<<@MulkchurAlom says : Thomas Barbara Davis Brian White Sandra>> <<@einsteindrieu says : ❤❤👌👌>> <<@stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 says : Yesterday, tomorrow was tomorrow, but today tomorrow is today. You sound like Commiela Harris.>> <<@stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 says : What is the purpose of spay painting his antlers?>> <<@RayneAngelus says : You... are going to need to put up retaining walls on those sandy roads...>> <<@pameladocherty7034 says : Grey heron not cranes>> <<@Jacob-Ironside says : Yes! Taxes does have otters. That's cool!>> <<@Rado88 says : Matt wanted to see that river rise so bad 😂>> <<@jeremiefaucher-goulet3365 says : Missed opportunity for a timelapse>> <<@asimovstarling8806 says : Giving him a High protein powder would ensure that he not only keeps coming back, but would help his rack get bigger, and if its particularly sweetly flavored he'd likely tolerate more touching. Seen a few people do that.>> <<@ScottRiener says : Bro have you seen Ana’s Bushcraft?? You should build an electric generator with your river. That would be awesome having power at the river>> <<@kameronfink1627 says : 4 years later I just watched your sweet brothers videos! What a sweet guy 😞I’m so sorry about what happened to him.Bless his sweet heart.You all are such a nice family ..your dad seems so kind.All of you do. You are very sweet people! Thanks for sharing everything❤️🙏🏻>> <<@dragonlove1 says : ❤❤❤>> <<@rbuitendag2650 says : 😂❤>> <<@edwardhughes3240 says : It was a beaver! Eddie>> <<@Winefred213 says : The animal in the river looked like a beaver. Do you all have beavers in TX? We have them here in MA. The beavers dammed up the swamp next to my parent’s house and turned the swamp into a beautiful lake.>> <<@ghosttrain5588 says : I wish I could move to Texas lol I need to get out of indiana>> <<@johnschneider931 says : Bever for the vote, comment for the algorithm>> <<@ThatWhichObserves says : Funny enough, i have a 6.7 liters cummins in my truck.. It's my perfect haul truck>> <<@BeingVeronicaAleaseDavis says : Mr. Matt, just wondering you made a comment on your video that the river was dammed at some point. I am just wondering since you own a portion of the river, isn’t that interfering with your water rights?>> <<@nickhilts2731 says : Insane that it was dried out last year!>> <<@thetroll1247 says : That animal was a NORWALL>> <<@Dudemieser says : Save Quattro ❤>> <<@chir0pter says : 26:56 those trees behind you are Taxodium btw, a very ancient type of conifer that's been around since the dinosaurs. Some very nice examples>> <<@chir0pter says : Lack of trash in the river and in the flood tells you you are in America and not near a city>> <<@calebfarley9101 says : These people know nothing about diesels. There is no real difference in the 5.9 and the 6.7 cummins other than more wiring and some displacement neither of which would make it any more or less streetable with similar fuel and air. Its all about the correct air and fuel ratio called a stoichiometric ratios. People think more fuel more power, Not true unless you have the correct air to support the fuel. There is no more power with just adding fuel if it doesnt have the oxygen to complete the burn process. A small compound set up or a smaller turbo and less fuel would have been a night and day difference on that 5.9 for driveability. The torque converter stall and gear ratios have some to do with it but not as much as correct fuel and air ratios. they dont know what they are doing with diesels so they were just throwing big parts at it looking for bigger power numbers but all they were doing was making it less streetable. Take it to a real diesel shop Matt for real results. I guarentee the 6.7 will be no different if they just throw all the same parts on it.>> <<@dclary9071 says : That boy has a huge rack!.....wait what? 🤣>> <<@raynbeauheathercheng7721 says : Quattro needs his own hunter orange collar & harness, so that you can keep him safer! 23:02 the animal that went under the water, is probably a BEAVER>> <<@ufmo says : Exposed soil is not erosion control. You need an engineer dude or plant some plants. Culverts alone will not fix that at all.>> <<@Team-Normal says : that's not flooding... greetings from Charleston SC>> <<@TheZProtocol says : Shikanokonokonoko Koshitantan>> <<@trashybento81 says : I do believe that the creature in the water must’ve been a muskrat, since they are apparently common in Texas, it is my best guess though.>> <<@markc3197 says : Free beer could backfire, hope it doesn’t>> <<@matejdimitrievski1218 says : We need demo ranch matt to protect Quattro>> <<@Dodgerambo100 says : Call Post 10... He could help preventing that!!>> <<@Krevedko007 says : The river finally looks like a river, not a stream or a puddle. I wrote about it when there was a drought and I'm writing it again - the riverbed needs to be deepened by 2-3 meters! Otherwise it looks like crap!>> <<@LVN4T1C says : i think the animal in the water was a muskrat>> <<@stevencarlos4196 says : Probably a beaver>> <<@donb.3074 says : Just wanted to share. Check out power curbers in Salisbury, NC. They have used machines that could mold concrete drainage with the right mold. You would use it non-stop while renovation. K😂eep up a great job>> <<@tubingpro says : Caves are so cool.>> <<@ninles1 says : He's a good looking boy. Please don't let him get shot. He's a breeder.>> <<@mrmatt1887 says : I watched a stream flash flood and take out a bridge and damn resulting in someone losing their life. Definitely not something I’d stand in the river for!>> <<@Mr.Hopper1 says : In before the channel gets re-titled Matt's wildlife adventures. "Look at these fish!" lol.>> <<@deesalkelly3069 says : need to set up a cctv camera....monitor it remote - and maybe some water level markers.....>> <<@BakStabbinKilla says : The Holden bro's look like the 2 opossums in Ice Age...............🤣>> <<@heartlandokie4485 says : Those were not cranes. They were Egrets.>> <<@ebolawarrior451 says : Gonna need more rock. A lot more.>> <<@Satorugojo622 says : Brother you have 2 of YouTube channels. I used to subscribe u other channels.>> <<@jsweizston5410 says : Crane or Heron? I think those were Herons, I see them a lot up here in the NE.>> <<@probablyafrog7454 says : Are you a different animal and the same beast?>>