<<@TomBilyeu says : WARNING: I will never ask for your contact info in the comments section, that is someone impersonating me!>> <<@donsayers4418 says : Youre a crackpot>> <<@tiagoalfreddo says : We need to stop the Islam invasion of the West!>> <<@gaylewright9866 says : Bull shit>> <<@JimmyFarhat says : Don't waste your time on such a heedless human simply playing the same prophecy of zion! If there were an Oscar for best theatrical performance by a country, Israel would win every year. It's a country based on theater. It's a lunatic state - completely insane. Norman Finkelstein>> <<@alisachaise3 says : I’m a regular person, single mom, small business owner, & will you ever have me on your show ???? No you won’t. Because you can’t handle what I have to say or question ma I will ask you 🎉you can’t handle. Or everything is an algorithm and isn’t always answer and just is. CHALLENGEand btw my son just joined the NAVY AT 19 f*U>> <<@alisachaise3 says : Ya your son, if you had one and and didn’t because you’re greedy, you’ll never understand that position period>> <<@alisachaise3 says : Healthy gamer you can’t even keep up with him 😅>> <<@alisachaise3 says : And also I don’t hear you asking anyone, what happens if everyone were on same level as you? Are you okay with socialism? Which btw sure you don’t. I listen to you because I find value in your guest and that’s it PERIOD. Why they come on your show 🤦‍♀️and can guarantee you’ll never read this post and ME A FEW QUESTIONS. Don’t have the balls to. I’m a single mother left an abusive relationship of 23 years and am struggling as single mom and small business owner>> <<@alisachaise3 says : And also I don’t hear you asking anyone, what happens if everyone were on same level as you? Are you okay with socialism? Which btw sure you don’t. At end of the day you’re just selling g crap like everyone is that we don’t need period. And yet enough isn’t enough for you. You NEED TO MAKE MORE MILLIONS which is ALL that’s wrong with this economy. And the why to why it’s not enough for you, because you’re actually afraid what people would think of you if you made your millions and were literally “Peace OUT!” Power got ahold of you like everyone else in your position. And making money and getting g lucky with work etc, isn’t my issue it’s when is enough enough and the fact that you’re adding to the global problem in our economy and you ignore it you’re not a Woke, you’re waking up NOW AS a woke as you say. The why because of your power based on money and now connections because of that play - power and the fact you have no kids taking about family kids ya nah you won’t get it and you shouldn’t speak on anything femist, does anyone get that you make money on your EXTRA ADVERTISEMENT AND ACT LIKE you not part of the this problem>> <<@alisachaise3 says : How about you just got lucky 🍀 😅 and be honest plus you are adding the socialist problem I mean I love your guests, but they are way beyond you. Although you admit that and ask good questions ❤>> <<@LauraLouLou says : This is so ridiculous! You think Jan 6 was such a big deal and meanwhile BLM burned down cities that will never recover!!! Who do you actually think is going to cause chaos in the streets?>> <<@markusaurelius83 says : asset>> <<@markusaurelius83 says : You shouldn't fear Trump. Those who want you to experience fear are not your friends.>> <<@robc345 says : Overthinking this as it applies to Trump. Make it simple. Guys who played football, wrestling, and joined military understand Trump as a true leader in nanoseconds. Add to that women who embrace their natural born gender and femininity understand Trump is a leader in a nanosecond. All others are the wimps nerds, unappealing, and identity confused that can’t figure Trump out.>> <<@jasjas-rm9kc says : Cicvil war in America? I just don't see it. Or if there is a ivil war, it won't be a war in the conventional sense. Maybe it's already happening? But for Elon Musk, one side has almost complete control of the narrative. Complete control of what people believe is true. That's why they're so afraid of free speech. Problematic in the extreme for the left.>> <<@stephaniestefanik3210 says : Thank you for this perspective I agree 1,000,000% when Professor Saad speaks we should listen 👏👏👏👏👏👏>> <<@kentbetts says : The area of the Sinai Peninsula is 2.72 times the size of Israel.>> <<@russbilderback says : The not believing in free will thing is wild.>> <<@khautantitsane9933 says : I thought he's a learned man who represents truth and honesty which are religious foundations. The moment he argued the American President should go against such virtues i got confused unless one becomes president to scare the world. He actually certified bullies, liars and immoral leaders. Unfortunately, in politics we always get half truths.>> <<@DesignerLuv says : That should have happened but Pence is a weak man>> <<@DesignerLuv says : FYI our founding fathers & mothers put in Our Constitution the ability & process for the standing VP to send questionable Election Results back to the States in questions Legislatures!!!>> <<@chartliner says : Trump said to the crowd just before Jan 6 protest to protest peacefully, therefore I disagree with Tom that Trump is liable for the violation of the Capital Building and there also seems to be evidence that Federal agents were letting the protesters in. Trump is the only president in decades that did not start a war, this is why the Neocons are against him just as they were against JFK and RFK and also now RFK jr. President Eisenhower warned in his retirement speech of the dangers of the military industrial complex and now that WWIII is on the verge of happening because of NEOCON aggression against Russians living in eastern Ukraine as Martin Armstrong has detailed, we can see why Eisenhower gave his warning.>> <<@AdamSavetsky says : Not a brilliant guest.>> <<@yokosumida9286 says : This is one of the worst interview on Impact Theory- was torture listening to this ignorant man>> <<@MD-Coin says : Is this video's title not misleading? I thought it was agreed during the talk that it was foreign adversaries who should fear trump as president, not "we".>> <<@susiefinley6065 says : Sadd, is my hero! Logical!>> <<@AskAllFromYourself says : Gad is a Canadian Lebanese and he's one of our great heros here in Canada. 🇨🇦>> <<@anotherfisherman5526 says : Btw,… …we live in a Constitutional Republic.>> <<@krisrattus8707 says : All that karma. It will come.>> <<@tomagoredo says : !slam is a death kult>> <<@JDouble07 says : Such interesting conversations. Thank you.>> <<@oby1co says : his name sounds very much like god said>> <<@ThatMans-anAnimal says : Gad, there are evolutionary arguments for FGM. Those countries have problems with infidelity.>> <<@rachelari1271 says : Gad you are a genius ❤>> <<@nikolapavicevic427 says : It turns out that combination of less Judaism and less Islam lead to flourishing. Check 14th to 18th century in Spain.>> <<@neoviz1472 says : @Tom this might be a surprise for you there is another country which was formed based on religion.. guess? No? It’s called Islamic Republic of Pakistan and they actually destroyed the native hindu population in those areas which were close to 60-70% and now merely 1-2% left.. no one says Pakistan doesn’t have right to exist then why the hypocrisy with Israel?>> <<@patrickmyhre3036 says : Why can’t people stop saying America is a democracy? We never have been. Our founding fathers were even very critical of democracy>> <<@Eggis80 says : Gaad Saad for US President ! So true about the value systems talk. Too bad our idiot leaders are ignorant.>> <<@JarmilaXymenaGorna says : Packed with GEMS. The incredibly knowledgable Dr Saad, the incredibly clever Tom B. Thank you both for this brilliant and informing presentation.>> <<@mohanrgopal6097 says : Islam will become a religion of Peace once everyone in this world falls into the Islamic fold.>> <<@mohanrgopal6097 says : Trump is the Honey Badger of the World. Modi is Honey Badger of India.>> <<@cynthydel says : Wow great interview thank you>> <<@BOOTBOSS1 says : Can you imagine middle eastern leaders Putin and XI respecting a female hyena like Kamala Harris if she wins we are truly finished 😊>> <<@eysa77 says : I agree of everything Gad Saad said and I would also like to say as ex Muslim born and raised in Muslim country Islam is not a religion but political and social ideology>> <<@crystalparker100 says : This conversation is comical.Donald Trump is not a strong man. He is so easy to manipulate with compliments and praise. Those dictators will eat him alive with flattery and stab him in the back. He's a prissy business man and men like Putin know that. He looked drugged up on the Lex Fridman podcast. Sorry, but Trump's an emotionally weak, pampered baby who is crumbling as he sees the reality of how many people hate him.>> <<@cynthydel says : Wow I really like this guy !>> <<@cynthydel says : Fear demands respect .. it’s pretty simple really . Sometimes you might fear your parents repercussions if you did something bad , but you still know they love you .>> <<@matthewgarner8728 says : Nobody wouldve done anything if trump went down. If americans havent done anything by now. They wont.>> <<@peterino6370 says : Around 1:40:00 was so true, glad someone mentioned this. I am not from the west, but seeing how the west letting all these people in without filter/ educate them about the ideology or believes of the west made me wonder how could they fit in, or are they just gonna stay in their little group. When that’s the case, they are not contributing much to the whole society but their own little group. Which is the opposite of why they are allowed to be in the new country( I think everyone should do their share for the greater good) and the believes clashes, there’s war.>>