Tom I so much enjoyed this podcast today, for some strange reason I cried about the line that you mentioned celebrating mothers, I have 3 kids, my youngest is 6 years old, and I must say, I was very touched by your words.🥰🥰🥰🥰😢I just stopped video and started to cry ❤ thanks t you and your beautiful wife, also thanks for your wonderful guess👏👏👏👏my birthday is August first, I will take this as my birthday present 🎁 God Bless you all.>> <<@alurone1 says : 1:41:06 wow that is an amazing thing to be able to say. I can’t, but maybe my kids can.>> <<@randeepwalia1507 says : "All of America is racist and transphobic and we need to destroy the whole thing!" "I find it hilarious that atheists have made it their own religion!" I didn't get much out of this interview other than constant strawmen.>> <<@sandrapetrucci975 says : What a special human being. The way he speaks of his parents is truly admirable. God Bless!>> <<@virteddyvio says : This is a great conversation but please do not misrepresent poverty in the U.S. and elsewhere. "The worst of us in america" do not have electricity, running water, food or shelter, let alone a phone or tv or a/c. This is a minority of the impoverished, but nevertheless exists and you do not accomplish anything except appearing ignorant when you pretend those people/conditions don't exist in this country>> <<@alurone1 says : Maybe I’m more sheltered than I thought, but this is my first time ever hearing of Zuby. I became an instant fan.>> <<@LeeorAlexandra says : Zuby is the best I enjoyed this conversation so much!!>> <<@AquaRover says : Great discussion.....egregious amount of ad breaks = not cool!>> <<@redmuskratt says : Its so funny to look at the duality between christianity and buddhism. Our tenets are the same. One looks outward for answers. The other looks inward. I love how we rub eachother in that way. Edit: Totally didn't realize he was going to lean into this.>> <<@redmuskratt says : @16:16 he almost broke.i felt that look...>>