<<@abandonender4145 says : Gross>> <<@nuneke0 says : "Lathe" wird "läiß" ausgesprochen Jörg, nicht "läss".>> <<@live--now says : Why not try the slingshot with the arrows????.?..?>> <<@GumMonster1 says : It does also look pretty mean and could definitely deal a serious blow with those pointy sprockets focusing all the energy from a swing in case the elastic degraded or you ran out of ammunition in a post apocalyptic setting.>> <<@ricknick5318 says : Need to add a wrist stabilizer to both of them>> <<@williamjarvis3473 says : If you missed you could always beat them into hamburger meat with the frame>> <<@charlesblaicher7589 says : Jorge is the best kind of crazy.>> <<@hendrikwillemadrianusthart2233 says : Get a polycarbonate face protector, and wear it from now on. It's almost hurts to see an experimental inventor with such a gift do so little to protect hisself against his creations.>> <<@ReviewThisTestThat says : So he says they have electricity, but I think they’d use it sparingly as he uses a welder and a electric sander>> <<@stevewenzel3798 says : Biggest issue i have you say you defenetly can't kill someone with that and you didin't Test IT. How you will know im prettey Sure you can kill some one with the slingshot AS you say IT Depends on the ammo you use.>> <<@therealzilch says : Super wie üblich. Und ich staune schon wieder über dein Herrschen vom idiomatischen Englisch. cheers from sunny Vienna, Scott>> <<@Braxis01 says : I must admit i was really nervous watching Joerg shooting at point blank range, I still remember when he got hit by a bad ricochet and it almost killed him.>> <<@JSMMartialArtsTools-ws7gb says : It could be also used as a type of Ax to hit with .. Dual purpose slingshot.. Nice job !!>> <<@phillgizmo8934 says : They could weld, they could smelt iron thus forge it, according to the lore,... but they couldn't make a sniper Legolas? Common now.... No wood, but nobody is missing wood if new generation haven't seen any. Bollywood is more believable than Hollywood.>> <<@phillgizmo8934 says : Slingshot in melee range, yea why not!>> <<@phillgizmo8934 says : 9:25 just when I thought, that if one of the strings gets tired and delivers less tension, the projectile will not meet the opening and will recoche back to the operator... and it just happened. I like physics as much as Joerg does, that' for sure. Two rubber bands are less dangerous when one fails, then four + limited through circle/shieldnonshield? edit: It recoched from the target, but my idea is still viable.>> <<@tylerwestover234 says : I wouldn't call that a forehead shot. More like between the eyes directly on the nasal bridge. You are a artisan craftsman not dialed in English wordsmith.>> <<@michaelb.42112 says : Joerg always delivers the goods on point. Did you see what I did ? >> <<@zitrone2779 says : grait movie.>> <<@fatsodajuggalo says : I didn't use a lathe because power was used sparingly in the movie... proceeds using drills a welder and a belt grinder 😂>> <<@user-jy3jm9jh3t says : Very cool slingshot! In the movie Furiosa is in the tent with the two dudes, one is seen fidgeting with some large steel ball bearings, I think he had the slingshot originally, before stepping outside and getting killed by Furiosa's mom. I think she takes it from him and then uses it on the other guy in the tent with the ball bearings that he was playing with.>> <<@hraefn1821 says : Crossbows would DOMINATE any post apocalyptic wasteland once the bullets start to run out.>> <<@deanverheul7799 says : Thanks so much World Peace>> <<@purdysanchez says : I didn't like the fact that he used that sketchy sprocket sling shot with almost no face and neck protection.>> <<@thefirsted says : NOW IS ZE TIME ON SHPROCKETS VEN VE DAHNCE!>> <<@jordyp3696 says : the place that was hit has only half a centimetere thick layer skin, after that it is bone. it would have to damage the bone to stick.>> <<@ishill85 says : this test showed a reason you might design a slingshot in that way; if you're using it at extremely close range it acts as a shield against richochets, and also it's potential as a melee weapon.>> <<@galexeqe says : use an arrow with it>> <<@KeyWestReviews says : You forgot the mention the hand held melee weapon after words.>> <<@denemarsden706 says : I know it's not your kind of thing but how about making the razor sharp boomerang from the original movie the feral kid used?>> <<@jamesofallthings3684 says : Bullets are just small pebbles of copper when they're not moving. Anything will kill you if it's going fast enough.>> <<@Captain_Yodelstein says : That slingshot is a double threat weapon. Distance and close/hand to hand. I'm not sure what would be worse.... taking a steel ball to the head or being struck by the slingshot itself. Either way would not be a good time.>> <<@Hunne2303 says : this contraption would likely kill at point blank range...shattering facial bone and then driving that into the brain in any case a nice DIY weapon, which could likely be made without any welding too>> <<@oliverthiel137 says : Jörg just flexing on us by using three different power drills instead of switching tools. 🤣>> <<@Telrynn says : Heres this face shaped ammo trampoline I came up with HAHAHAHAHA>> <<@luigip.1892 says : Joerg would you please re-upload the rambone projects? I want to make one but it seems there's no blueprint on the internet anymore>> <<@klackon1 says : Another cracking video Jorge: you really are a class act.>> <<@Nahbruz says : I’m back jorg I forgot about you but I used to watch you years ago. Life is going fine and I have a new job but finding this channel again has made me incredibly happy. Thank you for existing and I’m glad to see you are still going strong>> <<@JKWorkShop says : that is mini morningstar hammer when out of amonition>> <<@smarc1325 says : Woke Waffen jetzt? Joerg .... bitte....>> <<@markmcd2780 says : The furiosa looks like it might be more deadly as a club. Love your videos Joerg. Wish I could buy your gear in Australia.>> <<@oasntet says : Sharp things are definitely easier to get through skin and bone with, but it's harder to make and maintain. Round-ish scraps of metal is easy and highly expendable. But balanced, tubular, symmetrical, sharp bolts made from multiple materials to get the weight in the right place and the drag right? Much harder, especially for repeatability...>> <<@justinwade9026 says : If those gears were sharpened, in an apocalypse it would double as a short range hand axe, shoot at range and then close with the axe.>> <<@raenfox says : Interesting. Years ago I asked you wether a slingshot with four bands, in like an X configuration would make sense. And you said it wouldn't, because you'd have to make sure every band is pulled the same amount, otherwise it would not be possible to aim properly. As far as I can remember. However, either you really have the technique down, or maybe it actually does work.>> <<@woofdercorret-jak5028 says : "no electricity" ist zwar ein guter Einwand, aber ein Kumpel hatte einen Diesel-Drehstrom-Generator, um in seiner stromlosen Garage schweißeb und auch die anderen elektrischen Geräte dort nutzen zu können... die Kettenblätter bringen mich aber auf eine andere Idee: wie wär's mit einem zweischneidigen Beil, in die mang bei Bedarf Gummibänder einspannen kann, um sie als Zwille zu gebrauchen? - könnte mang doch aus einem Kreissägeblatt schmieden...>> <<@T3hZiggy says : Safety jorts>> <<@TrisME1 says : Nimm doch deine schweiser maske mal mit zum slingshot test xD bleib gesund krine dellen im kopf bitte 😂>> <<@ancientbuilds3764 says : That's such a German workshop.>> <<@fitzymagee7469 says : I thought this was the ukraine is losing, Russia is WINNING channel>> <<@adcaptandumvulgus4252 says : Slingshot bonking when out of ammo>>